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Show PAGE THREfc BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 Deweyyille j SUMMER IS SALAD TIME East Garland an Mrs. James Eitherington en tertained friends from Tremonton Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Larson, Jr., arrived from New York, Thursday evening for a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Utah. Mrs. Rosella Carnahan of Versailles, Penn., a friend of Sylvan Korth while on a mission in the eastern states, was a guest at the F. G. Korth home last chidren returned from Idaho Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jensen and sons enjoyed a fishing trip over the week of the fifty-tw- o Deweyville ward enjoyed the Sunday School outing up Logan Canyon Thurg day. A celebration is being planned to take place here August 1st. This is an old time celebration, base ball, races, ice cream, pop corn and candy, also colored lemonade and wheat or what every one has to sell will be taken in at selling prices, so come and enjoy your selves with us in the Deweyville ward, August 1st. Sunday School Board members were in attendance at our Sunday School August 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood and chil dren of Salt Lake visited relatives here Sunday. n Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, of were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault the week end. Mr. Sam Cote re 1 and granddaughter, of American Falls were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, Saturday. Mrs. Annie Beeton and son, James, of Woodruff, were calling on Mrs. John Eckley Sunday. Odell Redford is recovering from a broken ankle. Joe Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen, of this place is improving from an operation of appendicitis. A number of our community attended the Encampment at Logan. Mr .and Mrs. Guy N. Ault and little daughter, Margaret, were calling on T. R. Ault and family here, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and children were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Peter Jensen at Logan, Sunday. Mrs. Wilford Miller and daughter, Virginia, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen at Petersboro week. O XT' , W- - Mr .and Mrs. James H. Miller and family were Brigham City visitors, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hertig, of New ton, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson, Sunday afternoon. W. A. Adams, David Larson and James Miller joined the delegation who went to Brigham Friday to in- tersede with the school board regard-- ! ing music instruction in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen motored to Ogden Saturday to get their little son, Boyd, who had visited relatives the past week. A nephew, Vernon Boseland, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen and z- 'at 'wyU&Z;l.s. CSSVx'.6i tUaJtli&Ll Og-de- t Mry and serve the whole wish additional mayonnaise. Almost ear nthtr vtg A cool u eucumbrt this type el stable may be usee or wax beans, diie4 salad grata What is it? It's a salad, composed rote, sections of email tomatost, ef sll three, and with several GARDEN JUT.AD ar Uous. A a summer serving (or Lettuse ?araM t!jp Colored. Is It palates unequal Sliced tematees Xin atayauutaa ful. crUp, and cool, it holds the center Cut slice. crcMwUe. from a he of toe stage at whatever table It lettuce. Place on it a ifco of peclet of graces, whether luncheon or dinner. tomato and on the tssaate lay It'Jt CC ul Choice may be made of a whole WlUl five stalks of apesfus. of vegetables for this healtluTul Kraft Mayonnaise. treat, and thus it readily adapts itself CRKCN ECAN SALAD , to the time, the place, and the cook. T 1 small white Kraft Trtaot A fresh vegetable balad, combining 1 Of'aet onion the cool green of cucumbers, lettuce I sops r cooked Salt. beaas cumand asparagus, with the warm (rcn mer lusciousneas of tomatoes or beets Out the onln into thin aUees atat and with the whole united by a dress- separate the rtefs. Jtfia Ucntiy ing of smooth yellow mayonnaise, la a beans and sufficient Iteit Precft treat to the eye and the palate. Dressing te stoic Un. Ceacoa to tie and serve oold os. ertsp Jettves. HACZDOINX SALAD POTATO SALAD ; beets Lsttnas Tiny r4 u As bcctt As round M pwl tt par-tlmtl- gar-denf- Silted cucumber Asparagus tips Cauliflower Cross pepper Peas Kraft majroaaalsa Cook vegetables until just tender, not soft. For an Individual service, place a few siloes of beet, are or all asparagus tips, two small flowereta of cauliflower and a spoonful of peas la separate small nests of lettuce. Oa aiah the) center of the servtea with Ala siloes of cucumber. Place two I green pepper aatf spoonful Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer and family Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dustman and v? uanyon Sunday. Miss Lou Loveland returned from her visit with her aunt, Mrs. Odell Bigler, of Cokeville, Wyoming. ' tional Civic Federation, resenting in- terest in tho Soviet five-yeplan, is Amrican a plan drafting of the same duratin but embodying ar POLITICS red-blood- ed and aims and methods. only "Employment regularization," a vague sounding but worthwhile purpose, has engrossed the United States Chamber of Commerce, which will announce its program shortly. Nor have congressional minds been idle in the crisis. Senator Lo Follette of Wisconsin has attracted attention and some praise with his idea for a Na tional Council of Plixring to study, star-spangl- ed PERSONALITIES i Ameticar overproductive of goods, has become overproductive also of the econideas on how to silver-lin-e omic clouds. Every plan differs from the other. We have President Hoovers "twenty year plan" which, in brief, is a Utopian prophecy dependent upon Providence for fulfillment. The Na-- i -- re ssraglsfj Omh lastituW of mayonnaise across Kraft Dahaks Listen to Tap Nash Parade of Progoss and Max Bendix, Official t, band. bis Bandmaster of tbt Chicago 1933 World's Fair, and Eastern Daylight Saving Time Tmdaj Evening over NBC Network, Coast-to-coas- 9.-0- 0 NEW NASH JUST ANNOUNCED JUNE TWENTY-EIGHT- " - " ' Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dustman and end. One hundred and BEAR RIVER CITY NEWS 'Left Out Last Week Lack of Spacej Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and fam ily went to Logan Friday to see Mrs. More Willard Hansen, Sr., who has been quite ill. Messrs Hugh and Milton Adams are employed 6n a ranch in Montana. Wayne Jensen is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Alva Rhodes and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen and daughter, Verda, were Logan visitors on Monday. Miss Alice Adams is PURINA DAIRY RATION $1.60 IffliXSSstali! H. G. Scott Drug Co. Tremonton, - Utah WE GIVE SCRIP . aard-eook- aard-eook- ed On All Cash Sales And On Money Paid On Account PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST out-and-o- ut PHONE 47 da PR $100,000. mi that the law proved of gravitation rules COLDS cold before your stops you. Colds are dangerous. They often lead to Flu, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis and other diseases of the nose, throat and lungs; Just a few tablets of Dr. Miles' STOP your Ride! t o. b. factory Unusually low delivered prices, $998 to $2326 Heitz & Winzelcr Garage PHONE 16 ' TREMONTON, UTAH Aspir-Mi- nt , S'im.ir tfti will often break up a cold. "I have wed Dr. MtW for Colds and would not feel safe unless I had it in the house, it gives such quick relief" Mrs. Marlow, Red Wing, Minn. for Use Dr. Miles' Aspir-MiNeuralgia, Colds,' Headache, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Muscular Pains, Periodic Pains. The Indianapolis and Altoona races Proved that d Oil will perfectly lubricate motors up to 120 miles per hour Germ-Processe- - ! 6 the universe I Body, Chassis VREI u iu? uatfi 5 Sir Isaac Newton Take a Sound proofed From $795 to O O F Ogden Workshop at Utah State Industrial School, recently damaged by fire, to be rebuilt. Price Plans underway to erect five bridges on road between here and Emery County line to cost approximately ifBf $2023 . . . MILLING CO. GARLAND-TREMONTO- N assisting Mrs. TV TTYTT and Transmission Cost Milk-Le-ss H 'jllllllflZ- - en family attended a reunion of the John son family at Uly Hot Springs, White r.t the Valley Hospital. Mr. Mrs. Willard Hansen of Si'lt Lake City were week end guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen of Tt Tremonton were speakers in sacra ment meeting Sunday evening. Mrs, Christensen gave interesting incidents of pioneers and their experiences. A I tooked putstoM, 1 ou efcott Mrs. Elvan Korth of Salt Lake City disod eelerv is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Korth g stats, pes sr. serosa eaea. sbssstl anl family. 1 era Kraft MifHMH popper. Mrs. Elwood Bingham, who is laborlsataETeaJ &eta ing as a short term missionary in the California mission, writes that she is an mix ingredients, fjscaf Lightly enjoying ber work and experiences Kraft Mayeenaiee or BoUed kM t& verv much. Dressing generously, firaiBsMl Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson, of Gartripe of green pepper aa4 Stleas Q land, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenio Petersen with Mr. and of Cedar recommend and act in regard to the Mrs. Leo City joined and family in a pleasOyler economic situation. From Representaant outing up Blacksmith Fork tive Dyer of Missouri has come the debtable proposal that the government give us back our beer and take instead the excise taxes levied on the Bear River City News brewing industry. Other Senators and Friday evening, July 3rd, the pri Representatives are urging sweeping mary and Sunday School gave a chil re- dren's dance in our amusement hall appropriations both for lief and for building programs which which was greatly enjoyed by all the will increase employment. children who were present. There are plans fcr lowering tariff Peter Ii Andersen is confined to barriers of for raising them, for shut- his bed, suffering with an attack of ting out immigrants, for higher taxes lumbago. and for broader taxation, for calling a special session of Congress and for declaring a congressional holiday for two years, for more government in business and for no government at all. Overriding all these schemes is the spirit of the attitude that if. we drift long enough,: we snail eventually reacn the ITomis-e- d Land. This false optimism is mask ed under the polite term, "Iaissez-faird- " It is as out of place in an economic crisis as it would be in a war emergency. WI! jit Sound-proofe- d e New-ton.- I ft Bas-muss- Mrs. Alma Nelsen, of Ogden, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday visiting with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Alvis of ah, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Zina Thorsen, Saturday. Sunday evening a very interesting program was given at our mutual conjoint meeting. The program was given in honor of the pioneers. Several f the pioneers were present and had their places on the stand. Mrs. Cyril Furk and children, of Richmond, Utah, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen, Jr, during the week end. Mrs. Emma Ohman and daughter,' Esther, had as their dinner guests, July 4th, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Daley and daughter, Helen, of Springville; Mr. and Mrs. June Thompson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krotch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Hunsa-ke- r and family, all of Elwood; Mrs. C. G. Andersen and family of Connne; Axel Elm and two sons, of this city. Mrs. Leona McCarrey and baby of Willi ft - Richmond, Utah, are visiting in this city with her mother, Mrs. Marie and family. Le Grande Hansen, Winton Hansen and Neugent Hansen, all of Cfcksgo, Illinois, are spending their summer va cation in this city visiting with their father, Hyrum, J. Hensen and family. Saturday, the 4th of July, was celebrated in this city with a band concert at eleven thirty, which was followed by luncheon, at 2 o'clock. A program was enjoyed, with Orsen A- - Iversen in charge. Following the program, races were held for the children. At 4 o'clock a base ball game was played between the young men of this ward and Corinne, with Corinne winning the game. After this game the school boys of the district school played a game with their fathers. The school boys won the game with the score being 9 to 11. A great many people from out of town were present. ; Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Johnson and three children, and Miss Dorothy Gard ner are visiting at Afton, Wyoming with Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. Let-ti- e Campbell and family. COW0C Aspir-Mi- nt Cf&M nt At your druggists 15e ana 25c. DR.MII.ES M mm mui.,taa.ow. skit tarries la eoNOco sfcs Mats (sat '. Processed AUff IN BA$( MOTOR. OIL IT IS WILL TO CLAIM .... BETTER TO PRoVl |