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Show PAGE EIGHT Tremonton Locals ( j We are still buying grain, adr. Oceaa Eteratora. Mrs. Alena Homer and daughter. Ella, who have been visiting: in Cali fornia, for the past six months, have returned to Ogden where they win spend the rest of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Homer and daughter, Elna, Mrs. Alena Homer and daughter, Ella and Air. ana jars. Metvin Homer, were the dinner guests Sunday. f Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Homer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Norr of Blue Creek were visitors of Mrs. Vern Cash Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gorringe and daughter Cleo and Lou, were visitors in Salt Lake City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cunningham, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kuntz, of Ogden visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barrett over the week-enMr. and Mrs. Otto Schenkel and Miss Mildred Westmoreland, visited at Salt Lake Sunday. E. J. Barrett, who has been quite ill from a severe case of blood poisoning is reported as slowly recovering and is still a "shutin." The children of Charles Roberts are all down with whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Eickey of Honeyville are the proud parents of a baby girl that arrived at the Valley hospital, Wednesday morning. H. P. Randall is the new manager of the Inter Ocean Elevator. Call and talk it over before storing or selling adr. your grain. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur George of Bear River are rejoicing over the birth of a fine baby girl. Mrs. George and baby are with Mrs. George's parents. Mr .and Mrs. Leu Gardner. Tuesday morning a baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jensen. The members of the Rebecca Lodge and some of their friends enjoyed a delightful swimming party and dinner at Crystal Hot Springs, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Renold Green of Shelley, Idaho, is viistinjr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowall. Virginia McDowall, niece of J. W, McDowall, is visiting her sister, in Idaho, Mrs. Geo. Larsen. George Baer and wife of Los in Tremonton, Angeles, arrived Wednesday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baer. Rev, Gus Honebrook of Offden was in Tremonton, Sundav to conduct the funeral services of Wm. Henry Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christensen returned Friday after a very pleasant fishing and camping trip at the head of Salmon River, and Stantley Basin, Idaho. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogan of Burley, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Hansen of Brig-hareturned Friday after a week's vacation at the Christensen ranch, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Christensen. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Mevin Christensen of Thatcher. -- , d. : i ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bosley and family and Berniee Rogers visited relatives in Ogden, Sunday. We are here for business and to n Elevators. stay, Mrs. Roy Manley of Alden, I1L, arrived last Friday to attend the funeral of her brother, Wm. Henry Roberts. She will remain for several weeks with her brother, Charles Roberts of Blue Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Simon of Peoria, 111., after touring the Pacific northwest, are spending a few days as the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brenkmann, before leaving for home . Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacson of arHoneyville, are rejoicing over the rival of a fine baby boy at the Valley hospital. Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Watland entertained at dinner last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waples of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hansen are the proud parents of a big baby boy, that arrived Sunday rooming. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burgess and Bert Burgess, spent Sunday in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Steffen are very happy over the arrival of a fine baby boy. Mother and baby are receiving callers at the Valley hospital. Geo. Cropley and daughter Ruth and Berniee Bjorn motored to Oquirrh canyon Sunday, returning in the evening, accompanied by Lucile Cropley, who had been attending Epworth Anna Brenkman, Marie McDowall, League Institute. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris entertained at Sunday dinner, Mrs. C. E. Baer of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muir of Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Londie Harris and Mrs. Ettie Stanfill. Gerald Waples accompanied by Narvis McGuire, left Saturday for Los Angeles. Mrs. C. E. Baer returned home Monday, after a week's visit with Mrs. Mrs. Marv Coil of Los Angeles, Ettie Stanfill. visiting with Mrs. Eli Winzeler and Inter-Ocea- Wat-lan- d. Mrs. S. N. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad .Steffin of Brierham. visited Mr. and Mrs'. C. R Steffin Sunday. The chief attraction being the arrival of their new grandson. Last Friday. Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs Anna Maxwell, Mrs. Sarah Hadley and Miss Mary Burns, motored to Ogden. Rev, and Mrs. A. R. Dickson return. ed Mnntlau fmm Knwnrth T.psimip Tn. stitute, which was held in Oquirrh canyon, That hen in Maine that laid 303 eggs in a year must believe that a cackle a day keeps the hatchet away. Wax Floors We have just gone to considerable expense and purchased one of the new, improved Johnson's Wax Electric Polishers, for rental service. This new machine is 50 percent faster than the old and being heavier gives a more lasting polish with less effort. You will be delighted with this new machine. look and it over. Call in Rental charges : $2.00 per day, minimum 75 cents. Wilson Lumber Co. "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" PHONE 11 TREMONTON, UTAH ... IT'S INTICING TO DANCE AT THE GardensX with .; Frank Conshafter and his Rhythm Kings JAkMU uigu i m me tropical ocas. See i Lester Neilson and family returned to their home in Salina, Wednesday, after a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. Geo. BeaL Fred Neilson accom panied them, after several weeks here, working in the beets ana peas. Geo. Abbott and Lewis Abbott went to Monte Cristo on Saturday, to be gone for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Sr., and Misss Mae Fridal, accompanied Mrs. Ira Fridal to Ogden, Sunday. Little Mary Fridal came home with them after a week's visit there. Mrs. Erie Olsen of Brigham City, visited her sister, Mrs. Ira Fridal, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs..J. O. Garfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton and Mrs. Ada Garfield, were among those making the excursion to the Logan Temple on Friday. Mrs. Ira Fridal attended the Rees Reunion at Crystal Springs on Saturday. Dr. Vern Fridal and wife left for their home in Los Angeles, Friday, after a pleasant visit here with relatives the past ten days. Mrs. Arthur Knoksh and children, Beth and George, left by auto for their home at West Hollywood, Calif., on Thursday, after visiting for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brough and other relatives. Her eldest son. Glen, will spend the summer here. Mrs. Geo. Beal attended the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers at the home of Mrs. David Manning in Garland, last Thursday afternoon. Mies Electa Toone of Salt Lake City came Tuesday for a visit with the 0. H. Seager family. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Seager, Mrs. K. H. Fridal and Mrs. Sandall, were Logan visitors, last Friday. Grant Cook and Irvine Garfield were guests of Tyrell Seager, last Sunday. Those from here who attended Box Elder Dav at the Farmers' Encampment at the U. S. A. C, at Locan on Tuesdav were: Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peterson and children. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seafer. Calvin Kav, Mesdames Oias Garfipld. J. O. Garfield. Ira Fridal. lewis Abbott. Geo. Beal. R. G. Brough. P. E. A nlfc. After listening to a fine nroTram at, the Tioon hour, rendered hv neonle from Box" Elder Co., about 150 persons enioyed a sumptuous picnic lunch in the shade of the larce trees on the East Lawn. Miss Heln Broaves. of Oeder, is snendinqr her vacation visitine Mr. and Blanch Woods had her tonsils re- Mrs. N. W. Olsen. Mr. nd Mrs. I. Behunin spent the moved, Monday at the Valley hospital Citv. Lake Virgil Cropley, who was severly week-en- d visitiing relatives in Salt burned is reported improving at the Mrs. Go. Beal and Mrs O'uf JohnGaland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Starlin Stanfill, of son were priests of the Ladies Self club of Garland last Fridav at PenroseC had as their guests,. Friday. Culture Mrs. C. E. Baer, of Salt Lake City and the home of Mrs. Brigham Marriott. Mrs. Ettie Stanfill, of Tremonton. GOOD NEWS for The Owner of II East Tremonton j the Burnell Players ana dance oamraay fx ja auer tne show as a East Garland Visitors at sacrament meeting. Sun day evening, were Messrs: Reber Butler , J. J. White, Mr. Ogaard and Mr. Erickson. Each spoke of the pio neers, their hardships and what they have done toward the development of our wonderful state. Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller attended the funeral of Horace Miller, son of the late Lyman and Mary Miller, who were formerly residents and early pioneers of the Bear River Valley. The funeral was held at Syracuse and was largely at tended. Sunday guests of Bishop and Mrs. L. M. Holman were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Borkman, sons Carl, Rulon, Donald and daughter Norma, all of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Bagley of Chicago. The many friends of Mrs. Hilda Petersen are glad to welcome her home after an absence of all winter and well into the summer. She visited relatives in Salt Lake City, Cedar City and Los Angeles, and greatly enjoyed herself, while away. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jensen of Brig ham, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rhodes, of Union, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Alvah. Rhodes, Sunday. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Rhodes, went to Ogden on business. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Larson were: Mrs. L. L. Simmons, sons Lynn, Paul, daughter Phoebe and Irvin Wilson, all of Salt Lake City. The Misses Phoebe and Louise Sim mons, who have spent the past several weeks at the homes of J. W. and David Larson, returned to Salt Lake City, Sunday evening. Those who went to the Logan temple last Friday were: Bishop and Mrs. L. M. Holman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iarson. Mr. and Mrs. E. .S. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. St. Clair of Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Amos Hawkes and daughters, Grace and Wanda of Ogden. were last week guests of Mr. and Mrs. Iafayette Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Udy of Ogden. were last week-en- d guests of Mr. and Mr. A. R. Udy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover are Irving at Blue Creek, temporarily while Fred is trucking grain. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Shuman of Penrose, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Sundav afternoon. Mrs. Forest Shuman, mother f Mrs. Miller, visited with her daughter and family several days last week. Miss Hazel Grover is the guest of her cousin Wanda Wise in Ogden this weeK. Messrs. Paul snd Conrad larson Misssea Rhoda, Marie and Clarissa Larson and Phoebe and Louise Sim. mons. of Salt Lke City, had jollv canyon partv ur Loran canvon. Satur. dav afternoon. In the evening thev attended snw sd returnr-- home by wv of Sardine Canyon and Brigham City. The Tremonton hov who Is looking ioh remi'res push and pull for m"ht tht trv helnp1 a trnmWmn nrnt UB ffsaa to Saw? Now U'tka Tteeto DUY end OAV& . This la TOtm opportunity to effect real economies. Oar counters are packed with extraordinary values DUY NOW! Your Time to Save tYOUD TB33 TO SAVE! Boys' Suits Wash Suits (D 4 Pieces 5.90 7.90 Others at $1.49 to$2.98 Chaxnbray, linen,- broadcloth, khaki, jean and seersucker all fast color, well made with care and neatness. They come back from the washtub again and - At $5.901 longie and 1 golf knicker, or 2 golf knickers. At $7.90 and 9.902 longies, 1 longie and 1 golf knicker, or 2 golf knickers. BUY NOW! again, fresh and new. Buy Now! Your Time to Save Nation Wide Sheets Your Tinre to Save Your Time to Save Girls Buy now: Polo Shirts Your Time to Save Exceptionally Values! 95c each Size 81x90 inches, before hemming. A famous quality at this low price. , Gingham Dresses 79c 79c to "Penco" Sheets $1.49 or plaid gingham frocks for now and school Checked Here is a typical value! Polo shirts for men and boys. Rayon, $1.49. Others at 89c Size 81x90 inches, before hemming. High grade, like finish. linen- BUY NOW! days early in the fall. Attractive styles. Sizes 7 toJ14 and 98c. For boys at 79c. Choice of sports colors. years. Buy Now! Buy Now! Your Time to Save "Penco Sheeting Silk Dresses For Women and Misses yard Smooth, even finish ... bleached or unbleached. 4J2) 9-- Ready For Your Choice 4 10-- 4 BUY NOW! Your Time to Save Silk dresses so smart, so "PENCO" Pillow Casses you will recognize the moment you see them and try one on . . . that they are worth much more! Solid colors and prints in models for sports, afternoon, street and resort wear. Come in and make selection! so varied in styling your Value Size 42x38 inches. "Penco" is like thea will go quickly. Sizes for women and famous for its serviceability. E357J & e, misses. 33C each CU3T well-mad- Buy Now ( mmmyoxo n . O E. P. a n T tl C N T E EAST MAIN STREET TREMONTON, UTAH Frnnc 1$ st?d to he the onlv big nation without a nntiWil sport. Thev seem to woof of their fun out of gouging the tourists. vt if!- |