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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930. PAGESH in. -- Wednesday, July 9. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hansen, are also proud of the son, born Monday, July 14. Both parties are doienaafine. The Misses Eva Bessinger, her cousin, trma Ma by, of Salt Lake Mary Cook and Hazel Wood, of Tre monton, called on Mrs. H. P. Rasmus-se- n last Tuesday. They were very tired but happy after a hike to Bear Kiver. DOCTOR of TOWNS SAYS THE TRUTH OFTEN HURTS Plymouth To tell a man of his good points seldom, if ever, tends toward his betterment. It may sort of perk him up a bit, but usually it makes him vain, and always lowers his resistence in the battle of doing things by throwing him off guard. Flattery is an ensnaring quality and leaves a very dangerous impression. It swells a man's imagination, and his head as well, it entertains his vanity, and drives him to a doting upon his own person. Some communities get full of ego and become 60 puffed up from "soft soap" and blarney handed out by individuals who usually have an axe to grind, that the residents think theirs is the essence of perfection. "Stuck up"' communities are as bad as "stuck up" people. They e of themeselves that they are blind as a bat to everyget so body's imperfections but their own. When a community gets to the point that all it is interested in is conversation about its own wonderfulness, that community is due for a fall. When a community gets to the point that all it is interested in is conversation about its own wonderfulness, that community is due for a fall. It is a srious mistake to court only the society of those who please. It doesn't always pay to choose friends altogether from those who flatter. The ones who are truthful will be of real benefit, for they will tell you the truth things you ought to know. The truth often hurts, and there are some who are not big enough to take it Such people are small minded, they wince at the pain, get sore, solk and pout, overlooking the fact that the real test of qualities for permanent success is ability to gain by criticism. The man who seeks to better himself accepts constructive criticism as such; he offers no alibis and doesn't try to "crawfish." Tremonton is a good town no question about that. It has many fine features, many attractions, a multitude of good, boosters, in fact, it's an even chance that it has advantages that, because you are so familiar with them, you lose sight of, and fail to appreciate. But it is the things that repel that retard the progress those things that invite will take care of themselves. Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or part This editorial is published by the Bear River Valley leader in with the Tremonton Lions Club. -- I cock-sur- hard-worki- under-estima- te Bur-ban- of Logan enjoyed Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fryer and family. Bishop and Mrs. R. J. Potter were transacting business in Logan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler, Mrs. Gertrude Simmons and Mrs. Olga Wheat-ly- , were pleasure and business visitors in Brigham, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Durfey and daughters and Mr. tnd Mrs. M. Y. Simmons, Julia and DeWaine, spent Saturday evening in Garland. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons and children spent Friday afternoon in 4 Logan. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bigler enjoyed the talkies and a supper in Tremonton, Sunday night. Mrs. Juanita Bigler, was the guest of Mrs. O. A. Riley and Miss Lizzie Sunday. While at work Mondav fnrpnnnn nn Simmons in Brigham Thursday. L. O. Bigler is one of the busy R. R. the combine Jesee Nish received a most painful injury, when pulling the operators at Deweyville. straw from the roller his h in the wheel, where it was badly crushed. He was rushed to the doctor for medical aid. Deweyville Mr. and Mrs. Mad RATI fin1 Ifpe Madson's father, Mr. Moore, of Ogden Miss Virginia Perry has as her met with an accident when the car Mr. Madson was driving turned over guests her cousins from Kaysville. Relis Wheatley is improving from on the hiehwav a rruarrpr nf a mil operation at the Dee hospital south for town. Mr. Moore was rush- hisMrs. Afton May of Calls Fort, visited to the doctor to receive medical ed Mrs. Tom Wheatley here her sister, treatment. one day last week. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer were in Ogden. Mrs. Duett Loveland was shopping I in Ogden, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish were in Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bieler and Mr. Ogden Friday. and Mrs. J. J. White and children, all Mr. and Mrs. Rulen Gardner were of Garland were welcome visitors at visiting at Ogden Thursday. the home of Mr.. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler Harry Cook of Ogden was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Victor Burbank, Sunday. Miss Bermce Bird of California for of this place last week. merly a school teacher here for three Sunday, July 6, Mrs. Harry Cook years was calling on friends last week and daughter Utah, of Ogden, were stomach whLe unhooking the horses. He was unconscious for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Archibald and Mrs. Steed Estep, motored to Lewis-toUtiih. Sundav tn vis;t with Mro Archibald's brother, Willie Archibald. air. and Mrs. Waller Clark, Mrs. Thomas Clark and rhillron nf Pwa. tello, Idaho, were Sunday guests of Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Bailev ar.d daup-htThelma of Los Vegas, Nevada, were Thursday evening guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Mrs. Loren Arohihald is vici'tino- at Malad City for an indefinite period. cisnop and Mrs. K. T. Nish, Mr. and Mrs. Eurene Hess. wpn Pitv visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Josephson and son Boyd, were Malad City visitors, n. r 1. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nish of this nlare and Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Mans field, of Park City, motored to Grace, luano, Dy way oi Maiaa uity to visit with Mrs. Nish's brother, John Williams. TVwv cavpH until SunHav afternoon and returned by way of tranKiin, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Mans- neid and iamiiy returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Orval WicVi haA as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. josepn neusser, oi jjeweyville; Mr. ana Mrs. unes oi iremonton, Mr. and Mrs. lOiarlea Dpuipv nf RnVham Pirv and Mrs. Mary Heusser of Weston, loano. Mrs. Abhott of Rricrham fStw woe Monday guest of Mrs. Sarah E. Zun- aie. Mrs. Rhnda ArrrnhnM is vie. Tina rmr daughter, Mrs. Dean Harris of North Ogden, for a few days. Wm. Silvester is suffering with a oaaiy Druised hand caused by the Jack of a Ford car which he was trying to start, one dav last, wppIt Jfour new harvesters have recently been purchased by farmers here and two have Rtarted tn rut. anil fh rest will be going full blast the first oi tne weeK. Willard Awhihald nf Daniola TAuhn was in town on business Wednesday oi lasi weeK. Miss lone Lamh r(4ehratiA her int.Vi birthdaV Tuesdav nf last, woelr nf her nome. inose present were .Lilly Smith, vrpna nerson, saran Hess, Maxine UtlV. Uieone JSLPPil. Kiihv Knmptt Elba Lamb. Thev nlavprf served candy, punch, cake and . . peanuts. n tt ness and son Urland, and rrvin Mirl Hess motored to Salt Lake City mesday ot last week on business. Mirl Hess was shoDnine' in Trpmntv ton on Friday. Neul Nish. son of Mr nnH frc Jesse Nish was married to Mrs. Anna Goddard of Malad City Monday of last were given a ine newiy-wed- s weejt merrv ride on a truck from Malad in Plymouth, by the young folks of the two settlements and were entertained for some time with tin cans and rnw bells after which they were taken to ine uay not springs where they enjoyed a plunge in the blue waters of the resort. A dance and shn wpr wae given in their honor on Friday eve ning ai ine Plymouth ward chapel, in honor of their marriace FriHav pva. ninnsr at the Plvmouth WJirH llanl Many friends of the bride from Malad were in attendance. Mr. Nish is a highly respected young man of this place and at Dresent thpw will msl their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alherr. A Ridgedale, Idaho, were Friday evening guests of Mrs. Alvin Smith. Mrs. David T. Burnett who baa Wn visiting at Ogden with relatives returned home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T.amh moJo o business trip to Salt Lake City, Thursday of last week. Mrs. Rhoda Archibald returned from Ogden, Wednesday, where she nas oeen visiting ner daughter, Mrs. Dean Harris. - k. Orvfl Hudd, son of Mr. and Mrs. and was the house guest of Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jasper Rudd, received a painful in- Mrs. E. E. Lefler. Mrs. Ann Beeton of Portage, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curch and family jury when he was kicked in the - RHo-Via- Collinston with Mrs. John Eckley, Sunday, 13. Mrs. Sarah Stuart and childlren of Anthony are visiting here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble visited at Brigham City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. DeWey motored to Salt Lake City, Wednesday. The encampment at Logan was enjoyed by a number from Deweyville. All expressed themselves as having a splendid time. Sunday school Stake Board members Richards, Coombs, and Johnson, were visitors at the Sunday School Sunday morning, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Florence Gardner and sons of Snowville, were caling on relatives here during the week. Mrs. R- - N. Gardner visited her sons Robert N. and Geo. A. GarLn- at Bear River City, a few days lasC(feek. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fryer were in Brigham, Monday. MV. and Mrs. Jos. I. Dewey visited relatives at Brigham City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank had as their dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank, of Brigham City, Sunday. - Weekly Hog: Market -i- hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis. He is feeling fine. Mrs. T. C. Woodside of Salt Lake City spent the last week here visiting ner mother, Mrs. Julia Jensen at the home of Mrs. Janusine Petersen. She also visited other relatives here. air. ana mra. waiter .bridal entertained last Wednesday in honor of ur. and Mrs. Vern Fridal of Los. Angeles. Those who enjoyed the supper, besides the honored guests were: Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal. Jr.. and children, Mrs. Dot Fridal and children, or iremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Bowcutt, and children of Garland, and Orlin and Penrose Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barrington of Salt Lake City wer visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan Miller on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh were Tremonton visitors on Thursday. Mrs. F. A. Shuman spent the latter part of the week with her daughter, Mrs. James Miller of East Garland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Peterson and daughters, Myrtle and Delia attended the funeral services of Edward Pierce son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pierce at Ray Hansen. Brigham City on Saturday. Mrs. Verna Mortensen and Mrs. Call Ruth accompanied by Edgar Fredrickson and Wanda, Preston and Violet A. Jensen, gave a shower in in honor of Mrs. Theo. Shepherd, last Willie Peterson spent the week-en- d Saturday, on the lawn of the Mr. and Salt Lake City with relatives. The Mrs. W. M. Miller and daughters, Mrs. Heber Mortensen home. Mrs. Fred L. Peterson were visiting evening was spent in playing games. in Tremonton on Monday with her A tray luncheon was served to 40 daughters, Mrs. William Bosley and guests. The bride received many beau, tiful presents, while the groom found Mrs. Howard Wadsworth. Mrs. .Lew xoung or uonnne was it rather hard to dispose of all the visiting with her parents, Mr. and wrapping paper, which caused much Mrs. Joseph Berchtold here on Wed- merriment. The Sunday school and M. I. A. nesday. Mrs. Fred W. Peterson assisted by officers gave a party last Saturday her daughter, Delia entertained at a evening in honor of Floyd Christensen chicken dinner Sunday, given in honor at the home of Hyrum Christensen. of the birthdays of her husband and The evening was spent in playing little daughter Jewel. Their birthdays games. Ice cream and cake was served to 30 guests. Floyd received many coming just a day apart. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. pretty and useful eifts as a remem- -' Fred W. Peterson and family, and Mr. brance from his friends, while in the and Mrs. W. Morgan Miller and mission field. He left Sunday morn family. ing for Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elms Andersen and and Mrs. Wilford Miller were Tremon- children went to Logan Sunday. Mrs. ton visitors on Saturday. Andersen, and children remained to Mrs. Claretta Blain of Tremonton visit with Mrs. Andersen's mother and was visiting with her sister, Mrs. sister over there for a few days. George L. Millr on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Larsen of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fredrickson Mesa, Arizona, are spending their and Mrs. Engvar Peterson were Tre- vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. monton visitors on Monday. Wm. Larsen. Mrs. Maud Nelson has been working Vern Bishop of Garland was the in the cannery at Tremonton. Sunday evening speaker. His address Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of East was much appreciated by the members Garland were calling on relatives here oi the ward. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sartois of Salt Lake City and Miss Ruth Bench, of called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter I Green, and Mrs. Iva Hunsaker, last Elwood Monday. The ladies are nieces of Mr. Green and Mrs. Hunsaker. Mrs. Vinnie Cassell from Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Miller and Nebraska, is visiting at the home of children went to Bear Lake last SunMr. and Mrs. L. S. Mann. day. At Logan, they were by Glenn and Clayton Cassell, of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Val Frank and joined children. Idaho, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. S. They reported a very enjoyable trip. Mann, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Miller are Clare Mann came home last week ing over the arrival of a son rejoicborn, -- ! Free to Public U. S. wher catajoc mod atvertiaiiic nutter coverall any Una of baainew or product can be obtained Fro ajki Without Obugation it the American Induftria Library. Writs for BuaineM Advertitina Matter you are interested in; aame will be promptly forwarded. TKe only place In AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY Engineering Buildin, CkieaAo, IiUaoi Mill-vill- WE SELL- BINDER TWINE McCORMICK-DEERIN- G OSBORNE MOWERS, BINDERS, AND RAKES FARM WAGONS And a Complete Line of Hardware, Lumber, and paints e, - rPhone&5 IEcdDMdDMY PffimiFmMANCiE OUR ONE AMBITION To serve the people of Tremonton and vicinity the best foods in town at consis t e n tl y low prices is our one ambition. P eo p I e who have tired our store say we are realizing this ambi- tion. And because it directly affects their purse and health, they have become our regular patrons. YOUR PATRONAGE If you are not al- ready patronizing our 0. P. Skaggs System store, we invite you to come in Note i t s today. cleanliness and convenience. Then, see the fine brands of foods we carry and the low price on each item. When you see how much of the market's best foods you can buy at our store for a dollar, you will agree with our customers that we are realizing our ambition.' Let us save you money, today, too. Farmers Cash Union Trctnofcitfn. Utrfi IHliEMAiBiriLmrY (EdDdDUD A Sartiy cT Purity" ... ... IMaaWaaMMaaMBaaataTaTM THE NEW FOBD are buying proved performance when you buy a Ford. You know it has been built for many thousands YOU of miles of satisfactory, economical service. Letters from users in every part of the world show the value of the sound design of the car, good materials and accuracy in manufacturing. You sense a feeling of Sincere pride in the phrase- - "Let me tell you what my new Ford did." Further tribute to the sturdinees, reliability and general performance of the new Ford is shown in the repeated and growing purchases by government bureaus, by police departments, and by large industrial companies which keep careful cost records. In most cases, the new Ford has been chosen only after exhaustive testa covering speed and power, safety, comfort, case of control, oil and gas oft-repeat- all-rou- nd TUOS . . y SEEAH consumption, low yearly deprecia tion, and low cost of They have found, as you will find, that the Ford embodies every feature s you want or need in a motor car at an unusually low price. up-kee- p. NEW LOW FORD PRICES Road! $435 440 PlMeton Tudor Sedan ! ! ed ........ ....... ........ ......... Sport Crape De Luxe Coupe Three-windo- w Fordor Sedan Convertible Cabriolet De Luxe Phaeton De Luxe Sedan Town Sedan (M mrice, f. o. . . . . 49i 495 525 545 00 425 625 540 ($0 b. Detroit, pirn, freight one! . wry. Bmmpen mi ipore rir extra, at low coti.) day-by-d- ay L?ODD - to 75c Hog market strong, higher. Top at close, load Nebraska $9.75. Bulk sale truck-i- n butchers, $9.25 to $9.35. 50c ... after a ten days' stay at the Garland July ASK FOB A DBMOIVSTHATIOIf NOT very far from whererer you are is a Ford dealer who will be glad to give yoti a demontration. ride ia Um new Ford. MOTOD COW PAN V |