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Show PAGE THREE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930. Garland Personals ! Mrs. Lynn Wiliams, who has been visiting with her parents, in Holbrook, Idaho, returned home Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Peters of Brig-ha- m City, visited at the home of Mrs. Peter's parents. Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway, Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wise and small son motored to Salt Lake City, last Thursday. Archibald and Mrs. Harry Thompson of Salt Lake City visited with relatives here last week. P. C. Petterson was a Brigham City visitor last Thursday. Mrs. W. G. Carter spent last week in Salt Lake City. Mrs. D. L. Manning was hostess to the members of the local camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers, Thursday afternoon, July 10th, with Mrs. George Henrie in charge. A variety of garden flowers were used to decorate the rooms. Mrs. George Beal discussed, "The Duties of Camp Members." A vocal duet, "Sonny Boy" Mrs. D. Henry Manning and Mrs. Bulon Manning. A letter writtten 50 years ago, by Mrs. Arstington Kirkham, grandmother of J. H. Kirkham, was read by Mrs. J. H. Kirkham. Piano solo Miss Helen Manning. Mrs. D. E. Manning, who had charge of the relic hall at Brigham City, Saturday, July 6th, gave a reMrs. Joseph ft port Mrs. Brigham Marriott presented the Garland camp banner and gave a few remarks concerning it. Mrs. Annie Munns also made a few remarks. Vocal duet, 'Friendliness" Mrs. D. Henry Manning and Mrs. Rulon Manning. During the social hour a delicious luncheon was served to over thirty ladies. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Thomas E. King, August 14th. J. L. Harvey and daughter Shirley motored to Ogden last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnard of Ogden visited at the home of Mr. and T A -- 1 T ill i. C Mrs. Tom and White were ! . .ar. 1 Og- den visitors, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop motored to Pocatello, Idaho, Thursday. Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway were Brigham City visitors Friday. Mrs. Brigham Marriott was hostess to the members of the Ladies Self Culture Club Friday afternoon, July 11th. President Mrs. George Henrie presided. Minutes were read and approved. Business was taken care of after which the following program was given. Whistling solo Miss Edna Capener. A paper, "Pioneer Life in America," Mrs. 0. L. Winters. A talk, "Heritage and Law." Miss Berneice Gleason. Saxaphone solo Miss Phyllis Haws, Miss Erma Lillywhite accompaniest Club History Mrs. M. E. Andrus. During the social hour a delicious luncheon was served to eighteen club members and the following guests: Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Lawrence Wise, Mrs. A. R. Capener, Mrs. Geo. Beal, Mrs. Oluf Johnson, Mrs. Charles J. Wood, and the Misses Erma Lillywhite, Phyllis Haws, and Berneice Gleason. Club will meet with Mrs. J. H. Kirkham, July 25th. , Millan Peck entertained the members of his Sunday School class at the picture show, "Only The Brave", last Thursday evning. . Miss Orpha Sweeten was an Ogden visitor last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson and family attended the Barnard White family reunion at Franklin, Idaho, last Thursday. The Kennard reunion was held at the girls camp in Logan canyon last Saturday and Sunday. Members of the family attending the reunion from here included: Mr. and Mrs. George Nye, and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Males and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Huish and son Junior. Floyd Lillywhite is spending a few days at Hansel Valley. Alfred Michaelis motored to Brigham City, Sunday. The M. I. A. union meeting was held at the tabernacle Sunday. Pres. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and sons Clinton and Richard were Ogden visitors, Saturday. Alfred Michaelis made a business trip to Salt Lake City, Thursday. Pres. C. E. Smith' mother, who has been visiting here, returned to her home in Draper, Saturday. Mrs. Edith Meuser of New York, is Mrs. L. W. Preston of Ogden, visited here with friends this week. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Orpha Sweeten spent the week John Burton. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Knoth had as end in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson were their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Moss of Ogden. Logan visitors, Sunday. A number of people from the ward Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop spent attended the sessions at the Logan week-en- d in Salt Lake City. Friday. J. Y. Rich made a business trip, to Temple, Miss Van Noy of Ogden is visiting Salt Lake City, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Knoth, this President J. J. Shumway and J. D. with the Gunderson delegates from the Lions left Sunday to attend the Lions International convention in Denver this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Austin and family motored to Logan Tuesday evening to attend the Farmers' Encamp- Mr. and Mrs. Weslie Dunn and daughters Lois and lone, Miss Fran-cesWight, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams, and Mr. and Mrs Roy C. Anderson, attended the funeral services of Miss Kathrine Wight at Brigham, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Durfey and Mrs. Albert Johnson were shopping in Brigham, Tuesday. Miss Bernice Whaley of Parry is the guest of her cousin, lone Dunn. Marvin Jeppson of Mantua, passd Sunday with friends here. Mrs. John C. Cranier of Corinne passed the week with her mother, Mrs. Anton Anderson. Miss Francessa Wight passed last week at Brigham, the guest of her sister, Mrss. Clarenc Anderson. Miss Myrle Limb of Garland was the guest of Miss Ruby Bergstrom, sa A large number of people attended the Garland mitlitary band concert at the Udy Hot Springs, Tuesday evening, where they enjoyed the music and swimming. Mildred Carter, Marjorie Austin, Alta Pierce and LaRue Orwin attendment ed the Farmers' Encampment at LoThe second annual warehouse open- gan, this week. Hunter Caddie, Don Chambers and ing is being planned for next week. The amusement committee of the Jack Shumway were Logan visitors, Monday. Those who attended the excursion to Lions club is planning another big Sunday. the Logan temple, were: Mr. and bam dance. Mrs. R. G. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rose of Twin Waldron, Mrs. Mary P. Anderson and Falls, Idaho, were dinner guests at Mrs. Amelia Anderson. the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter Mrs. Matilda Lillywhite and Mrs. Tuesday. - Linford of the primary stake board Miss Dorothy Rainey of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Nelson of attended a meeting here, Monday. City is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Parry, visited with Miss Bernice Anderson passed last relatives here, Charles J. Wood. week at Ogden the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. J. Holmgren motored to Salt Sunday. Reed J. Wight of Ogden passed Sun- Mrs. Reed J. Wight. Lake City, Saturday returning home Parley Christensen, and Bernus day here. Monday. Hunsaker of Elwood, were the speaker Mrs. at is A. W. visiting Bergstrom Mrs. Fay Porter of Rollins, Wyoour sacrament at Mrs. Mr. Pocatello meeting Sunday eveand of the guest ming, who is visiting here with her E. O. of Mrs. Allen Roche. ning. Mrs. Hunsaker rendered a vocal and Wight and C. Petterson P. Mrs. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. P. C C. Peterson and solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. John Burton, went to Logan Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Didrick-so- n Mrs. Archie Munns. family, with Wednesday to spend a few days Mrs. Albin Borgstrom are atand her daughter, Mrs. Etta Burton. Logan Plans underway to hold air LaVera Manning was a Salt Lake tending the Farmers' Encampment at circus on Labor Day. Logan. City visitor, Wednesday. club, Thatcher -- i ing plans. Ogden Construction of stadium progressing rapidly. Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant Civic son in North Wad ChapeL League held first flower show of sea- Ferron Bids received for improving school buildings. Gunnison California interests purchased land containing vast deposits of bentonite, located southwest of here, from H. A. Kearns and ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS (Cut This Out) From the North From the South From Deweyville 9:15 a. m 5:27 p. m ... 10 a. ro, .. . Mail Dispatched Tremonton Post off ice For the South leaves 9:15 a. m-For Snowville . 11.30 a. m. For Malad 5:10 p. m. For Deweyville ..... 6:30 p. m. Star Route Mail Service From Stone, Idaho, to Tremonton, 47 miles Daily, except Sunday Leaves Stone, Idaho ... 6 a.m. Arrives Tremonton 11:00 a. m. Leaves Tremonton ... 11.30 a. m. Arrives at Stone 6 p. m. - From Deweyville, via Tremonton 6.10 miles Leaves Deweyville .... .. 9:50 a. m. Arrives at Tremonton .. 10:05 a. m. la . SPECIAL! WHY is Electric Cooking the choice of the modern housewife? YOUR SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED FOR $1.00 For One Week Only no substitute for Electric Cooking? 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BECAUSE it has an outstanding record that is nnequaled for dependability, efficiency and durabi lity. iWHY is the Will Save Your Car General WHY does Electric Water Heating completely solve the annoying problem of hot water supply in your home? rT; " mi I Ml BECAUSE Electric Water Heating provides a superior method of automatically maintaining a constant supply of hot water at all times and at just the right temperature. It makes your hot water supply as simple as your cold water supply, X .if Li .I s . A t ' , WHY Is H so easy for you to have an Electrified Home, with all of these wonder servants at your command? BECAUSE our liberal Have your Greasing and Washing done by experts, at the only completely equipped grease station in Northern combination one-met- er plan for the purchase of all or any of these appliances and our rate for their operation make them readily within your reach. time-payme- nt Utah. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DECIDE NOW TO PHONE US AND HAVE OUR REPRESENTATIVE CALL ON YOU. HE HAS A WONDERFULLY INTERESTING MESSAGE CONCERNING THIS SERVICE FOE YOUR HOME. Vico Oils PEP 88 Gas Quaker State Oils Blue Light Service No. 9 Utah Power & Light Efficient Public Service Adam Imthurn, The Gas Man, Mgr. 3 Co, |