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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930. PAGE TWO And The Love." Bear River City j Sunday evening. Misses Lela Jensen and Elva Andersen gave a party at of the Crystal Hot Springs in honor 111., who of Chicago, Hansen Neugent city. is visiting with relatives in this which a Swimming was enjoyed after delicious lunch was served to Neugent Ken-ni- e Hansen, the honored guest and to ShelWendell Jensen, Andersen, don Andersen, Darwin Jensen, Lonn Christensen, Harold Jensen, Lincoln Jensen, Roy Thorsen, Lester Andersen, Clifford Thorsen. 1OlTVlll Pete Nelsen, Marlin Andersen, and to the Misses Lela Jensen, Elva Andersen, Vernell Petersen, Loretta Jensen, Deloris Thorsen, Eleanor Jensen, Damsel Christnesen, Almeda Anderto Mr. and sen, Gwen Archibald, andMr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Christensen, rt Burton Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Holmgren, all of this city, and guests: Mr. the following and Mrs. Dean Leak of Centerville, Calif., Frank Nelsen of Oakland, Rasmussen of Corinne, Gwendolyn Utah, Lucy McCoombs of Salt Lake City and Harold Robbs of McGill, All RDent a very oleasant MovaHa evening; and all hope that Neugent will come home soon again ana visit, his many friends. Mf on.l Mrs. flihprt Aired are the proud parents of a fine baby boy born July 7th. Mrs. Airedof was formerly Brigham City. Miss Mildred Minson Miss Margaret Miller is visiting at Bothwell, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Holiday. June Thompson of Elwood, and Ed. Rosa, are enjoying a fishing trip in -- inron. - J Del-be- out-of-to- T4ahn Mrs. H. P. Thorsen Sacremental music Margaret T. Johnson. Remarks Leslie Jensen, who then turned the time to Floyd Jensen and the college students. Song Lela and Eleanora Jensen, Vernell Petersen and Loretta Jensen, with Delois Thorsen at the piona. Talk Miss Vernell Petersen. Saxaphone duet Floyd Jensen and Deloris Thorsen, accompanied on the piano by Margaret T. Johnson. Reading Loretta Jensen. Vocal solo Eleanor Jensen. Closing Prayer Bishop Osey Jen sen. Monday evening the church history class of thhe Sunday school with their teachers, Miss Lela Jensen and Henry Johnson, enjoyed a trip to the Crystal Springs, after a good swim was enjoyed, luncheon was served to Howard Thorsen, Theon Hansen, Jesse Brails-forWendell Hill, Vear Jensen, Clark and Noel Johnson, Lyle Nelsen, Boyd Christensen. Grant Checketts, Calvin Jensen, Trude Taylor, and to Carma Petersen, Melba Jensen, torame Holmgren, Wilma Zmck, Alice Keese, Phillis Christensen. Fay Holland and to Lela Jensen, Henry Johnson and Ase Taylor, who furnished transportation to and from the springs in his school van. Sunday our boys motored to Portage to play baseball, but are very sad to say they were defated, the score being 11 to 22 in favor of Portage, we hope the Bear River boys wont get discouraged by it and will try again. Darrell Holman, 14 year old son of was Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holman taken to the hospital in Ogden, Sunday evening for medical treatment. Mrs. F. L. Nelsen had the misfor tune to fall, Thursday morning, when her crutch supped away from her causing her to lose her balance. She sprained her ankle and wrenched her back. Mrs. Nelsen has been getting around by the use of crutches for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen and family motored to Salt Lake City, Wednesday, where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Melvin L. Reynolds, formerly Miss Pearl Seager, a relative. Harold Robb of Mc Gill, Nevada, is visiting in this city with his sister, Mrs. LaVere Andersen and family. d, and daughter Delois attended the Utah Woolgrowera convention held at Logan, Monday and Tuesday. Last Friday evening a "Hobo" Lawn Misses Aleen party was given by the home of their and Mae Hansen at the parents' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen. Tha oniAfit.a nil fnmp dressed as hoboes. Games were played until a late hour, when a ' hand out luncneon was served tn miests. Those eniov ing the party besides the hostesses were the Misses Lela and Wanda a an fl wand nlvn and Frances CamD-ball, Elva Andersen, Elva Baird, Otto and Clifford Jenson, Fred ana Harry Hansen, Bob and Harold Jensen, The case came to trial Monday, in Chaator .StanHnr. Wpnpdll and Lincoln Jone's court and after hearing Judge had All Jensen, and Marvin Hansen. the evidence the jury returned a ver a very good time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petersen and dict of not guilty. enn Tati. 'Rprt and LaVar and Mrs. A. L. Petersen were visiting at the home out of Mrs. Augusta Iversen, Wednesday to Lake Salt from enroute morning, their home in Snowville. Mm Karnh M. Fridal entertained Thursday in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Vern Fridal of Los Angeles. Sunday with our sacrement meeting the college boys and girls, who have been away, rendered a very good program as follows: with Leslie Jensen in charge: Song "Now Let Us Rejoice." Prayer Fred Hansen. Song "How Great The Wisdom H3IB Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Permanent Ringlette Model - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Halen were Ogden visitors, Wednesday. Mrs. I Smith returned to Draper, Saturday, with her son, Clarence, after a pleasant visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis attended a party at North Garland, Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. James Davis The Relief Society held a work meeting and social at the home of Mrs. Pheobe Ward, Thursday. Mrs. Ward was assisted by Mrs. George Bowcutt. Miss Iris Lillywhite of Brighanrls the guest of her sister, Mrs. Tracy Welling. Bishop Russell Capener and his mother Mrs. A. A. Capener, made a business trip to Brigham, Tuesday. The following people went to do temple work: Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt, Mrs. Rowane Udy, Mrs. A. A. Capener, Mrs. Louisa Bigler, Mrs. Phoebe Ward, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and Riley Hancock, Mrs. Emma Strong and her son William, of Salt Lake City, called at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Russell Capener, Saturday enroute to Driggs, Idaho, where Mrs. Strong will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin of White's Valley spent Sunday with Mrs. Nina Dustin. Miss Evadine Smith of Plymouth, spent Monday at the T. J. Udy home. Mrs. Glen Walker entertained the ladies of the Farm Bureau at a card party Friday at her home. .Sixteen ladies weer present. Mrs. Walker was assisted by her mother, Mrs. E. M. Ward and Miss Peg Capener. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield and daughter, Doris, were Brigham visitors, Sunday. Mrs. Louisa Bigler, Mrs. Jesse Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler went to Brigham, Tuesday. Mrs. Edmund Udy and daughters Cleo and June were shopping in Brig ham, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Forsberg, Miss Cleo Udy, Miss Ruth Forsberg, Joe Forsberg and Ira Ward, went to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Clyde Buxton of Butherville, was a visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs Edmund Udy, Sunday. Unlimited Money to on Irrigated Land. 6V cent. No commissions. B. R. V. 69.a-- 2; WAVES COMBO uses 1. D S. The Combo protector and Croquig-nol- e wave one inch closer to the scalp. 4. Uses the mildest solution of all. A cream mixture. 5. The hair comes off the curlers wet, glossy, ful of life, and in perfect condition. ON THE AIR From New York City to the Pacific Coast the new Combo Ringlette Permanent is being broadcast to millions of women. We have installed it in oar beauty parlor come in and see it. Tai Don't Neglect your Eyes They you. mean' too much to We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric A Fielding kensincr- - n, District Court News L. B. newspaper carrier for Farr,Standard-Examinbeer the Ogden tween Plymouth and Malad, was found by a jury guilty of reckless driving sentence to in the city court today, the testiState's The Friday. be imposed. defend- mony tended to show that thefrom his thvnunncr a nDer car on the left hand side of the road and eoine in excess of 30 miles an . . ii:t -vith a rar rtplnncinir to luui, Jos. M. Roberts of Lehi, near the The case was Portage cross road. two days to hotly contested and took of complete, the jury being composed P. N. Pierce, forman, A. M. Hansen, difford Waktins, and L. S. Burt. C. H. England of Ogden plead guilty to passing a fraudulent check on W. W. Whitaker of Boothe Valley, and was required to make good the amount of the check and pay a fine in the sum of $10, which was done. John Vickers plead guilty to issuing a fradulent check to Gepharts, and was required to make good the amount of a check and pay a fine in the sum of $10, which was done. All of the above cases were prosecuted by County Attorney Lewis Jones after investigation by County Sheriff John H. Zundel and Deputy Charles Cheal. Sheriff I . Mrs. Mark Udy was hostess to the members of the Clio Circle club, Thursday afternoon. The home was made attractive with bouquets of Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate ATLA OIL I Just West of R. R. Tracks WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS We Never Close Garland National Fun Loan Association GARLAND UTAH Mt. The Guaranteed Twine 500 feet to the pound. The smooth even Twine that does not bunch or break in the needle. Spray your cows with STOCKAID, the Fly and Mosquito Repellant. Con. Wagon & MERWIN P. CHRISTENSEN Manager Machine Co. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah COME IN and get a Good Drink at the P. Randall is the new manager of the Inter Ocean here and will be glad to have all old friends as well as all wheat growers, call and talk it over, it might be an advantage to both, of.jjs. . We are putting in a full line of Coolest Place In Town H. G. Scott Drug Go. Prescription Specialists Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah EL Elevators Parlor Phone Tremonton 27r Brigham 71 ! r D Milady Beauty GEORGE HODGES, Prop. week. Secretary and Treasurer Bell, 129 ends. heater starts the first spent Sun day in Logan Canyon at the Girls Home, where a reunion of the Kennard family was held. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cravens went to Logan with them. The first ball game of the season was hed Sunday when the Plymouth team played with the local boys. A good crowd turned out to see the games. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter Betty Rae and Mrs. E. W. Ward and daughter Margery went to Salt Lake, Tuesday. Aldon Lillywhite and Miss Leah Ployman of Logan were the guests of Senator and Mrs. T. R. Welling Thursday of last week. Mrs. Rowane Udy accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hess of Tremonton, to Logan canyon, Tuesday to spend a few days. Mrs. J. H. Ward and Miss Beth Macfarlane went to Logan Wednesday to get Miss Edna Mae Ward who has been visiting there for about a rp-ula- ton and luncheon. Seventeen members were present. Mrs. Wilcox was assisted by Mrs. Phillip Wood. At the home of Mrs. Marvin Well- ti FvosMiHva rnmmittAe of the VXiC UAVV.V1.V Social Development club entertained its memDers, inursuay aiveruwn compliment to the officers of 1929, which included Mrs. Gertrude Hansen, Mrs. Clifford Welling, Mrs. L. H. Richards and Mrs. George R. Coombs. A short program was given by Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. Anil Udy, also "club memories' were written in m" hnAlca nresented to the Luncheon was served guests. special Mrs. Price and Mrs. Glenn Taylor, of Logan, were present. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wood had as their guests last week, their mother, Mrs. Toller. Mrs. Golda Toller and children and T. Toller, all of Robin, Ida. Mrs. Gertrude Hansen, Mrs. Eva Farnsworth, Mrs. Bert Thomas, Mrs. J. H. Hess, and Mrs. Glenn Adams, spent Tuesday in Ogden, with former bishop, James Hess, who is ill at the Ogden hospital. Mrs. Lizzie Miller of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Dora Ribinson of Farming-toare visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bourne. Miss Klea Standing has returned home after spending the past week with her grand parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Earl of Ogden. JAMES BROUGH pr Binding Twine THE LATEST INVENTION FOR GIVING PERMANENT Sunday. The George Hales family hr Mrs. E. O. Wilcox entertained members of the Relief Society Tues-the- ir Apply JOHN J. SHUMWA Phones: - ' Mrs. w enaeii aitic uiiu returned ......Sunday after spending Mr. and i j a urith - narentg. RCVcral nay Mrs. J. H. Laub. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Winegar of Newborn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs Verle Wood of Ogden the spent Sunday, with relatives here. sweet peas. Fifteen members were club present. Mrs. George H. Coombs, was playpresident presided. "Cootie"Mrs. Glenn ed, prizes being won by Walker and Mrs. Bill Jardine. Luncheon was served. Club adjourned tomeet with Mrs. Glen WalKer 01 mver- Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance LOAN Phone 20 led j ' MAKE GOOD OR WE DO COMBO The smallett amount of heat of any known system of waving. ( Problem g of overheating avoided.) 2. Gives a Spiral without the need of tying at the scalp or the 7 Riverside -- l Mrs. J. H. Ward and daughter Edna Mae went to Logan Thursday. Mrs. Ward returned home Friday, but Miss Edna Mae remained to visit with relatives for a few days. Joseph Lillywhite of Brigham called to see his daughter, Mrs. Tracy Well ing, Saturday. Miss Margaret Lea t ham and.Will-ar- d Slick of Salt Lake, were Sunday guests at the A. A. Capener home. Miss Kathleen Leatham returned home with them after spending two weeks at the Capener home. Mr. and Sirs. Lloyd Cravens of Salt Lake, on their return trip from Yellowstone, stayed at the George Hales home from Wednesday until . Pax Poultry and Dairy Feeds Get our prices before selling your wheat or buying your poultry feeds. n |