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Show r BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 Wheat Price Unsettled; Market Slightly Higher Cash wheat markets generally fol- lowed the advance in future prices and good milling wheat was selling 2 to 3 cents higher at the principal markets than a week ago. Bright, sound, " The wheat market was somewhat heavy weight milling wheat was in unsettled during the week ending best demand at Kansas City, and 12 Sfarch 16, influenced by the uncer- protein No. 2 hard winter was quoted that market from 2 cents under to tainty as to the extent of winter dam- in M cent over the May price of $1.21; age to wheat both in this country and 12 was quoted at 1 cent under to Some rt3ier wheat producing area3. protein at 1 reduction in shipments from Argen- 2 cents over; and 13 4 over cents to the conof May price. Low with prospects tine, together tinued large takings by Europe were strengthening factors, according to the weekly grain market review of the ,U. S. bureau of agricultural economics, and prices of most classes of wheat advanced 2 to 3 cents per bushel. The corn market became slightly weaker with some slowing up in demand but prices were not materially changed. The barley and oats markets were also fairly steady on light offerings. The development of the new winter wheat crop is now one of the dominating influences in the wheat market. Some winter killing has been reported in the American southwest and some European countries, but it is yet too (early to determine whether or not the damage has been serious. Lack of moisture in the Canadian spring wheat areas is also receiving attention.- It is reported that the precipitation for western Canada from October to March has been only about 50 as great as a year ago. The second official estimate places the Indian what acreage at 31,159,690 acres. This is an increase of 750,000 acres over the first estimate but indicates an .acreage about one million acres smaller than last season's final estimate. ' World shipments were smaller ' during the week, principally as a result of a sharp decrease in Argentine exports which totaled only 5,604,000 bushels for the week. Australian ' shipments continued fairly large, totaling 4,760,000 bushels. The offerings of these wheats in European markets, however, have practically eliminated export demand for U. S. whe.at at the present time except for Durum. Fair amounts of wheat were reported sold for export during the week. Australian wheat was being offered for March shipment at $1.43 per bushel c. i. f. England; 63 pound Rosa Fe from Argentina for shipment by June 15 was quoted at Liverpool at $1.33, and No. 4 Manitoba loading at Vancouver was quoted at London at $1.40 per bushel. - , READ this Lifetime Guarantee CPE TREMONTON, UTAH grades continued to sell at heavy discounts. No. 2 hard winter 124 protein was quoted at Omaha at $1.19 per bushel; No. 1 hard winter was quoted at Ft Worth at $1.31 to $1.32, with additional premiums paid for high protein types. Soft winter wheat was in better demand and prices advanced four to five cents per bushel at St. Louis where there was an excellent mill demand for the limited offerings; No. 2 soft red winter was quoted in that market at $1.42, compared with $1.28 for No. 1 hard winter. There was also a better milling demand at Cincinnati where No. 2 soft and hard red winter were quoted at $1.40 to $1.41 per bushel. Cash spring grades sold readily but off grade wheat was in slow demand; 13 protein No. 1 dark northern was quoted at Minneapolis at 5 to 10 cents over the May price of $1.24; 14 protein was bringing 13 to 20 cents over the May. This was an "advance of about 2 cents' for the week ending March 15. Canadian spring wheat markets also advanced, No. 1 Manitoba northern being quoted at WinniDurum peg March 15 at $1.29. wheat advanced with other classes of spring wheat. May Durum closed at Duluth March 15 at $1.104. Mills were taking the high protein Durums and 12 protein No. 1 amber was quoted at Minneapolis at the Duluth May price to 15 cents over at Duluth; No. 1 amber sold a3 high as 20 cents over the May. Heavy rail shipments were made from Duluth to eastern Canadian seaboard for export. Pacific coast markets were also slgihtly higher. A fairly good vol ume of export business was reported at Portland as a result of unusual low rates quoted on some distress parcel ocean freight space. A good export flour business was also aiding in re ducing the wheat surplus in that area although stocks were still large, White wheat was quoted at Portland at the close of the week at $1.22 to $1.23, and red $1.19. to $1.20 per bushel. Wheat offerings at San Francisco continued light with demand slow. No 1 hard white was quoted in that market at the close of the week at $215 per 100 or $1.29 per bushel, and No. 1 soft western white at $2.10 per 100 or $1.26 per bushel. Grain deliveries at country points in Colorado were reported slowing up but receipts for the week at Denver were heavier than usual; No. 2.tnorthern spring and No, 2 hard winter were quoted in that market at 95 to 98 cents and No. 2 soft white at $1.05 to $1.09 per bushel, Local Hay Market Demand poor, market oversupplied; western Wyoming market glutted; supplies plentiful; prices declined. Prices to farmers for alfalfa hay de livered at Salt Lake or Ogden, $15.50 to $19.00 per ton. TheH Wise Shoppers Shop at the J. C. Penney Company Store Because Real Values Are Always at Home Here. The Student's Ideas of Style and Service Are Faithfully. Reflected in Tha New and Important Member of "Our Style Group ot yual fry Fabrics" ' :.. against defects for its entire life. That's the guarantee you get when you buy a Goodyear, Tire from us. And remember, the life of a Goodyear Tire is longer because of the exclu sive Tread and SUPERTWIST Cord and our standard Goodyear Service. IT COSTS NO MORE TO er BUY A GOODYEAR Fronk Chevrolet Co. chinow is the time Phone 20 for all good men Tremonton If What'lsNew This Spring in m ' j M $147L$167S Extra Pants at 3.98 and 4.93 Silk Frocks Women 0 Misses :: $1 "the Collegiate" 4 ti Juniors Smartly Styled Distinctive Patterns 4-7- 5 With Soft-RoLapel and Broader Shoulder ll In this assemblage of frocks, you will find the authentic modes for sportswear, for practical service, and for the more important occasions at prices that will 'cause rejoicing among the ' tWfol nr. ... 24 imart Model for Spring Find Expretdtati in T&Sg - .75 Extra Pants at $5.90 Selected Fabrics in Fancy, Group and Neat Stripe Effects New Coats Other Young Men's Spring Suits at $19.75 and $29.75 lemon, sliced cup raisins Vt teaspoon onion juice Combine all the ingredients and cook until smooth. 4 Style Successes Are Displayed In This Compelling Group of AMBROSIA, SOUTHERN STYLE lb. shredded cocoanut Dresses to 6 oranges to 2 cups pineapple (optional) 2 bananas (optional) Cut sections of oranges into about three pieces, add diced banana and diced or shredded pineapple. Sweeten to taste. Add cocoanut and' serve cold. Delightful variations can be made with any seasonable fruit as peaches, pears, cherries and 4 1 Outstanding Thrift Values at CARROT MARMALADE 12 raw carrots 4 cups sugar $Q-9- 0 l&felteup! Build a porcn "wvi 'l JsJ" sinele- - in novelty weaves .and stripe effects. GINGER SNAP SAUCE (For Tongue) 5 ginger snaps Vi cup brown sugar 4 tablespoons vinegar 1 cup hot stock or water : two-butto- n, The season's newest By BETTY BARCLAY 1 ctmart breasted model, with peak or notch lapel. This Week's Tidbits '" ' Every Goodyear and Pathfinder pneumatic tire is guaranteed ucs You will find these dresses particularly attractive because they represent the smartest modes for spring and because the price cannot Indicate Eow very desirable they are you must see them for yourself and we feel sure you will find them irresistible. Mill 'An Opportunity for the Thrifty! Abetter your need is for-- a sports coat or one with a formal air, this group includes one to please you and you can afford for these values are typical of our daily com bination of smart style and thrift. . It's a great way to solve the extra bedroom question. You can add on a sleeping porch for a small sum and you'll have the whole family scrapping for uppers and lowers in the outdoor Pullman. We have the stuff sleeping porches are made of, at a price that won't give you a bad dream. Wilson Lumber Co. i "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah Women $14 i 75 Misses to 3 lemons ground cloves ground cinnamon ground allspice add sugar and let Add lemon juice and spices. Cook slowly for 1 hour. Turn into sterilized jars and seal when 1 1 1 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Grate carrots, stand one hour. : cold. . t Women .75 A BALANCED MEAT DISH Shred one pound of lamb, beef or in its own fat in a fork and brown pan. Add one cup of chopped celery and celery tops, one tablespoon minced onion and one tablespoon salt. Cover and cook about 10 minutes. Add two tablespoons flourand two table-- ! spoons butter mixed together and two Misses t Juniors Included in the group are dresses that the business girl will find appropriate and smart dresses for afternoon and general daytime needs. In black, smart shades of beige and a number of J union $29 : bright shades. i LINGUAL INADEQUACY-PPP- a cups canned, strained tomato juice Stir until the mixture is thick and (at Thanksgiving dinner) bubbling, then serve. Willy, you've reached for everything n sight Now haven't you HUNGER STRIKE trot a tongue ? stop it; A new automobile record was reWilly Sure, Top, but my arm's cently made. A aruy drove from coast longer-Geo- rge Washington Ghost to coast without eating a sinele hot Flat tires make the most noise. dog. Judge. |