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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 social of the Daughters of the PioGeorge Abbott attended the funeral neers in Garland at the home of Chas. of Dee Tibbetts in Ogden last Sun-- j I I Munns Monday evening. day. Lake City is Carl Petersen and family of Provij. Mrs- - H. Childs of Salt L. E. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beal and Mr. visiting her mother, Mrs. dence visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson attended the Prof. Fuibiman of the U. A. C. delivered a splendid address before the Farm Bureau last Thursday afternoon at the home of O. A- - Seager. This was the second of a series of lectures on farm mechanics to be given here. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Starky and Mr. and Manufactured and Distributed by Mrs. Chas. Peterson attended the TREMONTON MILLING COMPANY dance and supper at Elwood Friday Tremonton, Utah night Mrs. Jess Garfield and daughter reGUARANTEED ANALYSIS 19.0 turned from the hospital Sunday and Minimum per centum Crude Protein. 5J are spending a few days with her Minimum per centum Crude Fat 9.0 Maximum per centum Crude Fiber.. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough. Composed of Bran, Shorts, Corn, Barley, Wheat Meat Mrs. P. E. Ault attended a Farm Bureau meeting in Riverside last Scrap, Fish Meal, Linseed Oil Meal, Bone Meal, Dry Butter Milk, Calcite, Charcoal, Salt and Ground Alfalfa Hay. Thursday afternoon when Prof. Mey ers of the U. A. C delivered his see FOR SALE AT ALL FEED STORES ond lecture on drama. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson attended the funeral of Lars Hansen in Brig- ham City Thursday. Miss Mildred Seaeer went to Pen rose Monday evening and assisted in their program with several readings. Mrs. George Abbott visited in Lo ean several days last week. Maudeli Miss Seager attended teachers' institute at Brigham City last Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seaeer. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough, Mrs. Geo. Brough and Mrs. Margaret Pack and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cook attended services at Elwood last Sunday evening. Mrs. Lewis Abbott returned home Thursday after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Wood, of rarmington. 1- - I Collinston East Tremonton -I- They Are Never So Big - Favorite Laying Mash The Collinston Relief Society enter tained Friday evening, honoring the 17th of March. A splendid program, dance, luncheon, and kangaroo court were enjoyed by a large attendance. Beaver Dam Relief Society cele brated in compliment to the 17th of March Saturday afternoon and eve ning. A large number enjoyed the progrom, delicious supper and dance. WeUsvuie orchestra furnished the music One of the pleasant features of last week was the play "Mr. Bob." pre sented by the M. I. A. of Beaver Dam. A large and appreciative audience en joyed Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons en tertained at a radio and ice cream so cial in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jen sen and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons. Mrs. Thelma Bishop was the charm ing hostess at the Tuesday afternoon social. A large number of ladies were present to enjoy the splendidly pre pared luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler had as their welcome guests Thursday after noon and evening Mr. and Mrs. D. Y, Goddard and son Russell and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons and sons. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler had for their Sunday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bowen. Miss Thelma Bowers Is spending a few pleasant days with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowers, in fielding. Mrs. Rhoda Theurer of Providence is visiting with relatives in Wheelon and Beaver Dam. Mrs. Lillie Campbell and children -!: of Kelton are enjoying a visit with i their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Elwood Fryer, of Collinston, and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence fryer in Deweyville. When Wm. Edward Hunsaker, son Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bowen and of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker, left son of Grace, Idaho, spent Sunday in for Canada last month, Elwood lost Beaver Dam with relatives. one of its stalwart young men. He Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Riley and sons has been very active in church work of Brigham City were calling on and filled a mission of two and a half friends here Sunday. Miss Norma Seal is spending a few years to the central states. We hope he will continue his good work. He days with her brother and wife in was married in the Cardston temple Salt Lake. Wednesday, March 20, to Miss Doris Miss Lois Dunn and Henry Mcln' Virginia Andersen of Bramwell, A! tire attended institute in Brigham berta, Canada. They have our best Saturday. wishes for happiness and success on 1 nomas bimmons spent severa life s journey. days last week with his parents in The Relief .Society dance Friday Brigham City. night was much enjoyed by a lively J. A. Bigler is enjoying a visit with crowd. Many friends from Bear his son, Odell Bigler, and family, at River City, Union and Tremonton Cokevilie, Wyo. joined with us and we hope they will Myron Hansen is home from the U. all come back next week. After the A. C. where he has been taking a dance a nice tray lunch was served winter course. to over 100 people. All was free for Mrs. Joseph Bowcutt has returned once. home after two weeks in Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Christensen under medical treatment. are the Droud parents of a daughter. born March 16, at the home of his cheeriest corner of the breakfast parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parley Chris room. "To each child add the following: tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goldsberry of One small cup of orange juice; one n Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard steaming dish of delicious t' Larsen and Mma Larsen of Brigham cereal, several slices of toast, one glass of City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. crisp whole-whemilk. Larsen last Sunday. Remove thechildren to a grassy Wmre Ottogafy passed" away last Sunday of heart failure at his home plot. Add a kite, some toys and mix here. Will would have been 60 years thoroughly. "Cover all over with a blue sky and old in July and has lived here nearly all his life. He has many- - friends leave in the sun until brown." who will miss him. He will be buried at Washakie beside hiswife and four children. He is survived by his two sons, Chester (Kickapoo Dan) and Custer, and a daughter, Loise. Funeral will he at Washakie Thursday at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Marion Miller has as her guest her cousin, Miss Frank, of No Chain store concern is ever so large but that some smaller institution is able to. serve better, through a more intelligent application of economical merchandising principles. It is because of this that each O. P. Skaggs System store is able to, not " only meet all competition, but set the pace in price reductions. Some Chains boast of possessing several thousand stores and this means that all of them must be manned by some hired man who usually has but little interest in his community or the people who favor him with their patronage. it ' O. P. S. System Different O. P. Skaggs System store. and when you trade owned individuals are by They in our store you most likely will come in contact with the owner before your transactions are completed. The O. P. Skaggs System plan of individual ownership assures every patron of honest, sincere service. We're a permanent part of this community and are doing our part to improve it. When your money is spent in our store it is not sent away to some far away City. It's different in an cm 1 Now is the time for a good spring tonic. Why feel down and out? Try a bottle of Vinol, the great system builder. Authorized Agency for Beyer's Toilet Exquisites We Give tt&C Green Trading Stamps H. G. Scott Drug Co. 47 Tremonton, Utah Phone stroke 1 nut-brow- 'whole-whea- at FOOD STORES FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM $ 67.50 Dining Suite .!.. 67.50 Bedroom Suite Living Room Suite ..................;..:.$110.00 Three Rooms Complete for........................$245.00 Special Prices on Rugs all this month. 8-Pi- ece 4-Pie- ce ce Federal Farm Loans ifwefiaM SAVES YOU MONEY verif flivke jf,cheappaint IS THH reason. Science hat discovered no atbfactory tub titute for pure White Lead in paint. But pure White Lead costs loo much to be used in practical quantities in cheap paint. That's Fuller why every stroke of cheap paint wastes your money for Lead White of Pure Prepared Paint b made f body and pure and hardness); Oxide Zinc (for spreading capacity elasticity); pure d the highest grade of linseed ofl. It is the finest paint lastyou ouvbuy. Every cent that you pay for it is justified by the The home and it higher ing beauty protection gives your total price, per gallon, of Fuller Pure Prepared, adds little to the Fuller run the first cost of s painting job. You save money in long Pure Prepared covers more surface, lasts longer, looks better aB the time, gives greater protection . Consult a Master Painter and specify Fuller Pure Prepared Paint. Ask your nearest Fuller dealer, listed below, for a Fuller Pure Prepared Paint color card. Write to W. P. Fuller Co. for the booklet, "Your Home As Others See jr. Tune in on program . . KSL ... . 1 the puller rvbry wbdnbiday morning F U LLER fare Prepared cke Whitehead W. P. FULLER & CO, 404 West Fourth South St., Salt Lakh City, 48 Branches in 36 Pacific Coast and Factor in San Ftanci$co, Loa Angeles, Portland Inter-mounta- . Cities Distributors of Valipar Products TREMONTON Wilson Lumber Co. Overland Lumber Co. GARLAND Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance Apply JAMES BROUGH Secretary and Treasurer Garland National Farm Loan Association UTAH GARLAND Baby Chicks Ras-musse- n; ready-mixe- . The Relief Society pageant given last Sunday evening was well rendered. Those who took part were Mesdames Lettie M. Hansen, Valborg Romer, Lottie Munns, Rosa Christen sen, Eva Hansen, Dagmar Andersen, Thora Thompson, Elva Hunsaker and Ella Hunsaker. Musical numbers were a duet by Margaret Christensen and Lottie Munns, and a trio by Mrs. Mary Seager, Mrs. Dora Brough and Mrs. Margaret Pack of the stake ReThose present of the lief Society. stake board were Mr, and Mrs. David Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munns, Mr. Jensen of Garland; Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Margaret Pack of Tremonton. Now for the big dance and party March 29. General committee T. A. Meldrum. Hyrum Christensen, Mrs. V L Hansen and Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker; dance and advertising committeeJohn Bronson, T. A. Meldrum, Elva Hunsaker and Mrs. H. P. finance committee Hyrum C. Christensen. Lettie M. Hansen: refreshments committee Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chris tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ander sen; arrangements Don Hunsaker and Scouts; for children's party in the afternoon Mrs. Parley Christensen. Tickets will be 50 cents a couple, extra ladies 10 cents. There will be plenty of good refreshments for sale both afternoon and evening. Every body invited. Those who enjoyed the dance at Bear River City Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Parley Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hun saker, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen, Mr. and Mr9. Sam Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. June Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen and Mrs. Elva Hun saker. D 5 - wattes yourntoneif Herb Interest Rate -- Rules Outlined on How to Preserve Children The following description of how to preserve children appeared in the Weekly Bulletin, New Mexico bureau of public health. The information contained therein is so needful to mothers and fathers everywhere that we pass it on to our readers gladly: "Take two or more children of the runabout age. If they are, bright youngsters, so eyed, much the better. "Tuck them into bed early and leave for twelve hours of quiet, rest ful sleep. Windows wide open. "In the morning, dress them lightly and set at a table in the brightest, rosy-cheek- From the famous Vestal Hatchlive delivery guarery. 100 anteed. Quality unsurpassed. Ask any of the many satisfied customers in Bear River valley. White Leghorn Chicks $12 per hundred delivered Tremonton. Order from F. B. Barlow, Tremonton, or direct from Vestal Hatchery Pet alum a, Calif. Garland Milling Company with "Caterpillars" Keep Hauling! Deep Mud? Storm? Keep Working! You're riding a "Caterpillar" now . . a "Caterpillar" that has broken the back of bad weather, dry seasons or stubborn soils that puts you in the fields or in the market every day you SHOULD be there. findStrong and sure is the grip of those long wide .tracks, would sink , beasts even conserving where footing ing wetness in the soil for later sunshine . . storing moisture with deep tillage tools in dry seasons . . relentless power in front of tremendous loads. There are five sizes of "Caterpillars" A size for every use and a hundred usesfor every size. LANDES & COMPANY Manufacturers of the Famous "PRIDE OF UTAH" FLOUR Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. The Best Mill in the Bear River Valley. Highest Cash Trice Paid for GOOD WHEAT Near the Depot Garland BEAT BAD WEATHER Utah DEALERS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH BRANCH OFFICE: TREMONTON MI. M0.US.MT. Of. COMBINED HARVESTERS |