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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER more indistinct until, with a wistful Grafting changes the character of sigh, the man realizes he must bend plants. It reveals that of men. his back to the burden. Then, if the f' Subscription Rate One Year, in advance. ' time is to be sustained, he prays to y Monday was wash day once. Jjow it ii Six Months, in advan ce 1.00 dream again, and if he does so is is the day on which the garage man .50 amazed to find the same old vision puts the auto back together. Three months, in advance the slow and shadowy back- Entered at the Postoffice at Tre-- forming ground of his new edifice; the ghost, Baonton, Utah, as Second Class Mat lurking about the old foundation, ter. which foundation was and is faith. '- - FIRST INSTALLMENT "It may be coming," returned her To carry communication between; A lady had put on a new gown to husband, "but by gosh, a lot of it the Fordson plant of the Ford Motor Tran- company and the outside world, 10O go to a dinner dance, and she entered hasn't arrived yet" Boston telephone lines extend from the her husband's dressing room, pirouet- script switchboard of the new Ford adminted before him like a circus girl, and said: "This is my new gown, dear. No man is so good but a woman istration building and the Detroit cen- Isn't it becoming?" tral exchange. can make him better. : Tremonton Locals Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Dance at Elwood March 29. Benefit THE GOOD BOOK new ward chapel. Everybody invited. J A New York periodical has received Published by a communication from a reader in Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Woodward and THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. which he sets forth that after many of Corinne were puest at. the family months of industrious of the study Incorporated Bible he has discovered that it con- home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter tains 3,566,480 letters, 810,697 words, sunday. A LAY SERMON 21,175 verses, that the name of God Mrs. Lewis Gardner and tnn finvA "A boy's will is the wind's will, and appears 46,627 times, that the twenty-firs- t verse of the seventh chapter of returned from a two weeks' visit at the thoughts of youth are long, long htoughts." How long those thoughts Ezra contains all the letters of the al- Trenton. may be only a boy can tell, and he phabet, and presents much other cunever would, because of all things sa- rious information concerning the George Emerine left Sunday for his home at Paducah. Kv after cred those "long" thoughts are the Scriptures. most unapproachable; those matters employed at Gephart's store during These facts are of little the boy keeps in his heart, the abid- in themselves, but they areimportance interest- ine winter. ing place of other sweet memories or ing as a revelation of the strong hold Mr. and Mrs. Hehpr KinM anA fam fateful wounds, as the legs grow long the Bible has on the affections of the and the arms strong, and the world people. Counting the letters in the ilv have returned hpre after ciunilmr , throws open the door that leads to book was manifestly a labor of love me winter at Bait LaKe City. labor. In the palpitating years of the on the of the compiler. It is part Mrs. JSarah Lorimer. Mrs. Sarah A I "long thoughts the boy lives a cen impossible to conceive of other tary; indeed, before the 'teens be volume of like size exercisinganyso pow- len and Lorimer Allen of Corinne passed his three score of years and erful a fascination that anyone would were calling on friends here Sunday. ten are done and gone. For in that want to count the letters. Mrs. Freston Smith and sons spent time he has scaled the mountains, And it fshmild Via hnm in mi'nH in conquered the obscacles, slain his cnnsidprinu' th snhiprt. that, uhilo nn the past two weeks with relatives at i r en ton. dragon, negotiated his pitfalls and, perhaps, ever made a compilation thrusting carelessly aside the puny, one, oi wis sort Deiore, thousands have Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tsvlnr Mr clinging tentacles of stubborns facts, studied the Bible just as painstakingly and Mrs. Joe o Ihis own world is knig. Burgess, Mrs. Clara in other are well au- - crocKett and Bert Many an empire towers to the skies thpnt.ifltpHways. There Burgess were Og wKa nf Viqva mpn rnsps in those queer days when all things aen visitors Sunday. committed whole Tesof the New the are possible; its bricks the confidence Mr. and Mrs. of a few years; its foundation simple tament to memory. John Muir, the Drew were not only learned the New guests of Mr. and Harry Mrs. E. J. Winzeler faith; its coping stone the glorious, naturalist, Testament heart the but by greater over tne weeK-enriotous imagination which knows none of the sad limits of maturity. The part of the Old in addition. r i .a r It IS not fitranpp that ft hnnlr whin beautiful thing is that when the foggy Margaret jeniuns is nursing a is so loved era ensues, that period when one reshould continue, broken wrist caused from while greatly luctant foot drags in boyhood and the thousands of years after it was first roller skating. other taps impatiently at the door of written, to De the best seller. Mrs. C. T. Thompson and adolescence, the foundation remains. This he will not perceive until the SPRINGTIME Grace, Lois, and Mrs. B. F. cloud lifts again, and he finds the and Mrs. Otto Schenkel were Snrine is the season when new en. m bait lake laty Sunday and Mon bricks crumbled and the coping stone fled to wherever imagination is born. erev and hone rise in t.h hlnnd aay. Dreams, it seems, are a poor invest- courses of man like the sap in the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Getr. and Mr ment. The "might have been" is al- trees. It is the invisible urge which ways a thought with a twinge. The makes man plan gardens, renew the and Mrs. De Mont Dockstader were grip lessens and the old picture pass-etj- home, plan for the future and make in ugden Sunday. and the man is no longer the noble resolves. People who do not Mr. and Mrs. Chris Han aen art A boy. Fleetingly the vision springs up feel the spirit of spring have forever chilrden were in Preston, Idaho, Sat ante a negative, out always a little lost the spirit of life itself. It is lamentable that the season urday and Sunday. for making resolutions is in midwinter. For every reason except the Mrs. Maude Allen of Salt Lake City calendar new resolutions for change was calling on Mrs. N. E. Shaw Mon of human conduct should come with day evening. the first warm breeze of spring. ResoCall at J. H. Brown's residence. lution is born of inspiration, and huCircle B of the Ladies' Aid met at E.-JONES, JR. man beings, like hibernating beasts the home of Mrs. W. G. Carter Wedof representative d and vegetation, are in- nesday preparing aprons for a sale to ACME oe neia in me near tuture. spired by natures' warmth alone. Most of us mistake spring fever for a tired, care-fre- e Mr. and Mrs. Moroni feelinc when a real Lundberg analysis reveals it as a feeling of im- xpcn, last weeK witn inends in Logan. patience for greater things, inspired Mr. and Mrs. Harley Heaton of ambition and a devouring desire to get away to see and know all. Spring wgaen nave moved to Evans to re fever is a human ex- side. H perience. That SDrinp-timpeirp frtr Servicers and Rebuilders a new job, a new house and new NOTICE TO nvvr r.pnwupa scenes isnt indolence and lethargy as of Representatives of the SUGAR It is nature's uiwrAisx win be at Tremonton commonly conceived. Sewing Machines impetus for poets, artists, explorers, Bankiner Comnanv nn WuItuuJohs Typewriters inventors and all the rest of the and Saturdays during March, 1929, world s dream children. Phonographs iur me purpose oi making Beet Contracts with those farmers who find Motors, Etc. A boom district has settled back to it convenient tn hev W 11 VII This is your last opportunity to normal when everybody buys his own dates, and to give any information de- luncheon. rebuild that old machine. sirea regarding the growing of the ueei. crop. ALU WORK GUARANTEED Some men arp hnm lenders ar,A SUGAR CO., By John P. Holmgren. Inspections and Estimates others never can guejs which way the Free. Have that old Machine Beauty is often only skin dope. made new. BeinC a rien thinker ia nil but water from a spring is usually Give a srirl an inch anH she will i i oeiter man water irom a well. make a dress of it ahursday of each week. (( I v I j I i I Ii Iff I.J tu'r S"H Frocks New in J1 I ' V A remarkable collection of brand new Easter frocks. Lovely materials such a georgette, printed silks, crepe de chines and satin in all the new and bewildering colors of the new mode for spring. tisi5hrv WlCwll91 iliJyvA li W I Win JmwM 7 S S X S - SaTS $10.95 and $16.50 WJZ d. ll h, coats OUR LAST WEEK winter-blaste- s ( Sewing Machine and Typewriter Exchange much-maligne- The coats that fashionables ( wear Easter morn with a smart nonchalance for they are fashioned right in ' every detail. Scarfs of self material. Capes. Furred and furless models. , d T UTAH-IDAH- O rio-n- t .... WH z jL s $10.95 j V U J I J jLJ I I M?ff M WliMi-- J U I j 1 . 1 III and $16.50 Women's and Misses' Sizes y i ' TMey're Here Easter Suits for That Express The British Mode Narrower lapels, colonial waistcoat, individual fea- 111 tures of the tailoring that speak conservative refine- ment are some of the dis- tinctive qualities that are making these suits popular both here and abroad. In the new spring tones, too, they show a freshness that Closing-Ou- t We will be much in evidence on Easter Sunday. Sale are discontinuing our Just a Word About Our Fabrics These suits are styled and tailored from many exclusive fabrics that were introduced by a few London tailors last season and are just beginning to be seen over here. An early visit means a wider selection. - Topcoats - en- tire line of Thorogood Men's and Boys' Shoes. If you want the best shoes that money can buy at the lowest price ever offered, come in and select your shoes now while there are plenty to choose from.-- Tremonton Harness & Accessories Go. Phone 48 Tremonton, Utah m $24.75-$29.5- 0 III $ 1 9.50 ii We Give lm.l .J.I l.l.lJim Green Trading Stamps Xl |