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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 r each week she had been on the roundup. The fifth was from Judge Colt on, her father's old friend, to whose bands all Ms affairs had been en- The trusted. . After scanning this she read again the other four. Very soon now, In the course of a few months at the outside, she and the writer would meet away from his nntlve environment and in the midst of her own. Always before this had been revet sed and her association with Carlos Deane had held a background of his own setting a setting In startling contrast to her log house nestling in a desert of cage. The Deane house By manwas a. wonderful HAL 0. EVARTS sion set In a grove of century-olelms and oaks. She knew bis life and now be would see tier in her natural Oopyrlf ht by Hal G. XruU surroundings. WNU Brrlca In a hazy sort of way she felt that some day she would listen to the plea that, in some fashion or other, was woven into every letter; but not till The calf round-uwajs ne'arlng the the Three Bar was booming and no end. Two weeks would Bee the finish longer required her supervision. and supply the final tally. Harris sot Everything else In the world was secondary to her love for her father's brand and the anxiety of the past two years of its decline eclipsed all other Settling of the Sage d p issues. Her reflections were Interrupted by Harris voice Just outside her teepee. "Asleep, Billie ?" he asked softly. "No," she said. What is it?" "I've thrown your safldle on Papoose,' he said. "Let's have a look around." She assented and they rode oft up the slope of the valley. A mile or so from the wagon Harris dismounted on a high point "Let's have a medicine chat," he offered. "I've got considerable on my left-han- d f4 on a Rock and Reviewed Plans He Had Formulated. Harris Sat the on a rock and reviewed the plans he had formulated for the salvation of the Three Bar brand, realizing the weak spots and mapping out some special line of defense that might L?erve to strengthen them. In the of the wagon Waddles was carefully rereading a document for perhaps the hundredth time. A man had come in at daylight with the mail from Brill's and Billie Warren was within her teepee poring over her share of It The men had finished theirs and were sleeping. The girl read first the four letters in the same handwriting, one to mark much-thumb- SUMMONS mind." ; She leaned against a rock and he on the ground, facing sat cross-legge- d her and twisting a cigarette as an aid to thought Her head was tilted back against the rock, her eyes half-close- d. "They say folks get disappointed and go right on living," be observed. "I wonder now. I've heard that men run mostly to form and at one time or another let it out to some little lady that there's no other In the world. That's my own state right about now. Are you always going to keep on disliking me?" "I don't dislike you," she said. She was still convinced of his father's trickery toward her own; but Cal Harris' quiet efficiency and his devotion to Three Bar interests had convinced her, against her will, that he had taken no part in it "But If you brought me out here to go into that I'm going back.'" "I didn't," he denied. "But 1 drifted Into it sort of by accident No matter what topic 1 happen to be conversing on I'm always thinking how much I'd rather be telling you about that. Whenever I make some simple little assertion about things In general, what I'm really thinking is something like this, 'Billie, right this I'm loving you more than I did two minutes back.' You might keep that in mind. "Listen," tapping his knee with a forefinger to emphasize his point "Cal Warren always wanted to put the Three Bar flats under cultivation. He's probably told you that a hundred times. This will always be range It will only support a cercountry. tain number of cows. If the Three Bar had a section in hay to winter-feeyour stuff you could run double what you do now on the same range. It's the same with every other small concern. There's only a few spots suitable for sites and every one of those has a brand running Out of it now excepting those In love min-ut- e pro-rat- a dixu-me- nt - Unlimited Money those-knlfe-back- ' to LOAN , LUMBER THINK WILSON 2; Col-to- Permanent Record Convincing Receipt YOUR CHECKING Methodist Church Notes ," Twin Float getting killed themselves," Waddles evaded. "You can't rightly blame any man for that And besides, Slade has to be met on his own ground." "Do you think Slade is at the hot torn of the Three Bar losses every year?" she asked. Waddles stated. hoof," "Every "Every last head! Maybe the albino's layout rustles an odd bunch on and off. But Slade is the man that's out to wreck your brand." The big cook heaved a sigh as he reached a decision on a matter which had been troubling him for days. "That's what Cal Warren was afraid of Slade's branching out our way like he had already toward the south. And that's one season he left things tied up the way he did." d He tapped a document on his knee and handed it to the In the District Court of Box Elder County, State of Utah. Edna S. Carroll; plaintiff, vs. Charles Augustus Carroll, defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this girt summons upon you ,if served within "You and Young Cal have been sort the county in which this action is of he said. "Cast an otherwise within brought; thirty days over that and eye maybe It'll help after service, and defend the above you two youngsters to get along." entitled action; and in case of your Three times, the girl read every failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to word of the paper while Waddles the demand of the complaint. This smoked his pipe in silence. Then she action is brought to recover a judgsat on the gate of the wagon and ment dissolving the marriage conoff across the sage; and she gazed tract heretofore existing between you was picturing again the long trail of and the plaintiff. Lewis Jones, Plaintiff's attorney. P. O. 1st Nat'l Bank sites down in Slade's range. If all the Three Bar cows; but this time she was reconstructing the scene at 7 Bldg., Brigham City, Utah. those outfits put in bay it wouldn't the end of it Instead of one man cut up the range any more than it is to trick an old friend at scheming now except down Slade's way. Every the last crossing of their "trails she outfit ill the country could run twice now visioned two old men regretting as many head as they do now except that the hope of a partnerSlade. He couldn't The minute farmnever been fulfilled and had ship ing starts there'll be squatters filing planning to cement that arrangement on every quarter where they can get in the next generation. For old Bill water to put it In crop. There's twenYou can get all kinds of Fruit Harris had left her a full to Slade would have cover ty places In everything he owned on earth Trees, Vines, Shade Trees, by filing to hold his range where the with the Roses and Shrubbery from us stipulation that she reothers would only have to file on one tain her single half of the Three Bar for at lower prices for high grade to control the amount of range they're five years after her father's daath. stock. now." using "But why?' she asked presently. She nodded as she caught this point. did he do that for me? He'd "Why Into a fallen set and "Folks have habit never seen me since Write us your wants we I was three years of mind," be explained. "You think will be glad to quote you old." because every squatter is burned out prices. "He did It for the girl of old Cal that every outfit but the Three Bar Is the best friend he had topWarren, a in the ground. against sticking plow The rest probably feel the same way side of ground," Waddles said. "Your dad and Bill Harris bad been pals Co. know they haven't a hand In it but since they was hatched. They knew figure that yoa have. As a matter of was hard times and changes there Brigham, Utah alone. a There's perfact, it'a Slade sistent rumor to the effect that any ahead and both bated to think of the man who burns out 'a squatter can old brand going under or changing hands. They was afraid that If both drop in at Slade's and get five hunand the boy knew yur path was you cash. In dred dollars "The sheriff baa never been able to going to be carpeted soft In any event that you might sell out if things got pick up a single one of the men who have burned those squatters out," she ,to breaking wrong. This way it looked like you'd be sure to stick. said. "And he never will without some They was . planning the best they knew. Your dad told me to keep an help," Harris agreed. "Alden's hands are tied. But he Is playing his own eye" on the general lay. And Judge the best he can. Col ton sent me that copy to have on game One day he'll get his hooks Into some hand to sort of Iron things out when 1 thought best I'm telling yoa beso deep they'll of these cause I know you wouldn't quit the 4 never shake them out The homeas there's tit o cows stead laws can't be defied Indefinitely. Three Bur as long The government will take a hand and left." "Does Cal know?" she asked. send marshals In here thicker than "Not a word," Waddles asserted. files. Then the outfits 'that have NOODLES hedged themselves In advance are on "He's likely considerable puzzled himself. But he surmises things will top. The rest are through." "Cut what can the Three Bar do break right some day, knowing his against Slade until those marshals own dad and havln' visited round a 8 p.m. 3 p.m. come?" she asked." day or two with yours. You drop the a sackbetween difference Judge a line, girl, and turn Harris "There's ing an established outfit with a big loose to rip up the Three Bar flat and force of hands and burning out some seed It down to hay." She nodded and slipped fruity, the Isolated squatter roosting la a wag of the wagon, taking the paon filed water said. "I've on," Harris out of the Crazy Loop to cover the per with her. Harris was soaking a section I bought In the flats. We can flannel shirt In the little stream, flatpick men and give them a job wltb tening It In a rlflle and weighting it the Three Bar between spells of doing down with rocks. She went straight . t him and sat on the bank, motioning at 7:00 p. m., Edyth It is open to all school children and him to a seat by her side. He dried worth League leader. Evening service at the prizes to the winners will be in Gephart, his hands and took the paper she held :00 o'clock. cash. The standing of contestants out to him. will be posted each Sunday. Quesschool Corinne Services at -Sunday share cf Imcharge that What's In the wind?" he asked. A. R. Kafton, su- tions for Sunday will be on the New Mrs. 2:00 at m., p. provements up against each man's She nodded to Indicate the and will perintendent. Service of worship at Testament, ten in number, final settlement .When they've made and he sat down to look over it 3:00 p. m. begin promptly at 7:00 o'clock p. m. final proof we can buy out those who His quizzical expression was erased A welcome to all services. The sacrament of the Lord's Suo- went to sell. Let's put the flats In as he saw his father's name and the ALVIN R. DICKSON, Pastor. per will be administered at Tremonton j hay, girl, and start grading the Three girl watched his face for some evi- at the Connne and at service Bar up. It doesn't take much more dence of resentment as he read on. at the evening afternoon service. feed to turn out a real beef steer than Their status was now reversed, for The "Bible question contest," startof brothers down Bill Harris holdings had been easily ed last Sunday with over a dozen conIn the flat In five years we'll have a double those of her own contest runs through parent She testants. This straight red brand and the Three Bar saw the sun wrinkles deepen at the a period of eight Sundays, and it is will be rated at thirty dollars a head, corners of his eyes as he grasped the not too late to enter by next Sunday. come as they run on the range. Intext of It and he looked up at her and stead of round ten or twelve as they'd laughed. , i When You Think figure us now. We'll have good hay 'ow we're resting easy," he said. on Irrigated Land. 6 per land that will be worth more by Itself "An even trade." cent. commissions. No than the whole brand Is today. Say "Uneven," she dissented. "Of course the word, girl, and well build up the you know that I'll not take advantage JOHN J.SHUMWAY old outfit that both of our folks helped of that" "Everything to Build Anything" B. R. V. 9.a-Phones: Bell, 129 to found." , , Phone 11. Accounti are all squared off beThe girl had closed her eyes as he tween us now," he sold. And of painted this picture of possibilities course youH do Just what It says." and except for the difference of voice He held up his hand as she started to It might well have been old Cal War- dissent "Don't youl" he reproved. ren speaking ; the views and senti"Let's let that end of it slide rest ments were the same she had so often for a while. Maybe some day we'll heard her father express. Next to the both into one and the two of us lump longed-fo- r partnership with old Bill boss the whole Job." Harris the dream of his life had been She rested a hand on his arm. to see the Three Bar flats a smooth "Of course you know Tni sorry for meadow of alfalfa. a number of things I've said to you," "I'll put a bunch cf terriers In there that will be hard for Slade to uproot," she said. "But I want to thank you being too decent to return them Harris said. "What do you say Billie? for kind. in You're real folks, Cal." Let's give It a try." "Good girl, Billie," be thanked her. "I'd like to see It done," she said. "As to what you said, It's remarkable "But so much depends on the outthat you didn't say more. I knew you come. n I'll have to write Judjra first. He has all my affairs In weren't crabbing over what you might lose for yourself but over the thoupht charge." that your father had been tricked. I They mounted and rode back to the to put myself In your place and wagon and the girl went straight to tried Waddles with the proposition Harris If I'd been you I know I'd have kicked me off the place, or told Waddles to had urged. A loose his wolf." "Tell him to go his best" Waddles turn He switched abruptly away from A advised, when she had outlined Harthe topic In hand and reverted to the ris scheme. "Hell put a bunch oT terriers on the Three Bar that will subject they had discussed an hour cut Slade's claws. If they burn out past. ACCOUNT (To Be Continued) the boys Cal Harris puts on the place then there'll be one real war staged at the old Three Bar." IT'S safe it's convenient a check"He's been telling you," she accused. ing account at Tremonton . Banking "He did sort of mention it," WadA complete record of income Services at Tremonton Sunday Company. dles confessed. school at 10 a. m., Mrs. P. E. Ault, and it relieves you of disbursements, "Then his Idea is to Import a bunch superintendent. Story period follow considerable of the necessity keeping of she said. "I won't ing with Mrs. Dickson in charge. Ep cash on hand. And cancelled checks are have a bunch of hired killers living at an airtight receipt. the Three Bar." "These boys will just be the sort that's handy at knowing how to avoid SOL HOT We can put In a company ditch to cover all the filings, pay them for working on It and work. prove-u- p much-thumbe- half-hostile- ," d home-ranc- h 23-2- tfRUIT TREES Today Oil Burning Brooder You can open a checking account with us. A deposit of $10 and three minutes are all you need. Raises More Chicks For Sale By Bear River Valley Ass'n. Poultry J. L. WEIDMANN Phone 12.3-- 5 James Brough Tremonton Banking Co. The Bank Belt Able to Serve the Bear River Valley Tremonton, Utah Garland Now Is the Time to Oil Your Harness and Leather Goods life-lon- g GET half-Intere- st , V Anderson Produce WE ARE NOW READY to serve our friends and patrons those J&JAMOUS CHINESE CHICKEN or Duck's Back Harness Oil single-hande- d torch-bearer- s every Saturday from till Otto's Cafe end-gat- e The Place with a Personality Duck's Back, Neatsf oot For Sale at All Vico Dealers Blue Light Gas & Oil Co. ADAM, THET GAS MAN, Mgr. Tremonton, Utah Phone 102 |