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Show 1 BEAR KlVEK ALLEY LEADER HIS RIVAL AsseciAia MAI STATE 1 Our store is filled from front door to back with the best and frehest Groceries to be found in the markets. Entered March liaising her chin defiantly. Grade had admitted that the note was from a soldier the man for whom she had been knitting. "What right." demanded the angry bus a strange man to corre lover, spond with you?" "The right of courtesy," she had crisply answered; "it's a letter of thanks for the sweater and helmet and gloves, and " "Heaven knows, you mnst have fit ted him out completely." Jiraime ac"Will you let me sec- knowledged. tlmt letter?" Grudgingly, the girl obeyed. It had been his turn to flush then, and the angry red creeping up to his heavy, dark hair, left Jim in an QUALITY IS NOT A FAD WITH f Eastern Aeoni-in- A PRINCIPLE! US-I- T'S Advertising rates made known on application. Local advertising 8c per line pei nsertion; classified advertising 5c pei line per insertion SUBSCRIPTION One Vear Siv Months I Tremonton Meat t Ihree Jlonths could not be actually with the clever writer of those beautifully penned epistles, but romance held her In Its grasp romance and Idealism. And he, Jim, must stand aside until the fancy had passed. Would it pass? Returning soon now, perhaps, would this absent soldier seek her out, and finding her more lovely than even he could have dreamed, would he make her "ideal" a realization? liesolutely Jimmie kept away from his beloved.. Hera had been the fault, he told himself hers. If she wlshid It, must be the undoing. And evidently Grade wished It. "If you will come tonight," called her sweet voice over the phone, "I will show you my last letter from the soldier." A laughing note In the request forced .Tim to Ignore Its mockery. Still forbidding was his attitude as he awaited his sweetheart In the lumjillght. Smiling, Grade slipped her arm through tils as she thrust the note before him. Then she pressed her face against her lover's shoulder. This is what he rend: "My dere Miss Lady: "The comrade who rote my letters Is gone from here. I no can spelt or rite mooch engllsh. But I want to say tank you. My wife, she say tank you too "TONIE SBNTBLLO." fOeprrlfht, ibis, by Wtra Nwipp UstvsJ No. 56 Tremonton, Utah II. J. Davis, Mngr. RATES $ - - - 00 $1 )l IE 60c Pioneer intime comes, no longer will the Day. individuals dividual or collection of Pioneer Day Utah's own is Today livSUBSCRIPTION NOTICE. hammer down the "high cost of is the day when the state It If this space is marked with a ing," (what the farmer grows) in holiday. honors those early pilgrims who came Red Circle it is a notice to you order to raise the quality of his cigars to the desolate mountain wastes in that your subscription has expirfrom lOe to 15c, or the price of his search of a new land of promise, pried, and that you are invited to wife's shoes from $9 to $15, or dis- marily where they could practice their send in a renewal at once, in a Cadilpense with his Ford and buy religious tenets unmolested. order not to miss any numbers. lac. The pioneer has always been a nero If the president has any regard for in a greater or less degree, because of of the na- the hardships his adventureous nature If God, for good, sees fit to deny the welfare of the farmers official ac compelled him to undergo. In every his in is there nothing us all else, may He as His best gilt tion, section of America pioneers have of all, grant us this to be of some tion to indicate it. n fellow-meblazed the path and opened the way real, of some deep use, to our ' no for others to follow. are before we go hence and Libel Suit. ami sufferthe Utah In privations more After more than seven weeks, the honored are settlers ings of the early trial of Henry Ford, the automobile each year by a holiday. In some reMK D. McQUIRE, Editor and Publisher manufacturer, against the Chicago spects the early settlers of Utah were Tribune, for a million dollars damage a class of pioneers somewhat different for liable, is drawing to a close. from other pioneers, in that the locaThursday, July We have not the slightest idea as to tion choosen by them removed them what the jury will do in rendering their farther from the associations of other Daylight Saving. verdict, but we sincerely hope that Mr. people and made their means of comthe . President Wilson, disregarding Ford gets his million. munication with the outside world, wishes of the farmers of the United with more difficult. trouble the of At the time States, has killed the agricultural ap Mexico, the Tribune was urging the It is certainly a splendid principle United States to invade that country, that does homage to those who have propriation bill, which contained clause repealing the daylight and because Mr. Ford opposed such a pioneered the way and made life more two ago. law, years passed "saving" move, he was denominated an anarch- pleasant and enjoyable for those who 1.1 IL. he brought suit ..for follow later. Too often we forget the ' JB&dBSBfam for; the farmers libel. and one who has" undergone sufferings, prl-- ' of the country and is playing into tii In the trial much matter not directly vations, inconvenience, possibly grea: hands of the big cities. connected with the action has been financial loss, in order that our path In the first instance, the passage of brought out, the Tribune attempting might be made easy, and we bestow, such a bill was the biggest dampool to justify their charge from Mr. Ford's our favors on the more fortunate one We position as a piece of legislation ever enacted. who comes along later and usurps the pacifist. have heard of attempts to change must However, that plea is coming rather place of our real benefactor. everything by legislation, but this ef at the wrong time. When the country So it is good to see Pioneer Day a fort to change the solar system by law was inflamed by war, no m.n or wo- day of rest and celebration in honor is just about the limit. The people of man was expected to have any other of those who blazed the path for us. the country are living a lie every day, views (although millions of them did for they are one hour out of harmony minds and hearts) except that with the sun the only daylight agency was the only proper thing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS extant. and that war was the only proper course. If the eight-houAdvertising under this heading 6 But just now, after a world ef na- cents a line each insertion. When yoi others, who are troubled from over work in the cities, want to start work tions have declared that they believe have anything to sell or trade, or wish an hour earlier and quit an hour war is wrong and that it ought to be to buy something, use the "Classified . earner, we nave no objection, that is stopped for ever if possible, Mr. Ford's Wants." their perfect rightT And if President principal has been given a gigantic enWoodrow thinks this plan should be dorsement. 5 GIRLS WANTED .To assist Further, we find from the followed, let him issue a proclamation, statements of all the boys who have re in mailing circulars Sunday evenasking that employers open and cio.ie turned from the bloody fields of France ing. Apply at The Leader office. their places of business an hour earlier. that they want no more war. This is 23c . But to the farmer, the law is an im- the sentiment almost to a man from pediment. .His hours are from eany those who are called upon to discuss WANTED Contracts for plowing until late the hours of daylight. The the war publicity as well as those who land. Address, American Plowing setting of the clock neither backwards give their opinion privately. 812 Walker Bank Bldg, Salt or forwards means nothing to him, exThat was a striking public endorse Lake City, Utah. him when he ment ot Mr. Ford's views down at cept to inconvenience goes to the city to transact business Salt Lake when LOST One hip boot on road beTaft was and finds everything closed in the mid- speaking for the League of Nations, tween Tremonton and Elwood, Finder dle of the afternoon. and ten thousand persons in the great please notify Ed. C. Thompson, 'TreThe farmers asked the repeal of the taDernacie voteu in ravor and one monton. , law but as usual their wants go beg single individual uplifted his hand SALESMAN WANTED to solicit ging. The congressmen ana senators against it. from the agricultural states, with the War is the very antithesis of civiliza orders for lubracating oils, greases and mem- tion. assistance 01 a lew the greater the paints. Salary .or Commission. AdConsequently bers from the urban districts, passed civilization of the individual or the dress The Vicaor Oil Co., Cleveland, the law that would have returned tlio nation, the greater the abhorrence of Ohio. 22p country to a state of harmony war the more intense the desire for nature and relieved the farmer, but peace, and the less the love of LOST Between Garland and Tremisery the president, deferring to the wishes and suffering. monton, a pair of glasses in a case. oi the cities, vetoed the measure. Mr. lord, before the war Inilamed Finder please leave at Wi E. Opt Thiis, the president, in order to make men '8 vision, was pointed to as an al Jewelry store in 'Tremonton; or bring it possible for that part of the popula most ideal man. His them to the Globe office in Garland and tion who produce nothing, to spend the plan with his employees, the comforts be rewarded. time from 4 o'clock untif9 or 10 in lie provided for pensions; afternoon and evening in TAKEN UP A small pig. Owner hospitals and the like, and his many. burning up tens of thousands ot gal- activities looking to the betterment of may have same by paying cost of keep. lons of gasoline; in squandering their mankind made him esteemed by peace Inquire 'at this office. short-hou- r money at the resorts, and in loving, thoughtful persons all over the FOR SALE Good Work Horses. gayety and riotous living those who land. produce the very sustenace of life, an 1 When it was seen that war was cer Louis I. Sorensen, phone who by reasons of the nature of their tain with Germany (and the Chicago vocation can not adopt a legislative-madTribune opposed the declaration of program of starting and stopping war with that country), Mr. Ford was Ford's 24, ioiq t what it is worth. If he deals in TRUTH they soon come to rely implicit - "Ton what he savs, . jtns T It i . , n . i TEST THE TRUTHFULNESS OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS $ Bring our ads to us. If every article in our stock is not exactly as represet-e- d in bur ads we will never again ask you to believe us. "THE SATISFACTORY STORE" & VValdfon Harris Bros lips. of course, she 3 It Doesn't take the public long to decide as to the truth or falsity ol any advertiser's claims. Ii he deals in "hot air" they take it lor just unen-viabl- In love Davis Drug Co. Phone that Packing The Public VERDDCfl Don't use a poor brush, or poor preparations for your hair. Get the best the kind we sell. Jl 225 win. We have good Hair Tonics American West Representative, t to T Street, New York. Keep your working power up to par by buying and eating Groceries and Meats from mood. "Sentimental stuff!" he muttered disgustedly. "Dreamed gratefully of his benefactress, while the warm sweater sheltered him from the breeze." "Calls you his 'angel lady.' "You are silly, Jltumle Taylor," she said at last. "You'd better go home." And abruptly her lover had gone. After his departure Grade smoothed carefully the extravagantly grateful note, while a smile played About her iindr tne acv TiTQh Address all communications Leader, Tremonton, Utah. gay-color- fiercely asked We have good Brushes We have good Combs We have good Hair Oils as second class matter 1914, at the postoffice ilCUIUUbVU) evening. her. 10, , March 3, 1879. "Shall we have the dining room In delft blue, dear?" he had asked one lit his fine eyes. "Who is ii from?" he 111- " sion. murmured the girl unintelligibly, as she was counting stitches. "Or old rose?" queried Jim. Grade's eyes had rested for a moment upon him blankly. They were very beautiful eyes, and the lover patiently waited. Presently Grade rolled up the knitting and slipped it Into her bag, coming close to rest her hand on his shoulder. "Jimmie," she had begged, "don't you think, at this troubled time, that we ought to put all thoughts of personal comfort, and er triumph, from us In one devoted effort to help the brave men who are giving their very lives for our country? Just because you are a little beyond the age limit is no reason why you should not sacrifice, too, In your way. Marriage means added expense, Jiminie. Yourself only to provide for, you could give most generously to the causes, and I am well cared for at home. Later, in a peaceful time, we might more consdentlosly realize our future joy, but now " Grade had paused then, quite out of breath. She was wondering what else it was that Myra Bally told her. Myra,. n great Red Cross enthusiast, had advised freely among her young friends. .liminle, staring at his formerly submissive sweetheart as though she had stnicK mm, toiu ner mat sue comu vtrfc; and no rTealize what sfie wi n, noVth's o cniftpled note, ("lushing almost guiltily, the girl readied for the uote, but Jlmime forestalled her, and a jealous flash shone Care for it now and it will care for you later--in appear-- . ance. - new- aggressive inJepeudeut, . . .1 ml i , ii. .. ...... - mn-i4aper, oevoiea 10 tub lustrial development of the .eear River Valley and Box Elder Countv. Published every Thursday at Tremonn Utah. An Jlnimie Taylor watched many evenings, with a scowl of displeasure, as his sweetheart bent over her knitting. This devotion to gray yarn. In his presAnticience, had become tiresome. pated happy hours were spoiled by Grade's absent-minde- d responses to hU personal conversation for Jimmie was discussing the possibilities of their new home. He hud counted upon his fiancee's enthusiasm and help, as they would plan together (he furnishings of that home which was a goal. But during the stress of wartime Grade had been distrait, indifferent. What could have caused the change? Surely, oh, surely, and Jimmie had caught his breath at the th night, she could not have ceased to care; neither could anyone else have come between them. Night after night, and day after day she had sat at his side here In her mother's comfortable living room, with no intruder to cause him apprehen- "a OT THE Table Satisfaction By AGNES G. BROGAN. OQ IP LEADER BEARRIYERYALLEY mproved Farm Implements ,, " Droau-guagea- v. Every season sees Improvements in all lines of farm implements, and this is no exception. Our stock was never more complete. All the latest labor saving machinery is here. ' nrofit-sharin- 1 FARMING TT FOR PROFIT Can only be successful where efficient machinery is made to take the placet of man's labor. Labor is scarce and high. Make your own labor count for the most $ Bear River Valley Implement Co. S. B. Watmnd, Manager. their labors. The farmer is coming into his own slowly but surely, and we predict tho time is coming when he will cease to bp the object of indifference In matters of legislation or anything else in our a them-"-home- FIRST big manufacturer to tender Ins entire plant, tho largest in the! world, for the use of the government. It is for these reasons that to charge llonry Ford with being an anarchist is a malicious libel per se. We would social system. like to see the sum total of the BENEHe has the power of the ballot in his FITS rendered mankind by any HUNhands, and he will some day use it in DRED of his critics that eqr'al the concert, just as tno union laoor anujR00,i to hi8 feiIow men Rircajy &one other factions are now using it. When , by Mr. Ford. Hie Package Grocery and Lunch Room Groceries, Fresh and Clean est prices. at the low QUICK LUNCH When vou want a quick lunch, come here. Best Food at reasonable prices. CAn1Y AND CONFECTIONARY Cullen&Sercomb . |