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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Our Box Candies are a dream o! beauty and Not only pure and healthful, but a real tonic and tissue builder. II it's Candy, we ' have it. lus-ciousne- ss. "Caught in the ACt" with Peggy Hyland A Comedy-Dram- Satisfying Drinks and Dishes of a Society Bud's Love Adventures. ol the Superior that Characterizes that , WEARS to Our Fountain Doinks and Cold Dishes are a delight ; fresh pro-wholesome, all who try them. Pifi duets only; .are used by us. TRY "SNOW FLAKE" ICE CREAM a It's'a Fox Production Footwear Fop the "Sweet Tooth' Monday and Tuesday ! Quality In view of the high prices in Shoes, good judgment should VERY prompt you to get the BEST goods obtainable. ThompsonScott Drug Co. FoxPictures. Also a Good Comedy H. G. SCOTT, Manager . NIGHT SERVICE CALL Wednesday and Thursday ' Tremonton, Utah PHONE 47 Hrn in many quarters that an article made In some eastern factory ana smppeu hs..winis nf miles was of superior HS "home-mad- e product. quality to the This may be because or tne iaci umi sar "a prophet Is not without honorseems ED in his own country." But it strange to people of othermestates tnai yasi apUtah people have not in Utah-made the virtues of preciated Man in Utah-Mad- e Goods Artffo be poods. In many states, east and west, rrtni. .mods are given the preference Given Preference BecaOp over other products because .of sheer mo.ifthe nualitv is superior. YetIn of Sheer Merit. V Ltnany of us, here at home, persist eastern houses ana oup:MTonizing jjtahr eastern goods, thus Dunumg ui uMnBi4iirfn Are Asking ing 1 1 while our own Home-macommunities eastern to Purchase as a But to get along as left is Not From Patriotism, community Knot it mtiVMatter of Sound Business. is says so" Happily, however, this condition i iu6.-nnuie oi -- vnr rtnh's Permanent Prosperity" fast changing. Manystate are behind of the -- cam n- votj.. Is the slogan around which the mnvomont to insist upon Ltan f the nah Manufacturers asso of foods for Utah people. There is no the for support ciation campaign reason why Utah snouia not Warnina Had Effect. home institutions is being waged. i teased coins- befoVe the. great Industrial state and employ many TToion sire is sensitive when ,,,f.,,,, " maim." of neonle in her factories. about her hair. After patiently listen- people on n strictly business basis and f,ncanHi! oven half the articles pur if sev fac Utah tor .. taunts nlnvtnates' to tn hor support .lebinjr them were Utah-mad- e Utahns as not and e Utah-madchased by goods eral minutes, she became angry tories and use made in Utah) articles to her small foot, and loudly in a matter of loyalty or patriotism, but (referring factories would Utah of reu business. the sound payrolls know "I ise them: goi fnnnpd as a matter of good there would mnnv u times, iTinHv, to bad temper Vtnlr nnd T'se got a In the first place the manufacturers the for products of mem markets goods be given be better match wif It, too. You better that Utah-madak for the more comand prosperity farms tensed any when the isn't Helen they that." ber the preference only ".. inis xnai all of classes, and more. people pare favorably in both quality be created' the may sentiment a the from in of wilii shipped goods conprice if Utah Manufacturers association is outside. Secondly they urge that now Plants Affected by Sun. state-wid- e campaign the ducting r..vmle won d buy Some remarkable variations In plant convince the the manufacturing under way. In order to welfare of structure and color from exposure to goods and build up the that state of the permanent insure would people no ap and the sun at different hours of the das industry ittn all souuht state the the people, of. of loyalty basis a have been brought, to the notice of the ,.coritv on made be millions peal is to bv reason of the fact tliat the Royal Microscopical Society of of the thev are asking the people ui now seiout being dollars of flowers In E. Rawsra. to join the by Col. E. manufactured products would district In the state if the common nasturtium tropaeolum state for movement and to give Utah-mad- e rethe and circulation in here be kept mornwhen more majns the low sun of the early products the preference sult would be more employment, sacrifice the without so do can ing developed yellow coloring matter, they activity and more opportunicamhe middle sun of midday stimulated of either quality or price. The col- - ties for everybody. The successful far and blues been lie violets, purples. has far thus Utah's of paign Since the earliest diiys r of the foliage and lobing. of th i. ,h the hones of the supporters historv Utah people have been urged ' also is every indication that the changed. 'aves there that and because Utah-mad- e goods to buv he beneficial to tne itaie will could we results which in was the only way some and For satisfactory to all concerned. expect to build up the state. has idea prevailed the reason, however, "The Flash ol Fate" with Herbert Rawlinson UIU HUNb supp phons m the World A Storv of the Crookedest Also a Good Comedy American "Alwavs a srood show. Simply Couldn't Be Done. Mother knew several practical gifts were to be given Daniel, so she was preparing him in advance by telling li i 111 he was to be appreciative of practical gifts as well as toys. "But, mother," said the iittle fellow, "my appre ciator isn't so big that I 'an be glad for shoes and such things." Chicago For Outdoor Chess Game. iv!iieh range from two to feet in height. thr. v ami one-haof aluminum, collapsible, and mud in a special trunk, have been psu thi( library of the University to given A Milwaukee mam, now nf Wisconsin dead, designed them for use In' public contests, on large indoor or outdoor flic ,m-n- lf chess boards, with a view to increasing popular interest in the game. Forests of the Caucasus. The forests of the Caucasus in Russia are estimated at 12,000,000 acres, oMefiy in the Black sea territory, is at the rate of neaily twenty vliif-The forests i ei es to each inhabitant. or western Siberia have been scarcely rxniored. but they are stated to he INK) 000.0)0 acres in extent, more than h It twine in an absolute slate of Hooky Mountain Herald. w Everybody - :r We Sell the Best We carry, for the benefit of careful buyers, several lines of standard Shoes Shoes with a reputation that must be sustained. Hence these goods must always be kept UP TO THE STANDARD. This reputation protects every customer of ours who buys these goods. for Merchandise at Face Value liberty Bonds Accepted in Exchange Vic House e e Ltan-mm.- Eng-"lan- buy-at-ho- tm.-,ine- ss Want to Buy Qua itv in Furniture X I Is the Present Day Demand or Sell Land? na-t,- and At United. nf Antwerp's great rise The to commercial prosperity was a No that ol the city's chief artistic production. 'J'ii'names of Quentin Matsys and of ltnliens :ilv specially connected with tlu city, for Ituliens was essentially an Anlwern mnti. although he was not. and Van Dyke, li!:o TenMrs Mid pl'V-rn native of the place. Commerce . so see us. We have city houses of all kinds, lots, dry and irrigated farm lands. We have two modern homes near the heart of Tremonton for sale If Letter No. Six. cheap. TREMONT REALTY CO. With Tremont Coal Co. Tremonton, Utah, July 24, 1919. com- I pletion. We are placing our display. Our. hope is that our store will for You are as Young as You Look. Your eyes will reflect your age more than any other thing. They will make you look much older than are-unle- ss" They are given the proper care. WE SPECIALIZE IN CORRECTING are in a position to meet the demandsbesides our lare supply of old stock, we have just received a shipment of Linoleum and a car of 75 MONARCH RANGES, famous the world-wid- e Range. If you need a new Range, come in and let us explain its qualities over other good stoves. We COME IN! Our new Store is nearing you really f of kAuality prove a profitable investment our patrons and ourselves. Through our ability to buy in larger quantities, we can save money for our ' good customers. Edisons and Columbias are the best of their kind. , No one will , give you better value for your money than EYESTRAIN 4. Our splendid business attests the high standard of our goods and the reasonableness of our prices. Your health depends more on your eyes than vou realize. 1 Tremonton Furniture Co. 3C SHAW & rVERSON ."Beautiful Home Furnishings," Phone No. 14, Tremonton, Utah Where Price A. C. OLSON, and Quality Meet. Manager. PHONE NO. 12 i |