Show S rg 5 ING N G C Mm Mrs Anih my and children will the Hummer at Long Lang Beach l tat Ual tatS til S o S 0 S 0 SIrs Mrs Irs Robert Hort J anti and Miss Mies l are aru In tiny Ulcy will trill spend send nd the summer Mr r and Mm Mrs In 8 11 Ferry and family leave today tuda for Brighton to 10 re rc main during the th t summer summerS r S o S C 0 Major and und Mrs Holley are ore new lIew ir ar arrivals rivals at al tho Ihl th lost t the former the place of o Major A S ri a r retired Miss Lellah arid and Miss Aline Alinn Carter Cartr have returned from SoU Dame Ind where tho the lal r was recently 0 nOd lloyd Park end AIM Miss lIu Mar Margaret Karat garet Park h have hav v gone gona for or a n 5 eral months stay tU on the coast coastS S 0 CS Mrs Cr A McKellar Jr and nd three thre children have hare ha gone gune to io l Loa Lo s Angeles anti and for tor the tho summer Mummer summerS S S 0 S 0 Miss II Margaret Walker and Miss MIa Margaret Dunn aro to arrive tho the first of ot th k to 10 spend the tha sum lUlU summer summer mer merThe S S S The Toronto An Angell gell geil Lulu Lob Ik nn and l ta Leave WIo tonight for tor Park luk ParkS S SC Mr MI and Mrs Archibald Smith find and I their belt h ir is anti and Ada A O remain until full fall Huv lini P 1 A lImpkin will leave lello tulI la to 10 Join his hi for Stir a stay sia lla of ot several Mrs Ir W tV W V Miter inter anti and family leave Iao for California for fill time the Ih 0 Mrs Irs J him returned from froma a 11 visit In anti Rn S o I 0 S 0 Miss II Mary Olive Om ho has gone gono to 10 the Pacific northwest for tor an un stay 11 o 0 0 Mr Ir and amid nd Mrs litH f I B 11 Ii will return today from Crom a 11 months stay ilia In Inthe thus the east o 0 0 Miss Hao nao III s visiting with friends friend In Logan o 0 Ms Miss III runee left I for California going first nr 1 to 10 San Francisco Salt Lakes New Cafeteria I I i 4 5 I 1 Phi Ph to t by It I llah I tali Photo Materials Co Cn a VIEW Vil I W or 01 Oh SS HL s 2 23 I i ht 1st i soi 1 J The Th popularity which this thin now rendezvous for tor Salt Halt Lakes Lake epicures lies hOB ins gained Is II thoroughly merited by bytha b bythe the tha wholesome cleanliness and IOn con ITAI air all of ot respectability rC which pre lire ode ades the entire institution The MOll Hertford nod and camo down from Idl IO to 10 attend Ui the nuptials thin this week C I 0 0 Mrs Mr l IC I Woodruff laugh daugh daughter ter Adelaide and son Hussell leave today to III occupy their c cottage tta 8 at itt frighten Brighton for thu Iho summer rummer summerS S o S Miss Mis 00 Ml Miss s Mine Aline Mo lito Mitten lillian Miss MI fiche lI lo I Parsons tImid uld Miss lU Itose e by Mrs Frank have gone IOno to Brighton where they will occupy the C l I BrookH cot lugo over OAr the tha Fourth of or St July when others will Join tho Iho house hou party part o 0 SC Mr Ir and Mrs I Ii n g lund and fain fam family ily lIy have hn gone Ono to 10 Brighton where they Ih will bo Lo ill nl home In III the tha cottage for the Ih month of ot July Julya o a CS 0 Mr and Mrs P 1 Morris and family and tho thu H It II JI Browne and fam ram family ily lIy have havo gone Konc to spend the tha summer ummer In their cottages In Brighton o 0 Mrs Ir r C 1 K Eo Reilly 1 4 II the tho Misses MineR Joelyn anti Myrtle and MI brother Will leave tho Iho first III I of ot July Jul for tor Long LongBeach hooch Beach for n ii I months montha stay stayS tn S o 0 S Mrs 1119 Nelson Nelon Story anti baby taby lab who have been the guests of Dr null Mrs H HN N Mayo May 0 for tor or several left this week for tor or their homo home In Bozeman Mont M old S S 0 S Alfred J Vorse one of or Delta Colo Cob has haston hasOn ton On n the Ih Mt for several dave of ot Mr Ir and Mrs r Percy Browne BrowneS S o C 0 S 0 Mrs Mra George M Hanson anti son Ion of Washington D C are ore at the tha home borne of or W V II 11 King Xing Kingo S o C S 0 Miss lIa Hannah of Park City ity Is I visiting In SnIt Salt Lake with rela relative lives tive anti and friends o 0 0 States Senator 8 and Mrs need feed Smoot timid Are Bre In the city on their way Va from Washington D ID C to 10 l roo S o I 0 S Mr Mrs I t A Simpkin daughter and tins sans left IH Friday Frida for Santa Monica to 10 mid tImid will later lutor spend several III in Lot itoe La tilt 1110 guest or ur hur hoc guano MI Mr itna aiau Mrs lilts U 1 c u Mr mind itna Mm Mus lItt W T I 1 heusen und anti ik l letl leu this WK to 0 speuld tile III III In th Well U cottage at S S 0 C Mm Mrs J K f 1 and ond tHelia anti and Florence I hurt luft Vv evening corning lor Lot Lo to lu upend Ilia Ihu th summer slimmer o C I 0 S Mr Ir und and Mm Mrs Ira U ii Wines ines will Iu today or thu Iho In III Ogden Cun Canyon ClInon on to 10 the Iho C S I Miss Florence Audi Allot linn hUM returned from tram Chicago to 10 upend spend her hor vacation with her parents le II I II Mr It Il anti and 1 Mr Mrs 1113 a C u 13 f Allen Alien lIen Miss Allen Alien was WI recently graduated with unusual In a IL largo large dugs class of ot law luw students will go next year Mr to Now New York to pursue her hr law studies S 0 S S Mr and Mr Mrs Samuel Love and their I daughter Ida Idla who have hao si sint tour four months In tho the southern part purl of ut Califor California ala nia have ha returned to the tho ell city and will tutu willbo willbe be bo nt tit home to 10 their friends nt lit i 25 vast east Fourth South street after July Jul 4 t S o 5 I 0 Maine Aln will trill be tit lit homo home the first linot lain of or next week neck after atler spending the tho winter In Nevada oada NevadaS S o SI 0 Tho The Misses Mao llao anti Martha William eon KOn hv ho MI th IntI l Williamson will I leave ifA today it i for ii Francisco S S 0 S Mr Ir and Mm Mrs WAllace Hunter left IpU Monday morning for tor the east callI whore where they the will spend about six weeks H Mr Hunter will speak peak at a t n It convention In III Kansas AnAIt City Juno 30 JO after which they thy will travel traYo further east 0 Mr and Mrs Mr Edward Delano will twill he hll hent h hat nt nl apartment 32 3 Bransford for fur this the Ih present |