Show The Th cover design of ot tho the July num number bar ber of ot the tha Juvenile Instructor Is ls II a beautiful work of at art nr representing How low dear to my heart are tho the scenes of my childhood Time Tho frontispiece Is ls II a 0 a splendid portrait of President An Anthon Anthon thon II I Lund Tho The contents Include time the Garden of ele Illustrated by bT C E E Johnson Johnsn a beautiful story Zion Dear Zion by Susa Suca Susn Young Gates Gate a 1111 of ot the th Son Rest Se Dulls by b Howard lown R It It tons by Artist M M ur lL Young Preel President Prel I dent Joseph P F 1 Smith gives timely ad advice vice under the heading of ot Summer Bummer Reflections His Ii article alclo makes refer reference ence to lo excursions and picnics Kub Sab hath bath breaking late lale hours a sane Bae fourth of or July Ju and should bo be b read by byall byal byall all al Saints Saint The Worlds World Sixth Sunday School Schol convention Is II described by Oeo Deo D Ii r and John JohnF F 1 Bennett The Tb Sunday School Schol de do department work for all al parts of or the School Is lii t taken care cre creot of ot and the number Includes include star atom stories starle lee ies le for lor children a II special article on childrens work lor for the le being bing con cn contributed by Marion Marlon A A Claude ClaudeT T Barnes continues continue his hll hi nature stories and ad Jonnie Jennie Mabey concludes conclude her story lIar The I Lure Jure ure of the City The Children Childrens Budget Box Dos Page and ad In Jocular Mood Mo conclude the number which la is I one of ot high merit mert and nd Interest lots rosL |