Show KING REPEALS AN I AUTOMOBILE RULE turnout I 1000 Saturday 1111 new nl reign has baa swept wt away aay one TilE THIS I somewhat ridiculous regulation gay gov governing automobile traIn traffic In H hyde do Park lark For some orn ers ean r owing to the snobbish conduct of ot a certain class rinse or ot au who vho were wr more In evidence during the pioneer lon er days lay of automobiles than Ihan now all automobile automobiles other than elec Itc electrical ere excluded fr tr tn m l hyde de Park between the Iho hours hour or ot tour four and ami seven In lii the III evening liven I en the lie I 1 motors motor had hail to be b specially approved and following approval were liven Riven a star tar without the th they found entrances II to the I park sacred during society hour hours The decree dec though published over oer tho the I nan of ot the First Commissioner ot of I Works ork came from Palace for tor th the lato late lUng King Edward had over a ni detestatIon of ot the th snob and nd he hll rested an eagerness to 10 discover thu the names name nam of ot these snobs snob be who ho despite requests to 10 drive 1011 slowly used to 10 delight dell ht In scorching through thin the park lark horsemen and children with dust That Thai the order has hn ha now no been be n with withdrawn withdrawn drawn dra doe do not mean man that King hing George Gor GorI GeorgeI I loss Its I considerate for tor the te comfort of ot Ih the h p people ople than Ihan hU hll father tal her was LI for tor Ills His Ill Majesty y 1 la is Just as no great r t an enemy nem to 10 snobbery as wa was u the late 1111 King There Is one on class claas or of sport J Orl however hoer which b will not find dod any royal countenance In III the new reign That ThAI li ii the thC t houting or ot orlive live Iho pigeons pigeon from traps trap ills His Majesty hi equerry jurT e declares has hua ncr shot hot at ata atC a C live pigeon In his hIli life or Indeed nay any other bird from a tr trap |