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Show ) .... ' THE JORDAN Sandy City News • fl {VAT/ON-WID£ /NST/Tl/TION- /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES MIDVALE, UTAH Giving the Dollar Its· Just Due You are interested of cour"-'e, in see ing that your dollars are spent where they will bring the greatest returns in quality, quantity and satisfaction. The J. C. PENNEY Company does not underestimate the value of the American dollar. We believe in giving it its just due. That's why every dollar you spend here will bring you a full 100 cents' worth of value, and more, frequently. if based upon what others charge for the same quality of merchandise. Buying for our hundreds of stores, combined with efficient,· economical business methods, assures you quality merchandise at lowest possible prices. MoreFamous House Frocks Are Just Unpacked In This Store To hundreds of thousands of w o m e n all over this country, comes the happy news that a new shipment of our nationally known House Frocks is ready for their selection I New Ginghams Fancy Prints These Frocks are made in ad.. mirable new modes, from fine Amoskeag and Security Ging.. hams and novelty prints. Priced just the same--at Small to Extra Large Sizes 9c to 79c Brown Age 151 The Ariel Orchestra entertained at pansion being carried on by ~s So. Jordan School· a dance in the Son';;h Jodan Amuse- companies. Before long, he says, ga.'> ment hall Friday evening. A large will be distributed in unheard of ! Caro yn Hay, Teacher . crowd was present. The South Jordan Bee Hive GiTls I quantities, over long distances, and at pressures not now considered praca candy pull Wednesday evenA SUPERHEAT INDUSTRY ' Fifteen girls were pres~nt. Five tical. Gas usage in industry is increas iffc~reJn:t kinds of c~mdy were .made everyone had a good time. Floyd W. Parsons ~es the creation ing at the rate of 100 per cent anMiss Pricilla Ostler and Mr. Lyle of a great superheat mdustry as the nually, or 10 times as fast as gas f<>r were married December 23 . , end of the present program of ex- cooking. Meet Me at Booth's Midvale's Big Departmeat Store White Enamel Cooking Utensils PRICED FROM lOc to $1.85 DOUBLE BOILERS DISH PANS WATER BUCKETS SAUCE PANS DIPPERS WASH BASINS MILK PAN S-in fact everything used in the Kitchen SEE OUR WINDOWS Washington Home Furnace Produce• Circulatinr Moiat Heat. Grained maho~rany fin· iah without name plate on outside. Can be inatalled in any horne with or without baee- A TON OF COAL FREE WITH EVERY WASHINGTON HOME FURNACE Which is equal to three or four Good HEATERS and the Home Furnace Saves Coal ment. "No-Thla Is not a Vict.rola" We are Distributo1·s for the Super Heterodyne Radiola And AtWater l{ent Radio ASK ABOUT OUR LIBERAL PLANS SHOCK ABSORBERS ~0 ere. Mrs. R. W. Born was hostess to the Ladies Aid Society. Sewing featured the entertainment. Ltbncheon was served to eighteen. Mr. and Mrs. Lional Hartvigson of Ashton Idaho announce the birth of a son. Mr. Hartvigson was formerly of Sandy. Members of the Bridge club entertained their partners at a banquet Saturday night in the Firemen's Hall. Covers were laid for 24. Games and dancing were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Harrison announce the birth of a son. Mr. W. 0. Boberg is at the L. D. S. Hospital where he underwent an operation. His condition is reported favorable. Mrs. R. White was hostess to the U. Club at her home on Main Street Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Hagander en tertained the Justamere club at their home Tuesday evening. Games were enjoyed and supper served to 24 guests. Mrs. L. E. Van Dam was hostess to the N. B. Club at her home Friday evening. Games were enjoyed and gifts exchanged by members of the club. Supper was served to twenty guests. The Sandy Wards are being represented in the Stake M. I. A. Road Show by numbe1·s from the Mi-lady singers, a Chalk Talk by Mr. Loris Hand, Cartoons drawn by Mr. Carlos Anderson, a dialogue entitled Pttter-Patter by Mr. Lavell Smith and Mr. Earl Smith. The night scheduled for Sandy is Monday, January 18, in the amusement hall. Mr. H. 0. Henderson returned thi~ week from a three weeks trip to Tijuana, Mexico. The Teacher's Trainning Convention was held in the Second Ward chapel Sunday. Music was furnished by the Mi-lady singers. Addresses were given by Dr. Adam S. Bennion and Miss Lidia Harmon of Salt Lake A large crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrl Rasmussen have moved to Midvale to make their home. Mr .and Mrs. A. Hughes and their family were guests of Mrs. Hughes' mother, Mors. J. S. Gillespie of Salt Lake Monday evening, it being her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen have as their guests, Mrs. A. B. Gibson and little daughter Genevieve of Nephi, sister of Mrs. Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walgreen announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. I van Born left .the latter part of the week for Wyoming Nevada and Idaho, in the interest of Broadstreet'~ co~pany. f · • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dewey entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Merell Hand, M. and Mrs. T. A. Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jensen. Saturday evening of last week thr members of the Odd Fellows lodge and the Rebekahs were guests of the Midvale lodge at a program and banquet given at the Midvale lodgt: rooms. Mrs. J. H. Brown and Mrs. J. A. Alcorn were hostesses to the community club at the club rooms at Midvale Wednesday afternoon of last week. The Sea Gull Class of the First ward Primary entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Even Jensen in honor of Phyllis Jensen's birthday anniversary. Games were enjoyed and luncheon served. Miss Berniece Crosgrove, Beatrice Anderson, Juanita Jorgenson, Mamie Eck, Harold Bjork and A. E. Anderson were guests at a party given by Miss Genevieve Day, Henry and J. F. Day of Draper, Friday evening of last week. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Sunday. Mrs. A. T. Williams of Bingham was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Williams Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. L. E. Van Dam entertained at a family dinner Frida) of last week. Covers were laid for 35 guests. Mra. H. Jacobson was hostess to the Pep club at her home Wednesday afternoon of last week. New officers were elected as folows: Mrs. A.. M. Peterson, Pres., Mrs. Clara Anderson Sec., Mrs. Christina Jensen, Mrs. H. Sorenson and· Mrs. H. 0. Hendrickson were admitted af new members. Sewing featured the past-time. A luncheon was served to 20 guests. The First Ward Gleaner Girls entertained their mothers at a banquet in the First Ward chapel Sunday afternoon. Cove•rs were laid llor 35 guests. An interesting program wa~ given. The Sea Gull Class of the First ward Primary entertained at a handkel·chief shower in honor of Mrs. L. Boulter at her home Friday afternoon Games were enjoyed and luncheon served. Mrs. M. Bird entertained in honor of her son Glen's birthday anniversary Tuesday afternoon. Supper was served to 18 guests. MURRAY NOTES Miss Madge Howe has returned home after spending a few days at Ely, Nevada, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Broadbent. Mrs. Broadbent was formerly Miss Hope Gaufin of this city. Mrs. Hugh Ward was hostess .to the members of the Murray Bridge club yesterday afternoon at her home on West 48th South street. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen •of Rock Springs, Wyomjng are visiting at the home of Mrs. Aliens parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Moffat entertained a large number of friends at a watch party New Year's Eve. Mrs. George Jenkins left Wednesday for Idaho Falls, Ida., to spend a few days as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Woods and family. Mrs. Joseph Clyde entertained the members of the N. H. Club Wednesday evening at her home on South State Street. Miss Thelma Hunt entertained the members of the Star Six Club Monday evening at her home West 64 S. The evening was spent in sewing and games. Refreshments were served to six guests Miss Sup-ora Tavoran entertained the members of the triple G Club on Monday evening at her home 367 Ger mania Avenue. The evening was devoted to sewing and ga1mes. Refresh ments were served to fourteen. Mrs. Jack Rugg has returned to her home after spending the holidays in Los Angeles and Seaside, Calif. Miss Lucetta Malstrom will entertain the Star Six Club next Monday. Mr. and Mrs Peter Gordon have re turned home after spending the holidays with relatives at Logan. Mrs. Edgar Lindsay entertained on Saturday afternoon of last week at a bir.thday party in honor of her daughter, Florence, on her seventh anniversary. Tables were set for ten little guests and the time was spent in games. Mrs. Gene Paxtnn entertained a number of children Ml()nday afternoon in honor of her small son, Lester, on his sixth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Abe Gudmunstn gave a party Saturday in honor of her daughter, Helen, on her twelfth birthday anniversary. Mr and Mrs. Burdette Smith, Ml'. and Mrs. Leslie Smi-th, and Miss C. Smith, have returned to their home~ after spending the holidays in L(}S Angeles and San Diego, Calif. Miss Vera Sanders has returned home from Long Beach, Calif. where :-Jhe visited her sister, Mrs. Foster Barrus. Mrs. James Standfield spent Monlay with relatives in Midvale. Miss. Bernice had as her guest on Monday Miss Beatrice Waters of Salt Lake. Mrs. J. SmJth has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Peterson of Salt Lake for the past week. Come and Sit On P A 0 Here is one of the most spectacular melodramas in the history of the screen. A story of love and sa-crifice developed along brand new., lines, and told amid thrilling fights, raging floods, rousing rescues and other big scenes. "Totable Romeo" and "Into The Net'~ Dear Folks: SUNDAY aud MONDAY "The Air Mail" brings you a cargo of love and thrills in an unforgettable setting. It shows you the thrilling crowded life of a mail plane pilot, as he wings through clouds, storms, aerial hold-ups, plane-to-plane battles and red-letter adventure. It's a stirring romance you won't soon forget! B. There. = 5 ''The Air Mail'' E With Warner Baxter, Billie Dove, Mary Brian, Douglas 5 Fail'banks, Jr. Presented by Adolph Zukor, Jesse Lasky. := := :=5,.. COMEDY PATHE NEWS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY .!:: iii ::s a - .. ! ~ r' E E E 5 E -E=: - The Biggest Story Of The World's Most Popular Author. Read the book, see the picture. She has K"iven many very wonderful novels to the world but the most thrilling, the most human, the most dramatic of them all is "THE Few toilet accessories receive hard usage as the hair brush. is theref~re good judgment buy. KEEPER OF THE BEES" At the A GOOD HAIR BRUSH IRIS THEATRE Hand-draWTJ. bristles give the best service. That's the kind you will find in all our best hair brushes. Of Course The bristles in our brushes are selected for quality and there is a wide variety of styles to select from. "The House oi Quality" DELINQUENT NOTICE Job Severson 25 5 22.50 Sandy Canal Company, Principal Job Severson 104 5 22.50 Place of Business, Sandy City, Utah. Job Severson 247 2 9.00. NOTICE W. R. Wellington 285 1 4.51l' There are delinquent upon the folAnd in accordance with law and an lowing described stock on account of order of the board of directors made assessment of $4.50 per share levied on the 23rd day of November, 1925,· on the 23rd day of November, 1925, so many shares of each parcel of su~ the several amounts set opposite the stock as may be necessary will be names of the respective stockholders sold at public am:tion at the office as follows. of the Secretary at the Sandy City Certif. No. of Bank on January 30th, 1926, at two Midvale Utah No. Shares Amt. ~'clock p. m. to pay the delinquent Name 49 20 $90.00 assessment, together witth the cost of Leo Bowers 261 4 18.00 advertising and expense of sale. Leo Bowers 172 1 4.50 W. W. Wilson, Secretary. What is more annoying than to pick Silas L. Brady 277 1 4.50 Date of first publication, Jan 14, 1926 up a paper that contains the very Earl Ferguson 24 2 9.00 Date last publication, Jan. 21, 1926. same news you have read once or Job Severson twice? The news column of the Utah news is fine, because we love to hear about our own state. Many times some news topic of interest to the people of America has been published in the daily papers People have read it and discussed it NICK SOTER, MANAGER thoroughly. Then in about a. week the Jordan . Journal will come out with THE STATE GAS AND SERVICE STATION the same news. Now this is what we • Candies, Cigars, Pool. Oils, Gas, Soft Drinks object to. As the title of the Jordan Tires, Etc., Automobile Supplies Journal suggests it is a local paper for Jordan District news. Now why OPEN DAY AND NIGHT not have the paper what it is? Why Midvale, Utah Main St. at Head of Smelter not get more local news and make , 92 N. Main Street up the paper entirely of Jordan LoIt will pay you to come in and inspect this stock. The goods are made especially for us. We guarantee them to give satisfaction. Midvale Dru& Co. Sam Soter and Company 20 Per Cent Discount On All Sweaters and Lumber Jacks 20 Per Cent Discount On all Silverware oot JOURNAL o. THE LIMITED POCKET BOOK,-IN MIDVALE, UTAH ~~~~~~Ui~~*U~!f*l!*l!~l!*mf:~~}!re~~ffl~*lf*ll~f*l'*ll*lf*lH~i3ffiHj~~~~jp.~~*!!*Jif*l!*lii*!J*~flw.~~mJ1~*! ~ Grace Peterson 8th Grade So. Jordan School Age 14 Carolyn H,ay, Teacher Yes; We Can Still Improve! Did you say the Jordan Journal was a local paper? If so, why not make it one. The Jordan Journal is a fine paper, but it has too much outside news in it. When we receive the Journal we find that it contains muchover newsa~ain that inwethe have read over better cal News? would everyone like the else. paper 1 •,~ and daily naoers. and We so would 5iiiE::::::iiiiiiii;=iiiiiC::.iic==..a::=iiiiiii:~lli!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • |