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Show THE . .._ JORDAN JOURNAL Islands aw visited many places of REPORT MADE TO TilE interest. BANK COMMISSIONER OF THE STATE OF UTAH Mr. ~liam Dimond is suffering Of Th C d' 0 with inifamation of his leg caused by e on Ition f an iti{ury some two weeks ago. The Sandy City Bank located at Sandy City in the County of Willace and Clarence Goodrich, Salt Lake, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 31st day sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Good- of December, 1925. rich were operated on for the removal RESOURCES of their tonsils, last week. Clarence Loans and Discounts . ---····· . . ... .. .............................$ 211,968.38 1,597.03 developed pneumonia and has been Overdrafts ............................................................·-·······················-····--········· very sick ~u~ is much better at the Stocks, Bonds and Securities, Etc. .. ...................................... 34,917.32 3,000.00 pr~~~t J~~~tJ~~tes has gone to Eu- ~f~k~nft ~o~s~ t····-o··..·····d········-····-··········-·······-·-................................. 11,483.48 reka where he will stay indefinitely. ~I ea s a e wne ·················-····-····-····-················-··········· 36,982.59 Mrs. Rose E. Rowsell and Mrs. M. Due from Other Banks ...... ... .. .... ....... ..............- ....- ....... B. Peterson entertained Monday ev- Cash Items ..............................................................,..,_. 559.61 92-50 ening at the home of Rose E. Row- Gold .. . -- ......................... ............................................... sell, in honor of Lorin L. Rowsell · Silver ....................................................................................... 2,144.10 5,221.00 and Eldon Doman, daughter of Mr. Currency .. .. .............. ..................................................... and Mrs. Thomas Doman of Salt Total Cash on Hand, ............................................................................. . 8,017.21 [g) Lake who were married January 6 i~d s:~:l L;:~-c~{~~-~s~~~~~~7:s e:je:;e~e~~ TOTAL ...... - .................................. ....................................................... $ 307,966.011 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PRICES LIABILITIES the following guests: .:\lr. and Mrs. Special on Childs and Misses Shoes for a 20,000.00 M. B. Peterson of Riverton, Mr. and Capital Stock Paid in .............................................................................. 15,000.00 Mrs. E. H. Lowe, Mrs. E. Jorgenson, Surplus Fund ................................. .. .... .......................................... FEW DAYS ONLY 1,274.90 Misses Fay and Vanda Nebaker, Net Undivided Profits ..............................................................- ............ Golden Elk balance with Paracoid sole, Chestnut balMiss Louise Rossie of Salt Lake, Reserved for Taxes and Interest ...................................... - ... .. 1,5oo.oo 1 ~ Misses Marg·urite and LaRue Ern- Reserved for Depreciation ...................- .......................................... 2,500.00 ance, Patent bottom and Tan top, Patent bottom and shaw of Uintah, :\iiss Dorothy Booth Deposits Subject to Check .. __.............. $ 135,017.91 Grey top-Specially priced at $2.25 while they last. of Ogden, Miss Ester Rendlesbough Cashier's Checks ............. .-....-......................... -...... 2,188.73 o~ ~J:1ertfn, ~~rs. Jo~n ~- Be~~s.tead Dividends Unpaid ...................................................... 64.00 Any Size from 8 Yz to 2. These shoes sell regularly ~ixto~ v~/'-unf~n, a~irs. ~illiamar~~~ f~~~~ ¥i~anrfe De~osits .............- ........................................................ 137,270.64 130,420.47 from $2.60 to $3.39. mond and Thelma Dimond, Mr. and POSl S .......................................................................... .. CLAREXCE SCH.\UDT Mrs. John T. Booth and son, Theodore, Mrs. Chrles Webber, Theron TOTAL ........................................................ ..................,.....................-.. $ 307,966.01 •jt We haye hundreds of Kitchen Utensils priced at and Margaret Webber, Mr. and Mrs. State of Utah, only ........................................................................................-.............. 1 Oc Hany Pender, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin County of Salt Lake. Drake, Mr. Franklin Drake, Misseo, A. R. Gardner, being first duly sworn according to law, deSadie Dwight, Veloy Egbert and Er- poses and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that Work Shil'ts, up from ...................................................................... 49c rna Pixton. the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct :\-Ir. and Mrs. Ed Irving will make statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business Michelin Cord Tires, 30 X 3 Yz ............................ ....... $13.85 their home here. They will live at on the 31st day of December, 1925. the Irving home on the Bingham High way. . A. R. GARDNER, • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Egbert, Mr. Subscnbed and swom to before me this 2nd day of January, 1926 . Yards and Yards of Gingham, priced, yd..... ...... 17c and Mrs. Orin Bechtead and MinerWILLIAM W. WILSON, va Egbe1t visited Mr. and Mrs. HerNotary Public. ... Correct Attest: chel Egbert at Riverton Wednesday night. W. W. WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. Herchel Egbe1t of HEBER A. SMITH, RivertHon werEe guests of Mr. and A. M. NELSON. l\1rs. enry gbert Saturday and , .. c~ - ~ .Directors. Sunday. (S }\ · Brooms, $1.25 values .... -·· ..................... ........ ........................... 87c Mr. and Mrs. Mose Dowley of ea l Spanish Fork visited Mr. and Mrs. :My Commission Expires 2nd day of January, 1926. Raisins (seedless), pkg . ..... - ...- ...............- ..............._............... 10c State of Utah, Hyrum Beckstead Saturday. Walnuts (soft shell), lb...........-................-...-................ _........~. 19c Remember the dance Saturda~- Office of the Bank Commissioner. night at the amusement hall. I, Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do Powdered and Brown Sugar, 5 lbs. .............. -···- .. ... . 43c Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Bateman ,Wan- hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy da, Retta and Wilson Bateman at- of the statement of the above named company filed in my office Woods Cross Tomatoes, large, 2 cans -·--·--.........- .... 25c tended a shower at Bennion Ward this 11th day of January, 1926. ' Monday night in honor of Walter SETH PIXTON, Tree Tea, pkg. ....................................................................----................. 29c Wagstaff who departs for a mission Bank Commissioner. next week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorius Pratt of Salt REPORT MADE TO THE Lake are visiting her parents, Mr. BANK COMMISSIONER OF THE STA'fE OF UTAH and Mrs. P. T. Bateman this week. Of The Condition Qf "T'he Midvale State Bank," Located at Midvale in t'he county of Salt Lake, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 31st day CHARLIE of December, 1925. Resources con served to twelve guests. Sc~he nin:t~ . gr~de t of the P~rk Loans and Discounts ............_ ...... ............_.......-.............................$ 482,517.99 1 1,470.39 oe~:,r. a~~-sM~·~~e~~el~:i~o~felT~; par~~ 1~~ter;~~;sda~ !ve~~~~·es~~! ~~~:~:a~t~nd--s--~n·d--.. Sec···U---I·~-t--l:·e...s......E....t..c......................................................... 35,000.00 Mrs. Clyde . first paTt of the evening was spent . • ·" • · -............................................. R... lldon and Mrs. Go~ hen, Mr. and Mrs. Hllton Chap- at Miss Gladys Rasmussen's where ClalmS and Judgments ................. -..................................................._...... 340.00 Henry Egber.t entclta.ined at dinner man ()f F()untain Green were guests games were played. They then Banking House ......................................... ................. -.................................. . 6,634.65 Sunday for Ml·s. A. A. Goff and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor last went to Miss Doris Stay's where a Furniture and Fixtures ...- .....................................................-...- ....-..... 3,074.10 luncheon was served followed by a Other Real Estate Owned ...............................................-...................... . Ester Vincent of Salt Lake Citv. week. 11,107.80 Th~:~n aan~~ ~~:~· W~~~~~e~ot~:~betJ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Egbel't of ~ndh pull at the home of Mr. Walter Due from Othel' Banks .......................................................... ....... -.- 48,833.22 1,755.98 1 ,75 5 -98 ..._ S It L k S t I · Magna were dinner guests of Ml·. ~r.' and Mrs. Clyde Rasmussen of Cash Items --·-·····------........................................................ 445 -00 t:nded athee ~'ir~~:YT~;:~:~g and at- and Mrs. Earl P. Bateman Sunday. Heber Citv were guests of Mr. and G?ld , ............................. -............................................................. Mr. and Mrs. Ch;nles Webber and Mr. J. R. Bateman of Panguitch is Mrs. Ras~u~sen, Sunday. ~llvei ......... .... ...................................................................... 1,604.36 14,133.00 children, Margaret, Theron, Louis and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. W. Westbro()k and child- urrency ..........................._... ----..............--..................... ren of Salt Lake are visiting at the Doris and Rex Jensen 1n.otored to James A. Bateman. Lehi Sunday and spent the day vis- Grace Holtgreen of SaLt ~a~ecyir home of Mrs. Westbrook's parents, Total Cash on Hand ......___ ........ ..... _................ . .................. 17,938.34 10 iting Mrs. Thomas Powell and family lH·ted Saturday and Sunday Wlt a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nichols. Miscellaneous ......................................_.......................... _ ............................. . 230.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christensen aun. The members of the eighth grade !'Ml;!.d fandlilyM of PLrovo wercCh~e~ts of IMl'It'l.htleetlE'l'cT\ehres Aald'evepnlt'eupreasrinogf aGr~anlatl~ ?nngtertatintled hat a pafrtyM_MonAtlufty evBenTOTA.L ....................... -....................................... .... ... --·- .. . ........ $ 607,146.49 . r. !ln " rs. awrence J'lSoensen ,-, · · ; a 1e orne o Jss on Q .. one day last week. pa," to be given soon. berg. Games were played and reLiabilities 35,000.00 ~ Mr. and Mrs. John StE-::.dr, 1 .~n has gobert and Preston Bateman spent freshments served. Capital Stock Paid in ___ ................................._......................,............... 22,000.00 moved to Magna to make their home. four daJ;; of last week in Ogden. Mrs. B. F. Fitzgerald of Salt Lake Sm1Jlus Fund .. ,_ ........................................................._ ...........-......... .. 1,523.80 "Mrs. Lydia Bateman, Ro~s anrl Lu- Mr. Charles ~k_a~ne SJ>ent Mon- visited last week at .the home of her Net Undivided Profits .........................................-................................... .. ,.1, ci!e Bateman and .My•·t'e (, m1iick clay at Garland vtsLhng h1s pa1·e~ts. s-on, Mr. McKinley Fitzgerald. Due to Other Banks ............................................................................... ...... 47,614.03 attended a dinner party at South j Mr. Robel't Bateman of Pangmtch Mrs. Stanley. Rasmussen was hos- Deposits Subject to Check .....-............................. 230,777.38 44 20 Jordan Sunday afternoon, givE·n at Mr. _and Mrs. James A. Bateman and tess to the Sewmg Club at her home Demand Certificates the Palmer home in honor Qf J. F. family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening. Lunch was served C l · ·' Ch k .................................................. 1,508 .·41 · · •· II I>ol·•nll Page at Riverton Saturday to f ·ve guests as Uei S ec s ........................................................... 1 Pa1mer who left f or tl1e mt~sJul ue t ' C i;"f' d Ch k Wednesday, January 13. Covers Sunday evening, Mrs James A. The mem.bel'S of the N. N. 0. B. ~1 . 1 lQ · ec ~ ....................................._........ :............. 12.50 JUST INSTALLED were laid for twelve, aftE.l' which a Bateman awl son, Rebert of Pan- Club were entertained at a candy pull D1v1dends Unprud ...........................................-............ 572.00 GOODYEAR STITCHING MACHINE musical profram was r(;ndered and gui-tch were guests of 1\11', and Mrs. Sunday evening at the home of Miss MIDVALE'S SHOE REBUILDER enjoyed b~· all. I D. M. Todd, Mr. and M1•s. Todd were Isabell Smith. Total Demand Deposits ........................................... ......... - ...... 232,914.49 Best Equipped Sho~ Rebuild.er in South Salt Lake C'.o~nty Miss Rozella Steadman is viR- fonnerly o! Panguitch. -----Time Certificates ............- .............................----·.. 300.00 Shoes Repaired While U Wa1t Your Patronage Appreciated ing he1· sistn·, l\Irs. AI na.1e, Mr. Robert Pixton, Jr., of Venal Rex Crump Herriman School Savings Deposits ........................... -----·--·------·- 267,781.24 Mrs. John Steadman, Mu;, Gc-orge visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Age 13 7th Grade 9 North Main L. A. SUMBOT. Prop. 'l'otal Time Deposits ................. ----... -....................................... .. 268,081.24 12.93 ' -~;.!!!....!!!!::!!!....------...=..:.:.:.....;;;..;;;.:.;.;.;;;.;;;..:;;;.:.....:;~:;.;....-.:;-:. - Dayton of :Magna, :\-Irs. Al. Ro~e and Robert Pixton last week. A. J. Rees, Teacher Cash Over .................................................................................................... .. Mr and Mrs. Gc01·ge Hende1·son, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bodell had as Rozella StE'adman WE're di mer guests ()f Mrs. Rupe1t Silcox at Magna on Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hogan motored their dinner guests Sunday, lith'. and TOTAL ....................................................................................................... $ 607,146.49 · ~Monday. to Bountiful Sunday and were guests Mrs. Mont Hobrwk ~o~nd ctuug'htel·, M1·. Walte1· Rowsell, formel'ly of of MT. and Mrs. James Atkins~n. Bernice of Bountiful, M1•, and Mrs. STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake. . THE BETTER THE FLOUR THE BETI'ER THE this place, left for the mission field Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dahl of llr.hdvale Lquis Chrlstensen and family and Leon L. Olson being first duly sworn accordmg to law, deposes January 6 1 Mr. and Mrs. Soren Dah_l a11d }irs. Delta Peterson of Herriman. BAKING and says that he is Cashier of t~e above named bank; that the Mrs. W. W. Steadman entr rtained David T. Dal]l have ll,!'fived home Mr. and Mrs. Bodell hud as their above and foregoing report contams a full, true and corr~t stateat a pmty Thurscay night in honor fT(}m California where. tl1ey spent guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. ment of the condibion of the said bank at the close of busmess on ()f her dauj;hter, ~Irs. v:Jia J{ich{ml- 1twa weeks vlilitlng relatives and Rife and family and Mr. Rife of · mn. Games were played and lunch 1 friends. They spent a day at Catlena Eureka, Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson the 31st day of December, 1925. Leon L. Olson and Mrs. Hannah Rhode of American Subscribed and sworn to before be this 9th day of January, ~K:>O~K:::>O~K::>O~~~~~O<>O~,. Fork. 1926. Neils Lind Thought and Action Notary Public. Q The greate1t events of an nge a1 (Seal) My commission expires the 12th day of January, 1929. ·ts best thoughts. It Is the nature ' Correct Attest: thought to find Its way Into action. · 'flnvll!e. Dr. W. A. MARSHALL, JOSEPH M. HOLT, ~!IIIililffi1!IDBIDBIDB~l*!IDB[1!1 It is our intention to revise the Journal maHlng list HEBER C. AYLE'IT, within the next thil'ty days. r Directors. A A canvas will be made of the existing subserlbers and . STATE OF UTAH, ~ all unpaid subscriptions will be taken from the list. Office of Bank Commissioner. If you have never tried our Flour in may be difficult for you I, Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner of the State of Uta;'h, do 7\ During this time a subscription price of $1.00 a year A to appreciate what a vast difference flour makes in your hereby certify that the foregoing is a full. true and correct copy ~ will prevail. l!ereatter the policy of stopping the Journal ~ vf the statement of the above named company, filed in my offict A when the subscription expires will be followed. A bakings. The way to prove it is to order a sack today. this 11th day of January 1926. 't-:. We cannot exist without a subscription list preferably ~ SETH PIXTON, • A those who patronize Journal advertisers for therein lies the A ... Bank Commissioner. ~ value of Journal advertising·. ~ Phone Mid. 108 Midvale THE LUCIN CUTOFF Many miles of dreary, tiring train-~ DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY? A Jane Nelson 8th Grade 1riding is turned, as if by magic, t o ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : IS A WEERL Y NEWSP APEU AN ASSET TO THE Draper Pa1·k Schooi Age 131 miles and hours of exciting sensa- ing and feel the thrill of "going to sen, their teacher. They clubed to-COMMUNI'rY? · A. Laura Shepherd, Teacher Iti()ns which are supp!ied easiest w~en sea by rail." -----gether and gave her a beautiful preThe Lucin Cut<>ff, which is built there is a strong wmd. The wmd WILL YOU COOPERATI<:; WITH US TO MAKE IT ~ Age 14 ·sent. She had to stop teaching beacross the Great Salt Lake of Utah, ihurls the waves high over and against Nathaniel Crane is very popular. Many people from Ithe trains, it seems, at times, ~s Herriman School 8th Grade cau~ her health is 'l'ai.ling her. . ~ BETTER'? Q other states are anxious to see it. The j though the trains must be thro~ A. J. ~cese, Tea~her M1ss Cora ~utterf1eld ent_ertam~d X The Jordan Puhli~hing- Company, bw. A cutoff however was not built as a off the track. The Sec()nd mntermedJ.ate Sunday a number of fnends last cvemng. 1''1!' ~ Midvale, Utah ~ · wonder. It w~s built to make the i Many people come from a-far to School class of Herriman, met Friday jtime. was spent in playing 1·ook and lffiB[1JffiillllijffiBilliJ[1jllliJilliJffiBl*Jl*Jffillrailroad shorter. isee this wonderful feat of engineer- evening and surprised Mrs. Mary Jen making candy. >{}K.:>(l~K::>O..c:::>Q~><::::>t.IJ<:>UK::>OJ<::>{)K:>O~~~~ Sehmidt and Kmee to Meet in Wrestling Match Friday Night 1 - ' Quality Merchandise at Bargain Prices "::J' , Groceries - - DRAPER West Jordan Midvale ;;d Utah 1 u • ' .. • I -~~ Notice To - Subcribers DANCE West Jordan Amusement HaJI ~ sate' Jan. 16 Merrymakers Orchestra West Jordan Milling Co. I I |