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Show .. '-- ER OF THE BEES," TUESDAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JANUARY 19 20 21. IRIS THEATRE - SOUTH SALT LAKE COUNTY IS A GOOD AND Spend Your Dollar at~Home nurna -· f HE:~~;E ~:OT .MIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, MIDVALE :Jordan Ag. B JANUARY 14, 1926. and Boost! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 t RAILROADS VS. BUSSES IS . h SportN 0 Jordan HIg QUESTION OF IMPORTANCE es .. The Literary Section of the Community Club will present a program Tooele Defeats Beetdiggers in TOOE LE at the meeting which will be held <Jn League Opener -..... ! 0 0 z ·····-················-.......... rf ames, J men es? Yes, you pay your direct taxes business and Merchants Wednesday afternoon of- nex.t week. 4 2 12 ········-5 ·-·-·-····-... ................. If Tate, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Miller a nd th roughout the United States are hail to the federal state and local gov----~.---~----~----~~ 2 0 0 ! ··-····-····-··········-.. .. ···---· c kin, At journeyJ or dan High Bask eteers childr~n were guests at a family din!'GENE -~ ed t o Tooele Friday t o open the 1926 Knapp, c ........................- ..............3 0 0 6 ing the bus and truck ~ maAkiLng a emment, but ~hat about that big inMr. Ardath Price, and his stockner given Sunday by Mrs. W. W. O'. most new era in transportation. where t hey were i Dodds, rg ................·-·-··· . . - ....0 0 O 0 over night, a vast system of bus::;es direct tax whic~ keeps the wheels of judging team entered the contest at Brien at the home of Mrs. W. T. Yin- hasket ball season, 0 0 0 0 -..... -.......... ...................... lg Nelson, 26 a of end short the take to froced the Ogden stock show and as usual 0 4 and trucks has sprung into existence. government gomg? ever written of cent of Sandy. 1 won high~>nors. George Bush, AlThe Ladies Aid held their regular to 18 score. The first half ended 10 ' Smith, r f ···---····-·-····-·····-.............. 2 with theBusses and trucks have an impor-~ Think this over. In 1924, Class 1 luncheon Thursday at the M. E. Com- to 3 for Tooele. den Miller 'and J os€ph Smith r-epre- geous 5 2 26. tant part in our trasportation sys- r ailroads of this country paid federal ·-····-··--·---··--12 .......... als Tot urious f and fast a was game The munity Church The hostesses were sented the High School, while Stuart ocea~ Ref eree, Woody Romney; Umpire1 tel?, but ..the " mush-room:• gr~wth of •state and local taxes am<>unting to affair fr om start to finish, the new Mrs. J. J. Landers, Mrs. E. J. KnowSaunders, Frank Pierson and Einor scree~ this trafhc has re~ulted m eVIls t~at $340,342,067, a huge sum, more than f ur - Bill Maughn. Sm.elterites the of gymnasium les, Mrs. R. Huffman ami Mrs. Wm. Higili School Gene ~ Jordan Preston J ordan Second lost ,t o T ooele in the are now threatenm~ t~e pros~~ty $3 for every man, woman and child in nished ample room for r eal basket Lake work Salt Mutch. Students .~presented at present curtain raiser by the score of 20 to 9. of every town a nd c1ty m the Umteu this country. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Anderson have ball. The only draw back County in the club section, Altogether 1 Call's To pay this huge tax, it has been . . floor. he t of iness slipper the ts 1The Beetdigger Dings couldn't stand States. returned from a visit to the Coast. 1~0 high school teams and 7 club Co., Almost w1thout regul~tion ~d con estimated that the railroads were Both teams had diff icult locating 1up on t he slippery f loor and therefore ess host was Townsend H. D. Mrs. market teams contested. trol, they are competing Wlth the compelled to use the earning from a chance. · to members of the Wesew Club on the basket , Jordan doing almost no didn't have The Beetdiggers landed fourth that ' railroll;ds on UNFAIR . terms and are 135,000 locomotives, 1,250,000 freight comsquad Sophomore dan or J he T the of end he t near until scoring Wednesday afternoon at her h01me on place in the high school class. Alden have menacmg the econoffilc structure of cars 30 000 passenger coaches and Refreshments were ga,m.e when a det ermined s purt car- pleted a disast rous week for Jordan our nation. T~ousands of railroad men 825 ,000 ~mployees. First Avenue. Miller winning the third place ribet b all when they lost two Bask in the but lead he t to near them ried 1 served t o eight bon for individual honors Alden is What does this mean to the merhe battle 'too close ga mes in the East High Gym on have been ..;ud off as a result of . the Mrs. W. S. Metz of Salt Lake was final whistle ended t also $2.50 richer because of his to the business m.an '/ Hel'e is chant, mto trucks ~nd busses the of inroads 23 a was game first The . Thur.-;day high was points 12 a guest Friday of last week of Mrs. soon. Tate with "'knowledge of stock. . a concrete example: the revenues of the :ailroads. game second the while affair 19 to 11 with Jensen and Tooele for man W. F . Wanberg. The County team won first place The Boston & Albany Railroads T.hrough the unfair advantage glVto do Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Sy- points led the Beetdig ger.s in scor- ended 15 to 14. The boys hope and $25.00 besides which Frank Pier through Canaan, N . Y., a town runs pay they that fact the by them en !better this week against West. lvan Dunn entertained at a f amily ing. son won third and Einor Peterson little tax_es and are. able to ()pera_te having a population of 1,085. In 1924 in tonight Murray plays ordan J : lineups The dinner honoring her mother, Mr:;;. second individual honors. These boys the second league game, Murray lost on the highways built by. the pubhc, the Boston & Albany paid as its JORDAN ~~ Chas. Hobbs of Murray, on her birthmade ~5.00 and $7.50 respectively. t~ Granite 17 .to . 12 F rida!'. Repor ts busses and tru~ks ar e t.aking the pas- share of Canaan's ta..x bill, $16,133.88 1 TP F FT G .. were guests Special annivesary. day The ""tounty team had a score of give Murray cred1t f or haVIng a snap- se~ger and fre1ght busmess from the nearly 54 per cent of the town's en, 11 1 3 5 ... ··-·· .. ·-···-·-·-··········· -.. rf ensen, J Mrs. D. F. Cahoon of Murray and 846 against 845 for the high school tire taxes and almost $16 for every . py team, so the game promises to rrulroads. . 41 0 1 2 .. ..... ·····-----····-······ St uart, If Mrs. Eugene Kimball. team. Mr. Busmess Man: The regulation man, woman and child in Canaan. of out keep to. fight thrilling a be 2 0 2 1 -.. -... ··-·············-····-···-c son, Lar he t tained enter Miller P. H. Mrs. The contest was especially diffi·---·· ·-····-····-·-·-0 1 1 1 1the cellar. A dance wtll follow the and control of the busses a~d trucks Yet the Boston and Albany had only members of her bir thday club and Jaoobsen, c cult t~ year, each boy having to ·--··-·--·-·0 4 0 0 . g ame. The second teams of the two DOES CONCERN Y~U: It Js YOUR its right of way, side tracks, a freight --··-·-.. -.. g r , Greer their pal"tners Monday evening at her judge in four classes, breeding sheep; ..·-··--·--0 1 0 0 1schools will meet Friday after school problem as much as 1t LS that of the and passenger depot in that town. -·-···-·-····-· lg ennings, J Street. Main North on home breeding beef heifers; breeding sows What did it mean to the merchants - - -- - , instead of before the first team game r ailroad employee and the road on . Mrs. Geo. A. Eldridge of Salt Lake and dairy cattle. Canaan? It meant that the resiof . works. he which etofore. her as ' 18 2 12 8 .... _ ... _ .......................... ls Tota spent Monday in M\dvale the guest After the contest the boys were T he prosperity ()f o.ur nat10n d~s dents of Canaan had just $16,000 Kimball. Eugene Mrs. of ~ntertained at dinner at the Ogden depend on th~ prospenty. of our rall- more to spend' for food, for clothing Paekin¥ Plant. Here the judges gave oads. There IS no substitute for the and for luxuries. Every business r f2illl*J~~§ t%{f2illf2illf2ill~~~f2illf2illlmJf2illlii~~~~~f2ill~~ !~e~~ ~~~i~:!· Ph~~~~r~~Ie~~e~as! them some good pointers on stockrailroad~ for they are the ()n~y ".all man, every merchant whether he sold club Republican women's the of ing judging and made the awards. weather ' ,m eans. ()f commuruca~I~n butter and eggs nr wallpaper, shared which was held in Salt Lake. Mrs. Mr. Martineau, the county a&lrifr~m the Atlantic to .the P.acific. in that $!6,000. Phelps reports that plans are under cultural agent, who entered the counConfining the question to a dollar W.Ithout. them the . busmess life of way f()r holding a Count y Day later ty team congratulated the club team cents viewpoint and without conand die. would nation th1s 1926 in the season in which members f r om 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on its fine showing. He will •rr..ake Mr. Merchant, who pays y<Jur tax- sidering the railroad's service to the Midvale, Murray and Sandy will par the awards at the school in the near town, the fact that the Boston & The Har vard University glee club ing popular singers and orchestras ticipate. Par.ticulars will be announc·~ future. Albany ran its trains through Canaan SUMMAR Y OF DECEMBER wit hdrew irom the inter-collegiate and . advertising have c1·eated a large there will be ed later. It is not likely did not oost those good people one of type this for demand popular the because choruses male for contest REPORT Mr. week, last of evening Saturday corn any wide-sp ead sho ge of seed red penny. Instead, it meant money THE FIRST SE'ITLERS OF of 926, but it is ex- and Mrs. K. A. Ca1·lson were dinner song chosen for t he contest number song. This demand has been met by in the spri The December production in the Sec in their pocket, and if you were a MIDVALE tremely like says th,e United States guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Beck- was lig ht " senti,m.ental music." The more and more light music till now merchant in Canaan, it meant money Glee club of t he University of Utah the market is flooded and the people Department o A griculture, that many stead of Salt Lake. ond Utah Intern1ountain Egg-laying to you. have Men it. with saturated are have Giles Professor by directed as H. Mrs. and Mr. evening, Tuesday Midvale School individual f rm r ~ent Miller The same situation exists in every E. Phelps joined Mr. and Mrs. C. f or t his season, a program consist- made their money, but the people Contest was very, very good. The av7th Grade tire communitie Joseph Haskins M. Hendrickson of Draper and Dr. ing e nt irely of the higher class of have been robbed of the enjoyment erage production for each of the 240 town where a railroad operates. No seed corn o,n wh . Miss Peterson, .Teach~r and Mrs. J. H. Brown of Sandy and music. People are H~g.llinin g to de- and intellectual growth they might pullets for November and December matter where you have your store or Brigham Young beheved I~ bu1Td- will not ~l)w. is eight eggs more than last year. in what city you have your business enjoyed the perfonmance at the P an- mand better music and especially have had. ing up the country thru agriculture of many lot of s Good music as been crowded out This heavy pro<luction has been ob- jhouse, the railroads are paying a plll't better choral music. And th o some ta&-es, followed by a late supper . and manufacturing. So in the early indicate tha t he Mrs. Neils Lind has returned f r om would say, " Let the people have that of its place, but its worth it too great tained in spite of the fact that fowl of your tax bill and releasing thoufifties, he sent Millwright Archibald of much of he visiting her daughters in Los Angeles which t hey want," and "That which for it to stay in the background. Good cholera has been presen.t.. In one s~-~ sands of dollars to be spent across Gardner to this section .of the cou~- the low tern erat the public demands is the most need- music is ever- was ever the :truly tion of the contest building, and m your counters. California try to build a flour mill. He bwlt in October f ore Mrs. Sylvan Dunn r eturned early ed and t he best;"' thus upholding popula:r music and its coming back! addition twenty-four pullest still had 1 Another exa~ple :. There_ are two the mill on the west side of the thoroughly. The The Sandy Third Ward choir is a record of 0 (zem) at the end of De- railroads operatmg m the city of Co~ Jordan River. It is _k_nown to-day. as says, the d artm .t, is to find out last week from · a visit with her sis- "popular " m usic they can be answera concert to be given in cember. These pullets were either lonie, N. Y., which has a popu1abl>n planning Garof g Nordber E. Roy when Mrs. hat, t ter, fact a is It easily: ed will seed the not or whethe now Company. ~hlhng Jordan ~- ~he Wes~ immature o1· had been laying heavily of 10,196. In 1924, these railroads February. chance, a given is music good eally r field. , Followi.n.g Archibald Gardner, the grow and, i not, get some that will The "Mel-{)-Dee" Singers .male and the shipping, change of food, eli· paid a total tax of $25,911.17 to ColoA meeting of the entertainment it needs no "shove," it goes over, it next families to come were Zack Cut- while ther e · ple~ty of time before nie or more than ()Tie-fourth of the c::ommittee of t he Commu'nity Club is its own excuse for being. People chorus of Sandy are again ready to mate, etc., caused them to molt. ler, David Drown and Josiah Arnold. planting. tax bill. city's ' Veterinary the of Fredrick J. H. Dr. in are They engagements. of consider home he t at Tuesday held was But popular. truly becomes it it, enjoy Where t es They built dug-{)uts on the eastern at the germina so called " popul ar" music is not al- the work for t he joy of it and for the Science Department, reached the con- ~ The busses and trucks through unbanks of the Jordan River instead of tion of corn i r it will pro- Ml's. H . P. Miller. Saturday of last week, Mr . and ways really t h e choice of the people. good they can do. They make no clusion early iu December that .t he fair competition have made serious on the West side. They lived in dug- bably be be in seed f r om. outs for protection from the Indians. some other here, however Mr s. W. S. Met z of Salt Lake were Because there is money in it, men charge for their program. They will trouble among the hens in one section inroads into the business of the railinary germina- dinner guest s of Mr and Mrs. Leo M. have put a "gaudy", "showy", tinsely be available for any occasion if suf- of the contest building was unquest- roads. In 1924, the .Missouri Pacific Soon other people followed and it is found ionably fowl cholera. A very stren- lost $1,000,000 in l'evenue in Missouri t~e grew up a small village with tion test e of t he ears Kemp. Later in t he evening Mr . and music on t he .market and t h ro bribe- ficient notice is given them. ous effort has been made to clear up alone as a result of this competition. it's center in the western part of in the lot it may be bet- Mrs. Marvin J ensen and Mr. and Mrs. Busses and trucks ()perate on the this trouble, and the treatment, THE GREAT LUCI N CUTOFF 1 s for planting w. F. Wanberg were guests at the ·· what is. now Midvale.. Tht:; houses ter to get cleaning, disinfection, etc. undoubted- highway built by taxation and wl\ ch were bullt of adobe With dirt roofs by careful don appear- Kemp home. ly has checked production in some of the railroad have helped build and 8th Grade Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Smith have Car oline Kimball an~ were located near the river so mination t est Age 141 Charlie Kmee comes from the south the entries and caused a rather heavy which their money today helps mainr eturned from a r ecent visit with r e- Draper Park School , that the people could get water. with a reputation that few can equal. percentage of the pullets to stop lay- tain. The busse.s and trucks pay but Miss Laura Shepherd Farming was the only occupation ll latives in Califurnia. raised crop chief the as grain with About f ifty years ago t he Union Pa He is to meet Clarence Schmidt of ing and go into a molt. Eight entries little for the use of the highways. Mrs. Eugene Kimball was a g uest · f ast (Nos. 17 to 24) are in this section of These roads must be kept up with The first store was built on the out m or e F riday ·o f last week at a luncheon cific Railroad was built we~t "' from Union, a young grappler wh o 1s the building, and twenty-five pullets public money and from all parts. of South west corner of Main and Center a large dia- g iven by Mrs. Geo. A. E Id re dge at Omaha and the Central Pacific f r om San Francisco. When they reached com.ing to the top, in a finish wrestl- have died in these entries. Ir, the the country there is an outcry against Street where the new hospital is now tightly pac-k-. her home in Salt Lake. Mrs. J . A. Alcorn enter tained at S alt Lake Valley in !868, Great Salt ing match at Goff's hall in Midvale other sixteen entries only three pul- the increasing cost of maintenance of are less located. lets have died, none of which fhowed these highways Lake barred the way. So they built Friday, January 15 at 8:15 p. m. Soon a post office, kno\\'11 as the b y the cards Wednesday evening. Let this fact sink in: Kmee is the champion middle- any symptoms of this tr()uble. The Mrs. H. E. Phelps was a guest on around to the north of the lake. As West Jordan post office was built The business and t1·ucks do not pay Thursday of Mrs. C.. M. Hemh·ic~son t ime went, engines were made Jarg- weight of Col?rado and is recogniz disease has been very fatol-75 to of Draper at h er birthday anmver - er and the f reight cars could carr y ed by all leadmg promoters. He can 0 per cent of those noticeably affect- a ta..'< .to the towns through which they YE OLDE TIME DANCES AT ed have died, most of them within a operate. They use city streets and RENDEZVOUS POPULAn more and wher e one train ran a day~' furnis~ credentials t~at h e has nev sary entertainme~t. o few days after laying. The heavy stat e hig,hways for their 0\\'11 gain Mrs. H. P. Miller was hostess t o a dozen now run. T hese trains climb- met With defeat durmg the past o seemed to be more sue- ·~rithout paying fair taxes for the uped over Pr()motory Mountain notih years and feels every bit confident layers her card club Monday afternoon. Manager Fred Reese, of the Renthan the poor layers or those keep of these roads and streets. The M. I. A. Road Show given on <Jf Great Salt Lake forty-three miles that he will add Schmidt to is lis~ cepti dezvous reports that tlhe old time If busses and trucks force the Bosno aying. It is. hoped that this has A story is told of I<mee .and ' Tuesday evening at the ward amuse- out of the ~ay. dance for older people went over big en comEJhly checked and that ton & Albany to abandon its line de- Greek ho wrestleth!t Denver, a num last Tuesday night and will con:tinue to escape ment hall was largely attended a nd f The Southern Pacific Railro ·tt be n~ further losses. The through Canaan that town would lose each Tuesday evening with Buxton's cases. A ger- pr oved to be a well arranged and cided to bUild a cut-off overland and ber o montlis ago. Kmee was booked ~ Ittee decided that since not only the $16,000 in taxes th~t it t hroug}i w ter from Lucin to O ~den. 'to ~et the Greek in ll; finish matcli. contest c orchestra in the hole. Remember the selected from highly en tertaining progran:. next dance, with Buxton's, January ·e (t;le b idge of thirty-{)ne and one ri\.f~r a number o~ mmutes ?f f~t the .s es came so early in the year now receives, but would be forced to A t~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Enckson whether <Jr affected only a few entries that pay more taxes to maintain t he roads Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J ack T ho - ha lf miles was to be built . Of tha w~rk, the Greek picked Kmee up ln the 19th. the owners would be allowed to re- for the busses and trucks needed to son of Salt Lake were t he guests of t hi -one a d one-half miles througli -an Airplane h old and threw him Also the dances formerly held on ing place the bh·ds lost by cholera. Some carry on transportation in that distheir parents, ~r. and Mrs. W. G. water, t w ty were to be a solid the mat will all force a.nd t Friday evening !have been change d to Denver of the birds have b€en replaced and trict. T,he busses and trucks would Wednesday to avoid conflicting with an examina· Woodhead of M1dvalt , last Sunday. bridge of r ck and ear th sixteen feet himself on top hustffig second fall othe.rs may be within the next few not pay a cent of ta..xes to Canaan. Miss Hazel Farme1·\and Miss Pearl wide at t h top and s~venteen feet man quite bad . n two or more other entertainments. ng after a brief days. All birds arriving for replace- THAT FACT IS TRUE IN EVERY ack K.mee ca made first. Allsop entertained a~ a shower for above wate ,... And so we have dances for the old tus · , Kmee got a hold ment are placed in quarantine for ten TOWN AND CITY IN THIS COUNLumberm n from Oregon, Texas perio "and young, the new and the old time across the Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Pug~re at the s ankles and started days to two weeks before being plac- TRY! e Gr dances Tuesday and Wednesday of been killed home of Mrs. Al P~gmire. Games and Califor ia were asked for their o There is scarcely a village through ·m around kno\\'11 as the ed in the contest pens whirlin itl:f reauEtlllY turns dark and dancing were enjqyed and a late best lumbe for frame work on t each week. Choose your night and 1• Entry No. 10. owned by Le Rey which a railroad operates that does -go-round". The Greek lost all eel "m "-d~.,...,..nr.•~- Ears luncheon served to 40 uests. Out-of- gr eat trestl bridge. The larg enjoy yourself on Utah's finest floor. se of direction, when he woke up Turpin <Jf Murray, Utah holds first not have one or more employees of a ds of appearance town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred .mills of t h east shipped c , e found himself in Kmee's pet hold place with a record of 436 eggs. This that railroad liivng in it. For every t he cutbut should Smith and Mr. and Mrs. H orace great heavy rails to m The meeting at the Ward House ork -the hammer lock. He was so badly same entry also won first place for d()llar that the railroad takes in as er e set through water. Me t hem will Smith of Salt Lake Sunday a.t 2 p. m. will be in charge drill- frightened that he would not come the month with a record of 217 eggs revenue, nearly 50 cents is paid out e Mount · at H agup and the germs of the Boy Scouts, with A. A. Anderson, Scout Executive Timpanagos rock f()r back for the final fall. Nothing could and also high pullet for the month a gain as wages. Every dollar lost to g earth ing and bla CARD PARTY PLANNED jury is not with a record of twenty-seven eggs. busses and trucks means a smaller induce the Greek to come back. athway th o g h water. t he soli , that Council as the principal speaker. re used in the\ Schmidt perhaps has not quite such H. Grant Ivins owns the high pullet wage bill and fewer men needed to piles E Next Wednesday evening , J anuary ears should bridge. if put lengthwise, ;to a reputation but has met a number of to date with a record of fifty-one eggs man the railroads. test and Jake Patrick Darrel Beckst ead good men such a Art Smertz, Pet t 20• a.t Goff's Hall, t he entertainment each from Chicago t o Buff a lo. · Remember, Mr. Merchant, idle men 7-B Grade Midvale School can no committee of the Community C Charles M. Schwab believes "the can not buy groceries, clothing or Teacher, Mrs. Gregory November 13, 1903 ended one of Allis, Max Glover of Portland, Carl rty. ~arm, t ry ha.s arranged t o give a ca rd American people ought to be the hap- your service. There is hardly a railBefore White settler s came, this picked be-~ Tickets will be SOc, procee 0 go to the greatest engineer feats that has Steffenhagen, the weight lifter and t aken place in Utah. Enough power number of others. Those that have piest people in the world," be<:au,-e road in this country that has not felt = w as a vast area of sag e brush, ne1iA~bo1rin~ . fa1'1 m1. th e Community Club tr sury. h osen in order is saved by t he Lucin Cut-Off to seen him wrestle are pleased with his unprecedented prosperity is here, and the effect of unfair competition and m the wf' . ~ . wood and cactus, with a few The evening was the end is not in sight. Every train the future looks bright. eotton wood tree s along the streams seed .and t o allow the &-entlemen to participate. carry a man fou r bundred times be- speed and science. "For the past 20 years," he says, taken ()ff means more idle men. It For the past five month, Schmidt which made their way from the n earArrangements are ma de to accomo- tween New York and San Francisco. leic11E~Il11e11t.t st ations h as been training privately with his "our railroads have had a very se- means less money to be spent with by canyons. . . ..,.,,,.".... ' with regard d:~.te those who wish t o drop in f or The Indians who roamed this vala social hour and r ef reshments.. Mrs. . Commiss1oner and .Mrs. E. L Bur- training partner, William Babcock of vere drubbing. TJJ.ey have been re- you. Regulation of trucks and busses Ily were so iierce that the fir:;t white K. A. Carlson is in charge of t he en- gon announce t he .arnval of a daugh- Salt Lake City who will meet Gor- gulated almost to death. But the~· ter at the h ome .m West J ordan on dan Buck, a 184 pound man. A good h ave su rvived all attacks upon them does concern YOU, Mr. Merchant. It tertainment. Mr. Howard, s ..ttlers had to live in dug-outs on the preliminary will be given in connec- and all the regulation they have re- is a dollar and cents question with Wednesday mormng. banks of the Jordan Rivert to keep vale branch qf The annual dir ectors meetin g of tion with these bouts. The hallwill ceived. And today something very every business man in this country. transferred to !A:rri PII W~ind out of sight. :the Midvale State Bank was h eld on be ready and t he doors will be open important is happening. The public Lend your efforts in putting th(' bus NOTICE The main sport of these Indians morning f ?r his Tuesday of t his week a t t he bank. at 7:30 p. m. Friday night. The cur- is beginning to realize that in our 1and truck on a fair competitive ba~;'l deputy The arand bow with buffalo arkilling was American railroad system they have !with the raHroads. Give your railroad The annual director s meeting of tain will go up at 8:15 p. m. The Baby Clinic conducted by the created row and sometimes in large traps. 1rest s today Admission- f irst 5 rows, 35 cents; the greatest railroad plant with the patrons a square deal by backing bootlegging Midvale Health Center will be discon- the Jordan "Publishing Compan y was The meat of the animals was their ' quite a for tinued until the early part of March. in the office of the company, 1A6 N. / r ing-side, 75 cents and other seats at greatest efficiency, of any country in them in their fight for fair legislaf?ji; the hide was used for making char g<>. We Ition. the world." Mrs. Walter Nord, Chairman. Main Street, Monday\ J anuary 11th. 25 cents. fear it m.ay cl<Jfues. -High in Stoc I I I l 'J JORDAN MUSIC Boxing' and Wrestling J - -· I I I |