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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL - Riverton Union EAST MIDVALE TheJordan Journal - ----------! NOTicE oF FoREcLosuRE ---- - --- --- ~ffiB!iffi1111!ilil1111lliil~lliBliliffiRI11li&UilillillffiB:iillmBEIDI*II*IffiBffiB!lli * IGNORANCE OF THE LAW Notice is hereby given that b\..cerMiss Daisy Milne was a guest on tain Chattel Mo1tgage Issued Every Thursday by Miss Thursa Berrett was a week- Thursday evening of Miss Ivy Hall Mrs.Alberta Beratto entertained at delivel·ed by George .R. Gygi, Louise Inc. Company, PublishingJordan The Lake. Salt of of Brady Eva Mrs. of visitor end son, her of honor in party birthday M. Gygi, J ..H. Francom, and Louisa TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Mr. Ben Sainsbury of Shelly, IdaldwiJ!l, on Tuesday afternoon. Games Bingham. We have a few copies of the Revised Ordinances of Midvale Announcement is made of the ma.r- ho was a week-end guest of Mr. and One year ·--------------····-··-··-··-···-·-·-··--· $1.50 S. Francom, dated the 26th day of played and luncheon served to City, 1925, on hand. March, 1925, and filed for record in rlage of Miss Lucy Anderson and Mrs. Tom Sainsbury. .nri;.y guests. Offi 178 Midvale Telephone M he f . 1 The S· M· G. G1r1s. o t We will close these out at $1.98 per book, bound in paper, ce of the County Recorder of t 1e utua 1 and Mil's. Thomas P. Page en- Earl Roy Jones of Murray. The maras 1925, 26, gave a banquet and party Saturday Entered at the postoffice at Midvale Salt Lake County, Mardh · D k' $2.98 bound in Buckram. Jer'taillled at dinner Sunday in honor · their sons and daughters and their r~aMge ta Jdng place ealy m ecember. evening at the ho:l'..e of Mrs. Gwen City, Utah, as second-class matter. file Number 4895, Document Number Order now before the Supply is Exhausted 5:11118, will, pursuant to the provisr. an Mrs. Horace Burgon re- Greenwood in honor of their retlrCovers were laid for 65. ions thereof, be foreclosed by a sale Mr. and Mrs. William Neff enter- turned home Saturday from Califor- ing teacher, Mrs. Goldie Soffe. A NATIONAL RADIO FADING JORDAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. STARTS FEBRUARY 9 of the properties in said mortgage and Mr. and Mrs. Neff and Mr. nia. They report a perfectly wonder- beautiful fountain pen was presentMidvale, Utah hereinafter described, at the front doo 1• I . ed to . Mrs. Soffe by the girls as a Mrs. Stanley Neff of Crescent ful trip of the store building of Page-Hansen of esteem and a four cour.:;e Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson and token dinner on Sunday. Dates for the National te~ts of "-Jl" d .,_ M . d Company at Riverton, Salt Lake Coun ~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~liill~~~~~~~~~ rs. u... t 1e iMr. and. Mrs. T. L. Densley enter- family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ander- mner was serve liV ty, State of Utah, nt the hour of one causthe :tai:ned at a Radio concert on Sunday son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Soffe Miss Mildred Lennberg Miss radio reception to determine and Mrs. Clifford Sadler and family, Mr. and Mrs Olif Johnson Hazel Lennberg Mrs. Sarah Go1l, es of static and fading were annaunc- o'clock P. M. on FriLlay the 22nd day R. C. Bills of Salt Lake, Miss and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. A- Miss Grace Middleton, Miss Mabe, ed today aftet· 4,000 of the 4,500 de- of January, 1U26, to satisfy the a!\tORE THAN 7,000 HOURS ON Miss Fern Larson, Mrs. signated· ob~ervation stations had ex- t>•ount due upon such mortgage on th<! Butterfield, Mr and Mrs. Golden mos and Mrs. Emma Reymers were Gustavison, h . CONTINUOUS HEAT EQUAL daJ• ·of sudh sale. guests Sunday at a family dinner 01 Ive S arp, Mrs. Terease Millerberg DEmsley and Miss Jessie Bills. TO OVER 30 YEAHS' The properties f!e;;cribed in such and Mrs. Jof;eph Densley an- which was held at the home of Mr. Miss Vorlette Sharp, Mrs. Given pressed a willingne;o;s to take part in ORDINARY USE the survey, which is b•'ing conducted mortgage and which will be sold to Greenwood. :.Oun4=e the birbh of a baby girl on and Mrs. James Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Milne were by the Stewarj,lWarner Speedometer satisfy the same, are described a~ folMr. and Mrs. Merritt Rigby of Last )larch, well-known electrical enCorporatiOil in cooperation with the lows to wit: • Sugar City, Idaho were dinner guests Lehi visitors Sunday. gineer,; of one of America's noted in!!r. and Mrs. C. M. Nokes have Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Sam BeckPrinters equipment and type more Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 1Malst1<om Northwestern University. The first to Salt Lake to make their home. stead. stitutions put a Sunbeam Iron on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett and test will be held on the night of Feb- :specifically as follows: lf.r. and Mrs. Roscoe Sorensen en- Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Brady and Mrs. G. A. Anderson and Mrs. Lizzie ruary 9th, from 8 to 11 o'cl-ock cen 1 1Ux15 P. U. S. Press (Wt. 1650 lbs.) test. This iron was taken from stoclc, ~tertaine~ at dinner on Sunday in bonfamily were dinner guests Sunday Jensen returned last week from Cal- tral standard time. The second and 1 1-3 H. P. Kimble 1\fotor and it has been running continuously of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Freeman of Mr and Mrs. Curtis Brady. ifornia. They all report a lovely trip. third will be on the two succeeding 1 Lead Cutter; No. :.;o American ever since that time. It has discolored Salt Lake. Covers were laid fo1· Miss Beatrice Simpers attended nights at the sane hours. Sub~equen• 1 Imposing Stone 2' x 3'. Mrs. Nephi Gregory was a weekfrom the constant red heat but otherend guest of Mr. and Mrs. George the C. Y. C. Club which was held trials will be held throughout the 60 Cases. wise it is working perfectiy, and is Thursday evening at the home of winter, should the <lata obtained in- 1 Punch. Wright of Bingham. Mrs. Vera Knowles of Tracy, Cal- Miss Marjorie Healys of Murray. dicate that real progreRs in a search 1 6 inch planer. still going strong. Mrs. Golda Soffe was hostess on for the cauRes of these two major 1 3x5 Mallett. ifornia was a guest 1Thursday of Mr. 1 Benzine Bru~h. Wednesday to members of the Unity radio annoyances is pos;;ible. and Mrs. Hyrum Brady. It has now been on full heat well over Miss Ruth Dansie of Herriman No. 10 Furniture Case. 1 It was orginally planned to hoi<~ Miss Lulu Stockham former resi- Club. The regular business of th" 7,000 hours. That is equivalent to last Wednesday as guest of dent of Union and Mr. Merritt Rig- club was attended to and a dainty these tests in January, but owing to l Lead and slug casL~. about 30 years' use in the average Rheahel Butterfield. by of Sugar City, Irlaho, were mar- luncheon was served to Mrs. Otill<. tne international te~ts ~chedule<l for 5 Jbs. 3 point brass rule. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sorensen and ried Wednesday in the Salt Lake Brown of Salt Lake Mrs. Cal'l'ie that month it was decided to hold the G lbs. 8 point spaces and quads. home. :talllUJ.y were dinner guests a.t the Temple. Coomber, Mrs. Alice Burgon, Ma·s. faling and static tests at a later date . 1 Perforator (Lathatn 24") .ao:me of G H. Dansie on Sunday. When this iron will give out, no one Most of the observations will be 4 case stands (2 single) (1 double) Berrett and Mrs. Rachel For Jessie of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Thompson 'Mr. Ridha.rd Withers and son, Leknows. made by broadcast ii;;tcner:; usin6 1 Boston Stapler. Provo were dinner guests Sunday bush. left Monday for Sugar City, of in.) 1·2 (22 Cutter Paper I Miss Margie Morbush submitted standard receiving set.. all(! depending Mr. and Mrs. David Smart. ~be1:-e they wil visit for several days. We cite this to indicate that all we Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Brady had to an operation for the removal 01 for the accuracy of th ir reports up- 1 8 inch. proof planer. Mrs. W. 0. Page entertained at a say of the wonderful quality of the on their own ear~. How<'ver, to in- 1 quart benzine can. Mr. tonsils l<~riday of last week Sunday, gue;;ts dinner their as CDart.v in honor of Mrs. Gwynne Page Sunbeam heating unit is warranted. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bateman were sure the scientific accuracv of the re- 1 10x2 ~~ S-tar stick and Mrs. Glenn Milne. home of Mrs. Gwynne Page. It covers the whole sole plate, too, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steadman of dinner guests Saturday of Mr. ami Rule, twenty control ~;tations equip 1 15x2~ S-tar stick. nwun,.._m was rendered. Games were small. cases, rule 3 tle"J·ce~ llloasuJ'J·ncr elc'Ctl'I·cal with ped Lake. Salt of Beckstead Lee Mrs. 'th d S 'ted . and so is a fitting unit for the best • - 5 Ibs. 2 point brass l'ule " ' 'I1he ' following formed a dancing and refreshments served to West J or dan VlSl un ay Wl electric iron of all time. and automatic recorders will be placd Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Erickson. twenty-five guests. quads and space,;; point 6 lbs. 5 cenbroadcasting principal the in eel Audi.torium Mr. and Mrs. Evan Evans had as party an attended the .Mrs. R. C. Bills of Salt Lake spent 5 lbs. 10 point space;; and quads their dinner guests T-hursday even- Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. W. ters of the covntry last week at the home of her daugh- ing, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and A. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 5 lbs. 12 point spaceo and quads. ter, Mrs. 'I1homas L. Densley. 5 lbs. 18 point spaces and quads daughters, Edna and Lucy of South Thomas and Mr and Mrs. Charles Mr. Elmer Bills of Dividend spent 5 lbs. 30 point spaces and quads. TAXATION FREE FROM Cottonwood and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Dalll. week end with his paents, Mr. Evans l font 48 point spaces ~;nd quads. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald of Sandy • Mrs. Ezra L. Bills. THE IRON OF IRONS PARTISIAN POLITIC'~ 1 font 72 point spaces and quads. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson had 50 lbs. 6 point slugs. Oliver very pleasantly sur- and Mrs. P. J. Rock of Salt Lake. ~ their guests Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Florence The House is receiving hearty com- 3 fonts dark copper plate Gothic, 12 pt Mrs. A. H. Rock attended the Go!prised her at her home Monday. ::GIIolTll~ Vanderveen. Community singing was led by Mrs. den wedding celebration of Mr. and mendation by the press fol' its action 1 font Gothic, 6 point. Pearl Green. A very social time Mrs. James Cahoon which was held in so quickly passing the new tax 1 font 18 point Cloi:.ter Italic was spent and dinner was served to in the Murray FirstWard amusement bill. The Kansas City Star l'ay$: "The l font 30 point Cloister Italic House, which originated the measure, 1 font 48 point Cloister Italic THE HIDDEN TREASURE Mrs. Florence Oliver, Mrs. Emma hall Saturday of last week. itts various ~ecttions and l font 36 point Cloister Italic considered as had Dahl Charles Mrs. Mr. and Crittenden and daughtes, Betty and Age 12 Bessie, Mrs. Bessie Olson, Mrs. Car- their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and finally passed it without pa1tis:an 1 font 72 point Cloister Italic Hand. bickering. For once a tax measm·c 1 font 18 point Waldorf Text . Grade 7-B rie Johnson, Mrs. Hilda Smart, Mrs. Mrs. Francis Lundberg of Union. Sandy School Mrs. K. Carlson of Midvale visit-" was handled as all tax measures 3 fonts Light Coppe1· plate GotJhic 6 pt Teacller, Miss Winn Anna Jensen, Mrs. Alice Burgon The Seventh B English club is and daughter, Reva, Mrs. Chloe ed Thursday with Mrs. Orrel Bate- should be handled." 1 font Light Copper plate Gothic 18 pt to work up a play called lbs. 2 point 40 em leads. 5 James and son, Allen, Mrs. Martha DUlD. Treasure!''. This play Stied and dau&~hter, Helen, Mrs. 1 font 18 point Antique. Miss Rozilla Pate who has spent the winter in Provo returned home when worked up wilT be presented in 1 font Cloister 0. S. Pearl Green, Mrs. Dessie Kemp, Mrs. last week. of the other grades. 1 font 10 point Cloister 0. S. Mary Smart, Mrs. Ethel Graham and 1 font 18 point Cloister 0. S. Mrs. Velera Osborn of Salt Lake daughter, Daris, Mrs. Mary Freeman Mrs. Laura Anderson, Mrs. Eunice visited Thursday with Mrs. Beatrice FOR RENT---4-room house. Apply, 1 font 36 point CloUer 0. S. Bennett. Jensen, Mrs. Mary Walker and daugh J. W. Booth, Booth 1\Ierc. Co., Mid- 1 font 60 point Cloister 0. S. 1 font 6 point Cloister Italic Mr. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace te, Loris Mrs. Annie Severson, Mrs. vale, Utah. 1 font 10 point Cloister Italic Cox Jack Mrs. Cox, E. W. Mrs. Carrie Coomber, Mrs. Ruth Olive~ and a to listened Palmer font 14 point Cloister Italic 1 Gladys Mrs. and Mrs. Belle Cole. FOR SHOE REPAIRING, Harnes~ • Mrs. Lyman Crittenden entertain- radio concert Sunday evening at the Stitching and Auto Curtain Repairs, 5 lbs. 14 point Cloi::;ter Italic home of Mrs. M. J. Thornton. call at J. Dw;ght, West Jordan. 5 lbs. 24 point Cloir,ter Italic Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Malstrom ed the Relief Society Ofl.icers at her J-12-26 51 lbs. 36 point Cloister Italic. Fir:>t Class workmanship home Monday evening. Refreshments SAVINGS POINTS were guests Sunday evening of Mr. were served. 1 font 60 point Cloister Italic. FIRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. 50 lbs. 2 point leads. and Mrs. N ells Nelson. THE WAY Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Vera MalSee H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. 2 fonts dark copper plaLe Gothic 6 pL. Nothing will point the way strom of Sandy visited Sunday with tf 1 font dark copper plate Gothic, 24 pt. Midvale 36. Sharp. Geneva Mrs. SITUATIO:!\ THE AGRICULTURE 1 font Gothic, 12 point. to success like the guiding The East Midvale Primary Presi- FOR RENT OR SALE-Unfurnished 1 font 24 point Cloister Italic. "Following a prolonged period of dency entertained all the officers and 4-room terrace. Call Was. 2793. 1 font ::!6 pomt Clol::ter Italic hand of a Savings Account extreme depression, American agri- .teachers and their partners at a so203 1st Ave., off Locu~t St., Mid· 1 font 24 point Cloister Bold in this strong bank. We culture again finds itself on a basi~ cial Friday evening at the home of tf 1 font '18 point Clot:;ter Bold vale. approaching economic equality witr Mrs. Ethel Millerberg on Union ave1 font 14 point Waldorf Text have done everything posother industries, occupations and pro- n'Ue. Music and games were the WANTED-RAGS, 4 cents per pound Text Waldorf point 24 font 1 at Journal Plant. Clean cotton. fessions, as measured by the all-con- main features of the evening. Re~ sibel to make saving easy, -! font::; light copper ]:>late Gothic 12 pt trolling standard of comparative freshments were served to twenty W AINTED 'fO LEASE-Equipped 1 font light copper plate Gothic 24 J..l•· convenient and profitable..... price levels. Our zeal to proceed up- four, including Bishop and Mrs. Wifranch on percentage basis, by ex- 5 lbs. 6 point 40 em slugs. readjustment on the theory that this Iiam T. Belliston of Murray, First perienced ranchman. Phone, Midvale 1 font 5 pt. Cloister 0. S. You must tal{e the initial willl be permanent is tempered by Ward. 178 or inquire at 130 No. Main St. 1 font 8 pt. Cloister 0. S. memories of previous experience, b:, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Olson attended step, or otherwbe our efMidvale. Mr. Tu1Ier. 1 font 14 pt. Cloiste1· 0. S. study of precedents ,and by observa- a dancing social given by Mrs. forts toward helping you tion of present trends such as havr Arthur Burrows Monday at her home FOR SALE-S RooJ;J1 Hou~e and gar- 2 fonts 24 point Cloister 0. S. S. 0. Cloi::;ter point 48 fonts 2 caused agriculture distress in th~ in Salt Lake age-38 3rd Avenue. Inquire at th( 1 font 72 point Cloister 0. S. are useless. Drop in any confiour reaffirming While past. her as has Malstrom John Mrs. 1-30 1 font 8 point Cloi r Italic house for price and terms. WHEN YOU LEND A MAN MONEY time and talk it over with TO TIDE HIM OVER, HE DOESN'T dence in the ultimate stability of this guest, her sister, Mrs. Hilda Peter- FOR SALE-Child's B·•<i, Vacuun' 1 font 12 point Cloister Italic. propel it consider we industry, basic Garland. of son ChPap Cupboard. Buffet Cleaner, ALWAYS COME UP WITH THE 5 fonts 12 point Goudy Bold. us. and timely to call attention to some Mrs. George Millerberg has as her 560 East Center St., Midvale, Tele 4 fonts 10 point Modern Homan TIDE Statetrends."-Opening of these guests Thursday, Mr. and Ms. J. P. 1t 2 fonts 12 point Modern Roman phone Midvale 103-M. DEPENDABLE SERVICE AT LOW ment of Declarations by American Terry of Salt Lake and Mrs. Geo. J fonts 8 point Modern Roman. Farm Congress Round Table Con- Andrews and family of Magna. COST fonts 6 point Modern Roman 3 Mrs. T. B. Margetts of Salt Lake ference. fonts 8 point Modern Italic .3 We are always glad to serye you. entertained a number of friends on 6 point Caslon Bold font.:; 5 Thursday. Mrs. Effie Olson was a Come in and let us install an 8 point Caslon Bold fonts 4 special guest. CONSTRUCTIVE PUBLIC EXIDE BATTERY point Caslon Bold 15 font 1 One of the most interesting meetATTITUDE MEANS SOUND IN YOUR CAR point Caslon Bold 18 fonts 5 BUSINESS CONDITIONS ings of the Relief Society Sisten's are be!n~ quickly sold to manufacterPrs point Caslon Bold 24 fonts 3 was held Tuesday afternoon with and capit..~llsts. Goudy Light point 6 fonts 5 If you have an Invention, eeu<t us a ''The apparent change in attitud( Mrs. A.. E. Burgon complimenting mode! or sketches for seurch and report Light. Goudy point 8 font 1 on patentability. of many national legislators, parti· the fact that her son, Harold ha;, 2 fonts 10 point Goudy Light Our book on patents and trade-marks cularly with reference to economy in been in .the mission field in South4 fonts 12 point Goudy Light administration and more espeeiall~ ern States about a year. The work 4 fonts 14 point Goudy Ligl'nt. taxation, and the decisi-ons of the Su- and business hour was effectively car 1 font 18 point Goudy Light. preme Court concerning business, ried out followed by a short program C. D. fonts 24 point Goudy Light. 2 Washington, Sts., E. & 7th showing a disposition to assist legi- A reading by Mrs. A. Christiansen, Established In 'i 889. 30 point Goudy Light. fonts 2 timate business, have created a feel- duet, Ethel Millerburg and E. Olson, point Goudy Light. 36 fonts 2 ing of confidence on the part of in- ;reading, Jennie McDonald! solo by W ctlding Text. point 12 font 1 vestors,"says E. H. Gary of U. S. Rachel Forbush and chorus; ExperWedding Text. point 24 font 1 ience in California by Mrs. 0 E. JenSteel Co!,'poration. said property is locatwhich of All sen and Mrs. W. A. Garrett. A bufadjoining the store building the in ed fet luncheon was served to: Mrs. NATIONAL WESTERN of Page-Hanse:n Company at the place France Lennburg, Mrs. D. W. MeDonGives Best HONESTY AND INTEGRITY STOCK SHOW of business used by the Jordan PrintBRING SUCCESS aid, Mrs. W. A. Garrett, Mrs. Rachel No Coolcing Requirecl. DENVER, COLORADO ing Company and may )le examined Forbush, Mrs. M. Johnson, M1·s. L. thereat by persons interested therein. January 16 to 23, 1926 Mrs. Kresser, MTs. E. Millerberg Said mortgage wall given to secure President Walter S. Gifford, of the Mrs. Selma Malstrom, Mrs. A. ButSpecial Rates Via American Telephone and Telegraph terfield, Mrs. Mamie Tholan, MJ,·s. a note in the prineipr.l sum of $1024.63 DENVER & RIO GRANDE dated March 26, 1925, and bearing incompany, says that one of the rea- Edith. Glover, Mrs. Ebbie Olson, Mrs. WESTERN RAILROAD sons why there has been a bettering Lizzie Jensen, Mrs. Emma Greenterest at 8 per cent. That there is ROUNDTRIP FARE of business ethics among corpora- Greenwood, Miss Mary James and due on said note and mortgage at the tions is that they have learned that Mrs. Hilda Peterson of Garland was time of the first publication of thi~ $30.08 in the long run scrupulous honesty n11tice, the sum of $788.04. a special guest. A purse of $11.45 Tickets on sale January 14 and integrity are the best rules of .was affectionately contributed .to IDAHO ENTERPRISE to 18. Return trip must be And order it large enough so you may serve it cold for success. While big business has been PUBLISHING COMPANY. him in wished luck good and Harold startoriginal to completed straining to earn popular approval, Date of first publication, Jan. 7, ;1.926. later meals. It saves both time and expense on your part.~ his faithful labors. ing point by midnight of the country generally has gradually Date of last publication, Jan. 14, 1926. January 26, 1926. No stopbeen laying aside the assumption that ov~nJ. big business was bad merely because 7th Grade Sandy School Excellent _program of LiveHerriman School it was big. Large business units John Bowles Jan. 8 '26 Hansen Evelyn stock Judgiqg, Pure-Bred 8th Grade have been able to effect great eoon- Age 14 surpriseo was Jensen Carol Miss Livestock Sales, and Boys' A. J. Rees, Teacher omies in production, and these have 11-t l}er home, January 2. 192~. Games Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. and Girls' Club DemonstraMr. and Mrs. T. Bodell announce been passed on to the ultimate purwere enjjQyed a~d refreshments servtions. Matinees, Thursday, chaser. In the long run, therefore, the birth of a daughte1·, Thursday. ed to tengirls. The p!l.rty was given Friday and Saturday of Miss Isabell Butterfield of Herribig business is seen not as a menace Midvale, U~ah the Sandy Third m,rd flee I:Uv~ by Brilliant Week. Show at Class Junior the I Ceo*- St. _ PbODe: Mid. 272 but as an important factor in improv- man entertained girls. ht. ni ever Show Horse evening. Monday last party a living. o.f standard average the ing Midvale, Utah executed,~d IS NQ EX CU S£ - . - • WANT ADS West Jordan Lumber Co. FULLER PEP .. --~~ --e Midvale State Bank o:tosWfFT Aco. Bohemian Hop-Flavored PURITAN MALT Results Buy a Roast for Tomorrow - 0 & E Electric Service M,.. Comer Meat &Grocery J ... |