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Show .COMIC Our Pet Proved . Safe by miDiqns and prescribed by physicians fot Neuralgia Headache Pla~n.e Cq1ds Pain N~uritis Toothache !;'irectorie. The Bell Tete booe sy tem last ) ear published- aimo t 25 000,000 co&M••s ot 2 000 dlff nt f)tlr c ories at a cust ot ppro m I:r $10,000,000. The lgb d 00 629,000 pountis pap r u ed and requtred 26 eolia trains 61 25 ears each to haul It trom the mnls. The paper co t $2,400 ()()(). • WELL• tr~ AWFot.L.V GoOOI Or:"'VOU ~· YoULL W411& 1b aN our AND <M" A. :trrAK- I W~ Ju:ff Gon'IIGJ To HAVE A l>ICI<'JP .:!Sl)PPEQ ,BUT NOw- Lumbago Rheumatism Live• Saved by Parrot A parrot hl<·h had ne,·er tl&.lked probably saved trom inJuli' or death roemb~rs ot the famil~ of B. M. C rn, of 0 kland C ty, Ind., when awake e4 to lind his home on fire, with the flames making such headway titat tbe7 threatened to prev nt escape ot 10ns In bedroom .-lad! n poli Ne1n,. Says Dlncerous Varicose eins • Can Be Reduced at Hgae RultGeatJ,. d Upwal'dTowanl the H.n as Blood in Veins Way. Flowa n..t If' you or any relative or friends are worried because ot varicose veliJS, or buncheS. the be t adv.ice ~t anye»:ae In tlils world -can g e 1011 Is to ask yo-qr ,druggl t tor an original two- tl OU ttunce bottle- ot' Moo,ne's E d (tull strength) and apply n gbt oll , enlafled morning to tlte e tbat 87 veins. ~n ~u wil and the ~t. are growing mal • ment should be con lnue un veins are of norm 1 size. So aid 0 tratlng and powerful Is that eyen Plles are 'qu1cklJ bsorbe4. Your dru~st sell lots ot lt. Sam'• Trouble The Wrong IC.nowletlge Sam Johnslng and h gfrl VIctrola Jackson were perambulating along the! boulevard on Saturday n!ght 'W~f'n they met a handsome younc color•'il lady who g ve !;jam a very vlclo11 look. VIctrola noticed tlie kkik 'lnd demanded : ''Who's dat woman dat looked at you Je'l' as It sha own~t you? YolJIIle cwtoe hab er hard time eXp).alnln' tt!r JD8 who she Is, Sam· JohnsJng." TO th& Satfl blurted out: "l'ze gwlne hab M beap-lot Jta~r time tomorrer night ~atQID' t() her ho you ls,..- tb famous dergyman, said on his ~ty fourth btrthl;l!lY at Lake PI cld : "The young know too much, an that It's the rong kind of know! Even' Htt children no~ad ys"A schoolteacher chalked the Roman nume'tals XXX on 'the bl ck beat:'d. " 'What does that mean, child nf.' lihe aak~ "The Ia ot children glgtrle4 .. a shoe~ wlf7, and a little clrl piped: Dr. Obarles H. Parkhurs "fJtltBes.'" Exc}.lange ~t :thin partitions sense As a drtlll~ Wife thlnketh, so he Is. thought ~vld,.-Pope. - for A Terribk Sbodt cfaUy prepared for Infants in Rei..- It Yoar..UI BIDJa (teatWag Ids wl- • drl1rtio.._ liltt~bJ~fBI~tiDJit4~!ial! Beleqe .tb« datc!JI ~·t~,c o.fll· tb~&~ddtjl-. d~tcli I B1 lfe..o-.Don't be 81Uy lOt hold of It I |