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Show • Vol.2 No.41 Midvale City, Utah March 10, 1927. TH OF MUSIC DEPT TO OREN GIVE ARECITAL ·MIDVALE CITY MEETS SPRING I AU dtizeu of vale City are ~ to respond fuUy and earnestly to ])roposed riag Cl an Up campaipt as now being planned by th City and various civ ie organizations. Midvale City tlli'U from the boistrous · burly-burly of the embraces of Old King Winter to meet the breeze swept advent of Miss Spring with a hearty wish to make her streets and buildings a proper complement to the beau ·es nature will soon paint on tree~ shrub and flower. As a proper keeper of the southern gateway to Salt Lake Uty, the Scenic Center of America, beautiful Midvale City wishes to have her streets, buildings and fixtures of kinds reflect cleanliness and cheer. Midvale City is the Hub of a great pas~ a splendid present, and the Land of a Great To-morrow. She must fill that place worthily, and can not do so without the spick and spaa appearance through6ut that will reflect her appreciation of her position on the erou roads of the world. Rally, Midvale City to the caD of your City Govemment fer a city beautiful, splendid, a true re tion of your wish to be a real city of cleanliness, sightliness and bQstling prosperity for visitor, resident and tourist. Violin Solo, "Indian Dawu" Virwin?.qlll!f· CN!alul Depaq L. L. Lar- ia Perry; vocal10lo ".RoMI of Picar· rtra oaee .. lnldor clJ" But.h LoJWJi trombone 10lo "CarlWM barel7 •'ned toa Pelka" Danel auilteaen; vocal ..... fa..tl7 ot IOlo "PiclrnlnnJ Lullaby'' Violet Grey - · il...... llllleYed to ... ib)da· clarinet 10lo "ADpla s.enade" Stan.• , :1-.~,J'II. .IMtb' plaGid Ga . . .t. ley Bailey; •ocal aolo "By the Waters r,.~-~~~-ltarted of Mirmetonka" Either Home; violin Yed tllelr do "Selected " Tbe!'Wl Nielaon. two elder Pet.enoa voeal .tiOio "J.aJ MJ ~ Beneatil a __ _ 10, aDd Melba, 0. at· Roae" Glad78 RasmU88en; vocal aolo, Nt tM food, tJieT C!OIIIl· ·•Heart Tooe~~" Fem Beebteu; vocal W::" tiM! . . t .... lnY7 ...... solo "I Lo•e A Little Cottage' Duel -~-.. JQxed awa;r tbelr pia• • Crane; aaxophone "Sax Princesa' Neprt)...(....iir. • taaHoc tbe food. put bella Smith; vocal10lo "Love Senda a ~~--._,.· ...... ...._ tbe jlortlou trvm LiW. Gift of Roaea" Stella Wooten; tiMt tawtl;r IDllhiDc rlolin aolo "Serenade" George OnderJlllltllllel, bread aDd butson; Yteal10lo "CUpid" Gladya RundI quiat; Yiolin duet "The Dainty PriD-• • • • U.. JDMl tbe father, ...... II~ Stone and Rae Freeman; wlilo teepe a cow tromboM eole "Keet lie WheN the ..... ADderiOII Lanteru Glow" Lioael Ganide; vocal ~!*'•~to tlk u.e wtth duet " ea,.Utua Nipta" Kable :drow ·~·-· Mlowllla Wm. Bllwe lae 1ot and Ora Pate. ._. .. an . ·•IIIII•-.... , . ,.m ..-. ... • ealled .. ....... ..,. wu llet. W1aeR .......... .., lnlrrled ... lad· ,-1_, lid Ia AI lle bed, . . of the ........ tbat babJ Ken- .,.-nlcd...._ F4CTS ABOUT THE . CHAIN STORES The retailen who complain about the chain-store busiDesa seem to forget that in practically all cases the heails of the large and successful cb•ins were at one time retail merchanta operating one store, said Luigi Crisc~lo, of Merrill, Lynch & Oo.,• leading New York 1bankers, in the New York Times of February 13th, in reply {o a recent addresa of Edward A. Filene, tbe Boston Merchant, before the annuaL convention of the Interstate Kerchanb' Council in Chicago Mr. Criscuolo took issue with Mr. Suoscrintion $1.00 Year MIDVALE BAND OPENS SEASON ... J. E. FORDHAM· ON BUYING TRIP WAlKER FAMILY HOLD REUNION ST. PATRICKS DAY CARD PARTY - - · - .... ..,., l'rldef aJL ~doeiE .....ill at tena1 t iJid eo.. tenal eul;r. 'llle OD a Order cal Kqlel ltl ot Aproa aod ar,l'eO!rilllillft'tD9ttell a...., Otetall dllllftlll at tllelr baiL Tbe puborder wbe are TfsltiDI Jn lie II laYited to watell tbe Murray M .M ....IId fiMI wort a belli If tiN ~. ..,.. ,.. partlealan. _ . drnlal NOW OCCUPIED Arrangements are complete for the Robert Patience, a member of the organization of the Midvale t:ity band contracting firm of Patience and Anfor the year 1927. derson, enticed the Journal editor to Bandmaster Wm. M. Cox announces the scene of the old Imperial Hall on that through the cooperation of the Smelter Street last week to look over city o:Mcials, funds are available for the new apartments recently build financing his band this year. · there out of the walls, etc., of the old He desires that the members of the dance hall. band meet at the City Hall Saturday Every optomist a~ well as every afternoon at 4 o'clock for the initial pessimist within Midvale and surrehearsal of the season. rounding territory should take the Several citizens have asked about time to visit this job. getting their bqa and tgirls into the Taking the. floor and brkk walls of organization. Baildmaster Cox desires the old familiar building that withthat the Journal !broadcast the news stood the dancing strains of many winconcerning the first rehearsal Satur- ters and as many summers, this enday afternoon and all persons whether terprising firm, with the cooperation old or new members, are requested to of other financial interests in Midvale, be present. has modeled eight apartments as good A C. G. Conn E flat bass horn has or maybe a little better than anything lleen contracted for and will make a now existing in Midvale. valuable addition to the band this seaEach apartment has a living room, son. a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom, The matter of purchasing new uni- clothes closets, etc., with all the neeforms is also up for discussion again. essary built in features. Mr. Cox propo~s to give some preOf course, the floors are hardwood, season concerts in order to raise funds since the old dance floor was utilized. to purchase the needed uniforms. Duralite was used around the sinks No town is alive without a band! and in the bathrooms Spacious cupLet's give Bandmaster Cox and hilJ boards were provided. Individual loyal organization the support they coal compartments were provided in deserve and Midvale will have a band the basements. second to none in _towns of its class • Cement sidewalks have been placed around the bJJilding and porticos are in the State of Utah. now being built in front of each apart ment. Stucco was used to advantage on the outside of the building and the entire project is receiving a coat of paint at the present time. We do not hesitate in saying that these apartments are as fine a product ¥r. J. Eugene Fordham ~urned as any red blooded American would recently from an extensive buying trip want to make his home in. to Los Angeles and other coast points. Much to the distraction of the pesMr. Fordham announces that he has simists, all of them were rented long purehaaed large amounts and numer- ago and there has been constant presous varieties of shrubs, ornamental sure brought to bear to get them ready trees, and all kinds of nursery stock for occupancy. for his many Utah patrons. This week the last family will move In this issue of the Journal-Eagle in and the apartments hQuse will be you will find an advertisement from one hundred per cent occupied. the Fordham Nurseries, located in the And another thing worth noting: City of Sandy, just across the street every family occupying these premises from the Sandy City Bank. comes from outside of Midvale, hence we have eight more families in Midvale. Mr. Patience also states with pride that all material and labor, so far as possible, was purchased in Midvale. Now, the owners are looki~g for a suitable name for this new institution. The reunion of the Walker family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra L. Bills, on-Thursday. A turkey dinner waa aerved to Mrs. Agnes Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Bills, .Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Newman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols and family, Misa Deana Madsen, Mrs. Beatrice Howard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Boweli! and family, Miss Hazel Crane, and Mias Marjorie Butterfield, of Herriman, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Quilment and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver and son, of Union. Mrs. Lizzie Panter, of Salt Lake and Miss Utahria Shields, of South Jordan. Games were played and music was enjoyed and a late supper was served. The movies were enjoyed in the evening. Be 81Ift aod attead the WedDelday ~-. 01101:& 01' BAQLBS atPt ....... of the ...... llaale b;r ButN Oft'lteatra. A peel time for INEW APARTMENTS rrhursday afternoon of next week at Goff's Hall the Community Club will conduct a card party. Tables may be purchased for $1.00 each or indiridual places for 25 cents It is expeded the attendance will be large. TJw;, entertainment committee it1 in charge ef the affair. Preparations are under way for a Relief Society Bp.zaar to be held on March 29th. FOR 'SALE 17 acre farm, house, barn and chicken coop in South Jordan. A BARGA:IN. See J. C. Soffe, Eaat Midvale, Sandy, R. D. No. 3, UtaJ; training of employes, better c:jualitl" of periahable articles whieh a faster turnover aftonls." FIRE DEPARTMENT GIVE ANNUAL BALL . The Midvale City Fire Department have plans complete for their fourth annual dance to be given in Goff's Hall on Friday evening, March 25, 1927. Excellent music has been secured and all funds realized from the sale of tickets will be placed to the credit of the Mutual Aid Fund, a department which seeks to care for Firemen and their. immediate families in case of sickness and need. By reason of our efficient fire department, made possible through the efforts of our public spirited citizens who are members Of that association, we receive many benefits; our insurance rates are lower; our property is constantly protected by them and they stand subject to call at all times. Only once each year are we called upon to aid them and we should be exceedingly glad of the opportunity to contribute in this small way. Tickets are 50 cents per couple. Buy as many as you can afford. Harold Johnson of Murray appeared In a concert at the Tabernacle in COJl· nection with the appearance of the .rombined glee clubs of the University of California and the Univer ity of , |