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Show t' 5 ! a i - 3 1 ii - 1. i it-- f uvjyuwi. i.kpw -- r 1 - 2.,-- , f evening news .. j ! Frtday, 1SS. mp 1 . 1 ,. to rfre heed to the warnings of the errant of God toct they ahoold rethe pew pent too late aa doabtleu.dhi . of Noah In , the day pie " I . - i i. i.. (POM prinelplefl of the Gospel,' and quoted of Penl eonoerniac the tne raue" aoetnnee uui were w do t , tanght In the last day a. IM CO. Jt COLORADO COAL IDE WASATCH STAKE coir- a.., . . Rail, JZKKBCE, t"4 SPLICE BARS, SPIKES, NAILS AMD PIG IRON. May 0, 10.m , The 23 J Qoarterly Obofuenoe of--"TT mn- ef .Argeeiie, m Zkm of oonTenWAMtoti State aald th God la extend- Elder Hunter At edon Bturdy May fl188Vat 10 I Ins the fiend nf mmrr to mankind a.m. In the meeting noose, Meter I an sending His eerranta to teach COKE MORO EL CHESTED We them the truth. . We must purify Wasatch Oounty.l. . Utah. City. . ... m .a w a: x if1 iSr ' T'sitea vj apobub.x . m. ajj- iI oarteiTes, ana strive ror penecuou were jeijei t . Hooth. 4th Ward, m God hu (sommanded. man end Blahob rrovo City. The house was well I Elder Joseph said the laws of God i I arWetarnaV and the same cxd nances filled. After fnclne and Fraycr, Freat. I kra rrnaired for admission into Ills W. G. BROWN, Gbn'I Aa A. H. DANFOUTH, Vicb iSiest. Hatch spoke in regard to our pro! kingdom no was in ancient times, i amoe oo were ne we muss same worn Denver. Colorado. f Colorado. South srsi orgiuuzeu an(j je grass PucMo, cbfl&TIPATIOtf. , Into a Btaae, six years ego, neuevwu i terred. V I" Uiat we will eompam ferorablyl Wm Barrett was swa'ned ai PITT J I with other stakea,baT bad no sulU iprlntendent of the Sunday i chotl w. A. WETMORE, AUEXT, ' 4 at law. UUi IWO vmatm vwjfw a$ BaJruti MIIJS. V " " WAMtch 22. Room liu'l linn, rt Jt Uta Ctyt lit. dl20 Ulifh Council. Tithing receipts! Pr,t. Roberta ncku of the It. Fla. S!;VaMriiMa, u kXf,,T"1 sfaowfaTorably. The varkxw organ portance of teaohfng' the children. rao One via ua raTau la wuunvr. iiauuai uwvx.us, well attended; achoolat , kept going: I .howed that Tnan kind has apoata K"mj' from the dootrinea tea eht by with efiteknt teach ara. General I FT? e i Ei AIR DYE. j health good. Bpoke earnestly against I the rtarlor and that God has again w m a rr r t anu i onuron or use tne jati eATBUikeawaaaTmHi munwiwuiwr eatabltshed tils the intoxicating annas, 1 I V 1 f V DtB. It of " thll BXACX 0pllMUlom ' ' kr especially against ,ou brethren v .smu ' I il tailing tne aame. ......... A number of Biahops made re- -I p.m.i I t Preat Roberta said deubUeee many reTCB, e evBDAi wards. of their oondlUon of the porta I of wtoe L. men man were .and M. then Kare F. reformers the Arjoatle as a Tory lnatra:tTt d ourae, sa -- I that God had accomplished ceitaln ling iwth the order ef tne Uoepei, I pnrpoa through their wisdom, duc and manner of bringing up our I tney had not been able to eeiablah left children and the rreat reapoufi! church eren resembling that i (ty resting upon us in j regard to It, II by Christ up n tbe earth, Joeerih b?ess- to Intoxicating drink, Rmltb.an In recaru w . . y juth.wae . .unkarned JtUJlJtA(Med. JPeruvian Bark) and California Grape and 1 tne man wno retaua lti anu ne wuo Ii ed by ai'tne manueatanon, enu wm a continued use of it should tha lnatrument In the hands of God most Xtellghtful Tonic,., aruli Effective Remedy for Dipsomania mekta J3rdn7i.it be di fellowahiped, and If aftef be- -l I lneatebliahieg the kingdom fotetold carefully and mercifully dealt by Daniel man mar nee ennui forms of Malarial Diseases,i. Dyspepsia and Insom- - I ,Ds (f 7i e alcohol habit), all v juouiu.ue out i uui ainRu ran and all the nations of wim neatiu I Ask .for the Church!. Those who I the earth may oppose it with ail the iff from thejaniou, nta -- t.i - T .i a i i ii' 1 Us Nteva Corrncmtod DUX aaeraor edmlntatecilna! to In offlolAta) the aid i.; drki.a powers tbern, ,i BIbew. It PlM wuu neve JW Greater Success has been rewrwea,. to mem uethrane unleaa they power anouia speaa puuniy tan Best 8atia ete9 tntrOaUtfed I lbs iwiitn give tbe God or neaven, they can neter foMoo aad meeta I the words atp its progress. such, unquaujtea-bansactio- n. wftb Quick Sales. ry it unce, ana be convinced. For I respond in their heartstillto2 p.m. Ftr HaJabrZ.aM. S r'rietthood meetings were neia iy apoken. Adjourned braaab 8tnras. of the sal by each Elders the morning jfftsis Q Mi,1' '.!.' 'ih-'72p.m, oonferenoe lor Driver, end for COUn- -l WrtMERjyiyG , ' CO,, San Francisco, Cat., Ailer singing ana rayer tome of II ael and instruction iu regard td the I the Ward Bishops and reuldents of mlsalsnary labors of the conference. r.nanmii(lAn fan Ra fnred Agents for the Pacific CoasU Quorums made reports. The Baluls here are feeling well afcd Biabop JJooth spoke on what it a good spirit prevailed at the meet-DR. oost that we might bare the bletav now live whose tJicr& JACOB AND RIO BRAHDK inzs that we Ml P. IxLfcK, enjoy, . ..... . uww were racr.uuru wra iu. uuuji he aalvailott of the way For tne might open ii. nnto us. v o Hloiins and benediction. Ad. Vl LOSES. T7ie New, Popular and t owned till 10 on rJonday m.rning. With or Without 1TOT WAT Ell attach man U, are without ' ' Ji I ' :" Scenic JAne. Cnraa CooaumpUon, ColJ, PueBmcbla. exception the m.. Bandar. Brrmcnl-UHroaeaial irtneoltlr. InSnenxa, The houre was densely crowded Hoarneneta, Athm Creap, WhoopMOW OPBN FOB s iit-alla and and ail of tbe Uonrb. prayer. Hinging ....). 1d2 Orxana. - It Soothes and heela tba rreat. Hatch made a few appro PasseDEBf ana Freiaht Business. prlate remarks, after whioh repot ta HeaiMane'Of ta uunra, 'ii.nsmoa ana DoUoued by tbe diaeaar. and priyt-utha omitted by that had been preTtoUsly BETWEEN nliebt sweats aed tha UifU- - acruaa tu I Bishops were made. ; P ehevt wbk--- aeeotaranT W. That Brown's Iron Bitters . iTUW Apoktle F. M. Lyman, spoke on TO TAKE EFFECT FEBRUARY nCITY. Mti an Incurable naiad. of renewal the covenants, will case cure worst the referring HALL'S BVIJSAM will cure too. cvaa LBADVTLL'F; KRD MDTJNTAIN, we Lave to times the mat y that tnong-COMING SOUTH. prMaaaiatual aid rails. GUNNISON a BAN JUAN of dyspepsia. STATIONS COINC NORTH. i had the prirUege of and ' . liMININO DISTRICTS, mctat! No i il Ho. i. UUa aid wrrnever mat rriTueee is of PAWBXOaB NOBIS. rAIRiUMiKR. PiJSUCIiaCR. njcSi Will insurea hearty appetitef us in the Uhurch we had bet fered DENVER Ar Ar lUOinl pn PUEBLO, .....Salt Lake... Lt T.40 aiu a as ter be uo a and LT1L28 " and increased digestion, j ., it Vrtmm. an Bntbe the all accept And 8rttm blowing, in; potots " a(M 11.S0 " .ani . OntreTllleu. . .,Wood r r it. thankful " MO M it " 1L09 . ...Fat mlufttoik . aaa it BTiH, CDLBBIllD IMP 1W IIIXIED. 10.56 " 7.00 Cures general debility, and Adjourned UU 2 p. m. tf g.8 " 21 KayiTllle... 8 61 " ia47 m i.43 " " Creek. .Ka'a gives a new lease of life; 2 p.m. M "ie.sM M M A tbronrk rarraat train. eompoMd of Pull- 10.10 100 n a V Ar man Palaoa Stoapna and alecant i way. pened In the l um1883, atwuiron eoaebeat wui leav e Dispels nervous depression a.m. mrmrtotr wae partaken of. MO and aacraraent The Pa 1L27 a at Sunto will ran Daily. and esoapted, f2od, I M znd TmU aod Sunday. April aftr tk &14 l.aw. a.m. 1LJ0 atattoiMv la and at ARM BMktn and low spirits. m.. PueMoand diraet Vgdma at tow oonnraU'n mtliaf Bro. from returnedKatpey, later 5p lirdrkn 8 Loukk (TaleufO. a mtaalon - Haathenk 4 Dram tor Kan Clly.New SpscaU Toaa at awtaced tare ate aokl tor thcaa tralna. to the Btete, Bomuo. York, Pittabory. rhlladelphta. Restores an exhausted nurs and all Eastern,' Nortbera aod Souihera nore teatlmoBY to the truth or the NORTH. COMING 8TATION8. SOUTH. rtQospeL as rttored in tbe last days points.qOINQ tllF-HUill E1ST R IEF1T. ing mother to full strength mrcaa train from TJauver. Pualo and through the or jtne ITtebttl No. 4V No, 1 EUUac No. L No. a Instrumentality tat dall sorTH. Lake sus abundant Bait and will Baatrn artlra , ptdnta gives Vifranon Prophet Jtawph Hmutn. a4l62D.m.. or itne 8lt LkoJ-- . tenance for her child. tm:u am P1 Antnorftlee Tne Uenerai Lt Wot all potnta on Blnirbam Braaeta, Bandy. Tia r .own tiff MM....Mariraa. l Authori'lee k ' ' '. L4M W 9JMS DatMPOrt ami WaaMob. on WfkKUch Braooh Church, ato 146 " tVaock I;d : 1 ,. f.28 'X.15 " ''ICari Doa Ln'mbsr, arrlTatXl of the Stake were preeented by the .., 108 train will loar dally at iM a. S83 ..Qermoula the and f muscles M . Strengthens M 158 j .... a.nk ,r aa to Xhe Conference and unani Cletk 1M M Sash nervesenriches the blood. 12 ' l4ttll rorPooAeld aad Coal IGn 1U7 a. bs4 ar-.Junotloo...... us " 180 143 its mously sustained; 146 i.70 13 MX p ah S.4S M 8andf.... e.ts rlTS 11 1s 44 6. on " Booth them 8.00 IT the spore s.oe "u Bishop too will not bo oaarled a.oeu Ftvl4tht rjrFadienfen 1.60 J uiietloa..-mmSiilnffleM, a.soM Overcomes weakness, wake-But jact of the caor amen t. Read from KM .l,hlJkt.. t " ECONOMICAL AND PERFECT tralna. V .... ...... " eje 81 . " &0 a m M to Murmuu Book relation the in lack 4.40 and M Amortcan Forlu. 84 fulness, " 107 'e " 4J ofenergyj . as Celling:, M 4J10 7.65 i.eo ,8T it, and ahuwed the neceavlty of prop .ptoaaant Grov-eP.C.NIMS. D.CIDODCE. Vlaw Laka 2X6 7.0 la our children it .ts Paa what, . Manacatw Oan'l erly teaching Qan'l Aft for. Thoee wno ad aualata Flavor! ncr. 7.26 a " Piebwla, Keeps off all chills, fevers, " 100. . ..PtOTO.. . . M aa Ms Lf th is or tvS) Frel" A. S. HUGHES, Ar (7.0 " r malarial and other ; m 4.44 u ; " poison. for 14 not dlnanoe M hare ho 165! Lt 1B1 " -Uoterajo. DaoTcr, jexouie BoailCa in :o -.Ilstrdwstre, 135 " .r SJS the right worth and doing ..Jtpama rork. m lao 8 25) M IIS " " 8,13 io.-.e In Manufactured HBXItT WOOD, A..J.ZAMBOBIT. ENDLE33 A KI KT V. aoltnLIe for the Smalkat i Will infuse with hew life every t pin jr urrperiy. ... 7t 8.M) 103 " " S.OO J 6.3S " ..Santaquln. GIsm, " SIM Welshfa, or Oa Paaa Families ft Awd Hotels. Z& Call and be eonrlnoed of the rerTettat Ajrt Xttrgest Bupt. Brother Mniia. uyman the Qa. S3 4.16 130 aor " the weakest invalid. ,! ii or " " 2J00 M of these RANGED OVhiK ALL. OTJUEK3 I . . . Napfal ..... VI Salt Lara citj, 0tah. 4.60 marke of " 1180 " f Riioth, and spoke at I LtI4J0 " 1.S0 ' Ar 3166pm! Ar T.09" ... JlMllfc...... 106 I brleny on the VVOrd of Wisdom, 66 AM go For sale dt all i 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dee. 1881. of the .... . IHb. .... ... . . . 6.P0 ArftJW" rrmptiV mud. . 114 Lr&li For six years 1 have been a grestt I BANK LONDON .Xmmlnirtoo.Ui UTAH 130 HvSH 8.65 ISO OF " .m. Xm , S ZSOiuZZ 140 " " Blood from snfierer Disease, Dys. , I m 1L06 " ...RlTcralda.. ........ 7.65 12 148 j ,p became from; Referred to the law of tithing, pepsia, and Constipation 16T 8.101 so debilitated that I could not retain we expect to bbtaln a full and if and ITS 9. v,'i 1.11 oa as in stomach, fact, i, my iiiuutttnucTin in cuincnirn 22 GREAJ WIRCHESTEfl ST., LQRDOXJ anything 204 j 7.65 ...Blaok Bock... , burden. life had almost become complete sarratlonL we must keep ...... t MB... . I Ii 120 Ar ia U.Tl! Lt 1M ..UHJonL. Finally , when hope bad almost left Jaw. tne who'e Ar (115 I f me, my husband icing Bmomh's CTj LtUM" Salt iLake City, Utah. the m After singing and benedlr-tieM.T8 LT 4J ; f Ikon Bittbrs adrerused in the Arl uon'erence adiourneu. an induced ate to gtre it a trial, Antborted fnper, Capttal, 778,840, for their homes fuPly fattened and B ba ccBeeted vtun Tan it now taking the third bottle Ttdfcet Balat to rjMbia and have not felt so la six LatCi paid for coming together.. fxI on train, for which a Drawback Cheek vrfU bt feauad, redeemable at any Qffie of Oka Bubaarlbad years as I do at the present time. ; f 4 i in Merchant Bar Iron, Mine Rail, Steel , TORPID 'UVEK ! ' BVTTE i e o OAS AND BLACKSMITH COAL. M TT i I - w 1 -- , . tfd TUTT'3 a ie-Ida- ja. if: " p. lnWcCZra4 jt m r ,A - t- a m jam aaaaesa- -k fc 11- -1 ! I? . , w. iHB:CL AWSONl I' . M . J i) . fi4 . OUSES, oa '( : a. 4 pru ' RAILWAY. UirAlI CENTRA . -" 1 mm TO HALL 'S l WROUGHT IROtJ RflfJGES J , . i '. ; , a, '!!:"' Know 1 TIME OGDEK, f " Hi--1 Al SALT LAKE CITY - I 3. Handsomest, Most Durable, b Uis-'a-m- . ; If V if 8Al.Ttl.AICE 1 - b (XJN-UM. n - . Rl i;. ' I- 7-- , - m LUMBER YARD . MM if fliat-oia- aa i tu-ua- m : - anini j 1 ClI-W- H I Mi' o n, the-tmca- t ...Lio-endahl'a..- I? f j . i '. m. , 1 4 I. ii.'- - si i i I ' t MOST " rrsnts, i j 1 i t I , -- , i' ? i r te -- 3 i en-'otse- - lty , XtL-ho- p ? z. c. f Mi i " 1! i M. LIMITED. MM mm. f : r.- in " - or 1 1 Teenfi-C!nfari- ro , a-e-ll Cpnpaity, If pretented within F&ANCI3 Om ''..--- BO day 00PE, aad Paaa. Afrnt rrel-B- t tfaatttf UniA. . rMii ntMllilaia Mahk aw A JOHN 8HARP, JAMBS SHARP, Aaan Oao'l Sept. Gaol Sopartntandanl' .imi.i1 nmlU mi Cbas. Hhklton, Clerk. j Mrs. EAST TENNESSEE a Bitters Brown's Iron CON- - , will have a better tonic effect upon any one who FEBEHOE.J E. AUTTN, Wilson Co., Tenn needs "bracing up," than May 7 th 1883. any medicine made. The East TenofMiee Oonforenre was held at thia pUK-- bj?lanuis 17. S. DEPOSITORY. May 4th at 10 a. m. .Mlasionar.etprtvetit B. u. Boia)ria of tbe tireol the Houtbern States iidh denry DESERET B1DL ston; of rrefcmeni uawu Kavlachi aid tUUerJanaaa kJrede tbe JUT IJLKM CITT. r Kentucky Govt frrebW: and Praai, BROS., Ham tel Jakdteon and Kldeia PAID UP CAPITAL 1200,000. dent wm. u. J osep; , JOfvpU 3. Hunter, STORCGQTTEBS & BD1LDERS. ue,eee. TiiomcarLTja, . . Uodfiey, Thomas (Jrltfln, Mil!er, and Brfgham A. TOMBSTUNkS, UOMTJaiENTS, MARIL1 JatobF, H. B. HLDRaDQB. Praaidant. IKON MANTLBt, HolbrockEof tLe IKa t Tennessee HtNTKLR, WM. uonrerenoe. uaATta a hkaktw anjeyta. riRAJIOBg LirTLR, Mmn PBAcr, After oren'nr eierolaes PraldanL ias mutm r WM. Bairb's Mills, wm- In i . Vtoa-fiaa- t. Jatkfon adviised all oohslderi that Itsasa taaaa mt though men have! olaimed that the manifestations of the spirit and the of the Priesthood are no IEKITES lEPISUl MT1ILE II IEKJUI. Biwer needed. God has not changed of salVatUn the since . the time Ia In tha Probate Court, in v.and for plan ai alia exehatwae eat BTew or. toear.ei nv Apoaues. ;f Bwya t ? Scat Lake Counts. Territory 0 t ' Ofiltafa, aa .President Roberta refeTted to the Tar, Utah. Lawta, eaaaba, aadlaat, ad artaw. attempt made by men whot had Cltlea. pel Oeati-aeaitla-l sworn to suppott the Constitution, to IN THB MATT Kit OP TUB ESTATE irirmpie upon meaara guards Dtorid- VLIJAH CAttSON, DKOEASSa oraer to ceprite lbs Lathq vj iff in raaatt. ter-drialnts of their riirhta aa T3UB'UAMT TO AW ORDER OF TOT oitlseLs; and was thankful that tkeir JL Frooava court, mc 8aK Lake ' County or uttsb, la tba above emitted otII deeigne had been overruled. He xarmorynmMa ta aereDy aiTen that Pater mattert uterourved upon the second comlnir Mtb tbe HEALTH IS WEALTH I ot day of May, A. D MUd, at to i day a w .mani. a. re. attheoSOaeof Hon. . Gliaa Hmlth. uiuoun 1 ,1!B!W 1 Xa wrt. at ba residence en NutfcJm. Turn. aald Kkler Joetph whkt . . We ealn ... V- Iim Niaat, Detena weat TFimnia a M rm. s nnini'Mia ins nmiMn T.it w 11. 1I West Bew thaOraat Central Line, affords to baraVn, by relana Of Ka en rivaled genaTapaka np- tiwHa, fak- Lake Cby, baa lxt0-To- ; sue uueuwura tu bomi orums tba hortaat aad ban) route betwaen tbe raat, ltcrtVast aod Soutbaaat,' and ta tiaaetba and phM ftr tba iws pataaad vj . loar tea I we l4iUou f A. of atlilon we Will fe tt ti rvieQ io V' ert,toHheManf Sontawtat Av'. fAli-- i It U At i in avd. Ouwrt, praylna; Sr taw orndtmned. Persecution has al. Q ed too kttlte ally aod atria ty troa, that tta coonaetlooi araanjof tbs prtneipal Uneaof. road .fit to of eertate dooamaot probata ' ajrs been tne neritage of the aer- Ibreswttb aaiaeaotaa Atlantte and tba Paolflo, rorporthur to be Ibe will JA.f or u. ants u aad eodtotl ot Elijah Canon, deeeaaoj; t ;By tta ma'a tarn and bataobes a rMebat Cb!oftf J ret, Pear'a. Ottawa. la Palkv which tlnrf- and P'aa mH twsaoiav . tnferreatad i. w mm wn, wa iiuaom; uarrarar, Kmrnuor. miniih amu. eootast tbe reobate ef may and aposar 8 p.m. v 1. I ho arrantlaaT of J. . tjav e. .C. fPrt NXBTB AMD BBAIB wllL or aa Atlantle i Aroea. waaxaa, ralrfleU, Dea afotoM,Wnt Of, rnnaaisaa-ej unran a itrse-to r AMubaik Rar'aa, Outhrla Center aod Coanefl Bluff,Hbarty.;iowa Bre putufcwier at frayed ftw.i tbe Haiatn to laaaantary juiuer to Iowa; Gallatin. Trenton. Cainaraa t sraaaaeaa. ne .anasiaaai aka,.Hari and Kaunas Ctty, k UlMcnri. and LaaTanwortlt and AtoUfoa la Ka&aaa, sod tie aund.adt obedient, and dldeut . - , Clark Probate Cocrt, at, llaadaoba. bervrsai Proatruttun n prayerrul, o: oHJet, Tlllagca an-- towoa loternMdlata. Tbe keepina the cemoiahdmAnta of ' use ef aenaoi j Pth lkeOafJtaa. j . T Waaafnibaav kewal teiwta-- e VufWnHar ujo. wno is unebaneeable. f Salt JLaka Cttj, May 1&. tab.'!. or m L. B. HILLS. Caahlar, JAB. T. LITTCB, Aast. Caaklar. I . ScrofnK Wblt neerlraa ' remedy Iwetllnga Cancer,'. Eralflaa, Uout Cbrot Sr Srca, toavera, Carbunelea, Baf an" Rhfratn, MaHtrlal Binnaa Complalnta nil dlaeaara lodlratlnir an ' Impure C"or dlUoa of Um cUMd, Uer, Mtoaab. Kid Tl.U Q aa loya. BuwcK Skin, ale. of esetare ex Heiandy la a trarU, thachWbl ebieb ara SAK3ATA Tb ear. ULI.A and STII.LlNlilA. --ft hf aO(V ILL'S hlAXH). AN1 erf L1V&K faUt are aljawliite aad ttwL record la audirflk,urod ht fadnra. ror ifale by a DragrtWta. Com-jKiua- W. BITKR, f . Chicago, RdcK Island & Pacific R'y r t I I . ad-"a- -. f - 1 - - om-na- a - to " '(GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE.t , AkklaJliaaai:aofftoirarejet an tba adrantlras ard aotnlbrts tnctdpatwa ai&eoUi traca.aala brida, Union Depota at an scnneottB pofcta, Tart liprwe Tralaa, coin pea dof COMM0rI0C3,lWRLL VENTILATED, WRLL HKATKD, tlNVLY Sf BHKD aod TXTiQ ANT DAT OOACHW; a Ona at tba ItOSTT If AQIFICENT UOHtXW RECLINING CHAIR CAR3 erec bulk; PULLMAN'S MUeft dcaieaed and baortoou. rPALACaSZ.aPINO CAR9Vand DItlSQ CAIstbat mr aokaowludtrad praat and prpptetn b tba FINEST BUN UPON ANT, ROAD IN TUB COUJrTRr. and In wfalcta CENTS EACH. tupertar aaeala are aarTad to t to tern at tba km rate of SKVKNTT-TIY- E I J. . !j; THRkB TRAINS each way betwera CHICAGO and tba MI&OURt RIVER. f TWO TRAINS aaeb way ilietwera C3ICAG0 and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL tw 0BOt - a- Jy . v the famraa . i 1 - . . 1 1 i .. ii LB'ERTCEA'RdUTE; f Ull, Kaakake, f and a new BiwwIUba epBosd, tw. Senaea batwern Rawport Jaonary 1, IndtanipoUs and La layette, .aad CouoeU Bluff, St. ranL Jwa, KlohinoixJ.ClnclanaU aod In4arinarata pobsta. s 1 iO-- l MaaMm i .n wu lr.i ... Tai aii vkMwa f Fat more detailed bifciasathai aae Mapa aad Fo'dwa, whloh may ba obtained, aa Wall as Tfekets, at sH prtnolpal Ticket Offloea la tbe Uattal Stataa and Canada, or of 4 . V .fj K in naanity mitiar o astrary, aVeay and eaatb, PnMneesre Okt or powte eaouea of "ear tea urain and Baii-Puiae- tabaaoanMntsfatKatmant. -- tx oaaaa x s&ob, .aaut awSa u -. fLOOab x,oc t aaaU paldoa JSJder UOlbrook bore teatlmnn-to the truth of the OoatL, end thai it would stana wnetner l men aided a I oroppoaeait. ta iNon mtwm aiy by a. Otao O. M. 4. Prrt fl) , ,!tf I ; iw-r-er ,'" 1 . , if i . , v. lisl Broilers f Aiuer nti ier atxwe or hm tnwsr displeyedby the Hard ht leading hU I 1 peop!e from Kgypt and ft tbe pre- UHtions or me pfophera; that trr eat er power Would be manifested lo ta iwati the gathecing of aoatteced Lmel m take. tne test aajs. h-- . M t j ana Tae Badl and Werik tmUoovf or amt!r(4aRl J 1?" .Bkler " j..' May 6lh, 1 Lm.! spoke of the clan 10 Tx -- at y 11 t NR-ili- aaaa-wlHJ- a "t 1 si .A a 4a. ' .&..? :,r.: :. EXCELSIOR M HHUEKET ' . ' ''!If t I . ' . ,f . t i . tit .i)..! !. j. Oak 3 t if Y --TP: if 1 ii-lrrr- f " ,r 8. 8. JLton. ond o Ae the firm, who had been ill Uia to employ of tlUjjbrmnian4 years! Zouil ipent tevvrut weekt-with'at ; Salt Late ' laityaa,' and gave "I1 .!: w tpecial attention to. ascertaining all defettt and all needed improve-atsnfs- " ' r5; - itinVie-futur- tn t ,!s Wagon, to keen i at in 1 past yearat fJie e, , , . -- IJS?- ; 5 t 4."- - . ---v.- ; " " j , i li'ijf fee' . - . ' Ja1 -;-:-" ;v.'.'. ..JiT i- - .. " 1 ' VrT J i,i.a.' L t . , ; i .f STAJnURbl Waooh of VUK and ' adjoining Territories. .i. Vail on :IM John W. LoweU Wagm? Company and examine this s year'a male of thj FishWagon,' for assure you it will s be found a Tin FUTEi .HEEI IB!D- - STA!jI PLO fAH E & Tin n EHS Tl BLS. 'Ml ,! fVf I i' - KVER xarr TO .are. UTAH BETORE. 'Wnr the. timber. .y4 ... ' and tnli. "If ' - ""t isn end J. CHuo-- l 'Vie' under 'firm name of, Fii aiNS, Dro$. & Con expired by limitation on January lft,l&$Z. At that date, 4. Ci Uuggins rrtired from the firvi D. j. Moret and 8. 8. Ltok pw- chasing hu xnlerett. , In the re or ganuation of the new firm of FUh Bro8 & Co. which then took place, our Utah trade teas thoroughly dvi Me FLsh 1 if 1. G12-1- 8 JVa Main St., ' St: Zouls, Mo. v 1 tr atpms jor. Utah, trade. . ni-c-- BraiiciEi .G n between e t u-et- r UTAH Mr. k - Ja or Wilhput Resorvpir ancl. Closet 'OEIJsi! lilU Iff B Til TiaBiTGST; v I jith & Co 6m o j S j - Fisn, E. B t d ? V' ; ae a-- a PpOPLE OF !T ' ' lurt which rit deterva, and which wan, to tome extent, neglected in 1882. ' -- . expt-cLn- TO THE w ''r j fntsted3 and toe determined to give the, Ulah trade that attention in fn-- b l PLRFECT COOKlSt ST6VE MlDEi j J I WBt QCABLABrTBK BIX sXBta" ro aura any aaav WHb aaob aalar iaeetiail ar aa aw aix tmaea, aeaosa.aased wan t&uS. as wtu aand tba pufcaaaer ear wcjiien tmr-m ! I. J ot r aire Hon; the neeataait of those 11; are Tbta It wuu buui umiiw in any or tneraiB- eapccUllv tru of a tsadla mdklnn. snn mvr9 01 uospei being duly It la poalttro proof ikat tberealyataaled aa we a a, Aa 00a nitcneat it ti Af 'thai bad bene tetted aadrajaa. proved by the whota Oospel aa tba perfect law of waa tba pareat tbat Ilea-llbetty, WM heat and moat aalaabte faaally jaedidae aiuiugw from tle uiajDa) ST JOHN; I bondage or sin. Head from the b k "a rartn, many imttariona arraor en IT. to ateal tbe aotkes la abk-- tbe I ot DeUlne aod Cirenanb) ta show em Tieaet dt Ciea'l Bfaaatrer. Ceal becaa aad '1 the people of the eoaatry had that the authority of the Prirathoad pftas xptasaei the meriU of H. K and la m uniy io oe exercised la righteous, way trjlauto induce anffdiix In-- ne. and by eTf7 m,, , hi uua u aae prnjn-ktacirstaa mataad, to make money on . tbe credit and rood i Vt Lf ie n: L,- ., tx. My. otnera alarvro Tbe general aothorttiesi of the aortnuna pat op in almilar atyla to H. B., wita Tanoaaly devl-irnamea fat which cnurcn, the Presidency lot the the word. "Hop" or Hope' were used in Hontnern Wtatrs H t yCTAgTTTat tti dUTO XstTOBTaOLf W mlmkm and the I a nay to Irdnee mo, la to believe they ere the aaaae aa Hop Blttere. All aneh. rreeinrnt, fckiara mDd chart of the; ! wete jausialns4.j J?P. ptetended remedlra t r enica, no saatter Gwferenee, waa sua lain caioinicns ad aa at trah name er wnat and urtr ty la, eapceu. !t - r to preside over the branch of tho" ly those with the word Hop' or flopa nur- n avuairda Mllav ruiwiau name or in any way connected twowwrins TJEvTTUD TO FAIHTaK3.wiu ui iTaKaiw, ffi nprciAL Hoosa Fnrn'a&inr uooia netaer Ms. sad , ar.ii . itnaha. with them or their neca, are Imitation-... . : Pw S? Kelsch Jpoke of theattrl U.I. 'tii. k l.t TVw. k Hall Paint, Saab, KtatnalW ErtaUa twwiara, fibor, Plate, or coenterfelU. Beware of theaa. Tooch bates of Ood aiiMBS ta hhmm, naaa am an rttms. dm., showing tha lie Is ft um ana AxHM Gocda Ca mew --1 . n aoae of tbeta. Use aothlor bat reoaloa V. . I ' - .7-ziZTZZ w, waa created ,matt in aasortmotai Of Dronnea m. w hju'tar bv artaaa, Tba Mt a bnneh claatar er with of l saa x. .1 7t aa. --"ITrTTs Hop Bitters, own ki Uls Imase. i" are warramaa MaHi f m T uwh. oa miMir tahal. r. . STKM.... it while Treat t tbe uwh ti tin. Ham, Hope p Elder said the 12 Jers Bo Gadfrey n. elaau. dealera u. am aad Cearara, Smith CO., nothing Prergiata Ct4 btarart CUskHt, A. warnea aralaat aeaatag in kaiUtiOBS OT nos come nom tbeir-- - hemee to SOUtSftatSa, prtmcn ror Mr. People wlU do well aad tS3 Market " t . d or THayxtdc or , aui.-vB- : , It ' ay ' ' IC lr IHIilkL JPtt-OlHQ- v. .s .: - - I.-- I. Blood!: & Liver e WATSON; v, r ' , MOST .DDBULI& - WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL i , 8EE BY pCAMlNINQ THIS MAP, THAT THB JE2rOEJ3?a?IOr "WTTI-3COXJ- SaoUand or lie- Drafta payablaln Ttoa-lana low rata of rzaaanaa. Iflanraat altwed on of Denoaa. payaaw on eawana. AdTamn mad and klt9ad notaa db anmted at tow rates of kiawaat Bmd. aotd Oart-floata- j a 1 l-- ai For Me ty .Z: G. IV3. m--- ' TlU- - St., raibadelpaia, I1 ' ' .' ' ' . .1: ' v 4 i 1.4 : ill trl.41 rr M.t xipru ;iasjw tme n v,. ' Sole Agebits in Salt Lake City.' I ; |