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Show ' 4 r, -- i 'k k ' , i this refusal that she stands com. mitted. Obterre, the Information souht U be' elicited wu not in re lation tocher knowledge of an alleg. ed crime. - It was' In reference to herself. With her babe in her arms the question Itself was an Implied insult. We are m favor of sustaining the law and its officers. Bat we must confess that we admire the courage of Belle Harris In declining to reply tt questions in ( relation to heraelf, which we think no Court has the right to compel her to answer. jj.y ',:.: Bhe la now in the penitentiary. But there Is no taint of crime clinging to her garments. Bhe la defend log a principle. The rights and privileges of witnesses are as precious end sacred as the rights of courts. Belle Harris to suffering In their de fence. In about two weeks the Ba preme Court of the Territory will convene. A writ or naoecu eorptu will at once be applied "for, and It will then be seen whether she can be longer detained. An appeal has also been taken to save some points that cannot perhaps be a'gued In the habeas e yrpm hearing. We do not believe that her detention will be fr aay,great length of time. ' We ' understand the scheme on hand, and wehave good reasons to think that the botfoai will fait out of It.. And' we regard this extreme measure towards thto worn aD, for the purpose of extorting from her some- tnlng tnat mlgnt be used m a proe- ecutkm instltuUd for the meanest purposes, j as harsh, unnecessary, : Illegal and contemptible. o'cioc.. fltKTCT MO fllBtBHtO tY THE: ; DESERET NEWS COMPANY. ( w. CHixps - - . ; EVENING NEWS. Ut r f v pmosE, editor ; May IS, 18SS BY TELEGRAPH. 1 I The PotnmlMlonera rale in ra tmnatftio the Aarutt eleotloa wJJI be found In the News thU erenlng. Ther4 to a roejr: flush of . txpecU- - raUfeooe on 41on'n4 heeTen-llsbte- d the fmom of the girl of' the period. The pence gumrop In Maine proifc-ito be rcer thk year than Tfr M ' before. Core has at 1m t been Opened . Otholio Cbrtatl4n mtoslpnariei. prletts hare been miking courageous attempt to propagate their faith in the.ountrx, tut owing 'to the rigid exclaslve pollcy.prevlooslj ob ecTed by the Government, hate not hitherto ben' rewarded with much success, j ... 4 Theri were 211 failures In the Ualtedj Kingdom and" Ireland re ported to JSTcmpY MereantiU during the week end ing Apjll 21st. (The ccrrciponaiig week jear recorded 266, and In 161. l&Stbtgt England an J Wake report 90 during the week specified abOTe, against 234 and 133 in oorree-- . j hi pondin'g weeks 'reepectiTely In 1882 and isai; Hootjana nad IV, against 1T2 and and Ireland had 2, against !) in tho third week lot April, 11882, and 11 in the Eame p, rpti Week, fl 881. i The Ixndon Telegraph, in speak--.. log of Ihe danger of 'uncovering the hed fit the grave on the occasion; of a funefal.aayt: ''Many of the dlstin gulMbeil and more elderly mourners at the ibterment of the Duke of York died from bronchitis within a few of the royal obsequies; the weeks : Marqujs of Londonderry's funeral in Westminster Abbey In 1822 Was equally disastrous to the agedjor delloabs among those who gathered arouoq his tomb; and the funeral In i Tare achatse of the celebrated French Jurisconsult M.Robert de kt ; . . .Vinotitia said' to hve decimated 'the telor ranks of the Paris bar, one of the victims being Brill t Bavadn, the author of the xphyslologie kiu UouU'l : 1 4-- - CASES, LATEST T UdHTSIUe. MBe7ee4t She Chioaq), 18. The Pere. . The &ae of Belle Harris .is one of considerable interest and Impor- -' Udce. It wllj attract gtneral attention. It ahoukl be considered side by side with the case of f the Farming ton bigamist, the particulars of which appeai In j . another part of this paper. JOn ope side to a lady with a nursling infant, having another ddlld from whom shs to forcibly sepaiat- f ed, torn fiom ber "home In Men-H roe, Spvfer, County, brought from isaaver to una city, and arter a fa tlguelng Journey yesterday and all "nighty put Into a lumber wagon and nauled to the. penitentiary. What or? Beoauee she deolinej to answer questions from the Grand Jury the Beoond Judicial District as , tol whether she was a married y woman and who was her husband. On the other side to a man with an unsavory reputation, who has clear ly conimltted bigamy, the facts! be lng so patent as ' to leave j no room for doubt, and he, af , ter gfeat difficulty was found in bringing his cace to the cogn zince , of CQurt, to permitted after arrett to go at large aud. apparently cleair out ' of theicountryJ Why thto dtfler- ence? j The woman U a "Mormbn, tne man a "Uenuie." une to sup-posed p be a plural wife, the other to known to be a bigamist in the full u est sense ol the term. order to compel a "Mormon" :1a ' ' woman to glre evidence which jit 'to thought may aid In the Indictment , of a person supposed to. have jmarrled a nloral f wife, the haraheat is resorted ..to. .Her iu.no- treatment .. . i . cent bauy haa to breathe !. the air of a prtoon, aud her other little one to be dei rived of a mother's oareJ B tt when an antP Mormon" man is un der arest for ja crime agalns the law, Qgeinsi society aua against nls famil, he is let ljose wlthLthe "' chance to eeoape from Jaatkse. fThe woman with her nursing babe n denied ball, pending an appeal toj Ihe Hjpreme CvHirt'of the Territory, aud its kusi-ne- n the(and Jury, although l conc'u4ed to not dUvdiarged, but held till August,1 so that a woman guilty! of uo crime, may. be - detained i prison till she answers its qusetluns. But the man who has deceived' 'his wie,' deceived the girl wjiom he betrayed Into a false marriage under the Impreeslon madefupon her mind that he was dl voroed, deceived the Justlbe of j Car-rlngto- n, - . , '5 . . .. . - .? ! : the -- my ; . Supported by company of hxsomparabh) , n esoalleooe, beaded by j: MR. CCO. D. CHAPLIN . MR. ALEX H. STUART- - J AMD Monday, May Mth. Tuesday, May IStbb atlo-eiookTi- tr 0T tshu, Pjaace who performed the 'cere - feotloo 5342 of tbe Statute of, the l ulled States in reference to bUamy, and that the actlen of any Heglatratiuo Offionr may be revteed aud hf this CommiMloa upon a jroper IDOWTDg. tbe epmpleuoa of the Ill's, Role It shall bs the duty of each Hrgtotratlon Officer to ire pare triplicate lsrs lu alphabet'ea! order lor eaeb preetnet oontaimng tbe naroee of all regleiered votem, oue of which larts ihall he filed la tbe office of tbe Clerk of the Cctra on or belbr tbe Bret day of July ty ourt nest; one lathe iballeaae lobe pasted up tat each precinct at least fifteen days before tbe day vt election, tat or sear the p ace of eleeticn. and the other list ibtll be transmitted by him to the Judges of Ktoouon of the evwrs.1 pradrjota for ue at tbe pol e And be hall transmit tbe affidavits uf voters to tbe Secretary of the Commit ton. Rule IV. Voters rem ring fremoneeleetlon pceolnet ao aaotber In tbe earns county may Officer at any appear before the UeariatiaUoa time prertoue to tbe II tog of tbe llrta in tbe tLe Countv office of tne Clerk of Court, and have ibeir names erased therefrom, and they may thereupon have tbetr names regtoSkrad In tbe preetnot to wbloh tbey may rsmuve. Hule V. The Rrgiatratton Officer of eaib county soau oauae to oe written or printed a notice waJch shall designate tbe office or offi ces 10 be sues, and staune- tnat tbe eleeuon will eummeoce at (dealg-nanng tne psxe mr nowjpg tne pMM, one hour after iiisrlse, and couUnne unill luuset on tee sta say or august, tt., ut s. ilated at ............. on thl Ke-vkr- ed ed ri llI-Cpo- I - .. ., A. day of t I, 1883. : ! Officer. iball be posted utxat kast IS dajs before the etootfcra. la the three public peaces in toe precmot oeet eaHmiatea to arlve nntloe to all voters. It shall be the duty tbe He siratloa Officer to give net Ice ou the Iwts pasted as aAiroaa'd, that tbe iJep-nOffloer of each trectnct wit I brer objeoUoas to the right to vote of auy pan m m a say registerea, notu sunset oa ins Bald tbe day of election. ob)eeuon shall be made by a qualiiled voter, In wr fng. Beirtoti-atloand wenvered to said lepuy Officer, wbo shall Issue a written noJoe to tae prison object a to, stating tee ptaee. djy and hour, whew the objeetioej shall be beard. Tbe person making tbe obleeuna shall eerve. or eaused to oe served; said not toe on the person objected to, and aball a ao make b turn ofsuch eemoe to the Drpoty UelsratlnnOSDrmre wsora tne onjectioa k te be UDoautthearlaertf the ease.lt eald officer shall Cad that Uie partoo objected to Is not a quaiuiea voter, ne tanii wanatsree days prior to tbe ejection trios imit a cert nd Bat ef all sneh damuaaosd rrsooa 101 Judges of KleoUon appointed by the Cum too; and said Judges shall strike such name from tbe Rrgietry laUl beibre tne open-tog or tee potta. tittle VI Tbe Rewbtratlon Officer far each sounty is required as sono as may be, after mm appotntaaeot, to transmit to tbe Beoretarv of tbe Commlaaton, by aaatt. at Salt Lake City, tbe taaanee of three eeraone. wbo am proprr er ebertole) persnoe to aot a Jodges of mew or ine eovntr. Mr wwuwai lulDrmatlaa eftraum tbe tbe Comaareetoa, If In any prednot any person appointed to aot as decline to serve or bll to appear, tbe Judge Deputy Reg'stratlon Offloer of the preetnot shall, by nu toe vaoaney, ana IBS peraoa appauMfoeos, so eprotnted shall auaHfv as bereia nrowiML and aatd KejrhJtratko Offieer hU Immediate, ly transmit the oath of tbe person, raeether wtth tbe stmt of the nerson i so m im i mmniaesai eu u, sv ,o kua VI L The Kearhjtratkas Uflirers and taetroeputissiirta bjom tnea omoee derkM tbep)eureof this Comwusfsoo, and sha seeb, before eoterlpg upon the (UKbargeof ba) euaee, taKe ana saoserioe an rata ta that 'b will sopport the OoDatl'nttno ef tbe Doited Kates, and will ntithfaU and ImearUalry petftem tbe dutlaaof ble office as bereia dettord, aad that he to note bigamfc or poiynmiac Bue VllL The Ctoustr RrvW ration rv oars aed tbetr deputies etell raoetve eon na- satioaas itmowts roc , uourtty uriatmioa liffleer, ft per day; to seek Deputy Bertre-uou uooer, i per ins be paid for tbe time during: which said officer emaeayiNi an tbe die. alleathe leauiivdBa tbe srertstrailna aod eorndiMt of the eaeotton. A eopy of which y n pre-eeedl-ng sj 111 mony, and violated the law of Qud and of man,to 'proceeded against with greatjreluotance, and . then allowed to gOjat large without bail and slip oil at his own sweet will. It 4s often claimed that all the want to the rabid "Mormon-ealer- s execution of the law In Utah the same as m other parts of the Union rmw; Do they take a course of thl kind for Uhe vindication of the law any wheta elte in the United SUtes? Is it ssual . toj fores witnesses to an war! privileged questions? f Is it bsual to proceed as In theCartmgton case? We rather think not.- - These methods appear to be peculiar .to the ftim&fetratlon of the laws injUUh. Belle Harris to evklently a lady poeeeseedef Teonsl lerahle strength ofchaia:Ur. ! KeeldteeT to; at rural dlatrlet said tmaccostomed to the Toar attention is called to Bee-Wkyfjof. eoarU and legal methods, of the act entitled "An Act provid ana bp shown that when ntcaaaary ing for the registration of voters .and of eha c$m grasp' a' principle and stand to further re rnlate the manner Itaf e TerriIn eleetlone to cundnetlng bar by bv iti The question put revision tory, which pro IdeeJlet--the , the Grand Jury was three'ol j. "Are of must be the registration, Ten Is . married .woman; If so to completed dortng the week com whom were you married and when?" mencing tne aeoona monuay m 'was Ihe triple qaery propxanded. Jane. .Ki'' or the vommhsnn. - order By m was: thto that :prlvj . . Bhe repned . of the Territory andEs- legetf qowetlon, and ahe stood Secretary ae-t- n Officio Becreuu--f of the Commto- upon bar privilege ' anaito i ' ion. for answer. It dine! w-- aub-atarj- - i-- d, 8 - ' ! .. . 4 - Deer Lodge special says: Six prison era made a desperate attempt to escape from the penitentiary i at I Jeer lvxi, e in is arternoon. One of the guards enteied the prison, when ne was seized, overpowered and die-armed by prisoners, one of whom drew a revolver on him. ; The guard called loudly ror h'p and ttie out side guards rushed In and flrd two shots at the prisoners, who fled to their cells. No one ws thot. This lathe second attempt of the kind within a week. There are 88 pri. oners con fined in the peuitentlary, witn oniy nve guards. j i aperient obtainable MIRIIfl niGIZIHE lor sale eTerywnere. AS 4-e- ' A Bt. Beveletteaary e aradl Oat. drelsi Car trMrct. 0' o! FIBE-AE- LOST, T I) noosr wai pieaee leave taess as uu oiaee lor o PAINTERS, V ABTslO. CLOTH TNQ AMD Z.C.V.Iseverel AT Faoeortaa, active aodt 1JI US mmmmn J;' j BT W KEM THK CITY HALL AND THE Slet Weed, a sold ehahn and joeke. Tbe Paper-Haier- BHOK Calciiiners, Etc. s, reepactav i& years or age, to Mara bualneae. eteoays, V A A 1 au WIL H; BOWg. WANTED. Black lka dtlSlW A PLUMBERS, ! mm raff ft mnmmm v WOR m sra aa a se ihw wVTrn au nirjfMVff jj h aa bj half lntersat hi a very profitable, agreeaod dallln-able, lone and wwll established mna oreaamg Puaineaa, eentraiiy armmutj with arpanaae eatab. a aubdiridVd Intereat. tan mania, as toe enuna uuam " a""" addte-AOENT, rorfurtber hjfjrmatort, toatal baa, 1M, bau taae ymj, uiaa. a mi u W ?EW by Telsshaue wtil reeMve ' (XeSi Mtanayr " " , j- - I HAVJt IOne sorrel VH NtasituiiijH ..." .' j r will AfPKH, & & JUS Is Bole Agent for the Garry Iron t. ahtx. Hoofing. COJ, DAVID JAMES Stair Builders - luTe, trrk., 4 aud Netrela, if.'outh I m kept iV 'f- Ueatlog Apparatus. side North Temple (Jbr.lan) on- a weat ut west 'tempte " treat "b ' ox aoa. , cloi Ira 8h)p cr n .! i . ' ; s Cs ' . if- v ' "J I rO- - I !; m rr : ttamloe our NAYLOR if r I - OKI A.. i ,. v, 4 O. i ATS tu--1 J. Htmtk, THOMSON IS 1A.TID CAPS, if BOOTS JLIsTID SHOES, Gents' Fprnishino; Goods, PI K 15, -- A ' Saock be ton iaU.e Olt 0svl : ai FARMS ETC, .1 FOR SALE KTC. ti 1 i. VT Ttl C ' TT A "TVT T "XT T"V "rr ""tr"T A tl An on lot corner, dhfrri-arTA- LOT ON CORNKB.10 x W GOOD : CONCRKTB s tool f HOtTflTS AT JiBTATL AXI WHOLESALE. wel) irtu- - -- X): BODS IbKEP mTi raONT. $1fin building dlUU lota, a Jordan atrees, lath Ward. biook north of I 120 ACBS8 OF CHOIOB U toa liand. County Canal runs 10 m'les of tt; west sooth the etty. i through 'ABM OP S ACRFB Ilf HR8-)Ufiftflfl Astans. one aem orehaidjall In tucere; a bouse of rooms and kKoben, ample water light. ' A. WBABLT HBW A DOBIB House of rooms, S summer kitebemv nice poree, south front, lot M x Ml rods, good orchard, on ear hue. two fenofca Kasa tstreet, m Sth Ward. if . (-- $1AA 1 1 VARM-nPIOU- U . PRICES AS L1BW AS THE LOWEST j roos, to ast ward. tAUV STYLES I ROD FRONT. 1 NTNR 3 1 Q trA A NEW A DOBIB Hr Tj3s R Of and a good well; lot 6x6 rods on a eoroer, nloe TxlO q X CAN FIND A FINE ETOCK i ; ,1 r- ,- v. h ' WnEREVOU . iU IUoOU btodeoeen. CheaibuUdS iDgieta iDre Dioea rrrn IX a: tt. U. depot. ANS AND KTlMVrF8 tIJHW flFIFD. Is Sole Agent for tbe Usxtoo, U. B IJLJobbiur atteodeJ tta Biaek urrait-Bmlth aud W. H. Warner's 8 U am alnut Bails Oaiusten oiau "T?- 1-" i if r Bf)N. ara Fd rmlnj Repair aH Wndi of Vthiclea IwxiUment. dlOA Til diOA A DAVID JAMES Pounkeeper. . Uth,U.; WM..ASPER 1 - WAGON MATiKIiL, E o. . HABDWOOD, HOMES (s Hole Agent for the Otto Silent Uas Ergine. r LiH KKIIIINR, JAHrCity Heatray WM. 1ST- JAS. THOM)H. - DAVID JAMES j WflJIV ihjrtui. for 0KAJU.aS way? t-- May andaStcckof rubral - rxnm'vT3 re TpiUEIIIC tilating Grate and Fire on the Hearth Gratee,Stoves and Maatke Which If not elaimed and taken away with int teo eajra rr.nn nate, win be eold at aueUon tbe btgbeat u dder as tbe etty Betray on Monday, the Pound, Washinartoe zV m. tethof May, 1883 at Square, ,i lAkeCMy, Salt . 3TANDABD RB4P8KS ATVTJ MOWrlta, Orand Detour SuTcv end Hand Oorbam Seeder ane Cuithatnra. Grata and Seed Dr) la, , Sukr'Key Katoe, fssd Ciitlersi Chilled plows, Hairowti Vv- - rtrat Vast Street, between let and ! DAVID forehead, right hip knocked down, nnsbod. Onoaorrel HOH8K.ab.wt 7 year old, branded on left thigh W or like V M, a small under bit out in each ear, a blotch braul on am J I'll HI m about 8 yean old, braod- u veutca, a imail itar ui sbtTuld-rttkeadaimo-nd. p. SPBIHG W WORK Is Sole Agent for the Jackson Ven I 4 HllF FIBU.FHEtBHT 1 fifift A NICK HOTJ8B Or TWO x o, cnotoe mat tot OALT LAKE CITY. trees, a goon fooms, oiyuu well, pump, eta, one block from Utah Central Depot. BCBT,1 . mi OOOPSIJ Call and A 8PXCIALTT. NOTICE. U 111 j; j AOBNTS FOR yee Buy. cf Block State Road, Three-fourt- hs South of The&tra, MT POdSKSBION HOBSK, PlIITIK SlOrc Sboelns a SpeolAlly, JOSEPH WALKER, City Marshal i I , (BIHAR V OF BLACKSHITHIflG Notke is also given that all persons arepro- uiwto iruu laniwinar any aanep, gairmgw, dross, cinders, sbele. straw, shavings, dirt or substance of any kind whatever In any street, sidewalk. ditch, lane, alley er pubUo place in ibbj our. except at euca piao a eaaubeda. Ignated by the Street Bupervtsor, nuder paual- - tSTRA j . ail Wagon Carriage j any in thai and any person found gin My of the eame etty, will be proaeouted under that erdlimnee of tbe etty , D8 Carriage, Wagon AR RF.BRET ALL PntSONS against dumping any speeles of rub-- CI11USE u.u.m. ur uosnuuira ehsraeterhi. of the streets upon Aimasw , or Bte, ALL KIM - WARTJirJC tf Dmmt Oerrlao end WaaonOa) MAVniAOTUttB (REf AI1L . , .isn St UKi CBUEIUIATSO CARRI A GEO. SPEING WAGONS Bts LOT 5 BOOMS, jo x S rode, eoroer of StxUti Bast and Kigatn iouta s'leeta, one Mock nnrtb of entrance to Liberty an excellent orchard w otani juu irun Park, time, or goon quality, au bearing abundanrjy; pkmty of email fruit, half an acre of lucero, half ao acre of atrden. The whole m under the highest cultivation a good well also on the premises, a substan tial corral and stable, ate. Ap place to J. T. WILSON. . . eaut uty, April zs, 188. 119 The! PHvS, (8ooDtearetoNTUMi I'.' ram, joseph FOB SAL :' V snopsi . ajvrr. . i MYLOR ' AMD AT REMDKNOaV SoavA CONTAIRG COLD aaatenai atr Pstimates given on ihortret nonsa. SatMfaeuon guaranteed. Orders promptly atssoded to. lesipauue at omce. 8mmg Mew Ass usrwsr, .assweat, thaalsr Is aH kinds ef B A T ;m si jTV and HOT Jobbins Work a Specialty. BsTrcraEix, 4 ordered I FITTERS. 1220 Second South Street, is A ROTJ8B up with HouMC fttted zi mini fVet CHS srotviUK. f,umDere Watkh tn e lass PiPEBS. UCTC8RD ALBCV f VANTED IIHIIM --or turn NEWEST PATTERNS. tt LlRWIS apply to WaatOROW c Rait Oitv. ttOOK, AAJ fflNB ItOCK DU, tDUK fl A TEAMS tOB. LOQGrNO. Cirpenters, Builders raiOUKs. RTFLE P I OF TOTJH MUSICAL iWSTfiU-men- u VeryBtrons;. PerfcjotlySale are out of repair, take Uaeea to w kjhk a VL&uti, s uommecetai! St., eait TBI BEST BIFLE w8boottoge JLake City, Otaaw Bepaarem of OROAN8, aoourate, lfoM mure beauUAil, Maoipuat to acuuttuKumH, viutoMd, uuii, easier, Onljb finer than that of any ether rifle. all kinds of Musical Instrutneots. CB. kliSLII fEl Good WorkmanBhlp siiaranteed. Sef. Ok 1401m CaUetw d sreaos, T U.W!lta!" fO 1 JV r iti m t ni c umiiaiivia, LlKE' 1 86 an4 88 East Temple St., SALT. CITY. $9nfl ft A A rxmns uoTa-Ward- . i hotjsb or i rooms ...5vT. ' .. 4re 7 a ft BOTJSB or t boom-- lotIs 2bt Ward. HocBB vW room Aim srm SKOn WeJUU mer KNoheb,t lot S 21st CoiiMtnnlly Rcplcnlbcd vUh NEWGOODS. at ir q 1-- 2i q m co1 n 1 18. An offloer set, I I I I an bjrlvan regiment wbo was re r r-1 cently arretted on euaptolon of being . awtiieuMMldiaiasttliMiita,, engaged m tbe revolutionary move -- , VavMa'MMAM lL. .. . Is Sole Agent for the Hartford G!as ' rVr M" K.M. rtiM THE FAMOUS ment, was fcutjected to a severe ex UuuotV Canal. S mllaa n ai,. Water Closet, and keepa fn stock slses irom te to 100 acres each. Call at out amiuation,' during which! he men tioned the names of several ufiloers the UelJyer, Hygi la, Zanes, Jen ! of guarde, who he declared belonz.d Boots,; Clos nlngs and White's Bat Uotues Rented,' Lnans JVeaotfated, toe revolutionary elub. He ata.ed, of are all which first class. ets, and Collection Made. ho wtver that the club pursued s txsUollars, eiai oijeots and bad juo connection , BUTTER Made In from with terrorista. The Czar on learnBBALi B8TATB AND LOAM AGUTT, ing of this confession, decided to ta ' three 3. Tim Neath St VI eel eriSala. pobtpune the date of his coronation, S Keefs fn ttotk the latest Improved but was dlsLoaded from so doing, A Minutes, SM. p a BOX, f number of effloen of the cuardi Plum hers Materials to te found Jgy- - A Thermometer furnished have been arreefed in eonsequence with' each CABPETS. LUTS, N0 FLOO OIL CLOTHS- In the astern Marke a. Churn. For ale by of tbe prisouer'e dle!losure3.i f ! . A Merder the er. 1: OB H. D. CLAVGON, LADIES" AND ,MISSES ISHOES HI GREAT VARIETY. London, 18. A dispatch to the dlS2 BALT LAKE CITY. Central jftwi from Bt. Petersburg avs: The police of .that etty have He la stock the lalUst d signs of been Informed of tbe existenoe of ; FULL; STOCK OF OVERSHOES, GOOD Uns Fla tores, selected peronaDj CHEAP. plot to frighten the horse of theC aor While vt lu the the winter. past at some favorable opportunity dur ing the procession at Moscow on cor Radically Cured In a Week onation day. and in tne conrusion UHY H. which would'no doubt follow, to kill Bo Truss or Other Hechanicai Ary SALVE ,:.. itbe jmperor, 1 w In stock a large supply ot Iron Avtaeafresie Xxiplealera. ; puance used. The moot Poworftal TTcallng Has -t-o: Kasan, Boesia; 18. The steamer uiniment ever UUrovertMl. .v Hose and Lead Pipe, Pumps and eael .. i ' watae1 wnU ' Ahletlylre.PslnlcaeaBid SarMEBIAI. on the river HCVSTtS Carhelle ftelve est re j Flttrngs. lekatrwnbmrffi plying ; ifll (T Klelleae Th MreetewS ef:all ., eelerta Heteeitlll Illaeeeerlee t Vwlga, exploded her boilers yester :; Car. tke steller er 1KMBT Cwrwaltc ejeti e'laure eCertaix ' day. , Ttrenty-ntn- e jjersons were rounded by tbe erpioaion. UKratTw Crbwlte SMUre eain Mrwleee. .:.,,..;..; Ast Itolerseer. . Wr. S..1. Teaad1. C3nTrakl r.n.nU Mas In stock a large aasortment of ti ESltT! Carwelte aire London, 18 Wit to stated that an Tftraapkaav. Salt Street, Lake baa la tb Cltjf, Oen been Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Hoofing and day informer who' was brought from appalnted eu .frwla Reive pirrsiciAjr or for l ; tbe -, aale Agent the America because of the' knowledge rile. Star Nixed Is Paint- made In Galvanized Sheet Iron, and pre-Z- t uraoeate rrotn the Untvmfty of fret, a KM at Wm i CarheUl nelve tueale which he possessed regarding per Tbc end ttuaa Germany, burg, Medieal are far nee, andpered to do all kinds of Tin, Cop readj sons implicated In? the dynamite AaA fee will not Clialk Crack iior Peel off, all Tadke BTe Ot Ilaairy'a.awel Iron are : Sheet and Stove and Work. per has been rnllj maranla Scotland tar b&vau u ouOMTiua iuvLu conspiracy, Furniture a specially. , Yard tor tbe peat two dajs. , r f tt. 11111,1,1 ac fea stewra , i aa.seei. wal, a or - IS I DAVID JAMES T Breakwater Clnni .11 lies, c one-and-a-J- DAVID JAMES uilf Handkerchiefe and Un derwear lor Men and I j I LIHBU . DAVID JAMES DAVID JAMES CARBOLIC - . Shoes, Hats; Caps, .Shirts Clothing, j ism iiif i- WM,-M,- RUPTURE! hRlinFRIFh FTP, h I . A r:,r r.. . ?. w-...sa.- :'-- ; : .f.v W DAVID JAMES WlLLIAMT ODD, a shigeo t i ; ! ; I -- Hgn . Opera House- - ? Mother and Bon drew; a very large audience last night at the Opera House. It is of a different class from anvthina previously presented by J anaoscbek. But It gave a much better opportu nity for a display of the talents of the company. Every performer ap peererl ; to adTsmtaze. Jaiuuiechek eare to played with her every detail, deep pathos and In tense emotionrising into grandeor In thiiesne of the oorse. Mr.Stnart played his part of the ton to perfee-tlo-n. Mr. Chaplin, too, wee very floe. Mr. Bterens and Mr.". Shine were also excellent, iviras Xdoi.k tdared charmingly and with much greater c&sct th&a tratofore. Mite Brooks and Miss Irving also gained ' ? I -desmrved appUnssi. Z'liah will be per formed, ftsi another drarnatk" treat j may be aaisly anticipated. ; aoo-astonn- COP HID sKK SADGEK ?rrf UHCOLORED JAPAI Has ' a large force of First Class 1!iLl,u Oo. aaOtaUoa, (f ate) ; Piambers, Bteam and Gas Fitters, at a- - te and is prepared to do Plumbiog e a. , . waate t end Steam Fitting on the very loda-arla est Improved plane' as adopted d sas eured by Eastern Citle, and solicits toe arttitrrrn ,; oontlnoeil oitlof the patronage ' . T -8 T I at O M 1 A C 8 : of tbas city suad vlolnlty. . . . .' - panted CUP aad SAUCER of handaome duced ha tbte etta. om CV?T2i7H ta. perecotl at tbe CavBfctotaiVki raxxrra Rnll hw T m. tICQA ; ( bt salt LAArTcfrr. ' Wa AA nn-wLml.- DAVID J AH EG de fweh.1 targe ' rr' ZZlJi.0".! if CaTa Mini Ptprcrull net weight) es taitTmenetaas Japawrse and ttM H, SALT LA KB rrrvvj rxsad To-nirt- ht Ps-sif- ere J : wmslSffJSUmlt Is also prepared to lay Water Pipes tiemaa from the Water Mains est ahoit notice. . ,4l t Z--T phone Order d received QfHee; b a??u!UdrThXT " MMiiauam..etal S is ', J jaa.maji i ltinta "i-- fW" flmvmr. Strength JToMre' Oivat fVeewetioi. haod-ina- Vr,1.n nan Francisco. sv, rout Balt Lajtb Cttt, Feb;i0b,188S. street, DAVID: JAMES T ly Tile- - and Workshop, Mad. OB REelDEJNCS. Uni! Urwtreuaeetsw aupb. u. ta Tt. rfiKT V. Krt rrrr. uah ?reS' ," a in "Tr ffig4? MeX .' . ?'' 1 : . fortable IF YOUR ORG Al r 1 will be found, on trial, to do thfl most eas v. natnrai aod com Bi FOR E1CTJI. .ATaurr TataSSS r ATLANTIC a,a Is the best family medicineyand j An Act to amend f ' ....Mary Ptoart Maria Aseotnette Mother and Boa Thursday, aiay 17 h Frtdav. May aath. " Baturdej, ta IMLBW Orand Janoansobak Matinee Saturday, Xveralng. May UUMaebeUt nasetvei Bear east be secured on end after Thursday, the aXh at 10 octook a. m. AdadsrVtai $1 00. 16a. and COs. Ureerred ge, inoiuo- asets, aaeweztm. mason aw tax tne Beats Useerved tng nrejats. ... HATH. CHIXJDS, MAoager. U A. MOBOKK8TERN, , Mg-am- y . MAM BURG BILT. IfUBBTZTt O CBCAJTOX ' tax-pay- er -- JANAUSOHEK. a Ber-totrau- oa pn-do- - extraordinary of the greatest BTtna TrsieiiQe, , - ir- "1 MONDAY, MAY X4th. Citizen, I rlsh mm -- I tl3ae 3VT s - Jr3ea-ruxcl.eay- organ, in a column and a naif edi torial beaded '.Boycott tne Pope." ivs: C(Of all the productions of Papal Interferecce m the afiairs of t rrr.sz..i .' aV" .r?,-5fc,- : FOR SIX NIGiaLTS Ireland that have marked the po licy of the Vatican from the days of Adrian IV to tboee of Jno. Xlland from tbe reign of that Pontiff to the present time, the last circular ad- Leo XIII to the Irlsb diweedby . In . regard to bishops, and .clergy, the Parnell fund to the most Intol erable. If the Irish people submit cravenly to this latest Itali an whip being furnisbed by the Pope's I worthy airy, "Victoria, by uv bi n wu, sulau m Vl HJi Qoeeo of (Jrrat Brttain and Ireland and Empress of Indla."they will for felt tbe respect of the world at large But what are they going to do about It, may be asked. We reply, let tbem bokl public meetings Ihrougn-ou- t every dtocooe of Ireland, and sa resolutions sternly denouncing any more or nuj nouneaa' nnnoiy m lerventlon In Irl&b politics, and tell nun once, and ror ' ail time,. nrmiy and respeotfally, to mind his own baeints as bead or tne Uatboiic Church. They might supplement tnls action by resolving not to con tribute a single cent of "piteous While Leo X III occupies pence; the papal chair, or at ' least until be quite his palpable and scandalous political alliance or tne lrln witn Uie arcn-enenation and race. In a word, we ad- vlae ouiapoun trj men if they have any respect ' for themselves, or for Ireland, to Boycott the Pope and teach blm a leeson that will be serviceable atl least to his successor. Cut off some of the monetary sup-AUGUST ELECTIOH. piles of Xieo XIII and teach; him, misunderstood, tnat RULES OP THK OOMMISSIOWEB3 FOB wltbout being the Irirh race cannot be bulldozed i REOISTB4T10N OFFICERS, into slavery' by the bayonets of England, cr Ly lhs thunders o' OiFiCK or iub Utah LoMMifcaiON Home. We hope Irish Bishops and Salt Lake City, Utah, 1883. clergymen have backbone enough to ' Members of the Commission reseut this Roman outrage on their Ireland win stand bv Aex. Ramsey. Chairman; A. 8, patriotisms them Carlagainst Pope Leo and every A B. G. L. Godfrey, Paddock, ton, J. K. Pettlgrew; A. L. Thomas, other foreign busy, body be he Baxcn or Italian. Becretary rire-- A Steamer Barsved te Use Fatal ' V T- OWesere BeleTe. 81r I enclose herewith a commie 18. -- r It Is reported Hartford, ston appoint lag you a Deputy Reg here steamer Orantta State, the that Pre- henre last fetration Officer for ror XSew York, was nigbt rdnct-County. Upon your burned atuoodspeed LAndlng. acceptance or tne appointment pi east Hartford, 11 a.m. Bpecial to the subscribe and swear to the oath en Courant tram , Qoospeed Landing, cioeea, anu return tne same to me. sayi--: The steamer, Oranite State was The roJJowing rules denning your burned to . the water's ' edge at duties have been adopted by the o'clock this morning. Bhe had ,1 Commission: large rreigbt, and is a total lose, she lies sunk ion Lord's Island, first Role L Tber ball be aprxfnted one Ollicor tar eseli county, and oua above the landing.. Five persons Deputy Ef UtiuUoa Officer lor etkch are missing. The body of the seo tberaof. Hule IL Suoh Ee titration Offloer shall, on ond cook (colored) named Jackson, or before the ant Monaar In June, procure nas neen recovered. Tne steamer from tbe otlioe of tb Clerk of tba County was while destroyed this morning Good-speList on fll Court tha 1m( preoadlogrKaciBtr ed ha hla offitM, end by hlrusaif and him deputies, approaching the dock at 41 miles below tbe divine thm wek couimoooiuir so .Mid BratLanding, on bis RegWreMonday la Mid month, enter tne name or any qiauwM voter city. The flames spread so rapidly ihduii whose name not on said im, on suob voter that nothing was saved. Five lives sppeariof and taking- tbe following cats or are known to be lost, four by bnrn amnnatloo: lng and one by drowning. The per . TaaaiTOar or Utah, e. son drowned was Mrs. Dr. C. L. County ex Bait .Lake. T,.......:...., belnr fiat duly sworn, for Maine of New Haven,' who with ainriBad) dapoaa and aaj, that I am ever her husband lumped Into the river. twenty-on- e years or are, ana nave resided In The husband reached the dock. An sU mental, and In effort was made to reach the the Territory of Utah dock, one month ,1a-tbe creel oct of mediately preoedior tbe date hereof, and (if a bat the Are spread with such rapid male) am a native bora er natural Laed (as the tnat it was round impracticable. ease may be) cittern of tbe United Stateawd ity m idk lerntorj; (or ir a lamaw). Her stern was swung hi, however, a I am a native born, or natnral'apd. or tfa and most of the passengers and crew wife, widow, or daughter (ai tbe eawaiay Jumped from the burning steamer be), of a natlva born or natnraUaad dtlzan of to tue wnarrwniie some lumped in tbe Catted Statee; and I do farther ax lemnly war cor amrmi tttat i am not a Diramwt to tne nver and swam asnore. it is nor a polyyamlit; that 1 have not vt'lated not known how the Are originated. tosiaws or tne uniea exaiee rraatMiine; The bodies of the persons burled bigamy or polyraor.7; that I do not live or cannot be Identified. Q e body al eonablt wtth more than one woman lathe relation, toot oon any relation ext ready identified Jls that, of the eec marriage between me and any woman whteh hai beM ond cook named Jackson. Two ntemd Mo er onttnuad In vlolaik of tbe raid laws of tbe United 8tate prohibiting bodies are supposed to be those of bigamy er telygam) (and if a woman) that emigrant: passengers. Nine! horses I am not ute wee 01 a poiygHmut, cor uare I were ah o. burned. Tbe cargo was entered Into any relation with sny mm In fetation of tbe laws of the OnJted State mostly freight bi'Jed to j this city, which to a total loss. The steamer oonoernfanir and polygamy. Subscribed and a worn to before me, tbh) bull has floated down the river lSo& day of about half a mile below the), landing. mere is nomwg .ViSiDieanove tbe . . . Officer Precinct. Krgatratlon And said Reelirratloo Offleer or his dem-- water but her gvlley frame and Ue (ball itrike from said Hsu the names of waning peam. rue steamer was II pe none who hare died or ' removed from valued at (50,030. tne nrecmoc aaro toe nam or au peraone who be baa reason to believe have become Shewta erasi rial el Sheta la rrlaoei dlaquaUQed to vote onder tbe Act of Cnn- Btjtte, MonL, 18. The Miner's grree approved March ZSd, A. U 188. entHled -1 h'l : vnoai AMERIOiN. - - WALKER OPCRA j flODSB. - JUST COMPARE THE TWO v ATEULY'8 IT r ( - v - tf i ;i 3'- iif. iii |