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Show (''-.'1 f ' ' . " ' ' ' ) ' DyloJ&JllM!j ; : .;. j.;. ji .. i . VOL. IXTI. j . - 1 - 1L j.. .. - 'I- NEW YORK TRADE. ; . - A BE H I Q 19. ' i I - 1JM j ' L f ' BY TELEGRAPH; CHICAGO SCALE CO. 2ftWai State. 140 3 Ton, $50 - i - '-'. ,;-- r i. v t- -- t .. M if 11 ' '! IinUUTOBT, FJIIPAT JSVEnOO, Department to revoke such order of withdrawal" In reply to your sug gestion whether the withdrawal of. tbe Indemnity limits of this grant was to stand so far as made," I nave to say that I am of the opinion that upon filing map of approved definite location, withdrawals of, lands with in the indemnity limit should be made by yon to the extent of the first Indemnity limits. 8uoh action will be In accordance with the prac tice heretofore pursued py your omce in reference to withdrawal. Owing to the ilmess of Juror Geo. B. Hherlff, no progress was made in i the Star route trial y. Tbe aTertbeni PaetOe. Hclena. M.T.. 17. The North-era Pacific Railroad Company have purchased over 600 acres or land at Helena for depot grounds. A large amount of land will be ret apart for side tracks, depots, machine shops, lumber yards, warehouses, eto.i, and and the remainder win oe aiyioea n to town lots. Among other im provements proposed by the railroad company is a $100,000 hotel. The location selected for the depot is very and satisfactory to this oommunlty,buildhas given renewed Impetus to Many expensive ing operations. business houses are being erected, 3? The end of the track. Is y miles east of Helena, and la advancing at the rate of nearlyto two miles ner day. Immigration Montana is very large, and It is probable that the Increase of population for the year will aggregate 80,000 to 40,000. The new settlers are eoming in by the Northern Pacific, both from the east and the Pacific, coast. Helena, wblch Is the j commercial, financial and political centre of the Territory, will probably douDie ner population Within the next year. ! ons to bring .the murdered man and wounqed wrown. .Tnexeneiug no white doctor willing to assist the Chinese, a Chineae doctor from Yale attended; them; ' He says three more of , the i wounded will die.: Nine Chinese had frightful wound about the head; fu one case the brain wase ooslrjg.' The coroner found It impoe-slblto procure a medical examinaj tion of the murdered men. t " ' - . ' " . MAY 18, 1883 il Providence 9, BuCklo BuflMo. V, m mt 5IUS 1. to-da- y To-nig- .1 ht j .cik'iciiak)..-- etfcj-Hii- a ' Absolutely Pure. A cncAao. -- . - , -- it, feel-lug,an- ?tr. ! Cltl. tAlf; " i" mill -- . ): d HAYNES -I- I rsn n, - 1 , . ; I If You Want tho . -- - - m m . m m m w tS-- 4M C A. I j - - c ; tittle M , - . ofalltMi W. DAVIS. a 1 fit !' ln-erea- ee oj4icXco, n 3lx.x wahb, I f - t , dtj 1 ' -r-- r-v YORK. . , gun-works- , HAT7AREnOUSE YORK. FR'tSr JUnERailEGGS, DAVIS'. AT : , 1 1 . 8, I n - . i COTTO i AYIS. i -- J is ? . r n ! 0$k4 - ; -- DUCK. - i v -- m" mm m. frr-- .DAVIS. CS I : T E A, iBest i ,f- - uu uu ts. Ma-b- a, SON, 'tlut, , SaBoors& Blinds, w j- 1 'di . I . : -- - - son-vaola- nt 1 to-da- ;. IFOI? GOOD FABW AWp TOWN FROPFRTT Notary Public1 Chicago, 17v The Chicago and Attornej-it-La- v. Sarsala, Twautf town iots, wNb Rook Island has given notice that It bomeef sins rooroa, good barn aod ontannaee. Oood paatara pear lailliijaa UT4, KIMBAIX BLOCt, withdraws from the Iowa pool se our fjrtTC--- 0 rtnaaa araat of Sknalor butd adXAUoar tba I a.AKSt naasanger pninas n eonoarnea. town isot. The reason given for tbe step Is that Twacrt fi t a of ftwmiikr land wltb Ba- - iwrw-M- ir taryruenflM jw a tlssrtei OflSslMwiat aeraa wa af'iwac i the pool as now arranged is simply a mm la, atuist IbtrUan aoratmaadow iul. dead letter, as it cannot : be carried vu v JoimsoN.- . out as long as the Milwaukee A St. FbanUbi Q raaa. Ban pate Oouoty. Uiaa. f tu to-da- 3 -- 4i . - i 1 ;. j n0, 150 .1 i lEIIEl, - i HIKED rKOBI , WASIIXB41TOH. WAHiafdw, 17. The United !i for tf)! Work, $10 BUtea b teamen TaUapootd a& 0..f Fuf. Anvil iWKlof Tool, lift Paul refuse to Jom. DB. M. IIOCKMAN, . eta ' J Ewing, and the teumboat Oeorge , r 4lt i" ." ... t f y of member rStiU A Ml byatelaai 17. iltosaed New' York. Leary, conveyed Arrangement are liUw. tbe Uoctety of the Atnajr of the Aarla for opening Brooklyn eompieted & a number of InTited Bridge on toe zatn. Mayor or KEITH CROTHERS, BTJTLPnfGI, Hrtl8 gaeata to Mount Vernon. I. Brooklyn has Issued a proclamation DFFIOa IW Hauaa. OflSoa aoura fro u; J;brtIsPis;''V;iita grand banquet will be gtren the . the opening day a holiday. kodTtota-aaftaakAaooa ttb Bast, bat. Sd and tod' Jctlri of declaring STE1U BDILER UUERS. v the of. IiONDOif, Third 17, M day Boutb. .. ITniKnhsilnii In Bi iiaau siwl Sm omces, courts ana sonoesi tttb. Booletj. Public The effltoe 'i Manchettet Slimmer meeting., and restasnos. Tetepeace at At the banquet the following LIS. UPS. fiih I M J'STBSIiSIilSCfiHS. and citixena are re will be - 1S ;. 7 anchester can, 2,000 sovereigns, questedclosed, toast was glren: "The Army of the bus of to their close 'JciiiiTmca(n.iinui.'ria.i P1 place ; , wee Bl CH U won A'nmroee; by rtc, F40. j:aiermo PotrmaV to which Gen. MoClellan President and Governor The 16 Alban starter, m -- Sr aam ii j third; aeesaewa aw s teeone; was to respond As the name of ayM v T-will be given a reception m the nd 2U,j i'ul'fco ftrft, 148, ZO, 4 j; i eve tournament last chssa In the was eommandfer their of announaed, Muaio, Ma-SoBrooklyn. Academy ' p.o. Box, mr. was beaten by. ning rschigortn and he rose to address them, the of Mexico. 17. The OMoial and: Old not heat him, as was City broke on chairs and ; Journal hop very ebon to an reportedInto cheerapratig after eheer. For two or Duflerin will vUt Vienna and nouace the renewal of diplomatic re Lb it e minutes the clamor was deaf1 4XAV SFwstSt si VAMAJtrmmtK Paris on his way to England from lations with ICngland. Man. pouoded the tables, ening. to JOHN C' HEEMES S CO., exohange views Constantinople,' sbSs-- mm re-ks- ei, atamped with their feet, and shouted ; amendment mm nmiiri. Aualnan and French gov- - The constitutional the with, : spfcoe themselves and the hoarse, of offehsee under the MANUFACHIhlNl press bringing on ernmeute the Egyptian qaeetkm. the lurisdlouon or the oramary from the galiery to the banqueting member room was a surging sea of heads and Dublin, jury of .Parliament lor Dungaryln, m a courts instead of a special press arms, napkins and bats, and eTen is approved by a mejoruy or - the reFreemen' to letter the Journal owners the which wiih I crutches, declared a State ferring fc, the Pope's circular to the law. legislatures, and . gesticulated In their enthusiasm and f Vatican the has archbishops, aays excitement., Oen. McCtellan stood been misled by susptolou : mendaciMore GO TO G. M The federal government granted the tumult, pnrltrv Mrrrtkivl who!Ptnrm. 71. JJ. 37. A 31 MICSiEAI IVEiDE. tMioiwwm'cal llianlibe ordlairy kUxto, Bnd cui-- .t calmly bowing during which has availed ltslf of the a conceMion to the State of Mlehoa- lessenty, of showed and when It 41 In roii rrtltkm wfth Um miiltHiidii lit) signs too monstrous Ignorance of Irish afo 1 for the construction of three $4 low thort reirbt,luni or pfaoaj'bitte. ing, stilled It entirely with a ware fairs prevailing at Rome. - He char- railroad lines to connect with the of of avoloe hla In hand. deep I 'WW M ANW. ROT AC HAEIM FOWlaR acterise Erring ton, who has been Central Railway. Owr florw a'r k?4 by TV jy fV M I. Its I1rneh a v B speaking In m measured tone, aii.. Raw York. S I SaBtawB llureaua dealer, raatrajlly la Uitf lCrltory. jOtt., M wall the medium of communication be XI AUU It UUU vltWv AJVMV h to his Old he his began greeting 17. 00mThe Detroit. Detroit, .15 dMilr VatlB tween Great itiau and the ! BR1NCKERH0FF, TURNER &;C0, command. Every Totoe was hushed; Knights Templar, have f n, a a aneak and : renegade, and mandery, be said: "In days long past and gone GO TO G W- - DAVIS. decided ; to abandon - the proposed 109 Dtiane iSt , NF.W TOBK, or the attention 'Vatican the says to IValera la OOT- - forever, when we were young and Francisco MrnifcturPTS of and San the conclave, trip to fostbe crimes called the ' should . i t--i 11 TOJI 8AII4 lCCK, M VaxibeTTj," Drold strong, full of life and hope, with a ri ; on account of being unable to mus t i of enforcement ered by EngUuid's were before favorite ail nn1 MIIN, " FllH'mH' oinet the future us, there I 1 ter 00 swords, the majority or the A. . AA i IWUVi IW UUMUUUB brnnda, all numbHri,MMfum and son tpch relations between as that It to leave their members Ton Daniel Cur ley. another of the con business being unable GROCERIES fiOCK FOB OVEBALLS.eiDE.eBQWM.GR II THE GBET. seems to me too cold and formal to of time required If the length will demned be as Chairmurderers, Mr. addrvM hanged c all you TOW CANVAHHnf tramtir . simply has for Wholes) MnjuflCureri the trip. The eommandery ii. DeaUt asM DlaaaCer. His father and -wife Instead , H to IfiO liiclii wl'e. for IB, Car, trunk man' or 'Gentlemen.' Your chairabout decided to take a trip GOi TO and man often to visited land Wapon Covrrlnns .Apf-f him to me Intelliday. 17. bodies of The brought Jebskt CiTT, maoa St. Jjawrenoe and to the down the lu ue iuki o.h'r 1 urjjov, quummai i) needed from ' I the JohnHurburt and Michael Carry. gence that up tnorMt $ Oepeaal items. j f prindpaj cities of the East. i 5tay!anl " Jaws of death, and when assigned to wo of the men killed at the recent ptfi for; IT. & BimMrw Ob-- , 17. statement The , Farts, weekly 2Vt0TJT.TXLlia-itnd "fnykyt by the Caf p W quaiittty. Chicago, 17. J. H. Sanders of the command of a division of hew bit fire, !: were found In the bay of the Bank of Franoe shOss an V J ln iooo can w cuiaimw ai ttm nirli, . Piutt, Vhtirah JtniU, Btair, member of the United If Yon hurried by forced marches blown into the water by the ex tie CHEAPEST DRY GOODS, he thhiolty, troops of 2,000,000 francs gold, and State t ' Etc. hi Stair Ralliig, BoiHitm, fTfu-tlto of commander Cattle assistance the Treasury Commission, . plosion. rrancs 5 CO. sUver. WSSUFJCIUS1SE 10,000,000 a'J3SI.L 4 EBftiS for Europe next - week on a on the bloody field of Antletam. .Denver, uoi., 17. rne jiarnson III. j letter from De leaves Figaro publishes aSue Manofactxtera of Rulkira aod ntar There can be no form or ceremony mission, it 1 at a Reduction peciai Works governmental Xeadville, Co. Oar Onrata r eootrrtlT kopt In Ptnck br Canal the i UesBeps stating , his trip basl particular between him and myself, Very branch of the St. Louis .Smelting Um larvrat lmbrr IxUnn Id Jkktf canal across understood most of you, were and Refining Company, , burned propose to dig a second I TV reference to restriction which are and MoukUnr tod many, perhaps Cr . I,u ,. , j oak no fr opoa appnoatloo. me when in this ivery mrjosed noon our export cattle I Lhte mominr; loss (60,000 to 170,000. theIhisthmus. j 1801 (S3 BHJISS. WQS3 133 U'JfilUE SCBEWS. with det Debat$ regards trade Journal mass of with Great Britlan,and to rethe command that assumed wu17. .Baltimore. The Wl. tughoat 21 wl as and the circular X somewhat 43, 45 47 C7iiftfr Pope's of brave men, unorganized and port on our trade with Germany and river ton, hence for Rappahannock US mini XS Km.le St., it" ti nu; who the M suns; the crew or six men were reardyH composed irtvooBr Jerome iNapoieon nas other European countrieaj .G. .W. OSTJHHOHSErNilLS! FactarleaJSTJSlr cleus of afterwards what the became rrom reecued U 8. the A. Now Britain, Ownu, rigging, except started for 'England to j visit ex- of of Those the Potomac.; endeavored who Army . Engineer Wolston, W For Sal by ,Z. a M. I. and Braiwh you iPOLISHEU OR BLUED who were with me then wen to reach the shore in a leaky boat Empreee Eugenie. stores COOP E R JBROTHp R3 , The ' MaJagats Uerllrj.17. Savoys more than brothers in arms; you and has not since been eeen., Will HoM a (boa on lonirr than any of fof London, by way rWTATk AMD LOAH AuTOTB, otbar. Wo Guaraota ear Naita GEORGE H. CLARK & CO., were my very children." This was Denver, 17. Btockbridge f jsu- - departed SasoDd Boutb HtreaC In G where tbe visit Krupp's TjBAL Easen,, In QuatMy and ha to MoClellan's In and this Fqual . Colorado at opening, Biook. Well, ' om balWlna- - lately ouauiaM br peak-brewers, City, M' . t Jettrocwpoa ro I Durability to aor martai. strain he proceeded to the close. were closed j on mortgage. aAea, kara asw Sar aata aoa oantoa lota of consent to his The gives Emperor eaal aw la. Akw aavaral natma s raaa. CZ.A.BK It R O T II K R 8 , He spoke of the "trying times Detroit. 17 .The private bankf of the retirement Vada front tbo Boa Hrwy or buy er o bonow es pf many high, offic- ParUM daalrlns to notsauoa in which ; you and I did 'our Eugene AngeL Its ers of. the at Lsuising, closed IrWn, rinlakMMt Alrcaxiy 2C, 28 fc 33 XJLK13 STREET, CIIICAGO. S3, Is it This, army. " thought, recalled best for our country," and I doors yesterday, there iwing a run shows . the 1 by (M government despairs the well loved and familiar fioes upon it, amid considerable excite 6t2, 24 BKOAD VAT, f which all missed from their ranks. ment, it is stated that the late of passing- : the bill mcreating pen JOHN PCTCnOON. SI1CI e215E; 1UL G0UP11T. . ; i He taid, "I see now this city the city treasurer, C B Wood, Is thort sions. ' is affl .Bismarck is stated that It capital of this Nation, as it was In his accounts, and that the icted CHlbAQO. Co-- , with catarrh of the stomach. & K. came Q. SHERIDAN western eome! here from when con troubles bank have tta l the of m. and c: I. t. 17. br The Sultan has iwiui Vienna, of full troops. disorganized of out Virginia; nection Morea. Kcw b with S, ThMm Mrcrt, growing Braop to convoke a Turkish Par 11a- fork, 10 ly in Imminent danger of attack. I an endeavor him, to tide him over .his agreed order and quiet restored as If by troubles. The exact facts seem to ment, whicn win .resemoie ine as- mbly of 1876, and be composed cf magic wben you at once responded be yet unknown. Many rumors are REMOWM f IX IHtlClB OF WORLD-WID-E Nf to my appeal and seconded my en afloat concerning both bank and repreeehtatives of all religions, : j It will meet In October., ft ;.tJ.t ?.. deavor. I remember well the mass treasurer. l Rome. 17 Count Vonf Moltke CaDTass-?armm Ail raw of troops pouring badly 1- 7- Alice' Zlmtnaer- started l New fiiiiiuV for France M ed and Improperly equipped, but man, theYork,! wife KIND8 OF and cultured young Ban Francisco, 17. The steamer I ever men, best of that the r killed eonaposed of Zlnimerman FT Frank HITF RFIn ' rfim artist, 5I0IE Tokio tOnilS lUOIilUEITlLUlISl arrived this morning. responded to an appeal to arms,1 ac her twelve day's old daughter ana seat af Hong Kong, April 14. Justice Ha n, rust sootb Buvet, itsn Mmi 'Aim tuated by the highest ana naesi attempted to kill her mother. Some r. u. eos. (m ' of on died Snowdon, Kong Hong no of motives an discussing before confinement she took patriotism, days Silk and Fancy Dry Goods partisan questions, i ... ii knowing .but aversion to her husband, ' mother Aprils. ': the oldest Roman Calderon, ' Inetodlna: a fpH aud onaaaMa Una of N one thing that the country er Hardware, Cntlery, Gnn, Fish I ng Tackle, was In and friends, and when the baby was lobfters) died FebCatholks in V Bishop China, were to Toand that it.! reaay declared she Tin born she hated and Comestia, danger, they Prists, Stoek, Nails, Fence Wire, IIaie, Tlunera 13. , ' give their lives 10 save it. a saw an day she Induced her mother to leave ruary sutd narbed US, 317 Broadway, fa, tS, and M Lrorav to o Tflre, Lxad from Gxbm The Orrros Implements.' asta Canton, Agrlcnltnral j Works, telegraph army come out of that mass; I saw the room and then plunged the Hong Kong ia 00m pie ted, and will : Salt lake CKy, April 2Stb, USX . it acquiring order discipline and inShe be soon in ORDERS BT M AIL FILLED PROMPTLY IT LOWEST MARKET RATES. of ob operation in spite structions. Then followed that immediately attacked her mother. stacle ' HOftUS B. 1JONB8 IS THB DDLT jAU ' n i Canton the ' It l '.il.i.iJiJ ti il by interposed tedious and "unnecessary" work of bat was overpowered. She will be government. From DUNHAM, EUCKLEY & CO., fortifications L of Gsr tborlaed aod AfeoC Hong Kong lbs Manacr work on a the ' an 9SrMra sent to capital, (V1 ' asylum. OMa Mtrayi 4eird i t communication at present extends mauta bead IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF which set the army free to strike 1 x Works, and tba office of .tbe Com Kowtoon. iRincerL, . to Canton and f"IT. Tbe 1 W. j. Cetajeawe ercrl SL KkrQUL where its blow would be felt, and i been has erected la A In Hones of at tha Utah -T by lighthouse eaokina; pany ' :l cnee saved whksh than mote the 17. Tmofcm. Oal r Miss., Co., Henry the Chinese authorities at a danger Jackson, jv; jr. Stir at, Bak Lake .was hanged yesterday In ous Mala Ce. pltaL I eaw that army become R. Joacs Ul at and taming extreme to: south of cape at the capable of being handled In Pittsboro, Calhoun County, par a FonO0fte,V isroTTOira, ' rn I tin , "If. City. ana under and two ere, march committed murder years ago. C. H.I. and ttt Braooa; rnr'paW by WHITE GOODS, Etc leave the camps fa which It An immense crowd witnessed the The British steamship ' Jftnord BouaMatal IteatoraOmaraily. was wrecked' April 10th, on a d go to the execution. Fleming was oool and Cculls Vloa Presidant and Astlns Prealdao. had been created Wo, saw Toi Brtwi.y, .;" hidden rock Just outside of Hong SlMtt steed Peninsula. Thee the at you when the self by a. h. BRAnt sr. gallows 1F posseseed; saved.toaaerew , "a. and I stood by yon. and I do not he attempted to kill .himself with a Kong; total wwJraw! V WAtlfi1" tie aSesee i 1' The intention or the French to hold w. B. Wot TRADE. HT. M knife. Tbe inflicted and Wofcrt W forget how nobly j on passed throogh B. small J. pocket j. patiok, LGTUBIES exercise a protectorate over Ton- i He wound in the throat was not fatal. THOS. M. ARG&LL & CO jour first experience of battle." B is The nec f openly, proclaimed. some quin of the His neck was broken by the fall, and sketched at thla point ASTD BkT ALU D BALERS IJf WVlBSALm it 4i, ... , in- essary seizure win. include: the port nrtnclDal twUlee, and aBoded to the the death straggle lasted l Usfptti Myers Totecco Co., an but - - of I Ana oa. The entire French " seven days fight ae made m obedi- stant. BUOCBS30H3 TCJ ; at Hong Kong has sailed ... MptrTACTraEim o tr MENS' AND BOYS' ence to orders from Washington, to New Brunswick, N. Y., 17. Levi squadron mo or to seat she nosumies. violence co."f cover reinforcements vz. of the advance D. ' Jarrard, postmaster .and Rlar, I," KIHljfc, Cllppor. since the capture of Nsm-di- n 1 reported never came, though the ene- county which is M Deaiert of aoafaeturaa and collector, in missing. Hsj Corner S:onr, the French forces my came in sight. "Fortunately," short over i o,uw m county i ac- are in March,tobut 688 BKOADWAT, ' to extremiANB OTTIFJl BRANDS OT proceed prepared : he continued, "this had been fore counts. His bondsmen are, uneasy. . iar-- rr ties if further opposition 1 olered ao aaa ueiore Is sent aays Government seen, A special tranapprts agent For Bak by1 X. C. al. and Branch Storra. Ambassadors occupation. with supplies haa neent sent to the for to hike of the poatoffiee to the OF iALIi lONtlS. ! Anam to Peking continue! to Jamee to ' await the ' army." j He now In tbe charge hands of tbe bonosmen. from assistance from China, but Factory, 139 Ubertr Street! then spoke of the gallantry with Jarrard Is supposed to be m Canada. Invoke ' of their' application will the result 1 EStAIX. AMLIH re :&: 'when' CO. a. H ana the which A. my fought inteui. BKSS, 11S WOOD ST, ChtcBiro,' 17. HEKPHILLj preity a upon depend diplomatic general, moved from his command, and the gent roqng womm giving tbe name & Bro., E. which it wel of Kitty Mttcneii, ana ia cyme conference, to be held when the new J glad welcome-wi- th French minister la ready to parti Cr FbrMlSatZ.aiLL.OodDibiPfrls comed his return at the battle of IJfT !lOElJ daughter or a memoer t officials in China be u. r. (juinaer ua, mrooa m iwra, jiooras ".inccETS mts etc. Antletam I of hie withdrawal t from police to be aYork eate. French furi in was New of Allan On., K.AK A P. Taaaaat. Gan U, the l lieghlature, China's attitude la enoouraged BooU errax ajto coemtAOxs matb for aix Kurrj or mxntxiufaM 'f STuiaTe Cow Cunblowtoa COm .Clark, siium ni vraaT Da'Catpfriw oa for shop- lieve the Aran' of the Potomac, on what arrested afternooa at auji BROADV7AV, this b influeoocs. "' English believeo and sou believes, leftir-g- . Her plan, as she confieesed, i3ST23r YORK. b mithen U.S. Yokohama, 23. or a decisive battle. was to steal articles eve soon the BIB, PjlllE SIET IROBj VV'"1TVOiit Poof's and IFbHl 2VrnA bring Z. M. are kept by C all JDfescriptlons Made to' Ordrr. It and never to mt-e-t that, army again as them to the store from which she envoy to Corea, arrived in Japai U Braticb tom. 18. to and China h, proceeds , commander. 'Continuing, he said, get them and set their value! In April HIEELUS EATIH6 .HOUSE. In May. "The army which it was my fortune money, stating she bought them, early GTAIR QUILDK7JC A SPECIALTY. ON. Count iAienluxf. the hew German to on anise and create, the army that but had decided they were not what CORaUATED (SHSKT IBOK to Japan.. arrived In Tokio j became the army or veterans, i as she wanted.1 The victimised! mer- envoy 16th. MircrACTijHBS or : i worn. SSBah TJ. I ' ;J &'& J A Ka Mnn. April comman and earliest jr. iI.TTer, its only living stum. Foa 1 ieiss (is i;tlb Much Js was Interest putei unsurto Ja iui i xprefaed by know as she always retained and , showed I Jioolnff antl Siding der, am glad , in ine inrucomhig II. Mm am k soar praperad U panese omoiai, J' DftBfieary any or me nsnorraarmiee the price tags. ii.. USuiltlhtgs of the world, In efficiency , valor or 17. i ne executive com industrial expoeitlon in Bostotu - --h 1 Chicago, Fears are entertained that the lim Flunibers Materials ' I achievement. rait tee of the Cigar Maker's Union; ited time of prenaratkm will inter HOTDmptSFRpJ112to2,pjn! i re 8TRI5KT1 teaU-heard BKT.RMAK afternoon : the; n yettefday ta III. IUIIIal. Ill IjUrWWj fere with the value of our contrjbu- Xvery day, sfahjuv of SfUDdaya. t ',' stranded to as follows; i(Tbe JLbyal mouy of six young guts empioyea ' ; f m. ocnenca; by one tiehrman, on jvenaie nLreev. uen.. i ... Maimf toturvra aad Jotbcia of ahodi. 1 UUIIIU L.rkn.". I IUI to CaTld Jamaa, 'Grand foraOoatfona are .proceeding HOTJ.,tMEAT PICS, ETC - Army of the Republic," It was shown they worked frora six -InCoast a r iait tAfeo city. Is W T. 4 srI 1.1--v 1 all "I" v.ta ' fflri Gen. W. W.i Dudley; "Sweetheart m the morning to aue at night, and " mu.w u ..wi. W iwuiu J jr ill ' oe i access f .10 Die v' to u 4.L'r?T(l.,..rL .1 Warners Week .j. p. till If p.m. Wives.? Chas. Dudley supposed three nights each . . I , a 'V i' POWDER! and rjr mn'trt' pRrtinnlom, um HAZARD' bunches of, dgars. ( The atiaxjc m ease ei war with China. Dtoneri rotten no kte PrlrSta or Feb un. a. "The jrracw Volunteer," making efforts are made fori the i. . riprj "The Presa," cspt. urom malorliv receive S3 per weet, ana m otrenuout t r Faroes;intbsFmjeb,TlDtIlkaod A Ubtvta-ifltra eotniWe t'x-- of Ibla Walker: i tltira Mraaa Ooal, Hl( increase hM of the naval force. 1 rapid off The this a of York New Tribune the to make rcanty order ley, profit ao U konwn Kxl J etlaoded to la rei ora ra AflwJMsronpdr stk. 7 i , not wa conclnded until nittance he charge Uiee every siaktng : f after l e.m.1 ' ' " minnte lost time. When the health tCommissioner WaaMUicor ataar aakaa atada faoroae. ; IMPLtMESTS. McFar itrtiEF land. tbe proprv the Judge place tetjejgiiaiis. 1 IT.' mspectorvislts isAtT.V, IHrriC, TA in of the - General Lmd Office, ,wUJ 1 1 jT manages to secrete cuuuiru iui-NEVDERY. '' ' ' 17. First rtt I ipoostt Tkaatr JLoawvilJe, The democratic SI, fntk TEm WTRItJ 1 ARB to' WIRH, leave Washington tomoftow: fat d.r ars Other emnloved. tyrannical D i fa la to contention VT Fry to br Z. C H. L and aS tbe Beatrices Nebraska, where he will nracticss this nominated fKNClMO, fro, tva morning Is It and wis are alleged, rr'ooipai tttori In tbe 7c rrU'fr, and ny the Government at the ed the place Is only a type of others J. Proctor Knott fox Governor. ; M reprePent A. W n. Area !. ;i1im!SlE!l5ST,ST.lllll5.Bi sale of the Otoe Indian reservation. in tharitv. - , . Wheenag, W. Va.. 17. Iatte Idls- amrw waw m pa tones received this evening from Tbe Secret uy of the Interior de JM. J ., 1 . PatenOD, livered an opinion Tipon the question mass meetlnc of v silk operatives to- - Charleston Indicate that It- will take ' order an crucial count to decide the con- jSySBa ii to aaawlrtasVAi ''iiM ' 'e" Buomittea try tne uomnusetoner Of nt-ftAnniibier whether .. aV.. WB , test the General Idtnd Offlce, regarding a striae or eniy between Brown and Hnyder for xea p5 1 txT3 the propriety or.wiuurawinar from tim nt vifM. A. resoiuiion .was entry and settlement'odd sections of peered against a miucuon, jou of (the Philadelphia. tana wunm the maemnity limit of tL.f ih. wuMitfna' Arslkf rOB3ivfar- North Peunsylvanla Railroad ! have um iNorinern rmano railroad. ,The tia m inrtm mrmlatJe ciowd ' brose It r !F Informed f thaf city atberltie Commissioner was of the opinion noise and three ts of Jest with great owns Up mat ine city 3,tiS7 abaref of - 1 that recent decisions by the Secre violenoe to toe etewiuTa f I & . .. f v lt ayjBssbessab that stock, W Hth S208,S72i The a I f jrrn-naiJBTSTKilCOkH w had to tended reverse usual AKRAirrra the tary Growers' Silk of the S3 i the it AXK la tbe f1atHafT no fte yeewaat fke tnorittes had of knowledge of m Land the such in OQoe practice tne' yniwu FtecUv Union ElrVkvmlelr Tran Vrama sTvAmi 1k1ni rTawuMf ,i . ererMf Aak fee awe 81 irnmmrn KKM cases, namely to withdraw the lands RtatM. this committee hating taken fact until informed by the company. - : ICtrnKM. : 17-X Corablncd Lima. 1 and Droppcraj Slncle.XXeapere; era n.nH avmimt eommanism. i Diaria Vfkaial comprised within the : granted I and limits upon tbe filing of Victoria, R.C it. yep wiet itae bwt and. B Commari are reponirtus fori indemnity aindiTbomas nay nalcesj nolllngsworfb, Taylor SiaKK en a a st j ert Au,"Li ar the map of definite location; tul the tne .Ul.nrf afa.t that of the news already publication The v GblDKtrrrasi uausts arch armia -' -The Secretary . aays: "I cannot r fit. mm hn atfarked the , ,A kitwo, concerning a treaty or peace. mm Mkt M aktor. t Powers? i JT. I.?svse IXeaderet i :f. r ;TToodlnrjrJ said to be confirmed by- the? latest shot my eye to the fact that .vast eee was cowardly ana : , " v with news brcught by the south steamer. Cute EBnes) and Saw Mlllsf- area of land, public but fort the hul m altercation TateseUal rteet IHOTIt'Sa a ofl not SfASSii arfBMe by BlSlBieRK ic is them of credited selection here generally right Grlnden; lying withm in the fjhlnese l)eatwberi the Planet Jr. CulUvatow; Beed Drills and Horse HoeBo-sBWtl- s x' are barred to settle picks. At Ctofs Eros. Farm, Frf feht and : mtDWistte.sr.LsuiA Bain Fish demnity limits, 17. York. New Win Wr. Tbe Fence ; Steel willo Kelly 1 I eaeeeeearv fl n Buahfori i n sent; and that the area of arable were bm banVtbeir camp was attack Ellxabeth Me Evens Bay ard, dangb. and Top 1 rati v Bptirg Wirw; Open lands open to settlement Is not great ed by a crowd or wniie mp Combined "UCtftHk" arlWSkD SCTIHE. ES"aS3 andfjulky 'Uf Osng was. I. II I VVatw: t Attt "f ute late xacAUVens, let fij. Who atroea w when compared with the mcreaslng Plows --Ctse Steal IJrant Outer r prart, Bulky MaWaainr Plows; 1- their eob . The estate is valued at nuri. 1 of out' tK. nubad m ana Tj,ruemana, dJnunlsams. '? WocUbeamHteel and CWIIed Plowr ; Single and Double! Bbovel rapidly rat. 10,000,000, and was inherited; frora fnar dark. til- rct-- j ' If tZlZZ . the the in to eahtns make its '4a vrTWT company . . neglects ana jsogxy ":BYj'LrKr PlowJ vTam anaTimber aavd ire entire property J" 1 HATCmtTH latner, WTood Aumber, t; 1 Th br dead. Hard for and ! on tbe takes at and of " N.-selections, ground t left advantage Tents; Yr re by her husband," RobU Bayard. fockbt bawrteg withdrawal heretofore a made or set fire to the houses,and decamped. FOR ALE AT ISr-Bas-e .. Chin2 some hstf men left, .rtra that may be Bade hereafter to As the white TLm X3 O --Al withhold lands within the tadem-- 4 ese hastened back to the cacp,' and JDetreit i amy thr. Detroit i 12j PhIladl-bhis- a COMFY, limit from the of the tried to put out the fire, but THE nity C2 feo settlement taws, notopsratba water, everythlnj need belsg actually ' ' 11. Xos 2? Dealer Cvaland..--- Orelsods ed to cmte cood fcsfti tlry fcare nn: PiATn3rc!adtathe morning. BACC LAKE CTTT ANOlOaDEW. IJTAlI,l DIlltON, nELtHA yiW:?fvi aJ 23. - ;tuns v .uJwaa1. ."i" to r.Mlv;:3t seat 11 if DECK LODQX AND tU&SOULA, MONTANA. sustained, it will be the Cz'j cf the The Ci' 'wfiw'i..tv.ii aalfj:f tjtan tyt e rw - v V ll: .r ; , 'V.lv v v i I" lj.W'O. 'J , ik ' I .III V itlixMlN Or , - ,r ". I SALT 1AKE CTTP, M CHICAGO TRADE, i - I . -- ilb 1 to-da- y. f p i 1 Oir-ghain- : II nlTRY I , 1! t ; SIERRA , ' j ! lilDMUiER ' ; t ASS'i 1 4 . f aooo JLXJJMCBBja, BRUSHES : i -- cawu. Souflier . stewArt duos. CL 6 Dll I N G. t . i " - . K .' DRY GOO DS, iniiAirirjz I: '' . :CAnPETI2TG; toil 1 .t - . 1 i! Gen-Foot- t, e, ; & H. PJECK UK - - a E.-INIEWBER- m . A 1 . 1 tit , , Uas-eO- .'- : Ilk .t). 1 , - fUMPi:FipHGINES mw -- f- 1 - ft v ft . .f. : ... '. UUIIIUIIUIt " I- 5 , f t J. ) ; k e . .) ... 1 t ,i lfiHIMll i - ! t- -u ' I . . ! m "" J3 '. 1 5 i. . snttr : 'Siirioo us ' , - fr "2eet, j'"e IHIki arasiK 1 pnn SMlillli n O 4 - gcirilaee The i: .f.i;-oCaee:T!.M.- i , -- m- i I. .i.. . - "rr" IJW Jere - '." ,''Xf Bug; . 3 P ...... i- -, ! .y JOHflS LOWELlliGOil j ;::ivi s:v:.::..v.fi ;' ';-v,'"'-:'v.- -- ;i'v;v'?';i !, ,.- i v. --u 'i - j k j "i )'! t- i ' l' t ; |