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Show A EVENING NEWS. :FrUy May 1 Sid AMY GENUINE CASE. PUT THE ACCUSED IS WOT A MM AND U. S. OmOIAUS ABB ' SOT JSNTHTJSIAJBTIO. OK-M- OIt' ISS3. X We have considerable Information concerning an alleged bigamy cue. In which Dr. Carrlngton, who, until a few days ago, had resided for floaJtiiiopeagments. lbe .B.lmhnot yet ouBtod to give UP, Md i PtIU i..Jt. liJr brought County; Ij the principal figure. In N Uarv several respects thlj person haaen Fannlngton Jayed ah unenviable reputation. He An accoant of; foand In our Is a married man, but he and his be will Vgmmy caj.e wife lived in constant fctrlfr, and a ccluni.r.s ti)cJay. short time el nee concluded it would Never Jhimp at a conclusion, pare&c-i of a ! be better to live apart. is rive the conclusion I roon. Be Snore dignified. Mrs. Carrlngton commenced suit in the Probate Court of Davis CounJ. H. Parrv has received the Jm Jour Ladiet' ty for a dec (ee of divorce from her nuinWr of the ; centi tial. ThWy copy. husband, bat1 while the salt .was in r rreurd, a progress Carrlngton applied to the A Olson wihs Ht, 95 Ukm. Commercial their rrer lady's counsel to withdraw the to repair oVgrnnc, accordecms, violins complaint and allow him to be the to crnltaraJ aid all other kinds of muScomplainant. Oa piia offering t 14 r?ee a lvt. steal meet all expenses already Incurred A Parhan actor nanoed Manehanj this Was agreed upon, and Carring- -t pane u, m bagan suit for a decree of dlvorae elte recently lrcK isnofbim irlaas by the onncatmton eltoiv he would bj from his wife, employing Mr. Jos. What a wbeo yo want to at-- f Barton as counsel, to have In the meantime, a sort of peace tract the a3..ui.loi! ef a utreet-ca- r con due . j.! v had been patched up between Dr. ' An OblojphynlcUn eajs that thcj Carrlngton and his wife, and an apffe, flate, )rnet and oilier wind ln- - parent understanding was reached atrumeqtsilf played 4ure weak lung, but what 1 4 the use; fjr them to let "bygcnes be byof tiavlog- your lungs cured if, the gones," and again live together as flrat time ou go out, some ueiguboi husband anl wife. On Monday. brain j you ewiin a ciuo. May 7th, Carrlngton waited upon his attorney, told him he bad con eluded not to further proeecute pro LOCAL AND OTpER MATTERS, ceedlogs for d v?roe from his wife, Gone clnth. Presidents John having mde the matter all straight Taylor, Geo il Capuouand Wll.'orj with her and that they Intended to Woodruff", ApoUe; Moses Thalchef resume conjugal relations. In con and other prominent brethren wtnjt slde.'atlon of this fact he oxlly re Boutk this mornlng,to attend Conf quested the attorney to refund the fees he had paid him. As the legal ferenoe of lie Bani-atBlase. gentleman had so far done the work Broke Her Arin- We regret, to for which he was retained, he failed learu of at accident that occurred to see the fcubject In that light and ' this morning, t Marshal Ireland' declined to refund, and the Doctor ". eldest daughter, Mies Edith, wb? went away sorrowful. to the' ha 1 the misfortune to fall Into the According understanding cellar at the. family residence an obtained by Mrs. Carrlngton about break ber arm. The injured 11m again resuming amicable relations with her husband, tbe, daring the wai set byfDr. Hamilton. abenot of the Dajtor, returned on "If aiiAh Brother Jama 1 Bant F7)day,l ltb, to her domestic hearth, While she was lag, of lCnab, lyane Counfy, la la In Farmlngton. town.. Ijfe reports the farming there Carrlngton drove down to prospects in that section . good thU Bountiful, 'accompanied by Miss season, but there! will be no fruit May field, who Is not quite eighteen crop, the germi having been kille t years old, and the lattrr's aunt. The trio proceeded to the office of Jus by the severe frost. 4- tlce Liewls Urant, the Doctor In No Bad Yet 4A. 8. Hill, whose forming that official that he and bonds werjty on motion of District Miss MajflelJ proposed to get mar Attorney A'an Zile, raised yesterJay rleJ. The Justice asked whether from $I,0) to $5,000, had not; up jto the girl was of age, and the trio re thla afternoon, auoceeded In finding sponding In the affirmative, the anyDoay wujing o be ee:urity cp ceremony was performed. him bondH,eo hei allll remain n Not only did all this take place not ba suocesa-- without Dr. Carrlngton bavlDg ob he custody. Should i . iui a. j ne; win prooabjy j tained a decree of divorce from his to the Penitentiary. wife, but we need not say that it was am outrage upon the parents of The Ballroad iiiaute. Trains Mida May field, who are deeply griev commenced running yesterday oU ed over the affair and the father the D. ani II. U. between here anil Justly incensed. Carrlngton and Miss Ogden. Tjbe U. P. have obtained k May field did not return to Farming- temporary (Injunction from the Dis- ton, but stopped a day or two at trict Court! to prevent Hhe narrow Bountiful and Anally came down to gaage road from entering the Ogden the city and put up at the White depot grounds either by third rail on House. the C. P. track or otherwise. The Mrs. Carriogton became aware of were to b what had taken place,came to town, argnmenfl bn the at Ogden. .heard to-d-y accompanied by ber attorney, Mr. JS. Pearson, and on Wed Charles . Mr. Herbert nesday called upon Deputy District Opening-BuinePembroke returned from the Kasjt Attorney E. T. Sprague, to "enter last night. ! He represents the Gn" complaint agalmt the Doctor, charg. ham Paper Company, of St. Louis, Ing him with bigamy, the case is agent for several houeea who being, to all appearance, one of the manufacture type' and printing clearest imaginable. The Assistant anu for Sanborn' binding1 District Attorney, for some reason, machlnery Besides having these did not seiza on the case with the agencies, h will open in premises a slightest degree of enthusiasm. ' He short distance sooth of Mrs. Dyeka referred the complaining witness to of stationery, and other U. 8. Commissioner Qllahriat. This with a stoak ; .a In line about the 1st ef gentleman did not display a whit tfeat goods June. mors zea, but referred the party to Mr.Sprague. On btlng Informed that A Boadmaker A short time he baa already been applied to he ' ago the Driving pat k Association, stated that however that be j , ordered, it was his .duty to make might by W. 8. McCornlck, cut the through' Mr. II. K. Clawsen. a road- - ODm plaint, which, of course, was maker. Itihas arrived, and la a the faot. : affilr. evidently capable t was Judge Sprague again waited delng a tremendous amount the interview upon; resulting in work, of tde variety, In tfoublja Mrs. Carrlngton' attorney having quick tlmel It" caa barrew, or tear, to make out the himself, complaint r cut, scrape r roll, all at ohoe and the document was filed with separately , ao9or ding the clrcum-tanc- Commissioner Gilchrist, who thereaod the desire of the of era- -' tor. , Just he thhig In this kind of upon Issued a warrant for Dr. Car-rlngton's arrest. Lf ! oountry. The warrant was placed in the Vo Mor!' waitt. Yestsrday Mr. hands of a deputy United States Arthur F. jBarnea antf Miss Eliza- marshal, whs proceeded to the beth H. Sansom,' were united n White House on Wed nee hay, and marriage, diunseor .D. H. Well arrested D;. Carrlngton. The offi The cer, however, appeared to be Infused performing! the ceremony, groom Is tbf son! of Mr. John H. with the prevalent absence of en Barnes, of the firm of Barnes and thusiasm which appears to affect Davis good, aojld, sensible young officials generally regarding this was permitted to gentleman! who will make an ex- case Carrlngton cellent husband' to the amiable. remain ' where he was, without se daughter f Mr. Charles Sansom,' of curity further than his promise to the20ihVard. The couple have appear before I. the Commissioner our congratulations and very best yesterday morning at ten o'clock. wish But the Doctor is not that kind of a man. He had no doslre for an Inter Imprisoned in! the Penitentiary view of that sort, so about eleven 1 he Jady named Belle Harris, the o'clock on Wednesday night he witness eentenced to .flue and folJed his like the tent, In tiieSeoond Dlatik t 'and , stole Arab, slleutly Court, at Beaver,' a few days ago, away,' whether no man, of the KtMUinnl m wu,a Iav- furns isi aniftsV wsjK la lMAwa. uwtu' genus U.S. ofilcial,kooweth. Neither In g,' arriving by the 10 oVck does there appear to be. on their train. A 12 o'clock she was taken part, an overwhelming anxiety to to the penitentiary, a building naed discover the whereabouts of the for the eonflnement of - criminal of ' " j , ..v.r fugitive., the moat hlJeona tvre. TTna ran. Ishmrmt is inflicted for alleged con-- We have been informed, with truth we are unable to say, temp, anid the period of incarcera what that Doctor had Intimated that, the tion Je lade finite. Tbla aflair baa a of a certain secret member being the appearance of a Judicial outrage. . The; lady has a young fnfant boy. fraternity, he did no feet very mash concerned, and certain officials exunder a year old. This little feU order of Judga Twiw, pressed themselves when the Inter by tb haisli v is .mads tan himats of a dsn of eeted pvtles were about to take steps for prosecution, that they did not felons; think there was much of a case. ' I A Goodly Seport At a reoeot It le currently stated that the Doe-tcarries on a branch of business Deseret the of, Hospital meeting in which no honorable man In the AJsocUtiJa the report shoved a member ship of 815. The can vara log medical profession would engage, committee was honorably discharga the nature of which It Is not necea. edJ The ieport also showed that the sary to name. We were acquainted ronas aerivea nront the payments with these facts yesterday, but mala by nd for patients amounted thought we would give an opportuto about of the means nity before publishing them to the who snake needed to meet the current expenses libelous i scribblers of the institution:' The Chsrcb has It a buslnees to scraps up made m donation of S500,and some of every piece of unsavory scandal the wealthy cttissna had subscribed with which they ; can "In any way gsn erou. Among the latter connect a Mormon, coloring It with MsjorJeiiningTi bad given over 500 their congenial spice of falsehood Many of fhe poof had also donated and holding it up as an J thii, scanty means, their tt of the system of ths Latter-da- y eommeodable and! as Saints' religion, when the Tact Is m principle as those of the rkb, that everything in the shape of ao out of thtlt lbnn. wrong is oiipored to Its genius and jUrger tumi. Th. spirit, and are depr tares from Its re Hospital was repotted a being, in a quirements. But never a word from prcsperon, oondlUon, and that Boorcs. They are as damb as Its sphere of nseralness. laorsasJo, ' f oysters on the subject, , i tS-ua- y. is ; 1 J 3 - inB'j-junieis- pl-nd- p' kJ i . 1 vl(r,o-oae)v,- - e - . .- -4 f m f . ce ma-terlal- e, ; , E-m- for-midab- le ' t-- es I 1 ajBBVaaaa VW mmm A mm m TTJSKBAJKKK ' . Central Branch House, Bait Lake you will find the largest,1 flnctt City, and beet assorted stocks of fine Slde- ' Bag- Buggies, Una Bkie-spriI fine Platform Bufftrlea, raaac nd Bunles, fine ggles. South Concord Baggies, fine Elliptic Bug glee, Tea JarU,w agon netted Bock a ways, Phaetons, Clevelands, Hyde Parks, Cornmg Spar Burxies, White-chapel .Buggies, - Hunting Sprln Wagons, Trotting Wagons, Trave ing Spdng Wagons, Winsot Wag ons. JacohsV Buggies, Coupee. Lan dans. Thoroughbraoe Wagons. Park Wagons, Diamond Spring Wagons, Plauorm opting wagons, prospectDelivery Spring ing Spring Wagons, Three-sprin- g ; Wagons, Wag01 Four-spnn- g assumed bad Carrlngton fessed Mormon ?' Would a terrific howl bave . been ra'sed? Would be have i been allow; ed his liberty wltout security af. ter hie arrest? and If hehad escaped would ander any circumstances there have been; any, --rlguance dia-- ng those Carrlngton agree with agaJnst the lady, BeUe Harris, who Is a "Mormon," bnt Is not even We leave accused ofany crimeT each to answer; these questions for himself. since the fore We learned was written, that deputy going Marshal CaDta'n Green man had gone northward after Carrlngton and will, In all probability, bring him back. ' i THI AT case have 3 What shape would this been a pro- to-da- y, examine them. Beautiful akin, and fair eamplex Ion, robust health,; and powers of "I- endurance follow the use of Brown's l; f Decoration J)ay The Giles Glee Iron Bitters. Club and Orchestra of this city, are Among the Bpring Goods lost re-managing a two days excursion to ceivea at awmblbom BBoajcan to sr Provo, on Decoration Day, which iiiuuu xm9 n rnwncirjr, vxiu Ytas,Laos Neokto a out be Parasols, Mitts, Fans, very pleasant promises n- i etc ware, etc., reIts of the patrons privilege ' giving n .. I maining at Lehi, American Fork, or Go to the Globe for your Pleasant Grove, and of returning on Confectionery and Bakery CAKESi where any train,eltheron Wednesday,May they are to be had pure and whole some. ,'' H. A8XOU), SO, or Thursday, 81. ! dJW ' As Provo is a very beautiful city, All of the Latest Styles of Hats and is situated in a delightful conn at Dokforis. of views lake, ty, affording lovely ; river and mountain) and as there BCII.DIIOSASD. will be many attractions there on Good Bcreened Sand for Brick, that day It la safe to predict' that al Bock or Plastering delivered or at who avail themselves of the low the bank. Five or six loads can be rate and make the trip will have a hauled In- a day. For full jpartlou lars call on E. Morris. splendid time. The fare for the round trip will be A Bt7H OH A !RlO ATftBR. for children nn SI. 75, and half-rat-e Never was soch a rush made for any Drnx Store as is now' at Z O der 12 years. M. f. Drag Store for a trial Bottle of Dr King.. New Discovery for Con All Coughs and CoMs sumption, an1 SPECIAL BUSINESS. NOTICES. acted with Athma, persons t iHrononuis, o.rsenefs, never M (JURAT'S "BR EAT i REPCBLIC" Uoughs or any aireoucn of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Reverse Bottle of this great remedy jVee, by Corrected on to 1883 side-ma- n of the world. The fines calling at above Urug (Store, jiegu a map-eve- r offered at the price, $3.00, iar sie ai.uo AMD PAVSE COITSIDKR. with a large hand book, 200 pages STOP, cents and get Send seventy-fiv- e containing an immense amount ol information thrown in. my new book, Views in Utah: fully Joseph Hysum Pakby. and public. ry the press rree. Book and News depot, below approved un jy 7d cents, xvianea C. K. BAVAQK, 1 Savages.' Subscribe at once. Salt Lake City. Art Bazar, T. AUKRBACa JBBOSj !:i di33&swim Call attention to their advertiseBEDHGIHO PBIC ment, aud promise polite attention several carloadi arrlvmg Owing all their lowest and pat bout thetosame prices'wUo time.1 will sell snrine rons. wagons ror tne next thirty days at AUCTI9W SALK. greatly reduced prices. Now Is the time to first class spring Wagons One new medium Brick Housesix cneaper get ever. man f' rooms, buttery, two halls.eto , being stock la complete, of great The Block of in Ix.t Plat i 32, A; Variety, all are my standard work part front 46X181. and fully warranted. Also, one building lot 27x181. fJall on or address i Also two other building lots 72 ft. Howard ftln.x 181 ana 112. Bain Depot, Salt Lake City Wagon One New Bustle House lined with uswBua ugden. Bricks Barn and 5 stalled Stable, V i - etc. REscerioH in coa Hale to commence at 2 p. m., May Springs, per ton, by 24 th, 1885. First West between BockCar . . load f.00. Fifth and Sixth South street, Book Bnine-a- . ner ton. at B. Y. Hampton. CoO. . . Yard, i Book Snrinea. per ton. de KXCtTRSIOHi TO PBSTO 7.00. . . ! livered. . DECOIATION DAT. Bed Canyon, per ton, by On Wednesday, May .SOtb, an Ex . . 14.50. Carload, cursion will leave the Utah Central ton. Bed at per Canyon, 7 a.m. at for for Provo. Fare Depot . . 6.00. Yard, . the round trip, f 1 75: children under ton. Bed de per Canyon, with the privilege of 12, half-far. 8.50. ;. livered, . stopping oir at any intermediate Oar ton, Wsber, per by point. Tickets good for return on . . . load. 4.80. any train on May 80th or 81st. sw2S. at ton, Weber, per Yard, noon before of tickets Secure your it delivered, 6.00, May 29 th. at Savage's Art Bazar, Ooal-ters D. O. Calder and Dayne & fMS A. Onwzjr, Ajtent. Music Stores, or Z. C M. I. WITH eaiH FOSTITIJIDE td Drug Store. You will take nauseous medicines. suffer pain, neglect your business, CniCURRISd P1AHO. and pay a huge doctor's bill this one a Brothers have good Young if you neglect now to take for sale cheap. 'Two doors south of asummer, bottle of uSsmravilla, Dandelion Z.C. M.I. with Iodide of Potassium,' the best Biooa puriryer and remedy for rheuPony, weak, sickly children, need matism and kidney diseases on the Brown's Iron Bitters. It will globe. The Brown Medicine Co. them. and Invigorate strengthen make It and every sensible druggist keeps it. Don't neglect this ' safeREFRIGERATORS guard moment longer. WHT BUT BROW IPS MROI. AT H. DINWOODBra. taints ; f i l P wiHHH-j-- WHOLESALE DEALERS i! ; .,4uy4r(U . . t , a! , srv D -j- s-j- '22 1fRn(, : , , , uw AittrgauiB we OUeT Ux this department bef oreT rasjany iyor making East purchases elsewhere. m ' ... OUR DRESS GOODS DEP1RTMEHT Sa'Tt21 ,L i --:a- ;( Sf" ; AH. Oaahn WHITE GOODS DFPnRTnFNT OUR ,- Bilks. ""f, Ti (0)(DEMIIgv . I 4 t .ar aw j (JONaTANT ADDITIONS OF THE BanuJip mr BR0f, ! JOT Jmnt ttM f French NaJnaookau Ijaiwns, Organdies. Places. ' iiridsJ Qallta, Orsalte him OUR TABLE CLOTH. IIAPKIH - fe55I?- I - - Tfinn llFP'T HooBetoejpors aod HoUIkeeners. i ot onl for this -- O- OUR LADIES Is complete CORSET AMD nFPT lINnFRVFnR all Its details. Baby and Wedding Outfits a specialty. fat v OUR LADIES' LACE AUD EMBROIDERY DEP'T la doing a Urgsry creased bosmess. The only reason we ou gtre Is the wvwui AMiropean v - At oyer. n n r p nn II U vn I I LUI I lab nrci W . Urn EM Glorea, &lk Mltta kntt Ladlea Neckwear, Joa leceived. Pmi-asnl-t, -- o- ;.f OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT Oaersispecial todecemenU tn the Xatett Styles of Ottomans, Gros Grain and Diagonal Dolma Iglans, Basques, Cloth and CtoeXmere Jackets m" Cach mere and Ws have some Single Garments DA.. Bulu, UUterm,etA,sto, la this department, which we are oCbring at sa Cents onl ta Dollar! n?.JV?,VrfIJSlf8, i -- , V AM. On OUR niLLIHERY DEPARTMEtlT. Bith Wholetale and BetaU. carries a larrer and chntoar abvdr thn moat popular ana oar PAUUES the LOWEST .... th" Clt I I Is too well known to reaulre self il pe?a'. II PfB 'liTrT' B,- - and ROTSV CLOT1TI7VG EP ARTSf EWT, OIH UlvlS' ana IIUIN' HAT DEPtnTHKNT, OTJB GENTS' and BOYS' ROOT and SHOE BKPT, OUR GENTS' and HOTS' jFTJItNISUING GOODS Dep' OTJI1 GENTS'; Contain none but the best qualities and newest styles of Wtll Flttlnr Oar PRICES are the LOWE-3In thla city. i.We Warrant every art'ele we sell, and make every eflort to please our eustomera. . Goods. A. L. W1IXIAHS, i FURNITURE, WALL PAPER, CARPET, 'M-M,. BBOWJTS rBPaiHTOklO Is the sovereign remedy of the age for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. A sour: stomach or distress from eattng is corrected at oneeL From Minnesota to Texas all unite In praise of "Brown's Pensin Tonic. 4 Sold for fifty cents only. We keep in stock all of Brown's valuable Mediclnea: Z. CJ M. I., Godbe Pitts St Co., A. O 8ml th A Co., Moore Allen A Co., Stewart A Beman, Hoyer Chlslett. - na. PIERCE'S LXCrfiCBtL W ILIi 1 POS1TIVBLT CURB BHRUHA-tta-m. Kerrr and A roe. Dnmna. liver OomDtaloU. rtntle Wak- naaa, Otmerml lie Witty, ate, eto , Frtoe $10. ku i ru hk cured m au ioiw eaya of aho. Dr. pteroe'a Pat. MarooUe Rtantte Tnm.u Kldcer aod THE HOUSEKEEPER'S , FRIEND! IHIia CSMSAR T, Mr. J. C. Bel wyn, . Lon-da-n ; Secretary, MORTS WASHING MACHtlVKS. Bank of Utah. ' NO j More Hard RubMntr. No More Lve. 1 Ml!T wilk WAVH aahliw dona tktttU .. CeALSIIi POUND BAB SO P. acknowtadmd tobab At Durst and Trimble's. the BEST SOAP rm maautaotered. jiw farPamOr to make thla Soap, wiia dl rseUnna how to nae It, aseored. r ', ,j .A.CAIX. ror mm sppiy w our dtur awoocuad be Fretai. te Vleetemea WILLIAM. THt'stSUIt, tent, : 6th Ward, Salt fake Cltv, Utaa. Jaa. M. Barlow Pioneer Dentist of P. a Box, m dtUlm Utah will give a full set of plain teeth for 15 or gum teeth fm- STEAM YACHTS BY RAIL. recta fits, Call and see him .. media telVi ' M- 1 1 - Babbatt Bros. i - t' at Pohiyjbds. l Gents Furnishing Goods ! i . !' 1. C. F. CULLER .WHOLESALE AJNTD 3 ! ) M HIASLU tAJJB DiriFTBBBiA, 1 SCABUT FBYRB. A. O. Smith fc tVx, Comer of J5 H M bo -- a' BXLIABL PATTXSJdS - .9 P , W. Bob-c- t. .. T . . - .2 (Jh rr ,.TSiii Jk. 1ST .A. , n. - Zl . Barg-ain- O -- 5a DAY CO H , t0 imm -- CD a- r! V w " BOYS' THEY-Aa'TH- E !! s !!! " ' l Threo Plys ; Extra Supers , Velvets r Moquettes ; . . at $1.00 yd. at 1.35 yd. at 1.05 yd. at : !95c yd at 155 yd. at L55 yd; Btjli. o7r V. BOYS' . SUITS. FIAimiL Wim each. W LADIEG'. VVALlCirJC: JACKETS, ; S il PU t3.7Sciu-.- Worth $7.60ih.'.' mmm MISSES' Pfiwnrn A S sw w w mm mm m i GMjHAII DEESSES, V $1.25 Worth 12.00. eachi- - I it , . . BARGAINS I2TS1LK WRAPS, BARGAINS IN CASHIERE WRAPS. NOVELTIES IN JER8JSY, WRAPS ! ,m Trv our Rectan Pillar TThnm V: and GUf Edge 3utter; Maker: A V A CO AND flLAfiTlUc -- - 1 in CARPETS s BARGAINS; Id 2 3 m aw inilFine-Cloth- In Addition we ,how all the New I ft e Kv hsP' I . I I cii-i'- 8- - CO ;i KO: Body II O,., JS. p-- i. ,lr -- SI B 1 TmrclUw tbroosk 8 ALT LAS3 CITT, ookloa; tor GOOD aod CHXAr ' Fnrnt. Furniture from the Mtmt laokJBa- aroond at last csolalats, tare Company, oorner of South end I HATB TOCKD tt la West Temple Streets, Lake Assembly Hall opposite I E0BEIISS1T & C1E1 FoJ Line of yikoes' and CL2J-ren'- s Fine Shoes and Slippers DOJETOS,i Cb-o- s if ! i II o m : 5 f a-- e, FURTJ ITU RE, KB TOOTS Bargains ,, to, H ; J. . BOOTS AND SHOES! ' Q ' S- .r - ' i II u , , 'I AGENTS . 't A Line of Tapestry Brussels new norron nninns vwwaavw .,mi.ww -s ft rom; tt ueuus up. g NEW;PBJNTS, 5 Cents Up. Vtf .O liXMORESTrA ; H ?2 x? uf)'.'r?-.5- .. Da. I; ; TO CLOSE THEM. OUT WE OFFER ...a-- .. P '. co 1 and Second South Streets, Wholesale and Betall Druggists, are sole agents for my Heejwrfcmn Touie and other remedies. The trade an plied at wholesale and retain. i TO BETAIL. hC; i ,:AAArA U k- 'at DrjBTOBD'a. Main . -- BROQ. !1 Li 1 : ; GLlASSWARE, SHOW naiEfactnrerx cr tX . (a Cajsh paid for good sound onions. ; J, W. Bnxlzm . BKOJ Ac I GROCERIES, WINDOW GLASS, PAINT Sand OILS; CROCKERY, ' GROCERY, at Duvvo&rrfa. : i ii .. - Juadles' and Gents Fine Hand and Machine Sewed Boots and Bhoes j.. - .v"' " For Furniture of all kinds go to W. MaxwonB k ';- -- Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 8KV ERA L - Stetson's Fine HaU ' M Tf.'''';jTJET034!j.OJac. r v., G. F. CULH1ER A& BROS. a TERT ITJf B, Shf ALL MUTi4yacht, fast aod sraworUar, from SStafOSatd In terwth. lor stivats uaa. a ao sereral Ibr bostneas purpoaaa, whioh can ba delivered obeap. I raake a aiarked paeSalky ot tfaie kind ot boat, and will IwacraaS to aamnrrT dowbtws. Kite, Penna. HATS We have the best stock of furni ture In the city, also refrigerators and baby oarrfagee, which we will i .,. warrant. j arasrsBrsBrssBrsraasBBaaarsBBrsrs s BUS DS ICS. ' . .' - i JL are Never Undersold. Establish ed 1804. We till. L 1 rlg-st- d712m ST., S. SOUTH Brown's Liver .Pills" are used al ways, by those who try them onoe. for constipation, biliousness and sick headache. They never faiU luRITIO XLABTIO 'J HUS4 Jt HBtA 1XX, KM KKSIOTKD. : ' Seorameoto SC, Bee Franetooo, Cad. V1T For fata by John Homo, No IS64VC lat has Mbs. E. MAUesN, MlUlner, removed one door west of Theatre, Bout 8tn (KtebaU Block) Bait Lake Ctty. , oa 1st South Street. :1m , A ;: FIBST j, ; - H. DINWOODEY'S, MENSE JOBBING STOCK. Oar Prices compete with any market. We Intend to retain all our old customers and gain as many new ones as Ix)w Prices, Liberal Terms and Honorable Treatment will bring us. Because they are purest and best. ( MAMMOTH o:- 10 N6 TROUBLE TO SHOW G0OD9. WHOLESALE BUyI EUH will find all the above Departments fully represented In our IM- e, Agent for Salt Lake City for Anth racite and Pleasant Valley Coals. The Anthracite equals in all respects the best Pennsylvania Coal. This coal la the cheapest fuel In use In ordinary stoves It will go twice as far, and in hard coal stoves three times as far as any soft coal Never slacks, and is absolutely free from soot, smoke, dust and dirt. In ordering, please state No. wanted No. 1, adapted to furnaces and large cannon stoves; No. 2, or Egg, for grata or ordinary heating stoves; No. 8, or Stove, lor ranges, cooking and small heating stove?; No, 4, or Nut, for ;baee ' burners; No. 6, or Small Nut, same as No. 4.1 T -- I Tins Provo Woolen Mills are sending up to their agent John C. Cutler, Old Constitution Building, Salt Lake City, lots of new Goods; Those desiring good all wool Flannels, Yarns, Cloths and other wool en goods ah on id call and examine his stock, he also has an aortment of home-mad- e trunks for sale. M til i - M.vM sell, and our PRICES are as weu-plseee- d I - CIHKST trmjs.ki. j ....We LINOLEUM AND CURTAIN DEPARTMENT Is stsadOy mcreasing Its sales and the nnmbar of Its We bring only the best qualities and neatest and newest patterns,patrons. prefer, ing to pay a little more for such goods, to buying old stock at low iiloes. waxxant every "warps ,we sen. ; Sjw i ; ht mlse. None bat the OUH CARPET, f .iifPl'lPl'TI,'! ' i '! Jjnt LOWtse 1,000 PIECES - CHOICE PRINTS, 5c. PERr YARD. ; , 1' m. .. --:o- i Bm'nT;THBUARKEP, .nit:. 1 WALKER BROTHERS. sv.-i-HJat .. 'I --.n-- . ed tfrofMJrains; AU Bilk Velvets in , - F flUERBflCH v. CnMC .1111 L- fl mj, UUHUI I n MPC- UUJUM. III lUIUI U j Irl - of-U- rd ' . th out-grow-th ri Wagons. x press Sprtng Bpring Wagons, Wagons, Mail Spring Wasons, Buck Boards, Farm VTagons, Freight Wagons, Ore Wagons. Call and i or one-fQor- mm it's |