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Show - ! I h - DESEBET EVENING NEWS. .JDIV t , ALixOTElt ETC Wholesale and Retail Dealers In THE TURN OF LIFE.' ' AH A TQADE. September 21, lses. M ILLS Tnarettay, MEN 6 x rom iuo age of sixty, a man who P.'pP" regulates Himself may be con fc ANNOVffCEa tekUFatroasibathe .And, BOIlilHAIiS & JA1I SCHAACK; hi, ks, cnoc cuoriE. coot '' :" F ' V '- . - (Corner of Michigan Avenue,) - uui3 river is called Thenni, Turn of Life," which, ?,afety. leads to the if?Saln 01 "urn am." round whlph l.ivalley I itrv iSlA)n7 " a ft ver-Th,c- m ! 3P.laner dllfitf - Order ,.. .k On Big Cottonwood. T onnhTgro eSne AM receiving the good wishes expressed one: "Xong life to your honor forever! and lopg way you reign in splendor." A petition addresaed to the writer' . ther, was coached in these words: "As I am snortiy going to make my exit from thla vale of tears, I hope your honor win send me two and 8ixruna .Kvra ftarn of post." The queer Ideas which nfM,n, tile brain of Hibernians at all times are d 1 S'F AN 4fc , i of . 4,3 -- Opposite C?It7 Hotel, ENGINES, BOILERS, HOTET A, NICHOLS. and Dealers in all manner of Quarrjr-mc- n, IMPORTERS the Fine Aria. Oil PalnUnes. OBisTmix, Iifc aid Es mix, u-pot- General HaclMry. Jiendrie. PrMldn(. W Preparations. Send for Catalogue. )V mrvrrr Wb4lt.ll virvra BkLIIA. . f BOQSmdStflm & CO.. I7ZIZI -- WHOLESALER GROCERS, A . ' ; t COv. r- - , I : C-o- rro Wnolesala w-. i low, I'll thlnkhow it to you." Themnn luIu.,us.imei and Pm "Ugbl" roared the anlTerer "mhv hi,; Kl member this: it Would hav cie w,M 1 U03. -- X9Cia NOTIONS 6 A3T1 1XDIA3T GOODS. BROADWAY, Opposite Paelflo House, -- ConneU Blnfis, Iowa. ' 4 filled at fet. Louis rt1f0m UtaU Cfefully Rates. man Immense tan ir Sa1 mr kUU A 111 I -H in ( - " iiarnum rnlno,i , u i. fal8 hyt machinery, never wtJiieTe, countrv. i wisdow Th!a otter has, we rMM ".r"'1. u-xni- 4 PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. ' ' Also, and Safely Can. ..ROSKf. TAIL Ete--' . "itu ""ow t the Trade at New York and -- Chicago It ices. Freight added. 229 FAItlf HA3I f RT., 03TA1IA, 3TEB. d 239 3m ' tho srreat- - It followlu own? andwm bore r "Ub uoes not r11" ,8h0t- - 1 ? 3 from dimming pMt,wh?S JiiAsh9,m.e8 prey so rapidly thkttSil111 and follow It. noise; the ?can freely t M?An :tWwM taartfer wans C, Strt Watp "TSiSS ' "rl NTTTir 111 ZAKM A V . FAKNIIAM STItBrKT, between th and 10th BTltKETS, '" . omaha, jvcnnasuA, ntjyu noons de to oiwEny And erery Description and Btyle of ' , Printing-- Ensravtnff "and XdthoffVaphy . , JhrompO . Executed. uWly nrst CHICAGO, ITXA. SHlie-Went- L. J. Gage, Cashier, EEUIUfT, AXOAM. ' ; f 100 down to I: aant and sorest way of naYlnsr Teeth v retea WITHOUT PAXHl W, H. H. SHARP, Bnrseon 4 SSPn Dry Goods Jobbers, a, s t rliKE OTitErar, sfc TO r m and Ito Pamans Ctreet. oitunu - H J . : &, a Lithographer emd Engraver READERS AfiD SPELLERS, Mechanical Dentist. fDeserst Crenhtr Kew. Do "tTTISH to call the attentfm T T that they hare fof saUalC thelTBtorVln - I7llifR. A- w- M Miles ! -- ; lin-enofDresa Importers TVliit Oaa Goods, and w north or Salt Lake aty, -- t 13 LAKE ,r - JXESliii'A" Col? ' v."? 1E3, 5 Pinneo'i Gracsa R A Y'C AniTHMETIOfl, QJM&na, "?6., tic. P 1 1 OTOC HAPC HC V 0.T O Oil nelM' NeTSSiodloa, Tchemf0"warranted dl: ' AXiAWt Dear in Proprietor, . -- "' 8TRErrfCHicAC0' . Dealers In sJiiLlnds pure. (IJOflRAPII HARDWARE STORE. ; . AI W1" ""P0" ' ana Ivotions. i;-.- ' pt n Reasonable Term MONTBITH'S , A GENEBAZi ASSORTMENT OF s. American fjotto&a. Wool. Elementary Spellers, SJ., TFILLARD UDCCARtllB Co. And d22Wm CCDDIHC, per SET. Groceries JPry Goods JDruir. STATIONER,' Oomprliklng TEETH Extracted witlv Nitrous Oxide. YILSOI without pain. Also Electricity. p D 40, Cam, : svecrssox to MANUFACTURING 5 and 1FM. l H. SOAIlPS AK-- 1 Warranted to riTe aatlsfisetlon. i . HULIN ft CORNWELL, ; SHABP, Dentist . ( . E crreexinf; Proeesa used. But recom. mend If ltrona Oxide as' the most trie. 11 . E. j TTII Inserted In GOLD, S1XTB. ana kuuucu JPiAXES, at Prices frn ,' c!lfAsl?cninllt Assistant Cashier. I ne ol Salt Lake 2 . TAr Oorpo. 75, 7T .s a opecimen oronr worr... City tuuu d!82:8m . call TEETH pliifVM with GOLD, PUB -- s " HEITfl, BOYS', X B1XTEB, j . P. A. lXUKT,TTr TOrtH. ' pi H Those wlshlnc their Teeth preserved should ' I "- . on zratlonal Bank of Chicago ! attention rTAH. Dealest la III Ul W. 8 If J SjpeelAl H ' united SUtes Depository. -. . riqtroits, : ; no Ait, tobacco, rnoTiwesi, Z LOQK TO YOUR TEETH! cmCAGO, 111. PAID DT CAPITAL, 61.000,000. REFERENCES: H. B. aawson, W. a Staines, Esq. Ksq. ; ; w I .crBocjaiija.-.;- iA Qrease, MEXnY 8. JACKSON & Co., VHOLEOAtE CROCEnS. 13S 1 . STATIOXERS, PltrNTEIiS, LITHOOIIAPH. Ella, KNGRAVER3 AND BLANK ' BOOK MANUPACTTJIIEBS, i "j or UIM nil kinds, COAI OIIi that w!aCM but a tame in Barrels been . J. 0. SEYMOUR, KENNARD & HAY, Xo. O A 11 ifAMan St., Ifew York. VARxisnns, UULSS. "lAnd all Articles used by " VT STATIOPfERS,vnwir 83 In nnrNiir.s, Jonathan Janes. Pattern. Checks, . a wri W tfU. B C ULUI. I v. uvuv& W1U IWUIU, lithographed and printed to order.. General amu huicuk vi uoioe otauonery. , d 120:6m WOLCOSJI & Op., Wholesale Dealers paixtr, v BLOTJR PULTON" RT. added. '"'fni I 9iDidl'c of Mauufactarers S1"? '52? : necessary Ilenry L. Slote, GENERAL SHELF H Ann wa on-At Wholesale and Ketatl, ' op r XEW TORK : ti. NEW YORKTRADE OUAPP, -- . COnrtarcwI .vv MUfciMutaoie. X Ynlhel1!,y i TREET, OMAHA. NEB. JOHDAII We A Domestic AND otter, that from its thoroa- - SHARP & YOmiG. IH3 AIE3 1 WINDOW CLASS, w.M, White rMima, Lead and Axle ; HARDWARE AND CXTXERY. tmr.n. GROCERIES, 51 take St., CHICAGO, f muuhswuu, ppiy lxnmedlatelr at the Month of wcserKsBjea. Importers and Jobbers of , 11 - all - -- r. a sermon onmi-- r i.tCHTOCHlXS. f5t2. ,. racies, wai asked bvnnnf ki,. NPw .tMtt,B tht; COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. SSlA iD? hpf?ewaFJ. to explain a in. sain lucidly what; miracle iioj sai copmiiiL meant. "r'Pfped .v but Good Men need apply. Btono CLASS, PAINTS, OitV 9 i"-11"" ' " t a .rluu THE RAILROAD! Prtes. uno., dt C'onncll BJatft, raon Ma-- and EPStiSiSi Bald IhA TO WORK ON K daoitf Dw-eMlnc- M.I , ChioaffO. f COirafClIi BX.UFFS, IOWA. t. j. hthlpoild .tJnZlFll and JLaborers, in all binds of LEAP. d CIC. CIC, j Goods sold at New Yor AAAAAuiuuuuus, No. 41S LOWER imnmtri v ' n. RfrnTTnitrP a S!Sfr Otono Masons , rriimn j E. FRAWKE JffTTLAXi well TMPORTER3 and Manufacturers of Cnelee Aw SFmr-n- Dealers In 'V v n Choice State BttCmCAOO:: J IOWA. : ate,, Swiss. Chinese s, and Japanese Goods. Decaloomonlo and ninnhnntnUatT.i. Artificial Fruits and Vegetables, Anatomical Flg-ure- I w I WHOLESALE D ALBRS IN 11 I 1 j flVi-l?,?- SSSJ! HIGHEST WAGES PAID In Cs&Ah, Monthly. CHICAGO. d2372m Vel," - 5(D)(0) tnto Street; 14. 4 chapter in the Bible the donnnM.itAn, AGEICULTUR1L We Iceen the Aivr.-n. JLTOxs. againsi nypocrltes who 'strain at a mmr I imE3fEXTS Gtiieial were afterwards Wnmwcr, Steam and Gas - Wholesale Dealer in PUMPS and Fitter, Carernl Attention slTen to Or4e tho beneScent IVom PIPE. patrone, V I 35 IS!ib. a3 iRh Abroad. 3 beljaaWImr WOoHectlons Feurleentn Kt OMAHA, XebrmTka. . azu-sof tLZI77, Pobllo VP rt hat in . particular fS7 JF"Building, rhurche. 383 BKOaDWAT. loe I'harisees. children?" .7 T!. 11,43 em pioe! witi? steannd Tery oest manner, Uaih Tabs. V atar n I IV ill 'r wwauww J Ooaets. Hot and Cold 8hWS UatbsTsia ntASE, IIAlfFOItD db DfOm it rinlv . A. MEGEJLTH S: CO., i. BalTtouM the,, unlntenUonal drol.' Headquarters fort J i r o r 44 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in of ?M MEDIATELY! Coarse and Fine. Papers, .... Nos. Ii'onjxannrturers Works, Bourbon and Kentncky P. COOPER PROGRESSING. XTVIJfES nnd PAPER BAGS, BITTERS, i 11,-- ; Of Every Description, CIGASS, phraseology bo7d IS m Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In "I" . ntl... - and at ptly IiAPJUKT, BUTLER & Co., Al? hmm" JOSKPI1 JHORNB, SALT LAKE CITY. I I Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co's Bank and Ex press East Temple Street, Salt Lak e City. ; PA Particular attention paid to the Whole sale Trade, at the lowest figures. Come and see dl81-3for yourself; nOWAIlD DISTXXAEXtr, TXZO rom .. tlllea jjowesi jnurKci xtaics. AT. COUNCIL BLUFFS TRADE. nn imana in(n u G0 6m d239 2m and makes hh hollow jaws ' line death, with eternal hallelujahs!'! And the desT1KMIS A ABBOTT, Of the Wicked. "When HootV. tiny Manufacturers of hla quiver full of arrows,1 mows them down with the besom, of A poorJaw guardian in the.destruction." No. SOS, 13th St., OMAHA, NEI1. north oflre- uu, very lately surpassed these flowers .wwa mo of rhetoric, when he addressed bis an- - smoking tobacoosj. mafitlmnn I OOIX AOCin TDK Tltnmmm A-.. Ulialrman nnr! AiVHWIWCU i "AIT. ir m Bmoaioi xosseco, vi tae Doarui Tne eves of Enron diSSm npon us. The apple-o- f discard ha A Co.,W. flunff in uu n it DO DOC Di&tlllr . Tun H.R w kw v UO, IVl ". uurst into a U?UOa iChW"1 deISe th9 UQUOBS, WISES & i ' P. AUERDACH eVORO'S, Office, Wholesale Dealers In There are two kinds of lrbh wit the intentional and Ibe unintentional Of NOTIONS & INDIAN GOODS, this latter class there la an absolutely llmltlesa supply, afforded by the redunAlso all klnda'of dancy of metaphor and illustration com mon to me national mind, and FURS 6t BUFFALO RODES. abaurdlUea and ,? ,of. hyperboles So. S39 Farnham delightful t0 8tUdv. Take the rmrlAt St., OJL1IIA, NEB. v.- ; mm, Staple aifl Fancy DRY; GOODS : "r-.- wa rirauf orar, - t misn humor. Eriterp rise - .v . ' Cbmiti ercial ' Constantly on band. ."if.59DOR ADDnffr11 r. v ti. - - , .s U mm , e j.t'- - K hn '" : - Thou shalt not be allowed to rlalt ladles unless thy clothins! comes from Anerbaeh A liro's Btore. r- r hare no coverlne for Ufr head 6,Thou shalt are unless thy hats bought at Anerbaeh A Bio's 7. Thou shalt not walk Into ttrr house, unlei rugs and mattings are bought at thy carpets, . Aueroscu ct iro s tsiore. t. Thou shaltnot allow thy female household to go walking, unless their shawls, cloth or sUk cloaks, sacks, basauea. furs, narasoia. xans.bal moral skirts, embroidery and all sorts of trim mings are purchased at -Anerbaeh A Bro's Store. 9. Thou shalt not go- to bed at night, unless roy oearoom wans are covered witn nne wau paper and Dorder, and toy bed covered with One California at a uro's etore. blankets, purchased Anerbaeh 10. Thou shalt not make in the thy toilet unless thy soap, perlnmery, tooth and morning, are bone tit at Anerbaeh a Rrv hair bru&hes . ... Store.. 1L Thou shalt not buv sroods of anv that 1ml. ' piles Anerbaeh A Bro's.- - . . t . . . i ?; i ; Grand 8. ; ? i. t . 9ris, and Clilllrnva sw4 nl Work. PgSd W Intend to keep th beat of Good and a First-Claa- a Jrobbillr Stoclx. t store. - ILLINOIS. .' wlnda, and then flows beyond without II , s boat or caiMAVftv ifnu.f Th bridge i$, hovyerer, constructed of nTrir we it and fragile material,, SJulTi?y!a!2S: depends upon w n v Bminr. uviutu nuviucr it iffllU or DreaK. uout, apoplexy, and other bad characters, are also in the vicinity to at 97 andW Peart Htreet, Boston, Mas. waylay tho traveler, and. thrust him vx gm t I ALEX. STROXG A CO. from the pass; but let him gird up his loins, and provide himself with perfect JItCORJICS'S Eraplar & MoTrius Hathlnti ! composure. To quit a metaphor, tne mm r Turn of Life" is a turn either into a auuiruvea iur i Mix Hnn n rra i VU a mmmm . The Aiiwrai, ltrmi in KArmrt iihaMi UMWIUI or walk into the prolonged grave-system and power having reached their II. C ADDIS. Dnrl A rnnt nv rKM.l. utmost expansion, now becrln either to ciose u&e flowers at sunset, or break Btwt, (between Tstlmn- - a down at once.--OnInjndlelon. iutr- -- BiuKie intai eiciiemeufc may ifinim.m r force Ht beyond Its strength; while a careful supply of props,, and the withdrawal of all that tends to force a plant, Wo. Stephen.; W. V. WUcor. will sustain it in beauty and in vigor STEMXEXS W1XCOX, until night has entirely set in. ; x. - nrpin run - CHICAGO, Arffau htm anrl k T, GLASS D its,' Nos. 1 & 3 RANDOLPH ST.; A CO? . - - j . i.vi 1 Tnod ahali not make ns bf any kind of food .unless they are bought at Auerbacn A 2. Thou Shalt not use clorea. hose, nandker- enleni and fancy roods, unless tber ooma firoaa a Thon snalt not allow thy wife or daughter to buy dress goods or domestics, unless they are nougnt atA.uexDaendi.Bro' store. C Thou shall not walk the streets, unless thy boots and- shoes are boosht at Anerbaeh - A Brors And ; s tlovi THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS! Gentlemen Snra!ahing Goods, I 99 JHVaJkA 0Tm 03ZA1XA. NEIL WH OLES ALE. . CODEC DOY'O CLOTHING . iiaareau in me. of of life. HI matured strength prime ren constitution ders mm aimoat impervious to the of disease, and experience has & .g T6m. f.F1111, the soundness of almost " His mind is resolute, firm infallibility. EXCLUSIVELY ' V aV an equal; and his functions are in the nignest order. He assumes the mastery oTeibusIness; builds op a competence BRANCH OF ALTOCANDER STRONQ on the foundation he haa formed In BOSTON ; MAOO., arly manhood, and passes through a MANUFACTURER! OP period of life attended by many gratifications. , ' Kip, aiMt gone a year or two past sixty, CLf,Ttilrlc Having Boots, he arrives at a critical Deriod In th roaq or existence: tne river lxfnrA at-tac- j CtOYOSV ' i trine j P : ; ! i ET" I - j . . T. Opposite 0AI.T 5rISfPjr ; - "cnjinnu and Car--Tools. salt Lake At - . - - i f'1 1'- - . House; ilattt: citt.- j attended o. ; - 1 IILI16I 1 -- 1- DOIICIHS. |