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Show DESSBET EVENING NEWS. . . GEORGE Q CANNON, v dismissal of the afternoon-meeting- . At 7 p.m. the peonle' assembled" In 4be meeting house and were addressed by President Joseph Younir r and ' EldeT . ED1TOI1 AND PUBIJSUEK. V ' Musser. , . f - - 5 1 ' ;'; London. The following has been received from Madrid, officially: General Novatichez, of the Royal army, at the head of a large force, has gone to Andasent to lusia;, troops have also: been , ; Bontona. - We shalkleave Nephi and i ts hospita September 21, ises. bio citizens in the morning, "carrying with us pleasant remembrances of. the EDITOEIAL C0REESPONDEN0EJ kindness wo "have received, especially from Bishop C. W. Bryan and famHy. PRESIDENT YOUNG'S TRIP We meet at Fountain Green at noon tosouth. morrow, and .then drive to Moroni ;v ' Nephi Bept.'s,: 1868. where we stop the night Our last letter terminated rather ab a aw Before we had finished we ruptly. 1 11 m a tali.1i! nrriiiRTi nia rniiir tTi n tt 011j r nn ran u in am as everybody was in bed and we could find no matches we were under the neGErfCiLaX. cessity of Breaking off. Payson posses ' ses a rare postmaster In the .person of Washington, ' 23. A dispatch from at Austin, Texas, Bro. John T. Hardy; he is a model offi General Reynolds, a of Federal detachment announcesthat cer, and discharges the duties of his cavalry overtook 200 Apaches, killed position with fidelity and 'ability. We twenty, wounded an equal number, rehad heard his good qualities spoken of captured two captives and destroyed and we had an opportunity of testing the Indians' camp ana jvinter supplies. the conclusion of the arguments them, we were under the necessity of inAfter the Surratt case, Judge awakening him to write the last line or Wylle reviewed the case and said the two of our letter, and to direct and post oflense charged in the indictment It. Thft 1arrl-- r and rtlpasnrA whlrh h amounted to giving aid and comfort to the enemy, by a conspiracy to abduct evinced In waiting upon us relieved us and murder President Lincoln; this was from the embarrassment we otherwise not treaaon.therefore it was not covered would have felt In disturbing his by the President's amnesty proclamation. The court, for reason, elaborately : bera. forth and sustained the demurrer of In the description of our reception at set the District Attorney. Merrick, of the Spanish Fork we omitted to describe prisoner's counsel. aked leave to banner which had inscribed upon it amend the plea so as to meet the tech nical objection of the courts The Judge Spanish Fork Silk." The letters were allowed to the counsel till formed of cocoons, and the border of file the amended plea. raw silk. 'The silk worm eggs were Troy. The iron establishments of & Sons, and E. Corning & Co. brought from England by Bishop A. Burden after a stopwork resumed fully K. Thurber, when he returned last occasioned by. a page of four months, year from his mission to that country. strike. i. Attention is being paid here, we Baltimore. The Grand Lodge of Odd to this rultnre. Tt'wlll ht fnnnd Fellows, disposed of the amendto ments The comconstitution. the to be a remunerative business; here as mittee on the national well as in other settlements in the Ter- in favor of holding the jubilee reported fellowship at Philaritory. From Spanish Fork we drove anniversary of odd was to Payson, where we met with the peo- delphia, April 2G. The report ple at 7 p.m. The hall was very crowdNew York. Minister MeMahon sailas a y for the Argentine republic ed ed, and, consequence, oppressively announA hot. Elders Joseph F. Smith, George dispatch received of ces of section another the Mils-secompletion Dunford, Thos. Taylor and A. M. 820 miles U. P. R. the R., making and President B. Young addressed finished. the. people. At 8 a.m. the next day A stupendous swindle has been una school of the prophets was organ- earthed, originating here, under the Steamship & Emiized, after which the company drove title of the Brooklyn one thousand dollar in Company, over, to Santa Quin. We were greeted grant bonds. These bonds are in circulation with the usual reception here, as at in all parts of the country, many having to California. Many persons in Payson, of children, with banners, and gone V IrRinla.have been extensively swind the adult population. Presidents Jo- led by land through using seph Young and D. H. Wells and Elder tnese bonus,speculators beside numbers in Ilie Geo. Q. Cannon spoke to the people. Eastern and Western States. After dinner we started for Nephl, The National Labor Congress, - naa resolution to form a eighteen miles, or, according to some, adopted tional labor reform party for political twenJy miles, distant, and reached purposes, to advance the interests of there after. a drive two hours and a worslm? men in tills country. A com half. The reception the eompany met mittee of three was appointed to issue address, calling- upon the workini? with here was a remarkable one. The an men of the United States to vote for no Brass Band, which Is In the first class man for office who is not pledged to susof musicians, under the leadership of tain the National Labor unjpn. Unicago. Tne largest political ue- Captai a Gustavo Henriod, was at the monstration ever seen in the West, is edge of the town waking for us, and on fifteen thousand tan marched into the town at the head of going ners, or Chicago and the neighboring the company discoursing sweet music counties, are out Iu an Immense torcn as they went. Opposite the meeting light procession, and a hundred thous and people aro out in the streets; Court - house the street was spanned by an Square was completely packed. The arch: of evergreens, which with the meeting was addressed by Generals wings, occupied the entire street. Over Palmer, Logan, Bates, and Cox ' of Ohio, the centre of the arch were the words and other prominent speakers. Tk-rsd- ay, ' . 11 . - . ft ; -- - . m . k j s ' - to-da- y, ...." . . to-morr- ow to-da- y, s under-Mtanr- to-da- y, semi-centenni- al ad-dopte- d. f : to-da- "to-da-y, rl to-da-y, . - - We tako the following from an article in a recent number of the Frontier Index, under the caption How far we favor the --lormons;' for it tells some plain facta concerning the people of this t Territory;'.- - There are many parts of Dakola. Wyoming, Arizona. New Mexico, and California- - that are far to Utah, in natural advantages,superior and yet those parts are roamed over only by wild game, savage Indians, or herds of the The Mexican Spanish landlords. barbarians of Russian f;reasers. Chinese. Indians, and and all inferior races are to Negroes, have the right of suffrage before white people, who nave fed our mining camps, supplied the immigration to the Pacific coast in early days; and who even now are the most community that America or the balance of the world can boast of. The peasants of all nations, the poor, down trodden and abused serfs of tyrannical Governments, have pleasant cottages in these mountains of refuge; the traveler is hospitably entertained, if he behaves himself as he should among the shakers or quakers, but if he abuses them be is treated as he should be by an outraged sect. While I f the Mormons were not there he would have to fight the Indians day and night, the Ulntahs, of whom Kit Carson used to say, they are the bests hots and the .shrewdest.of all the Indians In the mountains. ; Those Ulntahs roam all along the Uintah and other tributaries of Green River, to the south of the Uintah Mountains. It Is they from whom the Mormons suffer most in southern Utah, and It is they who up to this day have driven out every party of men who have attempted to prospect! the tributaries on either side of the Green River to the south , of us. n Who supplied the ml es of California, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Bweet water, and continues to supply them? Who furnished Johnson's army with bread, meat and shelter? Who relieved the suffering thousands of in '01, when flour was not to be cents had for one dollar and twenty-fiv- e 'Who Green River supplies per pound? with bread, meat, vegetables and fruit? A few weeks since flour was thirty cents per pound here; who reduced the price? Who is building two hundred miles of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads? Who but negroes and Chinamen would have been teeming into these mountains if the Mormons had not beei; here? Who built the first telegraph,- made and educated the first bova and cirls in these mountains? Who built the finest Theatre and the largest Tabernacle in America? Verily, not the scalawag sports who have been frozen out from among people. No, but the one hundred thousand white people who are feading us here at Green River. i 4 ' $ -- self-sustaini- After passing through the arch the people extended the whole length of the ntreet up to the Bishop's. The number of children was something astonUhing for a place no larger than Nepal. Ac customed as we are to seeing children in great abundance their numbers here I la found iu the inscription which we noticed on one of the banners which the children carried, "Monogamy at a Dis count." A monogamist in the company remarked that the only fault he COUld And "With thr fil'cvtit wna H !.,! i no hand in iroducing it." s THE aiEETIA'GS." I! Foxrciarr. Paris. Madrid is quiet. Estrada is appointed Minister of Marine. News from the provinces is contradictory. The Queen attempted to return to the finding the route in posCapitalsbut session of the enemy she returned to San Sabastian, where she remains. The rebels, everywhere, proclaim Esparto President. Bravo and the other ministers have arrived in France. London. The Times Paris letter says Gen. Pym Is leader of the insurgents; he has left Paris for. Spain,' to meet the exiled Spanish generals, at Cadiz. Captain Mafcomb, of the Spanish ironclad Saragossa, who joined the insurgents, brought his guns to bear on the barracks of Cadiz, and compelled the royal ; -- Mon-tania- ns hard-workin- g, self-sustaini- LIST Remaining in the Co-- 1. . l r. ' '"I, ; . Three doors nortii of Kimball A Awrenee. ... 2o9-- a 1 JN.8. RAJISOHOFT & UO. f A few cords of red' pine wood at . tf the Paper i Mill." . Wasted-- At this office, clean cotton and linen rag?, reople In the city yrho wish to dls pose of them will please brlngthem on Mon NEW TO-DA- Y. 1 j narrlsOI ., ... L lixnr-.H- . , .,.1 . . Hfrtkor.T Hanson (I IlaynesU Harrison J s Ilemenwaylf : , w iieaiy Heathr II . . llontzA F Holt Holt 12 HonebRTAM Hunter J Hunter I Hon 7 2 Hunt HDDlW ; HutcbtogsjnS ' Hyde B -- TnmanAC2 Irerson B J Jackson J Jsnklns J W JoomM Jones O I ... t.r : - . ; . ; r, , , ' v , . . i Will be Resinned A MASS : ' , . . ' 'A ;: . , To make this Institution! l TROR OUGRTIj Y; JPRA CTIf MEETING Precincts above-mention- f OCTOBER, '" On the 12th -f - . the Lower Rooms of the ed COU NC KATSTIIXE MXETIXG HOUSE. I r HO USE L 1 10 C0L1L1ERCIAL Blilll -.- . plete ; migi and DomrsUc -- ' STATIOMftT, . W, ;' ItSHlNCS, 8 C H O O L TURN . . . .3 60cts. per foot. Good large antt-freezin- i ' 1 " I 1 ' . - - ! O IL. O OS - . 1 MAP' , l And a Great Variety of ed No. 8, g 1 1 ' t - Xteens constantly on nn-lah- 4 i- - SCHOOL BOOKS, " - No. 82, North Third St,, between Oliver and Locust, ST. LOUIS, Mo.. hand 'a general assort ment of Pumps and Pipes, Lead, Iron, Stone or Wood Pines: also. Brass Faucetts. Globe Valves. hi earn uockb; aii aunas uraas visuuga ana work for Mills. Factories. Machinery, etc. Also Pumps for Cisterns and ,Wells, from $5 ana upwards: piping iorinmps, rrom aocxn, to i. i i- -. i Brass Founder and ; Pump : Builder, 7. - iV tf RE VEREHOUSE f A ; FANCY; GOOPS . : , . . r .. . . .... ..... ; f . ES STRUCTOR JIJVKVUiE n : Vptume . a few BOUND volumes of the First 0 the Juyenile Instructor for !ZVoe ulia ici$h to. purchase tale; price the Second Volume? lovnd ii cloth covers mads - expressly for the r Instructor, can ATOU'K ADIITIGTR NOTICE. leave me iheir orders as 1 have a few that W. HARDY been haying LEONARD to the estate of ROBERT xciUle ready for seUTcithmamonth. Icon C SHARKEY, deceased; destrea all persons claims against said estate to present also furnish covers to those who have having them tor adjustment preserV' forthwith; and all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate to ed the. Second. Volume and wish to iJiavc it uiuo uuuiuiw sememeni, wita . , LEONARD W. HARDY, fl2tti Ward.1 Or J. J. Jl. TOSON. AmL bound. 1 5 j 6 - L,Clty,fp.23rlS08. .re. i lit - r StudenU will be first instructed i and practice of 5., rTTangtii orf Arithmetic, and ActnaW Business, a In Business Colleges; and after wiu be assigned PiaVJpre m examination, nesa In the Commercial U m wT er-lelgned Transactions of the College ehant m facu His dealingsare aje no pnbiic his fell. He now hss an opportunity of01 ofJtri " all tne detail . qualnted with transacted tn flnt viaxs tirand m Btuaenta wno ennwieu Intend eontinolns' their dituaiea, .' Inform me mmeduite. o JPor Terms, etc appiy . : ."T-hi- Book-keep- Bff EVd -- o. A2SlSnrt9dtw 1 p, m, , ;. QCORGG Q. OANUOn. ftflL , - - V- - KKADY SALES. 1 illuxve Proprietor. w.:; ,:. . accommodations for the 'First c!sjw - Pnblle..- Ctiarves moderate.traveling' -- -- y" Second Sou h Street, Rait Lr.e City. Tack J ft j ?, . Taylor JO H Taylor Terrell J J Taddenham Mr v : Vaugban AN : Vaagban A Van EveraC i Whitney J B WhlppleN W ' WiiUamsE Wilson D J' - Wilson RT B;W The Commercial d2i7 3m . . for nouse use and lorclng Well Engine water In casePumps, of fire, etal price $23, piping COcU. foot. CHANGE OP TESIE5 per Far sample and reference apply to Mr. Geo.O.. V3.DOOR3 OPEN at 7 o'cloc. Performance Cannoa&dd Mr. Joseph Bull, salt Lake City. Whfeh will he offered for sale to tne PaWi? commence punctually at v VV DUdovnt to IXbrral made the Trade.' ' such LOW PHICE8 as will comow" d251-' . DEWEY & RAILEY, Tounj.-- - . -- S Worley B Tker Clashes of 1 Mtevlns O Young- T . and nateriai. Stock Ue will guarantee B&Uslactlon to all who will nr,....... cow-bor..- . - - ILJj Purchase and Forward with prompt ness and Dispatch all kinds of jKlaehinW ery, aerenanauev neensaies' xoois, XJOTICE DANIEL WHITE, a unpopui, larlv knon a "Mllsr WhitA BEATTCHAMP Mr ROBERT .. cMr P Marsetts Dick Dun. a I Arcnlbald Good, a Veterinary burgeon, air j u o ranam Annie White, daughter of Milky- White, ' i f . r Miss Adams Mrs Saddrlp, neighbor of White, ' 4 MrsM Bowrlng William Saddrlpp, her son Master J T Caine -- - Joint St., NEW YORK. - cow-keepe- ; . A. HOPPER .dZSQSti&klm territory: on Commission. Clty. U.T, : - ; U - entrust him wiin tneir oraers. A small commission only will be chareed. Reierences to Geo. Q. Casnox and Jcseph BtrxXt Esos.. Deseret News Ofllce, Salt Lake V HtrotberF.8 jSteTlnsA . Persons wishing toiurcha8e Material or Hn Work done, will And the KA.ILR0AD mm the best, cheapest and most reliable estate ment la Utah. ,f OATS and BARIiEY taken in Etcb&nge "Wors: or Material. To the IXHARITAXTS of UTAH A. JT. mover Cant DH i Durk; urehasins E. Ckvfioa &ZtlT. Caine-- . jtCialrO J DHI1. tBUn4 jA Berlo-Com- lc -- .3' paid. WAXTED, -Elizabeth ....Mlss Adams who Is competent to take charge of a Mtss Del lie Clawson Louisa, her daughter...., HILL, containing two run ot Airs uammerM..MM, w..Mra M U Clawson ONE .Miss Lizzie Piatt stones. Jen Apply at the Deserkt rJEvrs office, to A. Farmers, feasants, lucemen, Jlob, etc M. Cannon or soneph Ball. i. By order of T. W. Cooley. To conclude with the popular, Domestic Drama, la 2 Acts, of .; : Hmltb J i Hmlth E, Horensen W ' Bprague Brewer. ' IIv -- X. - 1 -- OD liayct Ifavton J N j , , . - rU, X. S. RAXSOHOFF A Co. d25l;tf . On SATURDAY, OCT. S, 1868, a.m., for the purpose of elecuns At o'clock. have been fitted op as a trom. Three to Thirteen Trustees, -Mr D McKenzIe viva voce and The Golden Farmer...... decide whether a Treasurer,beand Mr P MareetU Secretary Hirry llmmer on all taxable prolevied to shall be tax the O Graham .Mr Twltcher J Jemmy ra or upon the lands to be benefitted. perty via aioDD w.tiinii.Hil.lniiimniiii'lif. mr ou uiuuvaj " William Harvey, Mr J mi Hardle CHRISTOPHER LA-TO- N, Mr 8 W Darke liora ltzaiian KaysvlUe, Sept. 22, 1868. , ...Mr JE Hyde I John d&fttd Air J is Keuy Thomas. . ...MrlK Krans and Com- First Offleer, And will be furnished with a Large Second Officer, sir C M Donelson A MILLER! . Stock of U-,- - .... Ims nm auu KIVIIIl :o:- - ' MERCHANDISE or CASH wil i . : For Which ; j :S ....r... . Thread; Tacks, ite., Jte. CAMP ' DOUGLAS, - Wasthk --, - uriaie, fining:, .nameiea leathers: dtauieled Bees' and Hn'oeiuakers Wax; AT Teams wanted to caul lumber from Little & Romaey. Folsom Cottonwood. Apply to . v W:if 7 - r- FEW TONS OF HAY! A Waktkd a few Tons of Hay at Camp Douglass, for wnicn Merchandise or casn will te paid. - Jemmy Twitcher in England I -- Geftrhart C UoldlngO . UoldingRJ Orundy It Q UulacnT . j a. W- - DAVIS. of the citizens of the will be held 8tlTersmlth J i Blmmnuds E i HloanJ. f Hteloan J 8 , . .' D Hmltb ' i RmlthO v 't FallerRST i! WWTED ! at A CiroiCE Ix)t of CHEESE for sale KI, the Stock Oak, Ask, (Hickory, and White Timber; Npokea aud Felloes; W HI Steel of all sizes:' rtAif'' vn. , ... nrfli 5:l 02)9:10 IWC7:2 . i d -- TIH1E COLDER , . nMCKSUtliTjp above-name- -- r lUleyF -- H Hallsbury IIHawyers E Harauels II Hell hood W Hhoddon J Hhort W8 WaaonCatriag ; and that KAY8VILLE ISHKREBY GIVENPrecincts have been orby Wlll.be presented, the Tnrllllng Drama, entl ganized into an IRRIGATION DISTRICT accord- In of Davles County, Court the County Ued, nfc InflAITWh mr A A a tllrl .An tf in F If 1DU mil www VW.V.Vw rate Irrigation January approved Companies," ' s 20. 18C5. vi r . y, O; In furtherance of the above. ; CC rKtcbardson ; Rich M ; - . - SEPTEMBER 21, 18CS. TtergleL. Hid in p AH lttdd W Foster J Ford O P., Kowiea W Forrest 11 Forbes Dr E A 2 Forrest II FredetteO Fordbam F t THURSDAY EVENING PbllllpsH 8 PbllllpsJ lleksioneMr t ; . From theTheatresRoyaLAiistiall Perolval D. F. PearceE Peterln Hans' . At the - MB.; BQBEBT BEAUOFAM? ! Parker J , l'eterson A v . ! t Payne Mr Parker, ir :o:- j ;; O O'ell P . Propr,tt, r...y . : Oison I Fahr Klnber Jj - 7;.. im -- SALT LAKE CITY. Moor W OllertonS :o: A. BOPPEn, ' GIVE HIM A CALX. I- Fine Variety BiV First appearance of Morris J Maylnbaw D Murdoek JR. Mnttlebnrg II Myrlck N N Xeal Cbas Nenl Clem Nelson 8 IiU KwiojcKT KvrlngWL. Farrell 11 M .. J Ij Fertlg Klsfc D M - the Oty.f Wattson Mrs M Tearsley Mrs E II ' J OleTsr M .:Craclers, Etc., Etc., . it m remarks Red Your 8tabes.-- horse, or aMl Warn stand- SJThehighest prfce paidfor all kinds tired will the Rural World, get of Produce. ing and treading on a hard floor; so will . a cow. a sheep, a man. A soft bed feels dZ9;lm easy gives rest. And yet we neglect DEPARTrVIEUTS the beddlncr of our stables to a great extent. Injured limbs and; other ali ments, especially; of the hoof, are the FREIGHTERS WANTED Of the Shops, results often of a neglect here, as has as and been clearly enough shown, any :o: Work ofall description In man can clearly enough see, if he gives Km Red moment's a the subject thought. neatness wltb and hi., with straw, which is plenty, or sawdust, ONE HUNDRED TEAMS on Reasonable Teri, , or tanbark,.or shavings; The dryer these materials are, the better. jvery i . 7 day remove moistened bedding, and TO HAUL FREIGHT replace with new Such a floor, well warmth of a bedded, adds .greatly to theroaaer-saveoecomes ana a tnus THE MATERIAL DEPARTMEII stable; The small holes and crevices in a floor, From the Terminus oft lie Union with a eood bedding upon them, will Pacific Rail Road. Will W iouni let little or no cold through; and will drain the stable. Bather have a ground floor, than a hard naked -plan k. Amer ELDREDCE & CHWSOK. Tnr. MOST COJIPLETK can Farmer, r MISSOI enibr.eE,!Bl Lessees Maybew WF J II Hazard Miller . r 1 , E II EJar Kdwarda W A 2 Kraery O t , KmlrxlIA. Kmmons O F Kncle V , 1 . -- And sells as REASONABLE as any house in W. I - v Ko. 117, c rv Calces, East Side, East Temple St., W. STREET, ..'V:-.- : :rotmeuter. ; ueceasea. . V ft 1 ! Fermerlyrar . -ii ! W . McFrasy M elntyre A J Mayer Man nine LB Madison II Martin E Martin II II , WN2 LKHlee -- Pies, - ) . Uglit Bread, :- s . . ' nevere ECouse, Second South Street. Administrator's Notice of Robert C. Bharkey, M McBrlde McKarlaDd CraruJQ Dal ton UH:' Davis J II A 2 leloDg Dlcfeerfon J B sooth-easter- : VflV A , lD J 11 McArthur col ton U Collins J II Coulter J A CoppO Coons LT " Cramer IU -- . I.ytle0 2 Conway W A Cooper Conrad W K Conrad A Bro Conlt W hi t I Ixive D CnmnWII Clart A J Clark J M , ; a "S ' The finest f ; hindenberscrE Lloyd J Carter OV Campbell 8 Cnesnnt II w MA- R ; Tenons raiding in the country apply letters must state where inn for advertised .are expected from,, and give th they aate oj advertisement. -i a tf i s;.v,'wi -- Jinks Mrs U 4' Jones Mrs M Jorden Miss M Jensen Mlxs ME Johnston C '.-- . - '.- -- i Reed 8 L. i Mrs M Richer Hobblna Miss S Miss N Kosenqulst - .'--.i ft - 5.8.'' . W oayers n vHmlth Miss A A Thomson Mrs E Trim M MA Til f,all4 Miss j V Vaughn Miss B Hamson Mist J F Harris urs u J AR Holladay MrsMiss Hutchinson IrfeJIt C Cahol M to-th- - Uffice. . OENTLEMEN'S LIST. A Jones A AbadleDr&f Jobnson A W Ad cock 0 2 K Adair T J Kane DM Alderson J II Kennedy J R KB I pacts W J Albion J Abbln J N Klrkbam W 2 Anderson FC2 King T Anderson K Koontz J J K It Applegate E Tjobach E Appletfate TI IamauntB ArmstroEjW II Iaraen A Bannister A Ieltrb F i A S3 Rac-man- 'i -'. Brlroliail Banker B F 8 ' Burnett J .to-da- y, : " ' trn a nv " k dayoj Daniel In the Lion's DenD. Grenlg, Kast Sep., 1863 which if not called for with- xempie sireeu in one month, will be tent to the Dead Freighters Wanted EUdredge j& Clawson. letter I Paukhurst Miss E: Peterson. Mrs K srald CVy, Utah 'ltoTUoryi on the 2Ath liarnea J t. Palmer Mrs J s Mrs F D Payne Palmer Mrs OK : f- ; 1 O'0cnerMrsN2 om at Salt Lake Office Boony J 2 BenUeyli. Rlgelow II 11 I&otbe W Brewer O Brown W T j , " Conrad Mrs M Crabtree CutcUfrMmE, TkentMrsi Miss-i C " AMrs Krans F Fersruson B Mrs P i Ford Mrs H Gatehouse Mrs Utile tt Mrs 8 Ginger Mrs J ' il t MIllerlrsL CorayillssMC i u m Keeps constantly on band a general V- 1 i7 ? assortment of ' j days and Fridays. OIT T It&rlletton O Bailey W 8 troops, garrisoning the city, to surren- to-da- y, ng E Barnett MJs H Bennett Mrs BenUeyMrsR Becks tead Mrs O K-str- U.J i . Lewis Mrs A " i 11 ; McKeln Mrs C A Mather Hiss o Miller Mrs E Miller Mrs J R4 Miles Mr CP" . ; A meeting was held this evening, der, the city having pronounced for the revolution. Each of the generals pro. which we were kept by business from ceeded to other, places and raised the -- 'resident auenuing. Joseph Young, standard. Elders Joseph F. Smith, "Joseph W. Paris. TheJbnifeto--. in an YOUDC. A. M. Musaer. Thna Tnulnrnn.l article on the speech of King William, at iiamuurg, says his work . Geo. Dunford attended the meeting and aenverea shows his faith in peacc all, we believe, spoke. From the charAjonuon. 11 is announced, acter of the speakers you may be sure the that a session of the peace consrressis matter was good. proposed, to be held at BerneN Liverpool. Letters from Egypt report This morning at sunrise the band ser- that the yield of cotton in that enaded the houses at which the this year, will be enormous, r country, dent and ttiA ntlior -v 'lho standard this mornlncr. has an w V iUV VMitl" article on the Chinese Embassy which pany put up. At 10 rum. the meeting has lust arrived. It comments on the house was crowded to its utmost by the e indifference public Embassy in people. We noticed faces of residents England, which is n great contrast i of Payson, Santaquin, and with the which enthusiasm with valthey Sanpete ley, and some. also from Trovo. Last were everywhere received In 'America, and that all the ministers have to do o uiowu u j UV) MCWUipa is tosays see that they have genuine comnied by Bishop A. J. Moffitt, Col. It. N. missioners to deal with, and not merely Allred and a corhpany of men under the foreign mediators between England and command of Major Abner Xo wry, ar- China. the American minister. rived here from Sanpeto .valley. He InMr. Johnson, to an address the reply was at meeting this mornlDg, and in town council of Leeds,presented by said yesterday, good health. In . the afternoon ho there were but few differences between was Indisposed and was unable to England and the United States, and were unimportant, because they attend. The speakers iu the morn- these could be amicably adjusted without taring were President D. II. Wells and nishing the honor of either country; he Elder Woodruff. speedy settlement of these In the afternoon hoped for theand should devote all his Elders George Q. Cannon and J. W. differences, to He would regret end. that Young addressed the congregation, energies in comlnjr to' an arbitrament. neither, which for greater convenience and space should suffer in its opinion or in that of met In the bowery at the side of the the world; the United states wouia cerdo nothing to detract from Its meeting house. The afternoon meeting, tainly own reputation, and he knew that Great upon motion .of President Young, was Drltaln would not tarnish her honor. London. The following i additional resolved Into a special conference. No-pnews has been received from Bpaln: was organized into a Stake of ZIon, town of Bontona. in the fortified The and Jacob G. BIgler was appointed PreLa Ton ta, has pronounced of sident; and the following elders were firovlnoe The railroad and selected as members of the n lines In the Countelegraph High cil: Edward Ockey, Samuel Claridge.- part of the empire have been cut; and a rapid communication" 13 destroyed. wawnew McCane, Israel Hoyt, Timo- The excitement 13 greatly increasing at thy S. Hoyt, Andrew Xove; George Kendall, Timothy B. Foot, Jacob g: Triest. The officers of the Austrian tendered a banquet to BIgler, Jr., David Cazler. Samuel Oa- - Navy, Admiral speeches r Farragnt, at which r, wm. u. Warner. A school of the were made, enthusiasm much and was also organized after the manifested. propaeta to-nich- ng . to-nig- ht; 'Zion's Chieftain Ever Wecome., V Basis, bfe lbs s KUnfllntMrs A Anderson Mrs Aitkin Mrs B oaier.VrinclpJ11; - |