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Show .. - !U 1 ' tut y'iT ml w flo-- " T j BfuiW0X df n ,3 - - : ' - : m 1 - - . -. "" . - - 'r - 6 U 000 Vol. I. S, t.fS HOS A.ttornersr IS Sb 8T A Counsellor at Nearest ITotwa fo Stage -' QEO. -t- TV. DAV11, - FAMILY GBOCEB Pennsyl-rt- Sa ?wet 8ixlent weighs 600 JOUX SQUISES, ARTIST I : -- V ii. MATCH with buffaloes imported Auction! Auction!! Ry J. K. Anctlen!!! . ' 4 J. ... f8 00. 6 00 3 00 .is oo .33 0000 , General Express Forvarders, AND & BARRATT, or 2fD to all others who wish to be benefitted. - AS the Railroad Is rapidly approaching A Jt- . -- t. . -- j." ., . , . i j I : I - ' I . - j : boots aiid shoes; jtk ttk TIA.TS. Kimbnll Co., - . H.r.JTovtt a notrrz, Dealers in .rmowNiNd promptly to the delivery of EXPRESS larattenUon paid at LETTERS all ara. We will hare In by FIRST TRAINS from points on our routes. , Of 2d South Street, - STAPLES. d!54tf 21aysat,186& IHEO. F. TRACY, Agent. dSTtf & BRO., ) Pnb- - Yf City and vicinity, and the traveling uo in scurrsi, mai ro nave no 1700DI.1AI1SEE Groesbccks Corner, . . COIN and 1 Xawreiice- - W. SHOWELL . I uLlION, GOLD and SILVER dl5C:ly xsrdI79:U - . to all parts of the world, at AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES PRESS FREIGHT, reduced rates. COLLECTIONS and ; greatly COMMISSIONS attended to. Parti eu Sic, aV - - Tho, Omening :o:- r Clarlfietl Sugar, CaL, and Intermediate points. Stages leare SALT LAKE CITY dally for Crnslietl Sugar, above points, aud on alternate days for VIRGINIA CITY, and HELENA, Montana, BOISECoffee, CITY, Idaho, and other points In those TerriIX. fFlnejlT. Tea, and oilier I'. ipino 6. P. Tea, TUE COMPANY RUN, AS HARDWARE, '. floda and Saleratns, ..it EXPRESS!V : r 'Kalis, OVERLAND :. In connection with their Stare Line and are Coal toil, etc., etc. repared to carry PARCELsTjBANK NOTES,? EX) Uth Ward, (three doort East of Union Academy,) Teaches the Art of Catting- every Article of Wearing Apparel for Ladles, Gentlemen and, Children, by the late Mrs. Curtis' Mathematical SOLE AQKNT X)It VT7LH. , Models. Agents rantfd in the Tarious wttlcmc nts. K. AIL.1 TJ AILY STAGES to'andfrom the TERMIN US of tbe UNION PACDIO RAILROD ol; PACIFIC RAIL OMAHA, and tbe CENTRAL ROAD of CALIFORNIA. ' Passeneers ticketed from OMAHA to DENVER, 8 ALT LAKE CITY AUSTIN, VIRGINIA, NevadaACRAMENTO . u . THI OVERLAND this place, and, as in consequence of this the rate of freight this Summer and Fall will be Reduced, and as we are always anxious Greatly to benefit our Customers and the at large In erery way possible, but Community particularly In furnishing them the VERY BEST GOODS at the LOWEST: PRICES, we will, from this ... i - date, sell ' I ' - Orocerics, r wjk, dCK . t AND Partiealar 2f otlee to tbe Cnatomera r V '" i'l WELLS, FMGO&Co. DR7 GOODS; BroTTn Sngar, Mrs. BULL, ! . j ' ri .L AT MRS. SMITH'S: U150tly : - J. HOOPER A . i A General Assortment of - rmn w J a utir TRUMBO. GOODS at your own' Price, every day. except country. one door North of Salt Lake Home, at Monday, 10 o'clock am. dlStfctf Bury your; troubles, but don't linger around the grave-yar-d conjuring up " , " lOVIMION MTOItE, tieii gloats to haunt you. By R. W. MCALLISTER. STATm Roao, TL philanthropists of Boston are 11 all a Block North, of Immigration Square. lroKinons and Grain JJquyU and Sold, ibout to establish a "temporary home A Quantity ol Kefocine Lamps Very Cheap. for fallen women." dlooctl TV. XaJke CUV ' . ; this The winter bonnets consist merely of i rosette of lace with a bud, or butterfly la the center-- ! ' MILLINERY f that fifty millions of dollars invested in the paper collar business ire MCMA'aE, Fltaaaranteed. , ; MIL SeMMI'S rroprletor. Gent's and Ladles Fine Boot, Gaiters and CalfiUcln. Superior Workmanship, and upon Reasonable Terms. Large supply of ready, on' band. made Boots and Shoes constantly d77U , s , ROSS ACConnoDATiorxs. . . i ( BOOT AND 8110 E MAKER Corner of Occidental, Salt , ' . FOR GRAIII OR CASH! . AN0 INK MANUFACTURER. It is sal J . Shoes made to order, of French and American i ia . - . ,..4.- Second Scvth Street. I And Dealer In PROVISIONS, FRUITS and f some faithful priest has got his desert, 3 doors north of Kimball a Lawrence, East! oiziu ' Aempieoireew the diocese of Sahara has been created ' ... . lytheFope. . . ? v '' s J0HH 8WEHS0U, UAIll, .Your, J " :. And for Salo Cheap, Second South Street, WAGENER ENOLEBRECHT, rroprtetora The eholoeat kinds of Liquors constantly on ana band. CAUFORNlAliRWux am-- u UKU BEKIt DEPOT. IS" Two doors north of Tost Office. S3-- Piirate Boom for Cutting and Chaxnpoo lng lAdiea' and Children's llair. . . Oiswaa, ,' farm at Bye, Conn., Een HoIliJay's i! well etockecl - Vi vn,v:.,wma4;.;;-;jii- , Echert, of Easton, the West. ,, .VJSnCHJUVT'S dis-.- .. . - . Office, dl49:Ur ; . ?i t ' C (Patuahed erery WeOnecday.) : One Cory one year,. m..m six month three month8M No. 260 c 'Fargo & tb's FEItAMORZ LITTLC, make WEST BID OF EAST TEJIME STREET. persons , Doctors snouia aeariy love our gooa ootliereartliL for she kindly hides their f erU work, from ! rinsT-cxAc-a PIIOTI8IOX DEALEn, i Helen v,v V. mean irror. , TraVelers and Permanent Boarders - f TTeZZf v v EAST SIDE EAST TEIJPLE ST.. J2. 2T. o6rkn. 9. J. Strickland, . . DTBICKLA2ID'& E0BEET80IT, J existence is a lawyer's ' 4 1 OUT, OFFICE No. 8, CITY TTATJt. dltf wstcnea a year. , . is noMungeon bo datk and " Bmi-Week- ly, tiiree month,. - SALT LAKE CITY, THURSDAYi EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1868: NATHAN I, AN CI , man's mind. " T COOPEC SHOP, .r mlits of antiquity have been BIocJc and ball south of Theatre, on Btl Road, on hand to exchange for prod nee. kepa a atocJc rtoerslly ftccompaniea by the rain of Cheaper than la to be found elMWhere. dlttftl Thgfe . TERMS FOR THE 5EMNWEEKLY i . ; Rocky Hountafn Regiorv ons year.. One Copy 4 ix monuiK. I the mustang froxxi of the (FnMlalxedeTery TucedAj andSaturdayO : ; IW , - ar-ji- m. , CO l- , ii. The DESEBET HEWS, WEEKLY, i.ar Trt .... , TwpliEtmt tin m s; C0.0OO , i i ! sfa 5ltches Early marriages. I. likofowl: neither will A.ttorxxeyai at Law ts Solicitor JfiaS eropyiUxont lndastry., lxx dxanoory, ' . 0(teti Uncles he is cock of the fltia XJt CV, UtaA Territory, 5Witzerland i . . HESEBET TsmS ' v brief"i lulisht- . ... - Pioneer Paper -- Xesso'f9 claret i ' ' - j 11 ." . - . ;, HEWS. IT IE chasm r i ' ' " "" I . ' - ' . or au in V geroua ' 108 PRINTING OFFICE & Cuatomerf-Bear- Kasl - . . " " v.' . . K .. .... I Editor. Q. CAXXOJf, rJ, dopy n I . 0" EVENING BIO"0 I v j :,V . . o Ml HSURANCE Of San Francisco, California, ,i jCASIT CAPTTAL". folly paid In Oeo Oold $750, ! Keep Constantly for y , RALE - i Co1b,hm,m..mmWm.mw. the best state for man in BooU and Shoes Cheap for Cash.Prodnce and, ppy GOODS fitCROCERI ES , GOOfJ. PaStllTagG for StOCll pneral and every man is a worse man Z & RETAIL, STOCKHOLDERS PERSONALLY LIABLE- iSECOND SOUTH STREET. ia proportion as he is unfit for the mar tne West of Revere House d231m City, ' John Insure against Loss by Fire on terms as favor Dr Johnson, riage state. John Tullulge. JIoAvoy, ' as any other First Class Company. able AXSO, All the Varletles-oTl'LLTDtiE ft MeATOT, A BAnEEB, Ixit year the English Post Office WEIU and eonltably adjusted a Losses promptly carried mjijEs, letters to each inhabitant: Are prepared to execute, in the finest style of thirty CTJTXXSS and GUZfSZ3XTZZS, and paid. ii Scotland the letters numbered Second South Street, Opposite Faust's Stables. ' HORSES, treaty eight,1 and in Ireland, ten to PAINTING, GRAINING AND MARBLING, Stoyes and Cutlery Repaired on short notice. . Salt Lake City, 13tfi vr ard Assembly Rooms, Produce taken. each west One door of dl02&slSlf person, General xaxe iaai AgenU for Utah Territory vusmi VJiy. An elm tree at North Adams, Massa- Yoke, Knlted dasetta, measures fourteen feet and this Harket, at ' a Ii, Robert: It, Dcutett, inch in circumference. Its lower STORE. CITY DRUG Bottm, BAJSSETT ' BOBEBTS, and complete a offers toll CLINTON Dealers la DRY GOODS, 'GROCERIES and. j. of Drugs, Medicines and udinone of its branches a swarm of OKMHttAX SR. CliaiiiM, and MiOtCllaJSJDlSK, Wholesale and GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Prices. Corner of Main and at Reduced Salt liees have their home. West side Retail. I'emple Street. , Lake City. . Professional 2d Honth Street. dlM-t- f as As well a Complete Assortment of d99tf Advice Free of Charge. Letter carriers in semi-rurdistricts, FOR mch as the upper parti of New York GENERAL f.lERCHAfJDISE island, are to be supplied with veloci- ' OOOFEB. FIONXIS. ; ox one " n a CAOlk, maenines inese ptviw, I eon Padflo OXSoe, keeps Inclndlns: Staple and Fancy msa cia easily make twelve miles an Opposite on haud, Telegraph on reaaon. lor moat the aaie siantiy floor. able terms, a kooU supply of COOPi&R WA1VK ' ; cLa&if of the best quality anu ertry variety. .PRODUCE, and That fellow's head was level when E are eons tan tly receiving New Supplies he vrote the following: or tne M.D.. "A man might as well attempt to STOiTK. V.r. ANDERSON, quench the phosphorescent emanations ProTisions, Tinware, Hardware, 1 from the tail end of a bug SURGEON AND P H Y8 CI AN lightning nth a squirt gun, as to try to run a AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Office; at Residence, 13(h IVard. ' or 12Sfctf And, In fact, almost everything;, which we will ' Sell Cheap for Xadar, of Paris, .recently succeeded ia Will find it to their advantage to give us a call. Dr. ORJXSBV, accomplishing What savant have renrued as an impossibility. lie start PRODUCE AND CASIIX' d!2fcly iin the Captive baloon, and at S00 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, , cetres above the earth's surface was Drna Store, At CityTenM Ottick kept by Ormsby Which we offer at Ka A IMin tn wha i hamlMtl an4 Mn r v uva mm enabled so as skillfully to arrange his that in two hours he alighted aad Wholesale and Retail. w this nether earth with a series of DUNFORD & SONS I proofs represonting the plain sphere of una, witn a minute correctness never Oerto obtained from a balooxf, thus pronng tne strategeuo services wnlcb, ALL KINDS OF GRAIN ON HAND. xn and Xncluunltlie wring a siege, might be obtained by Are constantly receiving Mirriige is t j witnm ", , f ; , , ; -- harhess, ' : j , . oo Staple! i Merchandise d208-l- y &: - i ., ! ; al ( ; . iitY goods, i ! !. , anooBiLiBa; LYBPIHYl f -- Country Dealers I i i 4 . dl-l- a ap-p&ra-tas v mwmmm GREAT WESTERN JAMES HAGUE, sarapns taKen irom ciouoiand. AC Tro colored persons got into an alter catjoa at New Orleans, when one drew ''hat the other annnoaed to hit ainc. shot The unarmed African at tv3r ddm tohia heels. Tmraued ! his en Amv. Th oapc y : t the Sign of (he East Temple Street, Salt JLako City, for Bale Guns, Platoli, Ammunition, Baddies, Bridles, and liUaK-LN- tr, overtaking mm, nung nis Mslug-'iot- ." UM WiilPSv bvora pi Fair and square it hit the mark. STRAW SPLITTERS, for Braiders, made to covering his head with a soft subtance oruer. evwma aiacmnea. ana au anieiaa in ina sot unlike human brains. Tha "wonnd. aooTV una rvpaireo. darkev stoDDed lnstantlv. iran hla SloeJc and Prodnco tatten In Xxehanc. . TinA . 1 ai uver 1 ueau. vuen examinea ic, jai ipluttered out: "Blowedif youain't HAS brlng-ayour Prodneo and re-sna sxisjness jaaraes jrnee, n Farmers, oaive A 1 .v ; Lo.Goods FAST FREIGHT LIIIEI at the XVowest Xtatea. Stayner & Gunnington. my brains out, tt0ananas, too." . an' dey smell J. D. H. CBOCUWEXJL, a Vonn r Boots , met; and at dinner a. tall Lake City. his meat, and addressed him Qed . "IU1 mi ? i hoar returned the parson; If 415 117 f red-aal- t" lm-jc- TIIOS. GEO. 2TAYXOB, And PREMIUM HORSE SHOERS, ' STATE ROAD, half block south of Theatre. All kinds of Produce taken. Ulre as a call. 16 lnnr P "ns me i u out?" asked the action to the word. tne tin fortunate man ?aa t Pirm r, 'ecover, and turnine to the UeUia3i.e y3 yefc swimming in water J .lh.a.1 PQfc H Heiii' ?2UcaU yourself aVarael. Sat Mark Freieht for Colorado and New Mexico, "GREAT WESTERN DESPATCH," Care of 2feaetUh t Co., Cheyenne, For Utah and Montana, uare of Megeaih & Co., End qfU.P.R, ffJ to kno w u.nxe In your ..s crxix- - r i -- - :o ; f 112. nTiTiTTTT Cl Co, ' Jpst received their 1 T ujnnr.ispnirjG baths. tti. p.ii um Mouse erei daitr throozh rrUOUR caia. gSoS PreprlstoT. -- - AND BOYS1 BOOTS AND SHOESj Also a Large Assortment OFFER TXIEIR of SOAPS, ' ' "; LYE, : . . v -- 1 . . ; i .. t. OIXS,and At LOW PIOUS EM.' MECHANICAL ; IiA"KE .STOCK, COOK I II Gy PA R LO R iC,,HEATIir(r - , j Doaa DENTISTRY bt 1 ' : r at, $75,00 . - JCast Temple street. terial. J : ' CL&TZZVtl ' ins Teeth, ArrcszS Jurresaxsr QAT.T.TTTVir, : Alt Work: made of the best material Lacs Atytntng TTeUt, DoargoA Cba, .? r Bale . end Feed stalks; and warranted to flvo aatlssuuon. ; : rr Fire Prccf "WHERE YQU CAN QBT'"'"- - i - Second Booth ELI S.L0 2oe2Ea repaired, Jewelry TTTE are prepared to accommodate the Public Watehtea soad FOUTi I?crtrclt3 . oriToarcclf for with livery and Feed, In all 1U branches, eiooX alea prompuy atteadsd to. jz, j, fatjst. u j. a. xrours VY , -ly, - r ..; ! . At the following terms, whleh they wish com with the Cost at whlchT.be Eastern pared ' articles can be delivered heret-i- to S3 eta. jn .25 to 27 Palm Soap.'. Parties wlshinz a fine Clear would benefit OX GOXJ PLATES, lew Prieea, themselves br slvlnr ns a call before nnrchaa ins to style of wwhwsiai? s , , lng elsewhere, d21lm . Extra Family Soap. i , HAJ5TEIXN COSTI - - from W. XT. HOOPER HAVING purchased that Choice Lot of CIGARS, we now offer them for sale ' ' ; " CAOT,TCMPUC OTRCCT, TO AND FROM THE EIUliT o'clock, and at think It at the day, calling at all rooVf.f P 3T - nrni if jou ST0TO STORE, dlfifcem oton, riB-rrmr- .1 1 i CltOimr PEIUtlH, Agents, Salt Lake, A Salt Lake City. Sept. 8. '6S. 1L, UOVJ5TV New York, If. GEO. J. DOCKET, l- - POPPER ORNSTEIH HATS, of every Style, . r .r. i North Second Street, Saint LcmU, Mo soon a. Co loid. i' Degan to tase o. 'if.' EIXIOTT tar: .tto abut hla eyes, and his xea- - j M . " "wholesale A Retail " to writhe, denoting a very "l nwsaa oniooai condition : Dhvalcallr.' BOOKSELLERS AUD STATIONERS, ' he COnld atanrl It nnVrTJ Hooper's Corner, East Temple Stree V . ov" -9 mouth and creamed Hflr:'Vuea Pirj!?1 drInk of coW water, said the ihfS t HOKIE-IVZilllr- E . quB!in5 raw proof agsjnatany whiskey, thought that K, y.ofstand the, with y hd accordingly sprinkled a J of beef rather bountifully with it, forthwith introduced Itinhiaca- a T. r'OUS aa t " , 4 . S003" took the proffered vial, himself IB AND SEaoes. avwrMtl vrrcifj'rcf . 11 ElnnfK uta w Onr Tariff from the 'East to alia end of MENS the TJ. P. B. XL la the ism as f charged by aU the principal , Railroad Lines. SAHTJEL HcCASTITEY & Co., . Stranger, I'll thank you for a leetle WHOLESALE GROCERS, and IMPORTERS that 'ere red salt, for Tm kindo' I of WLNES, LIQUORS, and TEAS, . j u, teruioly ' ut von Will their present Stock of , &C United Spates Express Co., for transporting Merchandise from New York: and Boston west i that will not bear Express charges. . gaveiition MONTANA, COLORADO, rmns wiaimx dispatch la a cjreat Fast Freight Line established by the 1 m Xew addition to 51. J), A narann et Via TTntvAM1tf HOMCEPATIUC and Eclectic years I Physician siren es bare 2 ia, mauy lycars since, when the pecial attention to the cure of CAKCERS, wuaDUre UnlveraAlIftC xvnjt nrMhMi iiHKONio DISEASES, and th xexnoTal of TAPIS WORMS. I guarantee all I promise to "7thiau " estwara to attend a convention the amlcted andeprecate poisonous use of brethren In the faith. He took all Mineral MetuCines, as the I prepare my own will -be in accord prescriptions. Tne charges precauUon to carry a vlal of cayenne ance easea. au In times. with the s" Mas 14 CtAnlVt Jhis pocket, to sprinkle his food with, lAHUlwii WiU UV lMf a vuiwi aatwuMt auj Vth preventive to fever and ague. The Street; or, at my Residence, Ward, salt dJOJSm I f Tfell-aelect- ed TO UTAH, Soda, and Boston Xew York dldiy f E HOLIIE-PRODUG- raoM I-- saocked Oilb, if , e, mi ef to Uaret M 3 -- T7AHD, Fotw XHocs west LTeneo. .. . Oxide Soap... ..I Castile Soap, Yarlesated Soap. -- 25 to 27 ..40 to 50 Me0to75, Fancy Perfumed Boa Concentrated Lyi Washing Soda. LardOn., ,, ,,. Heats Foot OIL Bear's OU. ri75tot200fkdor ioo '-- ry - nets. tSOOfigaU:-50- S3 00 . 4 T ? A'" 0JTTZZJ--J- 5 tide ofzEaC Temple p. ret$SaUZakCKty, onwoTCin aln Ct - poppnn . 0 |