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Show EVENING SESERET NEV.S. .vMptembr ThttrsdaTt 21, 11 lftS j(i XI. CillTl KTrRTTr.Tr. A. C. PYPER & Co., A largre stoek or gratify them, wmie mo numor in tho piece cannot fall, to make mirth snfilcient. Tho fcTAPJLE and FANCY nas gooa aramauo situations, and the Iv euw ru weu inciu csucuiaiea to excite in terest ana Keep it alive to the end. The dHiribntion is good. In Milky White' Mr. Beauchamo will make his first appearance. Tho, gruff eccentrici ties ci uxo uear nniK-niahis fondness for litigation, his lov for his daughter, the which he feels when he thinks that TOn THE TRADE. daughter is ungrateful caused by a misunderstanding consequent upon the first worus ue uears aiter wie operation; perform Which we offer Low for Cash, Flour, Grain. by Good, his subsequent bearlshn at WlIOIJCSAL anU RETAfli. and tbe nappy finale, make a most amuslnir sod interesting performance of this little two-adrama, i The Stock consists, In part, of is good throughout.cte"tainment .JJ'fi Mil the house, and do not fmwt th h.nMSuffar, Teas, CofTccs, , 6v in Qf-characte- - ' ; "' TEA,-- ' " ' ' Xo. 413 i r f Xww :!!,.' I'R&ivssn Totrxo a Movements. ' TOBACCO, . - y"' " ' IT. WeMttrmann . : iave been favored with tho following by rSlF.5&, arrived at Mantl at l J; 10. held in Mantl this morning. to jfiM to-nig- TheconTnany ht. Anderson was arrested charged with twice selling a load of hay one receiving part payment, and the other m time receiving fall payment. IT fn uircs,-Cbr- les to-tU- y, . . iMiituUeU( .Mia Anderson was again arrested last nJzht i .r bring uruna, and this his Houor morning l" b uUed, ai the dTcora-tio- u of tha W. blntlng.trongiy and cnain.aa Mike not uitncdwlta greenbacas. AXTacted byishis Hon--- r ha remaraa, strnck out for (be nortb. omeirbere and earn - , llnislns, CtirrantM, Figs, JWcr TT. ' d2W2la 1 : LEiD . WALKER BROTHERS, ' d211-3- m soiue- 'tn' og Tkux hit y-e- lg wagons, got In to-da- T. & WrTAL0R 1SC3.; ' : ,f J IVTEW UTAH BOOTS AND SHOES PMJTS, K. It. TRIPPMS Old Stand, Glass. ' ast GROCERIES, first door north nirasau lawrenee'i Store, Kaat Temple Street, The Products of this flQaIltjr l tured In iiioalJn country. nv uwvirir ivn vvnui-- Where yon will fine a first class Stock of r- If. I'res't. Ore-j- c. - cS ..... SHOES, DEAL LAEGElY IN ' H t'u rv-- m Stapiaanfl Fancy aroceries, iiio finest Quality- or Frcncn ana German Cairand Iin Skins. QUIOK SALES & SMALL PB0ITTS tUA Good Fit anaf the best of woru gnnrnntecd. w. t,. "" landings, J11 itt7?iliI?pU rr.,! itrr fom fruit packers Uvery i?,? new at the line, one door aodUi ssa. of omce nearly Salt Lake City, Bept. 22. 18CS. ,o. I PRODUCE TAKEN IH EXCHANGE. oppo-busa- rs rran-ulatmt.l- 7c; i aQedinm. i.4tj to 10; Imperial. I.70-- . medium, lcS to DiMioia, to choice, 15 to 1,75; me- ,yoo. to H?, JPans. JIoB m-- S iP per taa iiunu ru: blackberries. fppies.U cherries. 20; pruneslS; curranSVliL mess .J. tf - 0 oar-cure- bams, per lb.. 22c; dried snoulders. ly. lard, choice. 23: d bcop. 22; half bvZh&oTiZl iVlU f Iam,,y K7,Kaif.b' 23; white flsn. bbis, r atis. jm, herrlnss, scldU, par box j : HccxraocaTxyo. We received a commnnlca-tio- n kt-- Feosi FixxsiORE. We bad a call rrom Bro.' It. A. McBride, of Fillmore, who reports peace and quietness prevailing there. The crops were good In tho southern part "f Millard County; but In tho northern part r the county they were very light, though im cane and potato yield Is good all through. There h an abundance of fruit, the rs not liavincr intnred It other places, though they did much damage -- to various crops. The Insects left that region in a westerly direction, flying to- rds the desert, before they commenced U to-da- ul : j aavuau n aaa. miviaiiL ' i ns iawmm TrimVTweli calculated Y". juaiiey,to cater for the L pubey me ousmess; and f" "JO'wtst areoetier line than Mr iUoQ Ufy. .The hotel Ce J?ted 1111(1 vIU command a largo i c, (Dltoice Apples, T dlUtly : . ... it. ..... "cr; " .u ' f tei t,c, R. Barratt, J. C. Heitsr. '( V; 1i' ijnfi Ti lQUIST BSCS- - . y 0. nor Vnrlr 1 . and Medical D, fn,. t rvvt- - " : - - , Fmisn A. an A5D - Westlako's Patent Iaiitetria, ; :. ? s i,; c. or . f . OF OTJK OT5TI IIA1XE, . . And in any qnantilyv at Tory tow Itatea. ' tzm TTe . ae determined onr la PJEUCfi Rive Mttsfavotlon Isotn gariai'ii e ajup - Direct Importers and Wholesalers In and rra a chocs : - - i - . i ' ' " -- ' . . . . , ' Importers and Dealers In 'V " ... .... .. a I- " . Wm. ..-- .' 120 . -- : Kori tlain Street, SAHJT L0UI3. , Co., ; " 181 Randolplt Street ' CHICAGO, IIXS. V ? . , 1.::. ' . ? - oV,C. : and MA tR & . TIN PEATS, SHEET IRON, .WIRE. TINNERS' STOCK. .(."-.. cC:. i -- - T' . x' : " - (" " - . - " (Established in 1S42J V - - . n rir1 cro w" xhs Ict ; 6m r. j Manufacturers of " : esus have wiahlna Contracts 4DentS Parties' tUm tnem nf ma st Dr taH enblo Importers and Dealers in sveeordlnar to tho nature ef f yard, no meaiarwi sno aisra-inato work to bo made XZontlily. ten per TE,JP1VA.TE A3m METAIA," parnsenta cent, only to bo reserved on til tbo entire Japanned and Contrsvet la fnlljr sveeptea Stamped Tinware,' , Tinners Tools to and Machines, made bo mast AppUeatlons Sheet Ironheet ZinctSheet 4eppr Rivets,;Ae also : . ,v Xoan, Cftcno County. r 'TTlro, "Shelf Hardware,. V ; ' Table and Pocket Cutlery, ? - ' CO., - ; i Agents for tho Celebrated d237 Im:s59 179 , ' .. HOME COMFORT STOTE3. ' ; t No. 95 Michigan Avenue,1 ." . , WEST OF THE PR02IONTOUT, On the NORTH BIDE OF 0AXT ULUX. d-e- dI894m ; 111'- - - . CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. on tho GRADING ..vor tho To WORK ..... ; ? 4t& Etolloiv-ivar- o! 4. ; ' - Trlmmln SE era, Vio ns and Ntrlna-s- . Stationery-Tti reads, Ae., , d 229: Cm ... ,........ CHHda anavll UsKtotoCosocro, , ; . : SUPERIOR ARTICJCE ' u Central Pacific! Railroad, St.I,OI7Is;sio. . Stoves Teams, . speck & a.9 . Wholesale Dealers In MCE.ir WITH OrtU Main St., 2 (With Loose Globe & Detachable Guards,) ! - I3O00 . 500 Msln St,, S(. LOUIS. Factory at Spencer, Mass. cormi dealers - . Importations, we are prepared to THE CITY! and flux. MW wife VIX4CEXT, TKNTH-WAR- -- J. GREEN t Co., 3Mantifactnrers and Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES, No. X. (D)?! 2B V4 ? ,!t ..? xjuuiu, uuuisu niiu lumxiLwif TTAVTNG on hand a Iatk 8 toes: of leather 11. ox onr own Tansilna and rrom late T3 d24llm . v ISHOIES, in CHoIera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery .. t. AT THE SIGN OP THP and IXetall Trade to sire ns a call. , ;, - TV BRIDGE, BEACH PHIEIS . ! V, . KY ttXAUll. '. dl0ly -- Wo request tlio TTliolcfcalo , PLANISHED TINWARE, Adults, With an experience of nine years she has xanea to enect a cure wiin uusAieaiCHie, never r 1 SAINT IXJUIS. in e nonrs. O.Hurt, : v' C.Voorbis, Louis, Medicine sent to all parts of the Territory. r .utesecae, j d!90-cum im .uoctors ano uruggists snppuea. chas. a. v carATB, wh. stxab, jab. b. voxbis. , Wm, SPAR A Co., MANUFACTURERS ofall Grades CHEWING MUTED mUEDIATELY!: toualw and Dealers in FOREIGN and ' i 1 119 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Merchants, a V' dU4M,m Wr.i. SLO AJ-- C: CO.. - A . TERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. . niUERS 4e TOOSIIIS, Wholesale Dealers In " Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers and Dealers In - - : Plain, Stamped, Japanned and BLimS,MOTJLDmiaS,EtMEtC. ! TOIL Manafacturers of We; keep constantly on hand and Slake to order, ; at the Shortest Notice, DOORS, SASH, D. B.JAndsleyt r: OLCLfTellmera J DRESS GOODS & HOTIOHS. , OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.. & . HALT LAKE ljL ' Attrsc, DRY GOODS AND NOTION8. ni xor can a cure aoove, ior ine inrnisa i, 60 Cents, for C3xlldren.'25 Cents. No. 222 MAIN STREET. few r,,Cr, vutigvi MAIN STREET, Old No. 53.V LOUIS. St.. airo-om- - OXfO.O303TMAINA.ISTX SHOES. STREET. RT. TnTTT ... mi - V iBOOTS f ' i . I ,. -- And Fnl Assortment of Fine - Unrivalled m eelto, - - QTANDS at the present perfectly d237 lm;s50 3m Successors to J.R, Llonbereer &Co.. HURT, tSEORGE GQDDARD. ; TldXHTG, n. re-openi- ng - AS hickohy, flna nolackefpapiis. growing want of accom-'tiSVocity has been conversation in places for some wyiv V,?e' awant which the of the! . o3iestics, &i?1,lmLe,M S1 "t.ere Meiers In our i 3IACHIXE! QUEEJYSUVIItE, THti a Orr. COB1L lOOO Pieces of the nrit time he has ever visited this city, ir. Needham Is a musician of great proflden-Taad as a tether of music has had large ex., perience. la St. lonls. where he has resided a musical teacher are iin,MTiJT,go.it7 xh9,mo9ttnrcompetent critics. ; mn., -- ki.k is room tor. and need ol as Mr. Jieedham; andT If .he II t?rr. hlSP"&tlOrient rm tn hi. ntinr. W tor. 6IIOIXTS, FAHGY: GROGEniES! Also Opened, .... i at&Sand 211 NORTH wm. w. Haaford. And Cemplete Aaaertment - WEED W v,u Importers and Jobbers of Rodney D; Wells. BT "! jVOIITElBS''. Between Pine and Olive. SOAP, I'sasoxAL. A. A Needham, Eq., brother to oor respected citizen, John Needham, Esq., ar ved by stage this mornlngr from the east, bc-it- tx ho CJZTJWf, No. 5 ' W-E-- FIEI.D, SAlfFOBD & yt GAJTOIiES, iepositing their eggs. 5:OPE?iKD.-T- Comprising y, grass-aoppe- arnat THE EiceMor ST. LOUIS, MO. d227:3m , kk i tina Merchants vf xSi c5l tt'ZttJ?Jf? laiiifactiirii Company, COFFEE, SPICES, KICE, 1 i - WUGAIt, yesterday, alined by la which ue sajs mat ine workmenQ.P.arr, employed on the grading contract oiE.K.Young d Sons, In Echo I'aflon. hare been highly gTstifled at the manner lu whlett they had been treated by tbelr emhare finished the wora after ployer. They aree months labor; and have returned to the eitf. The wortt waa done In several dladvanuSes had to be contended With; and the communication receired Implies t bat the warmest feeUnrs existed between employer and employed. To atve a flttln finale to the engagement Messrs. Young treated their men with their famines to the Theatre on Toes Way evenlcy. on the occasion of Mr. Marietta aav to Orders from Utah - i .SifLPil CHOICE TEAS, ., ';: attention c. Cordage, ! BSesreSa r ret .N'oTl i. Vm , BanVe reat "f y on well the or tEiehest mateTiaP finest State Half Bloek Road, North of m. Belntr KEW. It eomhlnn oil ,h ..l AS THE points of the OLD Lock Stlch Machines with many valuable lmntnrm.n. lXeaTlest, Best Consructcl,Most eratlon fikinare, Uniform and Quickest Bak-in- if Wor?t may be seen at thisoffice; wiFr1 Stove in the market. prices by I BOBEBT G. StKATJER,? for BUILDINQ and .FP6.8' ficlass 1 BE prepared to Contract -- a vor eoual to the best and I I without Rxlensnn Tn7 ".vutu. 15Rin u AlDETIIOMASACo, w cueap as me cheapest, retail by ueneral Northwestern Agents. jianng CASH PAID FOR A J.A11GE STOCK OF given B1? and adjaeft Territories, KB are in dally use. and we offer eyery stove as it, may oe lounu. wnea nuciewrwere .cicicuc, our new patterns made, all recent fm. PTpremeata were united, and we confidently , 7.50; strawberries. ami loitiJitoeH. S50: corn. 6.00: strlnir hMn. trt'ea peas.4l.tf): lohstor. nv.r.m ivui, i GAR P E NT E R S uio ichu, sua jaaye ever a uuiu were are now iiwjw j Voodsti Ware. GREATER NUMBER SOLD DAILY . man any biovo in the market- - Over ' I. (Darkee) MitfjKUiSmi&, I per 5. Mc? silver bIcm. corn. 12. .IVrJ.' 3 lb. 2 do., per case, $3,00; Kxd pine , ppe. 8.73; blackberries. design and per vnaortor Oak Cooking KfiVA, BDIITIIIG. were first Introduced to the public In the year iui Cigars, Tobacco, Sr&ITH BRO'S. JJ?i55S"eS??tJre,8Iit. ordistributed to tile AT .. Are a Home Institution! wf.fPA?11 adapted to the wants of LIQUORS, AND SEE. CALLi dl23:ly rJLU oeauiy fection of manufacture. JUST OPENED Klca.32: Kin. choice. 20; 25; com I Teas: gobpowder, choice. taon,z.i. t? i' fiO I ' V 1,' tioice, Youoif JAS. L. d22Stf dJMly iwnueti sngars; Crusbed. powdered and coffee A. 16 coffee 11 10c; extra idc V',11,10, liso; Ner lorfc syrup, LlcTaniber. .irlpJkeKSj Co oa moiaases. 70c. Cotter u.lL sw. 'n FOR CASH OR GRAIN. OUR MOTTO 8: mutuwu ut jj.enij a, jacason & Co., wholesalgroccrs, Omaha, for a price current. tnr correapondenta say "You will notice many cnanzes eine iiit rrrrt i . " i tommeneM m .&rnI ""f .t,.i rriw I high, the ueuland fare.: market roles firm. Batter isnA suddIv I uttZ are verv much ; uv KKSi- - i Wlileli we will well Very Iow , uuchiize-HeubtHineUUif- - 6 & 8 EiTer Strfeet, CHICAGO. BEADY.MAJDE CLOTHING tbe best manufaci - , r.i 1 W. ItockweU, u well-know- 1 t TAYLOR & WRIGHT AT of a Of the Best Quality. mni.andwasltlued upright iujuutlv7 And at the Lowest Cash Prlree, suitable to L4R0s.l5ro. Jahn Reading brought u,th!s KTelghters. Hotel Uraders. uaurwiu aun itanjon onnai. and afternoon, a few leaves of the white mulberry, Restanrant Keepers will tlnd It to their Interto na est glTe a call. rJ .leTen inches In y eight lVKmert,ure in width.? KUk worms length could titid something to eat at in leaves of no large Particular attention civen to judicious pron. njf. Tne tree irora whichbythey tlio were mnnnfitcttiro- of HOOTS of taken ft venot twm Irrigated thta eosoa. f , BLEACHED y IUTails CHICAGO. r. ? t. ( u!.-- R. T. Csunc, PreeldoDt. GOODS, MANUFACTURE! i 10 Kortli Jefferson Street, - j. . . S. Vice Pres. V JJAVEJust receired an excellent Assortment 8.C IV. Ciujrx, ADiMi, Secretary, j 1 - 21-L- For Pubho ana Private Buildings, s59 ly:d236 Sm - mule train, of before three o'clocs. lie brought 230 passengers. Tbere c5 were tive deaths of adults by the way and two itiranWi twins. Two were leu at UrMTi nver iingjfco lcfc person U was not deemed We that ue t briug tbem iurtber. The passengers who shall also keep fully supplied wilh hare arrlTeu- Jootc healthy and lively. An crfrT ik. DeiTiL-- We bave received the EXT11A S, S. FLOUR Uu vriiK teieram. Deseret Telegraph JUoe, by n 91 tnransu t he courtesy of the Operator here: v iiiru we win war t t. rant rirst Class, Gwrge,pt. night a son of Ilea. ji.tiQHOQ.aKtd un years, had his head caught itwen the swoop and an t went STEAM WAEHING APPABATUS Consisting of GOAL OIL G PUMPS : .Oeneral Afen ts for CtaJi. i 1; ... ' . - i Cjest, xyeber County. Welder County. Oden, " ' - -- " .. Axes, ITalls, 4Chain3, 4tc, Ae. W. n. A Co. have the Xarsrest , Stoehv.; rrleeo EZRA T. BENSON will bo oh the ground to T7est of Kew Tern, and guarantee . t" ; 1 ' tho lCUi last. Hen at Eowest Iarhet Rates. let Contracts on andtoafter to must be prepared fo worS forthwith If Orders by Stall filled promptly '.: i 1 J they wish Contracts. d237Itn,-S8; ,: - : . m d2i2Ass:tf ... 1, ; r. - v , : , " -'-- - - : " 1 ; Malleable1 Iron Castings, -- " Axe-llelv-e, - Brass, iron and Malleable Iron Goods, for steam and Gas Fitters anH Engine Builders, -- ' . LImIIIKMiCij ' Wrought Iron Pipe, effected on Farm Property. Merchandise, Risks and Dwellings at awuuvM aMMCOt A. J. RALSTON, m 1 . ' I HUNT, . Secretary. President AND COLOR WORKS, llitabllalied is GERERAIt MACHINERY wf"Unmrance Mills. - Money, Maple Sugar, etc., f S0UT1TERN WHITE Door to the Weatern Fnlon Tele-- STexS Splecs, Pickles,. Oysters, CanneU Fruits, Candles, h - STEA1VI All losses adjnsted mad paid at the General Aa"ney. fc QucciisAvarc, Ixmklna: Olaases, "tTT, toal OUIamps, Ac, Ji0rl St., ST. tons, MO. onr Btoek. ; '.-EAST TE3IP3UE STREET,1 Teat Powders, Pepper, d R J?C j. . Soda, Salcratus, The President left mornlnir at o'clook-an- r:'- r'. 5 IBMBCE! General Agrency in Salt Policies Issued, payable either In Gold or vuiicncy m may do apaireo. Clilna, OIoss J9"Clty and Country Merchants are especially Invited to call . and examine " STCAM INSURANCE COMPANY Weil-kno- wn Table nice, Starcli, Sjrnpa, Sonp, Candlcfi, Tobaeos, Ve mHIS Aw ??fiatli111? f VESTEliaiAJfX A MElKlt, Importers of A Dealers in At dreatly Reduced Frlcea. ' - lxxrust,) . WHOLCOALC AND RETAIL, ' 5 FIHB AHD IIARIIIE (Bet. Fine & Olive, East Ride,) St. IOITTSI. NA. xx. weocr, a. (jraAam Which we offer to the Publio . . ! BROWS, WEBEH &f 3BAlIA3r, A ; - OaDital&Asets, Gold, $1,433,037.81 I- Importers Wholesale Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. limit r -- : I .. UAstrxcrvxzta ojp FOURTH1 STREET, ana XV . i J -, A vuiuit-- s Id229;6m ct ...... WBi - ' A Of San Francisco, California. w irI r? W v3 , ' rv Dx es FANCY COO D S AND NOTIONS . ' an-pu- wh I Kirt, , - r- ZEPHYR n, (innnison Am OLOAK TRIHMINGS, Hosiery, Gloves, Fans, French Corsets, . e. -- . . l?ACJ3E3S'irn - ' . j IACXS, E3IBROII3IIRIES, ; XJEO to announce to the People TnEAthicAL. Iq the Golden Farmer." jl ofrespectfully uwaueiiniAmrufliiianiUQi). aJmirera of the exciting will flndv ranch to signment of CHICAGO TRADE. insunancEcoupAtJY, irtlwes ten lifac DM ... ' Importer and Jobber of DEESS son, Di STUMlT 3 , .: ,4. . olouiotrape. c TOST; 0FECSD T HOUSE! ' coRHtstfospESts writing for publication are on one slue or the paper only. r1fstel to write taken of anonymous com t notice can b untcatious. correspondents' names must In their communica-u,v- i. vrrr instance accompany vot necessarily for publication, bat as a ... I SS1 0 U ' I.COAI AND OTUHH HAT7ZXZS. " E17 E 0 .,- ..ir .' . |