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Show OUR NATIONAL LAW MAKERS: Important INiptlc-o-. ORDI1MAISCE. .AJN' Whereas, the present mail sys- Entitled an Ordinacso Regulating; tem between Milford and Cedar in Iron County. The Board of County Commissioner of the and points south is very iinper County f Iron do oidr.iu aa follows: feet, the route being circitulat All pirsons engaged in any business herein and indirect, causing a delay of utter specified shall first rbtaiu a licence thue-fi- r s provided by this ordinance: provided thai several hours in trancit between this doe not app'y to incorporated cities. 1 Merchants with a capital not exceeding the points and $500,00, a license of 50 per quaiter. -rMerchant wth a capital over 500.00 and Whereat, the present siatis of not tveeeding J2,."U) Ci, a license of 150 l er affairs regarding the Sunday per quaiter. with a capital ov r J7.5 0.00 and vice b. ween Sail Lake anil Mil a licence ot J 12.50 p- r no! exceeding ford b?iiicr very dissatisfactory quaa tr. - Meivha's with a cap'tal exceeding J5.0J0 for the following reasons, viz: 4 licence o' f2j 0 per q iarter. 5 Butcher's 5.C0 p r q jartr. Owing to the fact of n? train 6 Peddling Putcher's ltceur, 55 0 per qnn'r. - Oencral pe.i l lets f Merchandise, f j 0j per running upon, the aid day rtt r. i.iia the points 8 Liquor license, fflOO 00 per annum. eaoh week two m:ils arc 9 Keepet ur any perxni entertaining the traveling puldic and receiving con:peua-tiothrown into one preventing ali tlicreKir. a Hciie of 110.00 pr annum. naidenU of southern Utah from 10 Kentatwtnt ireptis. a iccn.e of J16.C0 per Annum. receiving regularly the mail which Livrry Stable llciij, j15 ('' per anr.um. l ab'.c 11 other-w'sll.liiart krpt lor hire, a liceuse t should do, also .fTo.lO thy annum. per mail 124 13 '.icense tor Thralri?;l rt preseuttion, delaiyng north-bounBa li, l.ecunrs, Tticka ot Lege 'iiurs each week, as in the ca i'i:certs, tn fir ech petortntncf, $?.50. 14 f letter poed on either Sun '"hot igrtiphei's License. $ 0.00 per annum. 15 Auctioneer' .ioe!i.e, $10 00 per antiuiu 'ay or Monday in Cedar, or on lfi Ra.ikei wit'i a cwpiial les. than LOO.iO cl'ta p r annum. Saturday, Sunday or Monday at a license So ice u. e shiU win f ir :n re thin oie y?r, hours nor lt- - thm one q i;ir'e, rxept as lieTiubc St George, the delay of ve provt id, and alt licrnse must, be paid fr is inevitable; and qiiarieily in advance Local managers of dnnc; h;.lls anil other simWhereas. the?e conditions beilar p!.ic s receivea quarterly hceniie at tbe ing very detrimental to the wel late of J U' pr quarter. ol ra h precinct is autlxi ixe fare ami advanceuient. of lb bti.ii to The issue a receipt upon b"i'Ht tendered !:im nes, commerce and general con to a :y t.er.ii plying f ;i a ii'a'h'Jy 'icei s , o pay mo:tes so received to tin sai venience of southern Utah, Clerk. County Therefore, a c nnmittse C'm Any person violating any of the provisions of ordinance shaK be deemed guilty of a mis this imned of prominent business men demeanor. of this place and Milf.ird hive Parsed and approved Tuesday, June 8, 1897. by the fol"iwin; v t: ayes. Com mie'on rs aUeu.it upon t liennel ve to woik Oorry and Kasmusen; nays none. To effect fleeu dy after its paasngc. take for ihe establishment of a direct K. II. M'PRIUK. Chairman. daily mail service between this Attest: Alfred M. Durham, Clerk. of Utah, olace and Milford; and respect State County of iron, f I, Alfred M. nnrham. County Clerk of ull in and tor Iron fully ask the conaty, Utah, do. hereby certilv. citizens within the th .t the trgoiiig isaf.i!!, true a. id cerrfct coj y an ordhia icir entitled "An ilrdititnce Re u interested region. Looking to of tattng Licenses in Iron County," as appears on the desired object petitions will record in my office. t ) In witnt ss whereof I have hereunto e; mv hatd and rn ted m v olficinl be circulated iu Cedar City and SKA!. seal this 17 day of June. A. '!. 1897 ALFKIO M. ICRAM, towns south, and it is hoped that County Cleik. the petitions will be liberally No NOTICE FOK PU11LICATION. rfigned and the matter receive the Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19, attention to which it is justly eo 1897. Li-oans- lnUiest?ng Account of the Doings of Congress, Get On Top! ea ' above-mentione- What Does This Mean? d, 2- from Our Rfjpilar Corrsipondsnt.) Washington, D. U., Juno 13. Tli most important event of th weak in Washington watthe bend iitg ot the treaty for the aunexa, tion of Hawaii to the United Slfltcs as a teriitc rv, to the senate. U heic i juhilaliou among tho.-- e who believe that th true policy of thi government is to get conin both trol of all outlying the PaciHic and the Atlantic Ocean. There i some talk nboul thu ratification of this treaty be U'Z ni:td u party question in tin Senate, but il is hardly likely any considerable number of .Senator.- Cn W f'Uirnl who will ucUuoiv-leH- e It - . $i.0'-!9.C9- 4- Means' 1 ttc-n- sr, - be-tvTn- en 7- Hbovt--mentioned- , H-lr- l And u nitiins n Business t 13 tf&J Patr- 11 o d i- -ni U K -- . !. I i 2-- themselves to be so short sighted as uch au act would pro Claim tiiem to be. This, is not a party question; it is an American question, as President Clevelaud quickly learned when the thwarted the last attemp at annexation. The Japanese minister ha been asking some questions about the annexation treaty which indi oate au intention on the part of his government to make a pro test against the treaty- - It is not now certain that a will be rat idetl by the Senate at this season of Congrasi, but a protest from Japan would make its ratification not only certain, but speedy. Senator taltigrew doesn't think that the fact that sugar stock did not rise as many points during the consideration of the sugai schedule of the present tariff bill Notice is hereby given that the following Respectfully, named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to as tjjrin the tariff debate on the tilled. nuke final proof in support r f bis claim, and Committee. that said piool wi;l be made befoie Ihe iwn ty Wilson bill, gives ( the preaoni of Oarfirlfl Co. Utah, at Panguitch, Utah, ilerk on .i'jfii-- t 7. 18U7, via: Senate any cause for pride. Nollce. L. No. 8900. for the SF NW'V. .sec. 33 ,:mt' sv. sfc.?s ec. 28, p. 7 I would b obliged to those WJeromeF,Asiv. When Mr. Pettigrew referred to S.. K.6 W. - names the following witnews to prove his ihe r.:se in suar stock Q9 was in- friends whose names are still on continuous rrsidtnce upon and cultivation of, want IhikI viz the if debifnidu of accounts my ling'e ret P'igleaead, Sw n M. Anderson. terrupted bv feeuator Gear, who The oie '. - j v H:ui am P. Clove ot A.say, make remittance of th ir i.ariieMCo. t'ii.h. said that the sugar debate in the they Noti.-A LS(J that the follow hereby givei balance due. n vie? o his. inlei. settler h Respectfully, Senate three years ago sent up ttou to make n ial in sup't lit of hi chiim, Geo. W. Middleton. ma'Ie Infne the and that atd proof wi be ex40 and stock he sugar point, t let k of Car vir :d o Utah, at Pauguitih, tj;iiitv Utnli,o-.- August 7, iP'a; viz: I ihitiJc that claimed tn reply: No. saw. mv. II. L. v Aaron 9J3. for the SV N hM sytiH & NK sec. 3J. Tp. 36 ;A3 NOTICE Foil l'ULl"ATIOX. the two debates on su"ar uow K. w. Land Office t Salt Lake City, Utah. June 11, Hf names the following witnesses to prove and. three years ago justify the 1887. his co'.lnif oii- - residence upon and cultivation Notice i griven that the following of. saul land, viz has hlnj i.otice of hn iiiteitioii existence of a new political par 10named finalhereby Jrroine As iy. Rsmus Lv nn. James V. make iftrt ol Ay. proof in support of hiscl.iim and Utah, and Klias Jiatch Hut hai'l proof will he made before the of Cai fif'd Co , tTatii. ty." .tiCt? is. lierebv ive th it th f blowA!. mi nunty Clerk of Oar. iell I'ou'ify, Utah at Pan OarlieM c m:iy. Utah, ou Saturday, the ing nanr.'.l ettU r hii tiled notice of Iiis inteti' After fully discussing the eev guitcti. iHt day ot July. 18.17. viz claim tion to inakelinal proo'" in support Knrriebret K'iisleie.-i- lfotaetei'l Kntrv. No, and thit sid iirj .f w.'l be m.t'ie ;fhs before the eral propositions to amend th 8793. K hf of .SW qr.. ana Utah at Pangustch,. qr of V County Clerk of iJarfi-Ir 23the nl H qr. of !$ qr. cc. 22. Tp. 37 Ctah on 7 H7. via: qr,-Au;ut o as bill to curtail the prof O.. Kange fi west. tariff K No 10i75, f. i the Sh 5KVk Jorin Hein le, II. He na.nrs toe following witnesses to prove hi r, w 'H. Tp. 34 ate its of the advance importations contiguous reaideuce upou aud cultivation of He mm s the witnesses to pnv. said land, viz: i'Ucutitiiiu us residetiie upou aud cultivation M of foreign goods, upon which wt Anderson, Theodore P. Any. Jerome of. .said IhikJ via e. of Aaay, t;rfitll I' nui in l. Kichaids Richord iv and Hani P. Clo ee, C.eorge BYitO.V OKOO. eistir. duties will be advai ced by the county. Uth. Htnrie and Leo Claio:i ot tangu.tch. Garfield W. t. "argt, Attrn. f r claimant. o Utah. Date oi tiri p.ibtic ,lion. Jane 2. 1837. BVRON r.HOO, Register new tar'ff, uie Senators have W. P ar ent. att'v !)' laimanis. No. 3326. (Oate ol firsi public.ttiou Juac V'j, 1897.) decided them all to be LAXD. FINAL PROOF. NOTICE OEEItr No. 3320. impracticable and none of them FOK rUBI!CT10N V L PROOF NOTICE FOR FI DRSRRTLANU United States Laud CCQce, Salt Lake City, will bj pusiievl. Although ihi. U:ah ION. PUBLICa 1897. June 2. , United Oflicc. Salt Lake Land sprites HKRKHY GIVHM IS THAT is far from satisfactory it inut NOl'UH s. lltiiitrr tint ti'ed notice of inten 1897. Alay 2 OSVK.V IS THAT HHKEBY tion to make pr f on hi deficit land ciaim No ba accepted simply because there SKi7 NOiKK of Paugui.ch, Garfield ot for he SWJ( of Nr.'i, a Hancock, of K',4 Utah, bus filed notice f intention to "'WVi.SUJi of 11Nvi, Hyt ot SWti.qr sec county. oof is apparently nothing else that 31, ou his desert land claim, No. 3606, w , bel re the C unity Clerk ,i uake'p K. Tp. 3o U. ft w., be 7. p. 34 Iron county, at i'arowau, Utati, on the 31 day of lor the f iai fit d county. Utah, fore me v.ierk can be done. 1b97. CVut'ty July, He tiani-- s the following witnesses to prove at Patiguitcli. Utah, otf 1'huraday, he 13th d.ty and reclamation of said of AiiRUHt, 1897 Petitions nuking that the Senate the complete miaUou He names tinr following witnesses to prove laud: the complete irrigation reclamation of said Houch-rRichard Wm. Atidrew bill of Corry, tariff Bryant, the dispone speedily la d: aud Alma Council, nil c( Cotlnr City, Uah. Allen Milter, Thomas Sew It. O. Clark and CKUO, Keuisttr. are pouring in upon that body in Frank O. Hobb& HYKON conn M. H. Dal ey, Attorneys, John 8- Myers, all of Kanuitch BVKO.N Olt(H, Utah. 1897. of first ty, ,u'olicatiuu uate II, Jinc and. a feteady btream from almost Register. Date of fit.st publication June 1, 18'Ji J FINAL DKSKitr LA.M), P. the of section every country. ti FOK PtHtLlCATION. ( p7-tin- fr-e- s i e ci:i-tab'- Mr-Bril- t co-operat- ion wide-a-wak- e -- ; l-- vw) 4-- 34T. . 11 1 M- : . 1 1 . e i- ng-n-tmeit pr-- f l ' i . : Juhr-S'- ( ni . i I i ,tiiB but we are there. And htnv are we getting there? ra.-.- y '. onage and Prosperity for us. Ves thai is just what we are trying to do; it makes "lis Sweat cr Simply by Carrying a Stock of Goods Second to None in the South. We Defy competition of any kind. We have the Choicest and Best Selected stock of Candy in the City. Cannot; be Beat. Trunks? Why we are Selling a Thirty-two-inc- h Trunk for $5. Express Wagons for the Lowest Price in the Town. See our prices on Groceries- - We carry a complete stock: . Salmon, .good quality ,. er can Salmon, best quality, per can. ....... Sotla, best on tbe market, per package Table Salt, fine, per pound.. 14s. 17c. .......... pure and good, per gallon. Vinegar, best high test, per gallon Mo! lasses, 8c. 2c. 50c. . 40c : . ll .;.-- . We keep a complete Stock of Hardware and c. . f!'-win- -- : . IL k. C A I T . . at Lowest Prices Everybody wants Nails. We sell them at per hundred-weigh- t N City-Utah- , -- W 1 au-.- n 1 Francis Webster has been detailed to escort Thomas Bladen, of Iron coun the first ty to the Salt Lake Jubilee, where an iron float will b prepared for bim. Old iron relies moulded in the early settlement of the county are also btiug collected and will be put on exhibi-.(- u mt jibe Jubilee. iron-work- er TIC . 1 d -- , e . ..A .. No. 3i29. NOTICE FOtt MJBMCATION. Land Office' at bait Lake City, Utah, June 5, N. uce is hereby given that the following-uarat- d settler h.is ti ed notice of his intention to make final pi oof in support of his cairn, and that said pioolbe ltia.ie before the County ani- c u ity, Utah, at Kanub, Ulali, 1 it rk 11I on July 17, 18517. viz; jhu U. Harris, 310:1 II. E. No. 10189, for the SiJ qr ot ah qr sec, Tp. 37 s.. lots 3 aud i of sec. a, bit 1 of .ec. 6, p. 38 s.', K. 6 w. He 11 nines the luliuwing wttnebscs to prove his I8-J7- J keep it. SOUTHERN UTAH MERCANTILE CO. ;arfu-l'.- l - United States Land Office, alt Lake City, June 2, 187. Notice is herebv given that John W. Myers had filed uottce ot intention to make proof ou hi ;lrerl-lanclaim No. 3588, f r th. N hf. oi NK qr. and SW qr. of NK qr , se. 10, fp ,iQ ., K. 10 W.. bet ne the County elerte i.f Heaver couury. at Ueaver City, Utah, on the 31st day of Jii-y197. lie names the following witnee to prove the co.iir-lciirrigation 'aud rcciaiuatiu ot said land: John H. Olackner, Koger W. Farrer and T nomas Fothcringhain. of btaver Ciiy, aud Joseph Banks, ofMiuersvi.lt, Utah. BYkON GROO, Register. Frank D. Hnbbs, attorney fji claimaut. Uateot first publitatiou. June 18, 1897. rntllli Mlir! tr lisi opf mr nriooa nnrl T r I r for Yourselves. We want vour trade aud wheo we get it we intend to protect j'ou o w can i J OOF-NO-- $4.50 1 1 I -- sell . . I continuous tesideuce upon, aud cultivation ol, aid land, viz: Laroy Ham. Kdwin Cutler, Willis A. Webb and William Hardy, all of Gteudale, Utah. BYRON GROO, Kegister. Frank D. Hobbs Attorney. Dale of firs publication Jnar Jl, ).; TOB IR8R Q8UFIW-- Y RBC6R& OFFICE JOB Docs the BEST and NKATEST JOB WOKK Jriintinar ry Country Olllco in llic Sliite. "Wo Have a. Good Assortment or ol" 11 Stock on Hand and |