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Show f V jp my RECORD. ai.iMible to COUNTY J'.iT.rrrM.y . ... ; ii-cl- .i iok Mi :t : by brought about in piea-au- pprcfi r frat.'i ..!' r::nrit!KTUf;. .fa . ;i iar City, Utah. ( .V;.--- jt nut'.-r- . n aiid Follow the bivdV. example prorcJl ot a town, out if liisit in catching : lili worm. 4 K i!cp your household fui .u growth and proaession could ho CHAS. S. WILKINSON : l'kutiIi in f vay ii ! by ; itr as air- more fome would h the 3 vrreatly o n kl r: rsiTi CCI fc." -- r,: r.-.- :' r, - r.- -i W Kli C3 r$- C.--J fixture neal.and clean, .)hI your fact) and - uowspupwr : - t .'otnb y?.ur iuiir !just vou lre.) Be economicrilly saving. wek(it oiico C are y.iJj. apjictax 7 Keep utrictlylhe "Word i vv U.; Soiiiii rji'bfititjjj for of Wisdom." Jt ..o the Fourth of Juiy 8 Ik a rc. to .11112: aloud, it a town to the of rTdir people might 'jb t h iins of aecuring to have it filh t.odar, prospects yout ahrep safety. aid iv ar not patriotic enough to recite t hare by . obsorvr this f all rvatant yourself. tztF "t na. sr r.:i r.:t Qii rr? bti tar tay-to t'no Auiericau ihe r;i Cr 10 If you u 't!ii prefer herding jiu tLi 4:i Y f Uiti dfc! hicii sration upon sheep and bein alone thau with Nail Your Horse Shoe Up the Right Wav and :ndepindcnco va signed bj that io;nobody, liv.o an "Old Hatch.1' Fortune is Yours. illustrious iiaud of liberty-!- . ving All young people should have s hi". and to maintain which isen to mtseting last Sunday and and uoy subxcqutotil ly fought heard th timely council givu This is Done bv Getting Your Supplies oied. It i a day that shm:!d be r our experienced brother rlolin that . n A an-tcrta- 11--- Learn ' of Codr. a . U ar iti nerd if a bnk boh. i i i;rir "do:;'5 'hey iu! puiiptin THlor brought t'otrn T - 1 .1 ! i p-p- '- - .'. "railroad t Dixie to bri fi iiii ;m as rip. They're in ned of it ruilioad from iiri-that too im :iold in revereuct by evrjr loyal W. i'latt on many Sif Ltk:. '"he topic, 'cuis wrK interest ..';tjrtCitu ciiizan, and we deeply moi strikiiivr was that r Bjlch- media: td t that it i allowwd to pass elorism. at Make; 'hey need t to transport f, Soemingiy it had the in Cedar without some fi.liu: oired effscl a soma wr ai their wool, beet" and rain, to iv tiy o i brim; ouck our freight eo we won! ?rait in vain; they nead the high HBliT SUVi?d fi'T US OH new soil, which might easily be don . -3 1 . in -- cicnov. t ledement mo ... : ..... i our part iiutB iMovcu to. action. the importance of th ocassion. to B: by Piatt. . r ra n editor lth plea- Kecokd. ure I submit the following to j your valuable paper, feeling that st ia uot only a greit privilege but a duty to throw in my might in helping to advauco home m the expending of toil; thej need lot . t. tnans. . .1 n i Pique. 91 . i Counfy officers. of settlers to take up the John Tarry, 'ounty ft; iirceiitttTC. .'.adrfw Ctiiry, (stud and mulct beautiful homes R. O.McHridc, r C'oinuiisi:icr. Carl C. KaMiiusnen, ) where now there's nothing hul Altred M. Durham, C unty Clerk. Tryplieuitt Vst, Kecortler. need of investment tand; thry W aUer C. Mitchell. County Treasurer. William Houcheu county Assessor in a a uot and ychnNei few, capi Ku.tuf Scopui.-iunt'ouuty surveyor. dustrr iei Ollurion, Couniy Attorney. Ja. the entitle the later is jf county l'.Iard J'arry. heriff. In contemplating upon the awful Idvrard U. Show, Senator from the 11th Dia. t u! H. V. Uiggius, Judge of the 5;h Judicial Ul. s it Yaiinun Th c mntiaa of 'Washington. lalet of Oity Officers. Iron and Kane, need a better :s. or ought to ha, food for remail service between here and action and perhaps sufficient to Henry W. I.unt, Mayor. M vr .n the tram: and the way to bring satisfy the desire of thu common Rc:gt J P.;.Highee. ir., Webster John CUBcle. man for the above occupation; Edw udj. Fivlir.er, 'round this deaiicd court it iou is to W. .Jiiiei, J of elevating l.ehi Wm. Ilouclitn. kt'Cor.ler. iitir ul; v sign the circulating pe nd he the moans treasurer. J. U.V. Arthur, lis mind to & higher cale of in ne. Justice. K. ti inn. Alfred lvyU Marshal. Of our personal need we ichievemeuts. Par out an SiakaCadvr Ward. hince b? soma, shaep-herg w. nld scorn to make mention, t he most Uriah V. Jones, Preside i ;. hud not fituncfi got to a pret- ji inoked upou as one of disheart-wninV.'in. H. Corry, Bishop. disgrHceful. ty tight teution. The editor Deeds degrading. and lonesome employments ft."et a'nd a suit ot new clothes, Sabbath School. Mihfw H. Uey. Supt. it. may convenes every Sabbath mortut.g l 10 o'clock. face of the the U)on earth, tomi cah ou subscription from Sacrament meeting at 2 p. ra. he due to the fact perhaps The Yoiintf Men and Young I. .ties Mutual who some substanoqc owes; hu Association ho!.'-improvement interesting account pri-jhave(on every evening, ginning it meeting tial tjij with our mammoth edition during the wi. ter mouliiv. bten initiated iu the 7 o'clock, The Khiers qu jrum meet every '.onday and euough on the side u go off at 7 "'ciock. rk f (ending he flock; bo needs a new face or good Yuiiiig Ladies' Mutual lmprovt:i: nt ou umt ana hour. hi old one apalching. and an or Derhans kv have never once Tlic SevrnlicH meet e very !'uesi evcuing at octock or tne great auvantages able protector for tronble thats itiougtit resitm ny meeiiiM; 'very i'hut !ar eeuiug 7 o'cloci;. of miod have at lheir they storing batching. We need these ill badly .'inj; the v .tt r months, evening. in their lei areFriday to rc. devoted such n dancii!g, aii-tnank'ful will be to each good with useful knowl-edy- eutertainmentA. ?nl various thrattes, Menfc Mutua, uproveiiT-iisubscriber who kindly will fee ure moments, as did many of the lionYoung meets arvery salurd:it 7 o'clock. our men of nation. the need nod feel able tr- drop a leading Oue ha auipie time while in AMERICA'S CARLSBAD 4loHtulix,, or two on our table. to mcditatit upou his The bank, ettlera and railroad solitude Sallt. Lake Hot. Springs in time will all come, and then past and present life, and to reeach and all will have nlenty of flect hov he can improve the fu ture I'fe that ia awaiting bim. mon And yet I must admit that one! nco always enjoy the We heartily endorse the mow of the uiil forts and plcavur now on fiKit iooking to the of a more perfect, daily iKiinc wftciety. nor is always No 50 Vet Third South r necesaar-of with sufficient mail ervirt, to ruu direct beuppliuti street. No Mi life an tween ford. Cedar and points niati, excp'ot The fiuest tdaee for bathini' south. The present status of ih Ui.iis .icu. Mna one wuo pre nn( su i,,, ii.ii. in America. Fine mail irvije is n reproach upon tVra lieiuff in e.di.udi,. .hould be ap c alJ( Mlia (tf and ... .1 l .ii hei ivr ...t,i" wmui j our progress coun . at the crunp a inx s it Uke i hese waters are aure cure for tie, and an imposition upon ou, man t to V h tlC ;iftii ioitV Iti.e averae eliaap p people. Rhoumatisnl( Miners Leading, know that !,mi,fCtflIOIU t. xuu in circulation to Cedar Cat.irrh? ( ollstipa jhome return-!tjobefore '.if tilt.f btiv j.quiU frequently p., ,at.1t ion of the heart, h.-bto mi or some Chimiic has an old ?u no piented in a i)inrrh()t.a. and all kid. , , to r.ucb attend domestic dutv whi will voter refuse ti .ffi. hi to, llltf from the CEDAR CITY They Cam a Pull Line of General Merchan-Kpit- l Prices. dise, and Sell at .Rock-BottoIt Makes no Difference if You are out of r'AuLi & V, S i i:' uHHW'hl Town, You will Receive Pair Treatment ?oiicl rXliom TrToui gtlfjfj CO-O- P. m That s Just Orders, I Shall Do: hat VI , sheep-herder- "aa i Ni-1- ', ht m Qxr-- - m. w !. Going to the CKDAU CI t T Co j p. j -- i di f ou went for?, ''Did 1? YWi I ifues Well, did jou lit.ii Talk about JLO THING. I. fot a brand ne w uit or clothes auch r usually sell f:r , HA'J" tha-jhe- , f !l - . t'-n- . l t Asso;'ia-eveniii- t; - i d-ie- c-m- ; - in-stilli- ng i I -- si . i i c.-n- i j ck--.-- all. n - n - ir nT "ereunlo. i'jfiiHiin j ; lonli as with mau v thin, ui Towels and Miits washed by dit.:-U'lui-. To verv .jvsfe tiie K top ire Sienr?! f:iundrv. it Me r? b'ft to upon can trnnsc tueir own device to employ iho: lPfQntaHf!n Irlo!! "vThoHomo siini.lo i I . . X7 , . XV ?' Hi-- The pn-!- - fa-ho- - p'.- i ; ed and w:sv : J: iiffd - . i ! -4 ...y ut n iff tiirou-.;h- lO s- i- !; !n, J.''ir Thk ;:f y M.na per t!l- - . f:i'.'-- i Sy ... ....Xunuvz- f- .- .,,,,,,.; wwuuiuu nil man 1 oitor al Man, k':ow thysel:. ana n:c oo- a:r:-- of the .... .11 r .w or..nf re to j;et bgatioua under w - yon iU'c. N: ! U-- i & 'i , Tiiey ij'd." eaualtres are in- HMiiai,f - . -- laced 2 Act well your part. luoa ?u patentV Protw.t 0nr Idea,; th,r may bring?,u Write JOHN WKDDEKBtTRN A CO.. ratftit Attorueya, WashiDRton. 1. c.. for tbHr $1.) priK oIe-olist of two biuulNdi Inventions wanted. d IliNTS TO SHKHl HKHOKftS. pUSh ; -- r ., .tc g Is he time to 1 . - ge g i 1 - 1 1 g-- t ' ini-iak- - e, - CEDAR CITY CO-O- P' tBMaBSKsurwasB SLaHBBBMeMnBBSBSasKaeWSBBBSSBBBBBBBMSBBBSBeMejSBBSSBBMSSSneiSe .Al.. rJEY You Can Get: rJTlioi-ley'f- Wtore. e tub ycrihe for his )ii 2.00 a win - p.-!- Supnyt a Home rr and it rvifi hsl Help ..... Mosquito nt i , p 4lT ) Ladies' Shirt Waiets with winie collar, I S.lk e nf-:- IIoo-.- l -- ach Lido''. B':ok Hoe, three A!-'- lio-c- , , Children ' for r p-.- ,. Mt-- i 2 .... i . fl OvciiHs.' per p.ir. Strati B i;o - ()-rali- , 30c 30c 75c. 3e p r pair 05c. 8' i ; : : i ". U5c. ttll (in Tie., larg assort meet, each infants' Moccasins, per pair..' ' Umlerwear, per fiiit. Ge-'i Pviicilft with lubber, - Of) . L'-'v- i Ja-m- ram hh) 4h- ' i t 60f. . l?5c j.er p:dr. R!be. jo-i,..- rf,p.l pull..... lc Gh'Vee, per pail (!:( k Jumpers eoh. -- - iieiiuu Kk'-ki- k:-- ; uch Jittle r-- !oe late thiK may oe or ome ' i!-'- to ..4 MIt l rnhon.' f at:i.n n r - o iOll,:::- . i : : .ettl-llO'H- my uii of corkers iSlIOKS, they are almori giving tbem wy. I oi r f that will lat two your for nve!l r,v ufe and "Tie for the b:by. all foe $3. And then nOUSEIlOLD UTENSILS! Finest line :n tor-- ., and Uny d! them 4durntr wheap', iell you jot 0'"iv tiinhst for $2.nO cents th:u a little. Ob . by ih wav, did I tell you about the DISHES? My old woman wnsjusi tiekeled to oe.'ilh ov r the braniful "ula.ss r I boulit In r, and a'befiutiful flower 2o cents. pot for ten t ents. They had others a Inch il?e Altoiref her have the best line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in the South, and giv thr h,t bar- ;::iins. Ahoethef. my bill of goods camf to I handed tin m a $20. -- and they gave me hek $1.05. f : lit ii t thi-'but if.thut Ka- the hal made, a N'T olf CE for Cash. Other people may Ud where FIVE PER the- please, but my' money goes to the 1 1 ' jlto? - dr- fr to I a beaut iful dt and her stuffs jd8 wife for tour cents vard; and when u -- i'- Why y u car ;.' fo: 70 ceute. Did you ay assort men! f ean:i They rinve the liel J "hey hnvf-- . h"!!. fitiils, etc.. in Cedar Am: cracker and U other ood things. DRY GOODS! Why their shelves me jui h.nded with eren-iii- g . just $3 bet they've gotihau. GROCERIEiS? ! .1 10 fo: You can jur du'sy with a baoad brim ? g . i h-r- , .'iO'. .' t0e. 0?e. |