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Show A. MiSSiOHARY COPRESPONOENCE Gesrge W. Middleton Writes Ol, IT" nnrnrocinii i rnrutoDiuHL uhhuo A.TAL ACCIDJQNT. . Lari Peterson Formerly of this Place Killed in a Runaway. h Jas. 0. H. Foster, Beavii THE CEDAR GIT Y FU RR ITU RE IS TIKE BEST HOUSE T. Wilkinson, City, Utah. C filar 'ity, Utah. Lir Peterson, at Presscott, rOSTER & WILKINSON, A- iz M?a, io cai of G. G. . d tha following we rac-Will practico in all the Courts a fact coucerniiii intelligence of the Slate. hii ttiat teamiug All Business will fceceire Prompt Attention. li;t AdJresa at Above. near the mining pamp jif Chapar-rel- . The team ara w driviug become unmauggeabla and ran away throwing him under the wheela. The injures thus Dentisfe. Surpjeon by him resulted in hi Bridge death soma 24: hours fLv the ac Is Prepared to Mk Teeth, Do Work, xtractirar. Filling;, and in cideut. Short all kinds of Dentistry. he at a Will AdininiNtt'v I'vitullznn Being ranger in camp I A. i ntM t li lie Jk.lv iv waa buriad without any thiuji baiii known of hi pc pie. Following ia the ahorl nate i t ceiyd from G. G. Haudereon, iip rare of whom Tjie: Becoko ''id been sent each week, aa aUo NOTARY PUBLIC . he et:itatutit which brought forth CITY UTAH. to Han-sierao- - Sri n. ATTOaSBVS-AT-LAW- d7phio Dasonption ot the Old and Othsr Intersstia Cth-lrl- t'a-lull- . Observa- tion from Contlane I.at Week. Among tha noUworthiea buried cathedral are Hinry IV Jrt tint! th. famous Black Pnnct. of Edward HI. An lre n celebrated for un ol n - lllnete. Stephen hit f t JHiigton, ib: virtual Author of MaPi Charts x buried half i :; undur ha wall. St itarft chair, a uaed hn immimcria; tor the JFixi-niiMii-- ly huije rock tat. !ui from time coroualion of .. archhUhop of Caulcrhurv the hH.l of Hf hurch of EngDirtti Farrar tha author of land the celebrated "Life ot Christ" does ministerial duty tiere also, are many Al nt tha groun ! crumbling ttu!U and picturesque Normau archea. Tha ivy throws its teudril around tham in a del icuU manner and makat a very romatic acana, Remnaut.t of a GrooerioH, j Con loot ioiiH, Goods are all d liie K ! j i j ; i j j ; : ; ; i f All wba Jn. W.J. Kill 1 S&iTf i MADh GOODS, HOME cash at GKKATLY REDUCED KATES. than by selling for Write io uj for r'l'rm. Oregon Short Lmt Fiaiiroarj. T0tH it MIS win AGENTS WArTi- al! hif ofl'A :a 2wnM1 his intention. of 4evoi:.ng AeaVsca w. ' cicii .uJiv.tl-3i.jo- c. t ;.r. r tow I -: r r . .uiir friends. Qeokcjb W. inquiring Middleton. Hollo, who Jndire McCarty on tha tour of hia d'Orict, and who rein tha ported tha pr ceediu2 water case which popkes-Polloc- k wa triad nr. wppIc in Parotvan Jol-- Kophrter htor ; ac-"'npV- uie above mentioned JudH, took a run down lo Cadar viit relative here. Friday t morning. 'lnisng Saturday f Unllo is a L'fni ! gentleman :n Geieat elk. a r-- tha- - e; ve l.evr ArtiTfr Atrve STANDARD GAUGE i.ikr.,... ai t: :e a m U:20 a m 11 a. m. a a 3 10:2) p. 9:1ft p u. xvi n ft ?:4U w. f m. fc tt:t 0 i. 9M. 3:P.o. r A 8:10 p. an. . :3t' 3 m. ft a M0 p. J.esvr C);d-Truii leave sU i.oVe fot k-- n d.ilT a 7sSC am) 8:Cv t. m. mi! 4:00and', :(.,. ti I rains betwririi Fiisco au4 .Tuab imv 411? Sundays excepted. 1 ake ... Arrive Suit Lake.... l.e&ve sail i '." . -- TOURiST Choice Of Thrne Distinct Routes, AND TMI SiSncT ! i. iwlLFOBO. AND su t. S. O, Dra. Fast Express Trains Dally wo j asw 'MvvaKanasr-.34:- a BACH WAT acut at V Uf Bsklwt, Oen'l Ar. ' Salt Lake ity. a WAJ' GKNKKAL' OFUCffS: SALT L, A Is. hi C1T S. W. r.cci-H- , Gen. Traffic M. .. A m W. H. lUscnorr, tnf D. K. 1 i wo 1 1 SUIT BETWElN T1 Two throng)) trains daiW i::.n a1t r.ft I!a-- t 1:1 cr.r Tviih eciiors tha Cnioai poinV t ak Pacific line. at 7:00 a. w mw-f-i 7:00 p. m. The only Jih.j av !ia. 'ra r- cliiiing cjiair rara. Mipuirn i is rr SLEEPERS LAKE vic--P- rr. IITWCIM rt. Vi OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DEXl'ER. f our office devil included. ridd Licgani Reclining halr Cars tli- mountain ranches, making: t" ; ii J" rt c the night hideou with thrir v. riferous mirth. Since htu return !irect Connection, liiavle ia Uuioii Pepot. his aad fat. lameiiiing the derii h run ratnp aoout nis Mo.vr thokoimih.y v.QvztrED ka:i. WAY IN THli WKft r. Tell me, ye wing?d winds that thi office, milking it difficult.' to: round my pathway roar, do you furniali tmitubl itrtair)ment to not knovy noma quiet 4pnt where viiitora. It i ypt omln'rij; hw !t ,i ':e i.!)t Hjf ,ru wives clean house no more; some invigorating a whif of th t moun sijc ity r r;iltii, f' l.akf lone, sequestered, leafy dale, tuin mi i. It raises ned frith liie! amiA Hi:ivxr nutl.tiutili . uit;. in it and to b liin.uiNi trains U.i;ls (i j;n al; a '.ic dtrili4 iome inland ocean girt., where office, a'.' Two ljri)iij;h tr.nns olv fimn life ia not one cettseleav war with kejjt from ituhihin-tfreely of it. i.ake ity :ur! all jlia ivr.. 'i'hehofit iii.e Ju.ni points iw autitheri 'cobwebs and with din ; where all piiu casi or wt'M. John S. Woodbury i erecting: 'The to throiikjh tr:nis prl'riim puluc only nature' carpet, .spread be- a new addition to hi frame houne I'ligiHii lutiiily sleepers r.ml free vti'8. :i ciiir neath the tired feet, an i whither op Firat Kiiat jr p niouiais, Uiles, ttc. write lt ftr call w. Ky. t a K. atreet, jiutting man ia mi'er fompelie it ni. poarch on tin trout aud other- U. C. DODGE, Geu- H'fr. some folde to bea1 ? The light wise If. A. W Ai.LIIGH, G. T. & T. A-it improving appearance d and biet'zv fondh my face, e.nid, and convenient. The Kecokd a year $1.80 iu beat on there's no auch place. AiLrartiae iu Ttuc Racukp. Ex. advance, 1 1 j J , ( 1 v.-- ) ; . :. ! ! a obtained and all Pt&r Caveats, and ent business conducted tor MooCRATC FCES. Our Orriec is Opposite U. S. Patent Orri and we cm secure patent ia less time Lhaa taoaa; remote from chinTton. Send model, drawing or photo., Vnth descrip e auvise, it patentaL,:e or not, hce ot tion. rot cue tul patent is aecured. charpe. our tee ' llr-v- to Obtain fateati. with A Pimvui r cost of same in the U. S. and ioreura ooonthaa sent free. Address, Trade-Murk- V r r-- C.A.SWOW&CO. Patent Orncc. Washington. D. C. Opp. I . 1 I hi-tt- e . i r, n n ?i r. rt r. - r tn 2 tr, r, nr r si nr I'-a- fi-rr- OALLj 13 L'jI j Vt-"ci- r, t , ar-Aen-t ll Melk-nap- I - i rt KM fetter 3Ccads, (Lards if "Fancu r r.' r. - r: r t ; r. r rr r LiMafcbaMaitaMEIkiariiwlaiMakk... r.: r D3 C . i - j- i ; : -- it.-- c-- ? . t, h. m. f :i3 .On Amve .Nelii Aniv t vd THROUGH THE t . rd Ju- - h Arrive Z m. l:Jlp, :;.' p.'u. 7:Cf: j. n. i. in St l:Wp 8atliku S:b0 STATION-- . Wi.-c- M iM: r. m . iu. 8:00a. m Si t:45 a. ni. & :t 0 p. tu. A; ip.ltn Atnre RAILWAY m. 6:(C a. t rt lt I.V Nait Arrive s-- a f:a;i Vr. Arrivt tor-wa- rd Lnt Satu'iay PJFAOT C:4'i l.enve .Nephi Lave An editor in northern Indiana is numruiu the loss of ino sub acribers. Number one f rote afk jnj; how. to rear twinr: safely, while the other auied to know how to rid hi orchard f grass hoppeera. Ti! answer went by the n?:xr 'mail, but by accident h transposed them m to the wrong euvlop. so that the man with the twins received 2:0 i Leve Jnh THIS :tx-.'.u.i.- this answer: them carefully with straw and r.e. die io it. and the little pests aflev jumping about in tin fl.uues for few miu uta will be settled. " While the man plugued with rathoppera was ttiUl to "give castor oil and rub th?ir gums with a bouc," Ex. t:Sv. 9:10 p I.eaye Fti-c- f. I.mve Mi rd -- ; &1I It MARCH 10. 10U7. STATIONS. MorthV4. sat t- ICS. o - s i irjarda to tlfy you. l BEAVER WOOLEN HULLS. t kind treatment. Miro Vv'o vi ! Boaver City, Utah. m Tkrarotilrsaily r JPi-iee- ?. LOCAL TIME CARD, royalties to fiirthvrlrjf tin. -- OtOU.lD .. . . S1M-4"- 'jj I' iv t nr v more can be realized by selling as your Wool and Grain for our m iocr.iTeriB '' 'tfki.f'adf as Best We Fay demor.ftrat'd that shou!.; correeiiond a CXTT OIT' WE WILL BUY YOUR r iutctrnated la furthfinff the sal nrwboitk .V' ' rrica. f, y imager. i Surgeon, Jryan't k YOU SELL IT, Sf .W. J.Bryan's Book .. Bed-roc- aa CEDAR CITY, UTAH d and Ssli at O. 73TJIX,X)X330, It has been PhysiGian RANGES i J M. D. Feirester, ;Hnriwnre, A 3STID Firat-claa- t, LOCATION DKKDS, !fORT(JAii:S. TRA$FF.lt.. At MOA'JTS WILL KECEIVK MOMPT A iD CAREFUL A I TE. TfO.V. T. W. -- r. JCt.'r LINE isply: Lvnx Crek, June 10, 18J7 To the editor ot the Iron County Record. Sir: Lire Pjteron u dead aa you will ss by the in cls ed clipping trom the Present! Courier. He only lived about 24 hours after getting hurt. Chaparral ia a mining camp about Omileafrom here. I heanl nothing of the accident until after he waa dead and buried. I did not know where he waa. He was buried massive wall which onca surround-- in the camp at the time of the ac lh citj ara wall preserved. cident, no person knowing any Thaj data from tha faudal timas, thiag ot hia people. I know and ahow tha Norman style of nothing whatever about his finanarchitecture, cial circumstances, but probably j Wettgate ta almost perfect, l oan rind out as I am acquainted and crosses tha main strait on with tha man he worked for. It If you can find hia psoole and tha banka of tha river Stour is a baautiful piaca of .Norman let them know they may find out irchitaclura. mora particulars about Lata. St. Duiiitana Church ia notad aa j Yours Bcspect fully, tha resting place of tha haad of G, G. Henderson. i Sir Thomas Moore. It a qunint Precott P. O. B.x 78. old building of long; ago. P. S. The accident Occurred Our city was favored Saturday Juna 3rd, 18C7.M with a visit from the Princa and j The item from the Prescott Princess of Walas. All Hot striata Courier reads. as following: mr gorgeously lacoralad i aud "A man named . Peterson waa the paopla mad a a great doraon very badly injured yesterday, on ' titration of thair loyalty. Tha the big hill this ai I of .lone' mill Prince ia very baautiful, but wa j at Chaparral. While driving down were diaappointad in Princa Al 'the hill, hia team became unman tjrt'a, appearance. My individ- ageable, Peterson fell under the ual opinion which it would not ba wagon, which passed over him, apportuna to azpreaa here, waa breaking a leg at t he thigh , bruis-- j that if I had seen him in tha grab nig him in many places, beside Dr. of a laboring man, with hia pick injuring him internally. or ax in hia band, iustaad of io Looney waa brought from Meyer ha royal carrae, I should hava to. attend the injured man and a thought him quits aa much in hia ' Prescott physician ha alao gone propar alamant. But you can on the same errand." hardly tall how far a frog can , Lara waa an old resident of Cedar and well reapected in the jump by looking at it. The Record is a welcome visitor .community. Hi father resides at Parowan, and he ha n brother aud much appreciated. Tha elders here are all enjoy residing at Kanub. We join with ing themselves, and receiving hia many friends and relatives in Mjfcs For 'STOVES 4taSio,fSJf.v o, lf uppoe.l lo h;ivt medpropariia. In ibi Prince "ratur toia il aua-taine- wtd' furnia'n-- 57 tsxti oiitlicjrii ( CANTERBURY. FROM C Opi P AJIY xX . r fa. L.3 a |