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Show IRONXOUN TY RECORD, 'MMie IProxis i t lie JLever CEDAR CITT, VOL.4, Shonesherg. Juno 18. 1897. Eiitok UccoitD. A si range incident believed by some to have a supernatural origin occurred at this place last night about 10:15 o'clock, which brought consternation to the member of at least one household. At the time when the stningp omen is alleged to have been witnessed thewriter wai sitting at his dek, and his attention ff.-first attracted by screams at of terror and distress. Investigation proved the cries to eminate from the home of Oliver DeMill, and fee'dn alarmed exting uUbed.the light and hastened to the scene of the disturbance. A light was burning in the house, but the crius had ceased wheu I reached it. Iu answer to niy knock I was bade enter and given the following explauatioo as to the en use of the cries: The fa uily had alt retired for the night, with the txception of two elderly ladies, who were in separate room just preparing to A fourteen year old disrobe. boy was asleep in front of the door, and the light in this room had been extinguished. Suddenly a mysterious ray of . liuht seemed to strike the bid on i L which the boy was sleeping;, and shooting across the room passed above the bed by whicn the mother wag which two standing and on daughter, one 14, the - : Last Mouday evening as he was returning from the office a little before sunset, Thk Record man was made the victim of a cowardly, premeditated assault, prepetrated without provication or warning. The aggressor iu ihe affray was Byron Carrigan, who claim the attack was made to get redress of grievances through a brief article concerning that person which appeared in our last issue. it. a certain element The fact in our coi; nunity is known to applaud !)' . action and encourage its repetition forces us to tht con elusion that the alledged cause is not the true one, but that the stand thirf paper has takeu against lawlessness and hoodluiuisui, aud the custom ;t has adopted of publishing the namesof those convict-ein the justice court, is at the bottom of the matters. sus-tain- ed s d Ruffianism and hoodlumisni is undoubtedly ou the increase, and its supporters are both bold and numerous, It should therefore be incumbent upon the element of this community to unite in upholding the law and eachotber, and wheu, as in the present instance, an attempt is made to intimidate and muzzle the press that powerful organ of public good they should rie iu their might and aid in the sup pression of such outbreaks. Carrigan plead guilty to the charge of assault and battery in .Justice Heyborue's court and was fined $7.50, The editor is a peaceable, citizen, and does not court trouble with anyone, but if the law will not furnish protection to peaceable citizens, it then becomes necessary fur such citizens to protect thin selves. Thk Record editor is one of those who does not propose setting h'mself up for a wind bag or any such contrivance and for the accommodation amusement of every ruffian who has some imaginary grievance to settle. Fred Slump is back irom his Los Angeles trip. He arrived here Wednesday. law-abidin- g The strange light seemed to bring with it a very peculiar sensation or influence an indescribable It was wituucaony feeling. nessed by tht mother, son and younger daughter. Thinking the ray of light might have been shed by the lamp in another part of the house, various experiments were tried, but failed to produce any such effect. At this juueture the older girl, who had been asleep all the while, suddenly awoke with a scream. She seemed to have been eiezed with- some deathly oppression, which rendered her limbs useless. She was cairied to the lighted room, and all the If you took the paper yourself other members of the family would not ueed to borrow from up stairs and down gathered you one to read the important gossip. diswere where Ever think of that? in, intently they cussing the scenes which had Mr. .T'thro Palmer and Miss just passed, when the writer enMary Middleton were married at tered. the St. George Temple on the Those who bad experienced the 22nd inst. The happy couple were sensvtion shaking arrived home last Wednesday peculiar convulsively and attributed the and are now receiving the con of their many friends, light to some supernatural power. gratulation we join. whom with It is the writers opinion, however, that it was some kind of an At lO o'clock a. m., on July 1, electric shock, or perhaps an 1897, at the Corry hotel in Cedar of explosion gasees. City, 10.000 shares of the capital stock of the Big Fourteen ConJos. W, Millett, Jr. solidated Mining company of Mr. K. Lockridge was in the Cedar City will be sold to the highest bidder for each in hand. city yesterday, and says things Stock will be onered in blocks of are looking well at Little Pinto. 1000 shares. Property in Slate-lin- e mining district. By order .SftbAc.: tbe tor Tww ssow. of tbe board of directors. other 19, were sleeping. law-abidi- - 99 vJXJINJE 25, 1897- ZFIRIID TXOPArjET, IROInI" OOXJISrr", JYT, 'ifr 'V be found of opening the school, The LOdltor An,ult tt. SOUTHERN Oil'S BAD L UCK : trmit friartit. A. tf, yv uieli rlie Woi'ld iw Moved ng "Can't - a Branch Have Normal School 29. 2STO. - $liOUov-urd,9lOO- . The readers of this paper will and in the hope that a method of bridging the difficulty might be pleas d to learn that there is be reached a committee, consist- at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure io ing of Wald'ernar Van Cott, all its aud that is Catarrh. Frank Pierce and Mrs. Little was Hall's stages Catarrh Cure is the only appointed to go to Cedar City positive cure now known to the and confer with the 'Cit'zenv. medical, fraternity. Catarrh g rea Last evening the committwemet constitutional disease and formulated a lengthy letter quires a constitutional treatment. to the citizens ot Cedar City, Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken inacting directly upon the urging them to endeavor to open ternally, blood and mucous surface of the tbe school by means of private system therebv destroying the subscriptions and rely upon the foundation of the disease, and . next Legislature for it .ty n: giving the patient . strength by It has been suggested that the ouilding up the constitution and nature in doing its work. people of Cedar City might give assisting The have so much a sufficient bond to insure the faith proprietors in its curative powers, that erection of the buildings, but the LkwV offer One Hundred Dollar-fJ- g lawmakers apparently did not for any case it fails to cure. contemplate anything of this Send for list of Testimonials. Address: F. J. Chenky & Co. kind and no provision covering O. this solution of the problem was Toledo, Sold by Druggists. 75c. . KIM." SAW SECT, HAMMOND. Building and Grounds Must be Deeded to the State Btur the School Will Open Law Supplies the Hitch. i Salt Lake Tribune. Cedar City will not have its ptomieed branch normal school this year unleM the citizens of the Iron county metropolis decide to raise by subscription the amount necessary to operate the school aud depend upon the generosity of the third State Legislature lor a return of the money. bach A totally unlooked-fo- r has occurred that will probably prevent the .opening of the school until August, 1898. the last for a provided Legislature branch Dorni; I school to be located by a commission either in Benver or Iron county and appropriated $15,000 for its maintenance. Cedar City was uLit.it?il UI.'O;: iv iu) u'uiivieiuu, that town offering as a bonus to give fifteen acres of ground to the institution and to erect buildings worth from $15,000 to $20,-00- be-jn- s t made. Hail's family Pills are tbe best. About That Hint. The Desert Semi Weekly New of the 22 inst contains an article concerning the disappointment of the people of the southern counties regarding the Normal School, from which the following is a clipping : There was a hint that the Cedar people were de&irous of a you cOvi itjrU vuw "outt.fi if they found the results looked for not forthc.Miiing they would refuse to erct the expensive buildings. Of course a guarari These buildings, it wa tee would insure the State, and understood perfectly well at the it is said that this could be " time, could not be erected before midsummer of 1898. and iu order Of the origin of the socalled that the school might in the 'hiul" we know nothing. Bui meantime be opened, it was however it may have originated proposed to utilize the Cedar it is emphatically untrue and enThis building, tire!' groundless, as is plainly City opera-housit was agreed, should be deeded shown by the interest manifested to ihe State aud the school build- by our people in the school pro on ings also when completed, upon ject. Already the brick-worwhich the State was to deed back the building designed for the the opera- bouse. temporary accommodation of the school is completed, and the HAMMOND UPSET PLANS. Secsretary of State Hammond people have plainly shown by spoiled the entire plan by decliu their conduct thus tar that they ing absolutely to accept the expect to keep inviolate their temporary borne for the school promise to the State. The disapas not complying with the intent pointment is not alone with of the statue, section 4 of which Cedar, but with the entine southern county, and the people art reads: As a condition to the location willing to feceure the state in any of said school the city or county way desired. We think there in which said commission shall is no doubt about the school decide to locate the same shall opening even if the piople have vest in the State a good and suf- to furnish the money for the ficient title to suitable grounds first year and take chances on be and buildings for the accommoda- ing reimbursed by the state. tion of said school or guarantee Lucern cutting and hauling is the same within such reasonable time as said commission shall now at full blast in Cedar. The is above au aver designate, but said school shall crop- generally not be commenced until such gtitle is vested. Mr. T. T. Tilley and wife of REGENTS TAKE ACTION. Stateline were in the city two or The Board of Regents of the three days this week, returning University of Utah mot yester- home this morning. Mr. and day noon to discuss the difficulty, Mrs. Tilley were on a trading exas the school, when established, pedition and took back a regular will be under their direction. load of merchandise with them. They expressed themselves as We acknowledge a pleasant call anxious that some means might from them while here. ; 0. -- e. obtained. From the little article which appeared in our last paper concerning Clarence Goddard, hit rishing excursion, etc., a irreat ujany seem to have run i away with the idea that Goddard bad for a fact been on a rishing excursion to Panguitch Lake and the Mammoth, andgi ve T113 Record as their authority for saying so. Now as a matter of fact we do not know whether Clarence was with):) 20 miles of the take, and we do not wish to b understood as saying that he has. Further Mr. Goddard does not under stand that it is any ones business but his own what his movements or intentious are, and supposes th has the right to make as many starts for Canada or any other point as he pleases without being called to account. We hope this will satisfy those who are taking so much interest in tbe matter and that it will be allowed to drop. ; Notice of Executor s Sae k - Of Mining Interest and Real Kst ito, Situate iu Iron pr ngs Mining; District, Iron County, tali. In the matter of the estate of Rufns M. Norvrll, Deceased. Under authority of aa order of sale granted by the cautt ot the Fifth Judicial District of the state of Vi h. in and for the county . f Iros, dted May Mth 1897 I wi sell at private sale. lie following described rt estat aud ruining interests beloneing to the estate of Kufus M. 4 1 1 1 Norvrll, deceased, to wit: That certain piece or parcel of land situate in Iron c unty. U ih and set forth iu the inventory of the estate i Kufus M. Morvcll deceased as the ite of the city of Aberdeen, embrhcwig eighty acres o thereabouts ot unimproved land, and recorded in thi suiveed. records of platted iron county. Utah iud morscounty fuliy descrired as being the west half of the north-wes- t of section 27, township 35, south f range quarter 12 west t. 1,. merdi.in. The Dale of aid tract of land as above descrb ed. to be tn ie less the following described lots, marked ou the plat of the site of said city as lots No's 19 20. 21. 23. 19. 51. and 55. disputed of by ssid decedent during his lifetime. That cert mi iron mine ituate in Iron springs rui!iuigdistrict:Iron county. Utah, known and patrntei as the b ack bird ruining claim, and designated in the U. s. survey as lot No 27, embracing a poi tion of section 3, towuship 35, L,. M. south ot range 12 w-- st d A undivided interest in that certaia Iron mine situ te iu Iron springs miiiing district a aforesaid, and know aud patented as tne McGarry Iron lode, and designated in the U. S. survey as lot No. 68, "tn bracing a portion ot section V and 10, towukkip 3a south, of range 1J west S. L. M . A interest in that certain mining claim situate in Iron springs) mining district, as aforesaid, and Known and eounty and patien d as the Hclipse miae, and designated in the U. S. survey a lot No. 55 a portion ot section 3D, township 35 embracing of tange '13 south, west S. I.. M 4. interest in that certain minlnc clrim ala situate iu Iron springs ruining as lfn county, Utah, known and the Vwichelt consolidated lode andpMnted designated tn tne u k. surrey as lot No 56, embracing section 30, lownship 35 south, of rauge portion of 12 west . L. M. rhe sale will b made on or after June 20th. 1807, md bids will he received at the residence of James McGarry, Beaver City, Beaver county, Utah Terras of sale cash and subject to confirmation by said court of Fifth judicial district of the state of Utah in and for the county of Iron. JaMBS M'OARRV, Executor of the estate of Kufos M. Nor veil, dece ) sed Dated Hay 28th, 1897, Date of Srst pablicatioa. Jna 26. 1S97 -- one-thir- one-hal- orie-thtr- f d 01s-tri- . ct |