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Show to make endowment lobes 'and respectable clothing for interrment The woman has been deserted by her husband who is somewhere north of Ogden and has bwn notified of the precarious 8ATUBDAT, JULY 16, 188L condition of bis wife's health, but never responded either in person or by letter. PAJLK PLOAT. The children are both about a year old and are now in charge of Mrs. McCartv. Hatt Baot. are putting np new itept Our popular liveryman, Mr. A. Smith, ib front of their itore. generously contributed a team to convey the remains of the unfortunate erenSanaa at nstul woman to the depot, where they were Inf, by the Putor, Her. W. HilL ' taken to Ogden for interrment Sn the adrertiiemeBt for the excurLet ' sion, to Hot Spring! JfZKSOXAX. KXHTIOir. hi all ga Miles Tax iron roofing for Toons Bishop Hatch, of Heber, made ns a tore hat armed and U being placed very pleasant call this week. the root. Winnamuck is up again from the Thb trade for the Catholic ehnrch j city. Look out for a big strike or rich abetit completed. Durnford & Bishop discovery. will do the maion work. J. E. Galligher, the foreman of . the It ia said br parties who hare return- Ontario mill, went to Omaha last week ed from Strawberry Valley, that ripe to meet his sister. strawberries are in abundance. Mr. Isaac Huse, Jr. of Manchester, JtTDGK Shtdzb raised his barn in N, II., called yesterday. He is well Snyderrille yesterday. It is 144x36 pleased with the country, and thinks seme of making Utah hi9ome for a feet, and will be used as a hay barn. Tax employees of the Smelter Com- few years at least pany were around yesterday jingling Joseph Duignan, Superintendent of the the gold coin. E. P. Ferry made them Jones Bonanza, has partially recoveed from his second attack of malaria. "You pays your money and talces Thursday morning he went to Salt business. your choice." to g o to either the Hot Lake on Springs or Lake Shore by the excursions Prof. Morton, familiarly known in mining circles as a mining expert on A DAwcnro school has been started in whose judgement and knowledge of Park City and now is the time to obtain mines great confidence is placed, called a knowledge of this amusing passtime. this week. He has great faith in Park See notice elsewhere. City. A effort was made in the early part J. R. Schnpbach and family departed of the week to get np a fisticuff prac- for Salt Lake last . Wednesday. He to tice but tbe principals concluded post- will remain in the city a week or two pone the affair indefinitely. after which he will probably take his Judos Bakin's time has been taken departure for his new field in Butte np the greater part of this week with Montana. the preliminary examination of 0. M. Miss May Earle and Miss Ada Cottle, Welsh for the shooting of Jas. McGrath. from Salt Lake City, are sojourning in Just as we predicted last Saturday. Park City for a few days, visiting the There was no opposition to Uncle John mines and taking in the interesting Recorder sights which the Park and surrounding Sessions and he was of Blue Ledge without a dissenting country affords. vote. Mr. A. Mosier departed this morning Ybterday was pay day with the to look after his stock interests. He Rebellion Company. How fortunate it designs purchasing a number of cattle is for the boys that Judge Hunter's de- in the surrounding sittlemenst, to be cision has nothing to do with their pay- absent about two weeks, after he will go to his herd on the North Piatt. days, v Hatiho is progressing finely in the J. R. Nichols, of Salt Lake, favored valleys, and the crop is said to be ex- ns with a pleasant call this week. He ceedingly good. In some of the settle- predicts that Sal tt.ake ana rarK uty .1 ments in Salt Lake valley harvesting willii ioe unueaji j.i il me. ;iron wnu uireciiv has commenced in earnest. ail before Janurry 1st 1882. Mr. Thx irrepressible Fanny once mere Nichols has a very prophectic eye, and enjoys freedom from behind the bars of we place considerable confidence in his Summit County jail. "Drunk and dis- prophecy. orderly" conduct will be the verdict of D. Dignan has disposed of nearly all the court when she goes again. his Park City property to the Marsac A dance is on the tapis for Monday Company, and will soon move his fami evening, July 25th. It is to he a genu- ly to salt Lake, where he has purchasine social one, and lovers of the light ed a neat and confortable home. Dotn-inic- k fantastic had better seen tbe columns owns interests in several good of this paper next week for particulars. claims here, and will no doubt be in Thiri are in the hands of tbe treas- Park City most of tbe time looking alter urer 51 of the cemetery fence fund, them. We regret very much to lose and as it req uires about $75 te complete him and his esteemed family, but the the fence, why not make a movement destinies of men are not always shaped towards raising the other $24 and en- for the convenience and comtort ot our fellow creatures. close the cemetery? . Yes, it was a bear, and was seen re XOB coldBeeb. cently in the canyon just above Nel- -' Son's ranee. One was seen the day be Be Deer fore beyond careful Valley. By the glass or bottle at Dodge & that yonr children don't go after service Creek's. berries unattended. To be a bonanza king is to became Go and look at Dr. Wingard's, hand the possessor of a geod mining claim. There are plenty of good properties in some soda fountain, and take a drink the immediate vicinity of Park City, of that cool beverage. and all that is required to epen them is muscle, combined with energy and perseverance. New stock. A BtmoB was current on the streets D. F. Keeler begs leave to announce the first of tbe week that the Uintah a. tintid nf that he has lately received a fine stock Indiana ban nrivnn w of stationery, blank books, gold pens, cattle on Strawberry Valley. Not able to obtain particulars we mere' pa pe tries, school books, slates, pencils, ly give it as a floating rumor, believ and in fact most anything that you can call for in the newsdealer's line. He ing there is no truth in the report also has a fine lot of children's wagons, At one time this week there was not carts, and toys of every description. If anew potato in the market The ped- there is you want that he b dlers had not fully recovered from their not got anything he will order it for you and Fourth of July celebrations. V e have have it here in double quick time. Go been informed that they were endeav and inspect his stock. 16- oring to get np a corner on vegetables, and if such is the case, we believe they , nave euccewueu yery wen. Saloon. $t rk gbda3 'gat. a a: ! - Tuesday evening the installation ef the officers of Park City Lodge, No. 7, 1. 0. 0. F- - took place m the hall of the Lodge, in the presence of the majority of the members and several visiting brothers. Grand Master Rogers, acBar-nncompanied by Grand Secretary and other Grand officers, came UP trom Salt Lake and placed the reins of government into the hands or the officers: W H. Roy.N.G.; D. F. Condon, V. G ; E. R. Pearce, R. S.; tbe Treasurer, D. Dignan, being absent in tbe city. The appointed officers were afterwards duly installed in their respective offices. Then followed tbe most pleasant part of the evening's programme, viz: the presentation by the N. G., of a gold watch charm, of the Order, to Secretary, E. K. Pearce, as a token of appreciation for the valuable services rendered the Lodge since its institution. The affair bad been kept so quiet that be knew nothing of it until tbe presentation was made. The Secretary replied in the most feeling language possible, his manner convincing all present that his gratitude to tbe Lodge for their gift could not find in him words sufficient to express his thankfulness. Refreshments being announced there was a general stampede lor i ischel s. where tables filled and groaning under tbe weight, of good things, greeted the yes and excited the appetites of the Iready nearly famished Odd Fellows. After refreshments, short and im promptu speeches were made by Messrs. Rogers, Barnum, Arbogast Moritz and Baunifc-arten- , in which they complimented the officers of Park City Lodge very highly for the rapid growth and the excellent working condition in which they found the Lodge. Every member present enjoyed themselves to the utmost and felt as though with each recurring installation events of this character ought to occur. m lot-low- Giant Powdeb Fishing. Authentic reports come to us from Strawberry Valley, that some of the fishermen in that section aie in the habit of employing giant powder as a means of catching trout when they fail to capture them with their hooks and lines. Men who engage in this dishonorable practice are cognizant ot the fact that it is contrary to law, and when they violate the law knowingly, their punishment should bo extremely severe. The Indians, our informant tells us, complain bitterly of the wholesale slaughter of the finny tribe, and they do not hesitate to make known the means employed in catching the fish. At the present rate in which trout are slaughtered by this nefarious practice, hslung with hooks and lines will soon cease to be a luxury. The patience of the Indians will "become ex hausted and these intruders will bo ejected from the fishing grounds in a manner that will afford an interesting fireside narraive. Fishing with the book and line is said not to be as good as it was a year ago, and the cause may be justly attributed to the use of giant powder. .Shame on men who will so degrade themselves, even in the eyes of the dusky sons of the plains. . Bullion shipments. FoLLowrjfo is the bullion shipment from the Ontario for the week ending July 15: 9,654.73 July 9Saturday 10,792.54 July 10 Sunday 11,460.09 July 11 Monday 9,110.03 July 9,061.97 July 13 Wednesday 6,321,46 July 5,574.91 July 15 Friday esday Total .$61,654.73 be-in- . xixixa THB INSTALLATION . Thb New s. Another Bear Stobt. NOTES. Thi White Pine is distributing its checks around town Ik the Hawkeye, the men are engaged in cutting a station on the 300 foot level. We expect to bear good reports from this mine soon. Tee lower tunnel of the Wasatch is now in about 900 feet Tbe workmen have 'encountered a body ef hard quarUil and tbey expect it will take them about six weeks to get through to-da- y. it J ernes Harm finally came to a delitiaration cision in the Pinyon-Clima- x and rendered it yesterday. He decides that the Pinyon and Climax respectively must commence on tbe vein and wore np on it to find the apex. This, we presume is a preliminary decision preparatory to the finale. The Hidden Treasure is the name of a new discovery about one and one half miles southeast of the Jones Bonanza, which shows up as well as any prospect in the camp,, A vein of four feet of ore averaging about 120 clear acrosshas been uncovered on the surface. The owners of this prospect are so well pleased with it that they have let a contract for sinking an incline shaft 50 feet on the vein. The Jones Bonsnza comes to tbe front this week with tbe information that on Friday last the vein was cut on tbe 300 level and measures eight feet in width, tbe ore being of a much better quality than at any other point in the mine. The Superintendent, Mr. Duignan, informs ns that no better indications could be had for a true fissure vein. Mr. D. has gone to Salt Lake to purchase more piping so as to relieve the 400 foot level of the water it now contain?, when drifting on the vein will be resumed. I he vein in the bonanza has been cut down to tbe 400. Next week we propose pavincr a visit to the Bonanza and personally inspect the different levels, and give the results of our visit to our readers. Once upon a tim. as the story goes, TO T3E in Zion's camp near Kamas, an individual espied a bear on the side of the mountain, about three miles irom camp. He called the attention of bis comrades to the fact and Assured them SUNDAY, JDLY 17, 1881. of tbe correctness of his theory he bad seen the animal move. Hot and Cold Baths, Commodious Ho tel, fine Lunch and Ice Cream He having seen tbe bear move, it was Parlors, Lar?e Dancing Hall, the common consent of all that the Billiard and Sample Rooms dark object was bruin, and that an atis hoot i n e Ga 1 lery .Dresstack must at once be planned. C. voling Rooms, and unteered to go to camp after tbe guns and ammunition. After running the Everything arranged for the Comfort entire distance with a speed equaling Convenience of guests. and close with a grizzly only that of a man at his heels, he loaded himself with all Fare for the Round Trip, Including the firearms in the camp, together with Bath, 82.7. a huge club, he hastened back to where his comrades had been stationed on time had guard. After sufneint elapsed for C. to "get bis wind," the ascent was commenced. At this point the mountain is said to be nearly perpendicular, bnt nothing could daunt if the courage of these brave men. and upward they toiled, through snow, brush and fallen timbers, bent on the destruction of that bear. C. was following closely behind with his huge club on his shoulder and his pock-et- s loaded with irreat boulders. He Funk's new was chosen as a sort of a reserve in case. the guns should fail to perforin their part. Presently the hunters came near enough to behold their srame and heavens! not a Luge grizzly greeted their expectant eyes, but . a monster black stump gleefuly grinned across its FOR BATHS ON charred surface at the disappointed and crestfallen huoter3. The air for half a mile was permeated with oaths, and FRIDAY, JULY 1,1881. the stump actually turned pale. It's not af a to say anything about bears in that hunter's presence. UTAH HOT SPRINGS, se On-war- BatliHouse Opened Au Lkith, as usual, has everything in his li ne that is needed by the Apples. Peaches, Oranges, He has just aade New Potatoes, etc. arrangements to receive on alternate days all the Brook Trout that can be furnished him. com-munit- y: FOB COUNCILOR. Hot and Cold are unable to state whether the Liberals will take any part in this election or not, but some action should be taken mmedlately. If action is not taken mmediatelv br our Liberal committee Mr. Cluff will go into the Utah Legislative halls without opposition. 35,000 Already Sold! Miss Annie M. Baken, for tho last three years at St. Mary's Academy, will instruct a tew scholars m music either on tho piano or organ as desired. The term will commence on July 6th. Te ms, $12 for thirteen weeks, two lessons per week ; $6 in advance and $6 at middle of term. Inquire of Wm. P. o HAS 110 EQUAL Xu the Xtxiid! at Miners Union Hall. Jf r 22-24- J 15 1 For tke -- Ty M. J. 15, ISSt. Hall. 24 26 "NOTICH FOB PUBLICATION. IT'IXEST 1 . ltegMer. B. A. M. Froisath, Att'y for Applicant. 24-'- at lieanonabt l'riret. Notice pob publication. Xumbrr 63 1. rjsiTKD States Lato Ovfick, Balt Lakh Gitt, Utah, July 6, lll. French Calf and Kip constantly Ladies' Shoes made to order. GIVE ME A. CALL! J. S. WHEELER, Manufacturer and Dealer in LUMBER, LATH AND at Kamas, Utah, Dills Cut to Ov-4- JTiimfcffr 632. States Laxd Salt Lakh Citv, Utah, July Office, 2, 188'.. LTxitkd Aoti Xo. Umitkd Statks L.vxn Office, Salt Lake Citt, UTAU.May 3i, 1SS1. 1 "VfOTICE is hereby given that 8:imucl P. 1.1 Hoyt, whoso poRtofHce address is Kamas, Summit county, Utah Territory, lias niado Application for a patent for fifteen lmn-dre- d (IftCi) linear fect of the Crawford lode, bearing silver ad other metals, with surface giutind three hundred fect (:300) feet in width, situated in Elkhorn mining district, in Wasatch county, in said Territory, the same being official survey No, 1, lot No. 37, in mineral district Xo. 8", and described in the official plat and Held notes of suid survey now on itle in this otlicc, with magnetic variation at 17 (leg east, ns follows, Beginning at the dUeovcry monument of said claim, and running thence n 1)7 deg 43 min e on the centre line of the claim 400 feet to a point iu the centre of the eastern end line of the claim; thenen s 23 deg 1") min e feet to post No, 1 of along said end lino 150 said claim; tlicncc n '22 deg 15 min w on said 3(X) line feet to post No. 3, from end eastern which United States mineral monument No. 1 of said Elkhorn mining district, bears s 3S deg 20 min w 370 feet distant : thence a 07 deg 45 min w 1500 feet to post No. 3; thence s 23 deg 15 min e SOU fect to post No. 4; thence n 157 deg 45 min e 1500 feet to post No. 1, the first corner established, containing an area of 10;?1 acres. The location of said claim is of record in the office of the Recorder of Elkhorn mining district, in Wasatch county, in said Territory. The presumed general direction of said Crawford l.nlc Is easterly and westerly, as near as can be determined from present developments. The said claim extends 400 feet easterly and 1,100 feet westerly from the discovery point. There are no known locations adjoining or In the vicinity of aaid mining claim. Any and all pcrsous claiming adversely any portion of said claim are hereby notified to tile their adverse claims thereto in this office within the sixty days' publication of this notice, mor they will be forever barred by virtue of the statute of the I'nited states In such easel made and provided. I direct that this notice be published in the Park Minino Record, the newspaper published ncareot the said mining claim, for the period of sixty days. 11. Mc MASTER, Register. 33-2- 7 Notice Fob Publication. 5 Application fob Patent. Cv 0 j Kratik Gorlinskt, Att'y for Ucifister. . Appk-'ts- Application fob Patent. Jfolite A. TJxitet) States Laxd Ofkicr, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 12, J881. 1 f V OTICE is hereby givra that Hamuet Lryla M. . J.1 Martm NadeL whoae vostoffioa addrww Lake City, Utah, aud Barney Kiley, Brighaisji ex. numiiu", bum ,h. o. nsciii 1111, w uose post office address is Park City, Summit County, Utah Territory, have made application for I'nited States patent for the Roaring Lioni mining claim, Biiuaic 111 a. iniaii JUUiiug m,. trict. Summit Countv, Utah Territory, con. sir,tinL' of 1151 linear feet of the lode and sur. face frremnd "AW fect wide, being lot No lis, mid described in the Held notes and plat of tne omciai survey 011 nie iu tins omce wm variation at 17 degress 20 iuimitn niagnt-ticast as follows: Coniinencin at Uie diicor-ermonument of the claim, thence a Sdrr1 1151 feet t" post No 2; thence n S dri feet to post No a; thenco a 77 de; nun wll.il feet to post Np 4; thence 5 feet to post No 1, the p 0 200 I101W m of surface neginiiing Containing an area apjilicd for of 5.2S9 ak the area in conflict, with tne 11 luclunmjj max uiiiuiiir claim, lot No 174. The area l conflict with the tlimnx mining claim, lot ."o li4, being acre, trom post No U S M M No 4 bears s 58 dog 28 mm e fc'JS.5 feet uistant. record iu the otiice of the ltecorder of said m'uing district at Park Ci y, In Summiu County, Utah. The nearest known iocatiuui! being the Comstock. Wild Bob. tioldeu (iatf Climax and Rebellion. 'r I direct that this notice be published lit Hie Park Mining Record, the newspaper pulif uoticu ui:ici 111c aIU iinniiifr claim, lor tne II. I'vMASTKR. period of sixty days. J Bailey & Tarsons, . p (a Coal and Coke BLACK DIAMOND Location of principal office and 1S!I of Kast Tcuiple street, business, phico Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. Location of works. Coalville. Summit Countv I't.h Notice is hereby given that at a meeting oft the Board of Directors of said corporation,! held ut the office of the Company in the city I ntiu county 01 sail LaKe, in tne O rritory ofl rink ...... unn .1,,, A1U lti, 1.--, an mi w,,., vfi,f ..iuy, Ayii. assessment of lifty (,V) cents yws pcrjohare levied upon the capital stock of Cac corpor. ation, payable on or before the th day of June, A. !. IS81, to H. A. Van Praag, Prcsi. dent and Treasurer of the corporation, at its ollice in tho city and county of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah. , Any stock upon which this assessment remains unpaid on the 8th day of June, 1881, will be delinquent and ad. vcrtised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on lhe25ili day of June, A. D. 18S1, to pay tha delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. J. F. Ckowkll, Secretary. Salt Lake City, May 4, 13.81. By onler of the Board of Director time of payment is extended to July 8, 1881, aud day of sale to July 25, 1881. J- - F. Cuowell, Scc'y. Notice. Sal Laks Citv, June 7, 1881. By order of the Board of Directors, tint of payment was extended to July 2StU, 1881' and day of sale to August 17th, 1K81. C. T. STEVENS, Salt Lake Citt, V. T.. July sth,Secretary. 18S1. Notice fob publication. AVfeo fr. eaa: UXITED STATrst.iVT, witt Salt Lake June 24. Citt. l.sst XTOTICE is herehv ti..,t ik. XI ing named settler hag tiled notice ne.r intention to maKe tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge, or ia his absenec, before the Clerk of the Court of Wasatch county, I. tnh. nt the count,? coot q... i 80, 1881, viz: JohnMoser, of Midway, Wa. .i names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ai-- cultivation L""'1' Vl'-- si,uou Schncitta, John 2,',", ruo,"I'n f nd John Murre, W asitteh all of county, Utah H- McMASTER, RegisffT. Bailey ft Parsons atty'g for applicants. 2228 Ar OTICE is hereby given that the follow. has filed notice of his intention to make iini'l in support of his claim, and that said proof will be niada before the Register nud proof Receiver, at Salt lJikcCity, on Saturday, July SO, 1881, vU.: liana Larson, Homestead Entry No. 4.180, fnr the southwest h. Sec 2, Tp 8 S, R 6 E. Ha names the following witnesses to prove hi. continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Join, J. Tlutyn Nenhl lliayn, John Moor and Quince Alexander, all of Kamas, Summit county, Utah II. McMASTEK, Register? Bird ft Lowe, Atty's for Applicant. 2SSS XI .,ni 3 f V (tOTTLTf StIAIRR. Park City, June Armstrong: You are here. br that I hava in labor and money, on the expended mine situate in Blue e minin district! Wasatch county, Utah. Territory, for assess ments during the years IS70, Ls) and'lKSl" the sum of t:m, and that your of the assessment on said mining proportion claim for the said three years amounts to 40, and that unless tho aaid sum of ?40 1. w. 1, n ninety (KI) days from the expirttio," of this notice, together with costs o ,dvcr Mid wn!,.yOUI'1fnr-,,Vfl'" mine to me by due process U' ,L Kll8sLi-Attest: Park CITt. June 27, Kobt. A. WaddUl. 1,. i.y 17, 1881. Notice. 20-- - I 0Je.r,;;',0B' .?in: Yot are hereby nott. that .we have expended for yon, hi labor and money, the sum of twenty-thre- e " u,,rtJ-lh- cents, onunc mine, tn WMtch tl ? k"' l,nrrdistrU't' county, I i, iv, M.,K uie nmouui oi your asses, mcnt for the year 1880, and unless yon pay tbe same, toin.ihi.r in. .- ng within ninety days from the eiiiira- Ui7 r ' onc-thlr- d i"' - ui uy o,icrRllon ill law. n. lilKKISTH. rAKKC.tr, ,Uit Iti tt ;.ei "not thii SO i tti.. i as . the 1MS to, Vsited States Laxd Salt Laks Citv, Utah, June, ; Oppicb, 1881. Mrs. Emma rro X notified in a poa 6.V9. meni Cit for "S'O. ioa Notice fob Publication. tioltctXo. Ott fI BARRIOS Consolidatedf Minins; Company business. Salt Lake place City, Utah. Notice is hereby irivn ii,.,t Notice. a meeting cf tho Board of Directors of the Barrios Consolidated mining Company held B. John on the 14l!i day of June.lSBl, a dividend was ryO Parry, Park City, Utitti: To arc hereby notified that declared of the remaininir working we, have expended for Ubo?aad stock of 2,500 shares, and the Secretary in- ., ut ivu ... ue hid buiu MOCK CO UlC Stock- - money, the sum of fifty ($50)vou,dollara on Onzzly mining claim, in Uintah mminr dS! u'iuicik.iii i'1'MM.iuou ui mo snares they re spectively hold of the Comnunv'a that W- I'iTJ", such stock will be issued on presentation of "1B"1 tuenny $5;)) dolls' . worth of wont mv biuciv . ci iiiiraii-- 1,0 me secretary nt his ni,,d. ' ice',.,15a' Kaflt T("mP,e strct. Suit Lake agreement, and unless yon Jjithin un ninety day, f,o,n thexpil V (My 01 ,tuly I8S1 jny, vutn, A. .. ..,..,.,, uur 23-28. PATTERSON, taii. . vi9 Secretary. ... interest be i... 1. ,w uo WJ f. opcRiuon Notice. .1 iv 1 f OTICE is hereby iriven that the ful low. ins named settler has tiled notice. r ms intention to maue final proof in of bis claim, and that said nroof support will i, made before the Kegister and Receiver at on salt iaKe tjiiy, Butur.lav, August 6, lmi viz: John Wilkinson, homestead entry No ' 5,2M for tin: n e '4 e !( sec Si, and n w 5- ,u u e, tie names 111c lollowino-witnesse, to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: AVil-JiaGunn, John I.arscn, George Dnriiels Leroy Holt' Hovtsvillo. Summit Countv' LU,h-- J McMASTER, Register, & Lowe, atty's for (23-2- 7 appl. N Regiirter. for applicauta. att'js Assessment Noticb. ) If. McMasteu, Register. Bird & Lowe, att y for claimant. Mill der. t Met, Summit County, UtahofTertitonr " Bisting of 1800 liuear fee surface (mound 3UU feet mints, oJiug i, 186. and described in the Held notes and) of the ofticial surrey on tile in this ot with maiructic variation at 17 degrees as follows: Cotninenc'nir at the discoid monument of the claim ; thence 87 der min w on centre line 200 feet to point in ii centre of the western end line; thence 1 feet to post No 1; tbeor. ,1 deg e 121 30 min e 1500 feet to Boat No 87 dt fect to po,t jjj: thence a 32 dejf w 243 8; Uauce s 87 dejf SO min w 1500 feet to 242 u e 82 No 4; thence dc? feett, No 1, the betfinniiiji of surface boun ftut iu this application and descrhy ,tion area in conflict with the Democrat Kit ing claim, lot No t4, bciii 0 acrf, Area sought to be patented, C From post No 4 the L 0 M M N 4 bears a 1. de 8 inin w U81 feet distant Tbe said niii.. in claim being of record iu tbe office of th,, Peeorder of said mining district, in tui, Ciy, Summit County, Ltah. The nearas-known locations being tbe Pinyon and Pin , yon Extension on the west, Ida Belle on and Congress on the south I direct that this notice be published in? the Park 11 in ins Record, the newspaper pubJ nearest the said miuinr claim, for tin li.McMAStKB, period of sixty days. I fc.TOTICE is hell'llV Hint tltr. follow IN ing named Settler has filed notice of ms iiiieuuou to uiaKe unai prool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be maue ociore me and Receiver Bait Lake City, on Saturday, August 6th ISbl, viz: Jens Es Kelson, homestead entry Xos. 2,724 and 4,4(W, for the n e lA of n e 4 and s e X of n e of sec & t.r 1 n r A i Mo lining it,. r..lln.:.w. nesses to prove his coiitinuo9 residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Hiison, lJavm Leman, E. K. iouiik, George Young, all of Wanship, Summit County Utah. , , com-rteae- ing business in Park City, Utah, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The successor Minvill. 1 II. JI r., , . .,11 !,, ,,! nuiil fii-debtcdncss of said firm and collects all ac Amos Moane, count due. BOOT and HARNESS 24-2- 5 now-a-da- DI3SOLTJTION NOTIC3 JOHN MOHLMAN, Von f LaujfUlin. Kdward P. Ferry. Ptxk Hrrwoi Keency, W. H. Roy, Joseph Frank McLaughlin, F. Ji. LA?fora David C. McLaughlin, whose jlutfcr dress ia Park City, Summit louoty, Vl Territory, have made application tfot L'uiu-States patent for the Cha"p'?" Inx claim, situate iu Uintah Muuaur V4 A'oi'eo So. 0.19. & Miles i.ilo Ageuta for Summit and A Dancing school has been started in Young Land Office at Salt Lake City, ) 6Wasatch Counties. Park City, which should be patronized July 13, 1881. f ATOTICE is hereby clven that Hie foUowins by the lovers of the dance. The school i.1 named settler hfe filed notice of hid iutaotiou will be open in Miners' Union Hall, on to make nual pruof iu support of uis claim, aud Monday, Wednesday and Friday eve that caiu proiif iil bo uadu before the Kigidtir and Receiver at Malt Lae City, on Atmist 24. 1381. vis: nings of each week, for the purpose of Betsey Salisbury, widow of Peter Salisbury, lor the giving instruction in the art, and tor NIVHie see 10, tu s, r 5 c He names tho social enjoyment Particulars may be following witnesses to prove his ceuliuuouu residence upon and cultivation of flaid land, vix : Haobtained from rjr Hetm.ns. of ltoekport. Summit Co; William SHOP, H. F. Schookovkb. WUeelcr, halt Lake Oity; Jalm C. liiaa.ai. of RockNext door to City Drug Store. port, Summit Co; Xlioiaus Gi'ubonn, of Rckport, Rtpaiirng ll i 0 Immense Bargains. Harvard collesre has not turnished a President since the younger Adams. The New York Branch Store is clos Yale, we believe, has never furnished ing out its entire stock of Elegmt Dress one. Goods, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, ' How long before the humanitarian underwear. Uverskirts, uveraiis, labie papers of the East will commence to Linen. Silk Handkerchiefs. Jewelry. talk of the outrages committed on the Cutlery, Pocket Books, and thousands inoffensive Apaches, by the young man of other things at New York cost. Call .. Grizzly .nomas fv. fugb. early, as the goods can not last long at rvumflaihts continue "Hi; ito ' come to ns these prices. The and accommodat ever popular It is said that Iiorillard promised the regarding the irregular manner in the Saloon. Grizzly which the Recobd reaches its destina- - ing proprietor of Episcopalians of Johnstown. L. I., that Lost. Hon in some ot the settlements. If cr. Jack Pape, will still be found at his he would build thera a church if his tain postmasters or postmistresses.what-eve- r place of business, ready to appease the horse won tbe Derby, and tney say he On Julv llfh. between Mr. McKev's the call may be, are not more thirst of man with his excellent brands always keeps his word. house and Park The etc. of finest City, a purse containwines, liquors, lager omce affairs, compunctual in tneir There are about 200 Chinamen who ing coin and notes. Will prove prop plaints will go directly to Washington beer constantly on hand. All kinds ot summer drinks mixed in the finest attend the different Sunday Schools in erty and pay a liberal reward to tho : Sour of Jko. Hawkins, the heads on the shoulders manner. Ye who are thirsty or wish a lirooklyn, and on Sunday they go tinder. . . of several of our young men are nearly one cigar, give him a call. Care of Jno. Humphrey. J through tha streets following each destitute of their golden locks, which other like Indians in single file. causes our aevu to sing: Notice. au The Springfield Republican asks: Bought-Hsold. Well "Put away the combs and brushes, "Does the Republicans present a solid Used by our young gents so fair, To tbe members of the Park City C. R. Barratt of Barralt Bros. Furni front anywhere? Perhaps Gen. Han They will need them hardly evr. Miners' Union, in arrears: You are Cause their heads have been shaved ture House, Salt Lake City, spent (as cock peace to his ashes could answer hereby notified that unless you call imusual) some two months this spring this connundrum were he living. oare. mediately and settle your dues with among the furniture factories of the The President has so far improved the Secretary, your names will be takwell The is States. and result a Miss of large Salt Preece, i Lake, who p that one Democratic paper, the New en off the roll of membership, by order jilting n Park City, met with a pain selected stock of Furniture of every ful accident lbnrsdav evening wlnVi. description, to which they call your at Yoik Krenhia Express, has commenced of the President Park City, Utah, July 1, 1881. to lol to attack him again. It indeed makes will cause her no doubt many days of tention. I heir address is first attacks mild sort its affairs of Mam street. very t nue attempting inuu uu suuei iuf. but tbey are attacks all the same. , to pass out of the back door at Judge Nonar candie3, new brands of cigars, Snyder's lower residence, she stepped In a recent talk with a Washington tobaccos, and everything to suit, the Mam showing the Ontario, Uintah . on the edge of a stone and severely Mr. Blaine denies that he taste and satisfy the appetite at Buser's. Sampson, Rebellion and Rebellion Hill correspondent ,re nkl8 of her left fool !praJ?5 sale ureenewald s, or Keeler s Book has undue influence with the President Dr. McFalls was immediately summoned for Store. Price 25 cents. 23 and narrates, for the one thousandth man maue uer as comiortable as possible. Go to Geo. Brazier's if you want the time, that be was not consulted in re best Ice Cream, Soda Water, tresh to 8 Robertson gard appointment. Bad news has been received this week How is My Face. Bread, Cakes, Pies and Oranges. by Rev. C. W . Hill, from his home in Old Bob Tombs said in bis last speech Maine. Mrs. Hill has taln a k.nv. The Carson Tribune says this was the "They say that I am an independent produced no doubt, by the late illness question ot a not very cleanly mdivuv rebel. I glory in it. If you want butter dished up in one hen my time of her little daughter. The care and ual to a well known bar He comes as here l see me gate opening of those fancy butter dishes, and butter keeper. watchfulness neces.arr fnr i;n stood in front of the counter, and look to me, and tbey call on mo lor mv that u fresh, sweet, and cool, go to child, notwithstanding the presence of Buser's. ing in tbe glass, put the question stewardship, I am ready to say to my nurses, una ooen too much for her weak "Your face would be a fine recommen- God, 'I will never, never, throw salt system, wmcn naa but partially recov dation at the gates of the County Jail upon that sacred altar. Thk soda fountain at Dr. Winirard's nwui ui uuraw oiAnr a year friend; its dirty, bad looking and we. tne vicksourg tieraid savs. drug store is the attraction. Go and past Relative write Mr. Hill thst hU my looks like that of a regular tramp and with delicious soda. 11 L :1 . and nnless a J "are heartily in favor of tbe South from quench your thirst Li. J8 ?uita - J? sam l'uui. UT1 iuuiA' 5 an -rigm, ' t far the better nuisij u effected soon, wechange to the ltio the i'otomac shall the Grande, asked for a matter of being " teUow, "I hoi i aarpriwia w learn of his depar- - curiosity, and just it your reply had been thoroughly and permenantly Yankee- - Drugs, Perfumeries, Patent Medi. ized. Yankee Yankee schoo's. cines and toilet articles of everv descripuio u& lua urn, energy, any way favorablo I would have stop cultivation, Yankee R.iilroads tion, always in stock at Dr. Wingard s Tma weekfthe charitable senses ped awhile and spent a few of these $20 Yankee Mrs. L. F. Gerrish and Mrs. J. pieces with you," at the same time aud Yankee capital ar6 badly needed in Drug Store. a bandfulof the glittering coin the South, and will be welcomed by were aroused showing fiolmv, by the informa at tion that tbe bouse of one McCarty Sequel Barkeeper tearing bis hairs every progressive patriot. the finest Photographs in Salt living at the month of Tbayne's Can cursing his luck, and kicking in the Dorscy and Brady are disputing the City, go to Fox & Symons, main whu-ka of bead barrel nearly empty yon could Le found fit subjects for their field with Conkling. All gallery, 154 ; bran ;h, 142 Main street advertising was Tbe man a hantable imnolana; "Vhar woodchopper just paid of them are pretty well talked abnttt. tti. Louse, and found a mother drd, who on. Indeed, it a very poor averaire editor Bs it remembered that Baser will eu wo smau cyaren, one her own, who cannot represent some not be undersold in anything. uu iud aoe oaa taken - to raise, Mr. CoNKUMi! messages to the puDiic man as a scamp, ibis u yiucr ootn oeing aoont the same age. President have been the sourres warning to keep out of public. Young dance at the condition of affairs great discomfiture to tbe Chicago men especially snonid Know that to be Cool, sparkling soda water at Dr. arouaed the price coma puDiic men we good they may sympathy of tbe ladies 4 mune ana spnngneia liepumlcun, Whigard's drug store. ana rpey ai oqc retrne4 aM possibly chance to retain in their na soliciting mony and rWiiinor tures fill be forgotted or its existence sweeeded in ratsing abont W For Notary Work and Coftveraac denied. The bad will come out and Frfsii California and Utah fruits at make a noise about it, too. nso, ana lumeimrcKita nd clotmpff jinggo: to Jake Ureenewald. bottom juices at Buser's. i'!HTed8tates Lasd OrpMHaV" L'TAn, July fc.iaO. XT OTICE is beretijr jflvea that jame Salt Lee Citt, 1.4-1- Every Machine Warranted. Sanoino school, 84t . I Park City, Utah, Jnly O- - X - Xotiev So. w riTTE niililie ia biTchi nnMBod. Hint 11. i A linn of Mosher A II all , heretofore do. Machine it Labor-Savin- g Fob Patsxt. Application - mine '"I",IIE partnership heretofore existing un-der the firm name of Funk & AVei.- -t is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Wrist retiriug. All liabilities of the said firm will be paid by the undersigned on pre J. K. Fi'XK. sentation of bills. Colby Washer, As I3zilli!S, - - - SO Dissolution Notice. THE ATTENTION. Baken, A T II '8! Notice. The Utah Legislature approved an Those indebted to roe and whom act Feb. 20, 1880. which converts Sum have favored, will please help me out mit, Morgan, Was.iteh and- Uintah indebtedness forthwith counties into one Council district. A by paying their Councilor had to be chosen to represent at my place ot business. 13. McGeatii. Jas. this district, and as the Liberal party Park Citt, July 2, 1831. made no movement toward such a pro ceeding, the people's party took the in Born. itiatory step on Monday last and nominated Hon. W. W. Cluff, of Coalville, WADDILL In Fnrk City, "Wednesday morn for tbe office of Councilman, without a inc. to the wife of R. A. Waddill, Esn., a dissenting voice. Summit county's daughter. Mother mid child doinsr well. delegates to the convention were J. C. Robert is happy over the eTent, but the lit Kounuy, Alma lUclndge, b. 1. Atwood, tlu stranger does not prevent him from at M Malan, and Charles Kichens. We tending strictly to business. office LEGAL NOTICES. Grand Excursion Artm5ir,"WO0,iAj flC IT Mai 4eg ing retCiti kn 8a n I Pah liah pari - |