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Show O Or The HiBxmvia. Qfch, 8JLTURDAT, JCLT 18, 18S1. Tin rapidity of f Colorado, nuke faim aua ia mining nutters. Liadville is gaining an unenviable reputation as a dividend paying camp. Another swindle has been perpetrated upon the unsuspecting public, and as usual, by a mining corporation of the carbonate camp. This swindle was gotten np by the Hibernia Consolidated Mining Company.whose principal office is in New York City. Tbe.Hibernia for the month of June, took out scarcely enough ore to pay its running expenses, but Tabor and the Eastern directors, were determined that a dividend must be declared for July 2d, or the stock would depreciate on the stock board. .What those Eastern stock Tabor wantgamblers and ed was to run the stock np to a high figure, then unload, step down and out and leave a score or more of disappointed and swindled stockholders mourning for their departed wealth. Tabor favored the payment of a dividend, because he writes to the Secretary of the company, in New York as follows: "If yon can borrow $16,000, I will not particularly object to paying the dividend, but my preference is that the company should rescind the order." This, he writes, on the mere supposition that at the end of Jane he expected to have that amount of ore on hand, after all expenses were paid. What be based his calculations upon no one knows, as it is said the ore in sight is mostly an inferior grade third class no great returns being expected. To throw more light upon this swindle, we quote what the Denver Republican says of it: "Hibernia deal paid its manipulators. They originally collected about 140,000 shares at fifty cents each, took it to the mining boards, bulled the price np to $1.50 and than unloaded, getting rid of their entire holding at mm than double their first cost" The above is but a repetition of sever al swindling schemes in Colorado and elsewhere. Capital seeks investment where profitable returns are assured, and in many cases it makes no differ-anc- e whether a man is winsome or re pulsive, the value of the property is what takes the eye of the investor. Ex- Governor Tabor at one time had the confidence of the people in Colorado, but by this crooked movement, he is looked upon as no better than a common person, and not as honorable as the man who earns his daily bread with the pick and shovel "All is not gold that glitters," be it metal or genteel' man ners. . Tabor dangerous Tmt track of the Atlantic and Pacific miles of Colorado IL is laid to within forty C t!w Little Eirer, A.T. Gtctfowdkb, bombs, dynamite, and other pleasant articles nitro-glycerin- e, continue to be found scattered about in Cassia, at places likely to be honored by a visit from the Czar. It is all mere accident of coarse. The New York legislature tans far has failed to elect Senators to fill the vamade by the resignations of cancies Conklinff and Piatt. Whether they will succeed this year or not, will be a mere question of time. Be careful not to write messages on the margin of newspapers when sending them to your friends. The United States Court recently fined a woman of Chester, PeniL, $10 for sending a few words ia that manner. Trx English are going crazy on the subject of Indian gold mines. The English will find the Indian gold mines to be excelent outlets for surplus capital. It will never come back for no one erer knew an Indian gold mine to pay. Tax Tucson Star says that the carrying Dustnew f Uu Southern Pacifio is rapidly increasing; an arerage or os cars are sent forward daily to the front from this point Tucson merchants are receiving on an average one car of freight per day more than three months ago. The superstitious who found their faith in the inauspicious quality of Friday much fortified by the killing of President Lincoln on that day will be staggered by the sbootinjr of President Garfield on a Saturday. Still, they can fall back on the fact that he was inaugurated on a Friday. The railroad king, Jay Gould, has recently made another large purchase, but for a wonder it is out of the rail- road line. He is reported as having purchased General Grant's farm near Mo..Jor $75,000. The farm contains 6 ver JSXTtes Ttna is wen im tt-I- swwu. ni proved. . his late address before the alumni association of Ro chester University, took a tilt at at the corporate monopolies: He said: "The standard Oil company has only to add five cents to the cost of a measure of material it produces and in so doing it will tax this whole nation $10,000,000 a week ! We can stand this thing a little longer, perhaps, but we can't stand it long." This seems a little bad. But as long as the company do not charge the extra five cents, what is the occasion for getting scarred or mad. Kerosene light is almost as cheap as daylight. If the company should commence bearing down to hard, the people would rise in their power, and get some cheaper light, iost as they would build railroads of their own if Gould and Vanderbilt and Yillard and the rest should commence crowding them too' hard. There is a limit to what the corporations can venture upon in the way of exactions. Jcdoe TouRGEi.in A vest important mineral discovery has recently been made in Nevada, one of great need to the American people, and which, if properly developed, will prove a bonanza to the fortunate discoverers. Tbe discoveries are large beds of nitrate, similar to tbe famons ones in Chili, from which that government has derived large revenues, and which have been of so much use to the world. OUITEAXT'S IKSTSBAHOS NESS. Guiteau's experience as an insurance agent k i (wenjimited to his transaction with the Equitaoie Company. He has also done some business with the Mutual Life Insurance Company, one of whose officers said yesterday: "We knew Guiteau for several months, but only as an insurance broker. Tbe business he brought us amounted to but very little and we knew nothing more of his affairs. He said, and we. knew.that he had done some work for the Republican Central Committee, and he seemed to think that the party was under obligations to him, though he never mentioned, that I know of, the expected appointment to a councilship. He never tried to swindle us in any way, and in fact he had no opportunity to do so. He once wanted me to advance some money to him that would be due in six months, but I did not do it I think the papers have all along given a very fair discrip-tio- n of the man's character. He certainly never impressed me favorably; he may have been a little daft, but his transactions with ut did not show any traces of insanity. He attended to his business as other people would have done. Although he was never well dressed ho was always presentable. Sometime last March we lost sight of him and have not heard of him since except as the assassin of the President" do not err en'the ia The Omnibus Line a The Chicago Inter-Ocea- n talk of the socialist Wild sane man could arrange it, and the universal verdict of the people is, execute the culprit at once, and make an example of him and prevent similar attempts on the lives of public men. thinks the extremists, was the subtily baleful influence which wrought the distorted, perverted mind of the man Guitteau up to the pitch of attempting the murder of the President. ething There is in this country somextreme, wild socialism that in France develops into commun ism, and m Russia into nihilism. But no one ever believed there was enough of it to threaten any serious harm, or to become really an appreciable danger. It haa reached a mild form of development in greenbackism;but that was too mild to be cause of serious alarm ; and then in that form it has not keen strong enough to exert a percepti-t'- s ir.laence. There is sometimes a this socialism in trades unions ? Vor organizations, . but never ' 4 ; t control them. But while ma sentiment js too weak to rnl elect upon the masse, ,c 'T-- - "ire&ten serious dinger lo 1 it may so work upon V1"- -. bring him op to the 'v: committing a deadly resfntatiw of eta-- Is bis Recent Debate on the capital punishment bill in the House of Commons Mr.Crcpper made a remark with which all Americans will emphatically agree, if President Garfield should fortunately recovsr from the effects of the "iff x'7, . Park City time is than Railioad time. 80 3Iaiii treet BTSPECIAL ATTENTION PAID Boots and Shoes! Wholesale A. J. T7UlTl3,lpe?. . II . PIT, IY.IT A X7. S. Park-Oity11- - TO ALL ORDERS. f Q!5 ' Ltira rtrwirs, trts-- dayt, TknndjysMtl gatnrdaya. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. and Retail Dealers in UNDERTAKER. I DINS AT Constantly on band a full supply of Metallic Burial Cases and Wood Coffins, CLOTHIITO AND FURNISHING GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Miners Supplies. Together with a full assortment of Good generally. I am prep red to do everything in my line in fine stock of Wines, IJqnort and Cigars and Tobaccos. Milwaukee Beer by the style and at reasonable Case or Bottle always on hand. Call and see us. prices. tToder-taker- s' TheChicagoBakcry t mmm nn a a tosh first-cla- ss Also, TABS CITY, UTAH, Oritn 88 ROBtPT Mi UNDER, Proprietor, A SPECIALTY! EMBALMING KLESEL & ROGERS. by IcUer or Kltfrrpk ttitt Meaiwt Fnmpi JliUntUm. East Side Main Street, OGDEX, UTAH. . PAFR CITY, UTAH FRESH SELECT 0YSTZH3. 1 PARK CITY, UTAH. FRESH CANDIES, Clolfi lug, swJiH Running a r ancriiroceaies, . MANTELS in Marble, Slate and Z7w Pioiteer IllllOlil SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. COBBESPONDENTS: Ken Tort, J. B. Colgate k Co.; San Fravinoo, Bank of California. AKent Home Mutual Fin lu mimic Company, San Frandaoo. Leaves Every Dny. Sirm Suit Lakt and ( O&tt WALKER HOUSE CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Park City, Utah, Under one Management, I. SIMONS, Proprietor. THE 111) OXLY Good Beds HOTEL IN PARK CITY. and dation Salt Lake Accommo First-Clan- s for O. S.ERB, Proprietor. City, tjt. Traveller. 1 IP AHItf THE DC TEBXS: 81.50 to 82.00 per da vac cording to room. Per week, 88 to '810. Main Street, Salt Take City, Utah, S. C. EWING, Proprietor. PAPER HANGING, Miss Maggie Bowman, EXCHANGE, Kalsomining,Etc. given u. .0 p. a. k. m. 8S) CLIFT HOUSE & DOMESTIC to Collectioua. In rormertioit with the abov a RESTAURANT, where the aim-rrr- y will Hud the latest and freshest vereta. bles and Incuts. Meals at all hours. Board reduced to $5.00 per week. Give me a eall. s Tables svpjdied icith everything the market affords. DEALER pnldtobnyinu rABT!CCLAB sttenttou Stocks. Careful attouuoa . DECORATIVE T. B. JONES, , Daily. Park City Hotel PRACTICAL ' SALT LARS CITY. Fresh Beead, Piss & Caxzs fin hare 8410 a. m. 4:00 p. Kimball & Peabce, Proprietors (Late of Salt Lake City,) p. O.Dox,ioes. Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AXD J. L. SMITH, Fire Brick Works. BANKER rark at), Painting!- - Iron. 0loe. Hain Street. V Stac GROCERIES, Canned Goods, etc. Hrst-elim- Stag, leaves the Salt Lake at... " arrive, at the " arrives at Park City hotel st " leaves the " " The GRAVE AND MONUMENTAL 4 AiR Ltkt enough to meet all competition. Offin at V. P. Builders & Contractors, Pirlt Cilf The stock, stages, drivers and mucin tion 1oub the road are the very best, and the traffic rates are low Hardware and Miners Supplies, Wines, Liquors, Etc., AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. tired betwn . i. MORRIS & EVANS, CIOAIfS, TOBACOS, Stage Mine! FANCY Importers axd Dealeks in . T A Full Line of Salt Lake and Pass FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER help IIIAVE practical to frlve employed, nnd am prompt attention and AXD MILL1XEB, satisfaction to all. References from all painting houses iu Salt Lake City. door First North of Fiichri's Iiegtanrant, PARK 3TSliop In Snyder's livery stable buiMlntr, foot of Main street (if- Fancy Goods and Notions. Dress Goods, Buttons, Kilboiis, Fancy Ornaments for the Hair. All kinds of Fancy Card Board, - THE mil-Bell, in every wond-cla- n Hotel ia the citr with M room. Hot and Cold Watsb Baths. a Board and Room u . per day. 1M to 2DO " week, 8Mto JOffl Trim-minjr- m City Drug- Store. EARN BROS., Zephyrs, Etc. WllOI.FJAI.P TkviIFln w . Agent for HcCall's Bazar Patterns and Bntterick's Fnll Stock of Fall Millinery on (I H 9 O Ms Livery PESLUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ' Buggies, Wagons, Carriages Brushes Etc. and Saddle Horses . on Hand.. erf-AGENT ron- ENAMEL - Special attention PAINT, pi ionJS BREWERY! Main Street, opposite Slarsac AT ALL AND SADDLE HOURS. AFOBTSB, in in irain I Kelt - in STAGE St Door to Ottttalielmer'st; ff. PISCHEL, Proprietor, AND ! UNDERTAKER. Hit. sixt of Coflilns and ColBi. wlflieptcn hand, ? I H fli WShop opposite Park . Garpcntrx Heber and Park City LIKE, Watson, Pbop'b, " rrkfcUjr j filOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. U.p.m. Passcnyors, Freight and Express licasonablo. &M(or. JOBBING ItnrcS Itcbcr Dall St S.oO a. m. : i tvuinacmal. to order. Careful attention given to boarding Travelers coining; to' Park City will Had Good. Accommodatloni dtid Qniet HootriS; Second sWvh, bet. Main ."Special attention paid ! e -- & 115 MAIN STREET, ' -- fi&RSES! Always on hand. U Ball suppers gotten up m abort notice, rite table win be ainplied witb all tbe delicacies of tbe 113 mTTTTVEVD m u i i iir I'm, CARRIAGES Xsln S.tecct, Park City. MEALS ETC, ETC, ETC. W. Fennemore, A. M. SMITH, Prop. In connection with the Chop IIousc, I bare opened a &iOXAltz; AlE horm. And Feed Stable PARKCITYQ2 CHOP HOUSE, I to hoarding iLnviEiHLTn Salt Lass City, Utah. GOOD TVILLOTY SALT LAKE CITY. prietor, or to the foicinun, Wlllard Snjder. Csiffqlly Prepared. CALIFORNIA & J3TAH bills are payable cither to the pro READY MIXED FOR USE. l3i'os-4er- i WOODEN I PARK CITY, UTAH. WINDOW GLASS, 3 Tobacco & Cigars Feed G.(jr.3NYDER, Prop Si Varnislies, Putty, a & STABLES SPONGES, PAINTS, OILS, O (rROCERIESa pnouioiono, DEALER IX Drugs, Medicines, h Hand. Hats Trimmed and Done Over in any atjl. desired. Needles at. for 8inger Sewing Machines . E. C. WILLIAMSON, And Lumber Yard. PLANING, Scroll Sawing, r. stage Boots ajtd shoes, ajtd Hutebj? Sumjxs Qznxrallt. minutes slower murderous attack of Guiteau. Speaking in favor of the bill Mr.Cropper said: "It seems to me that when the sentence of death is carried into execution we often punish rather. for the result of And all kinds of Mill work done on the crime than for the crime itself. We wait, for instance, to see whether short notice. Dealers in tne crime was a rauraer or a savage Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldassault. If the person who has been I ings, Rustic, Matched T, & GK Flooring, eta. attacked chances to recover, the offense I does not amount to a murder, and yet Doer and" Window Frame, and Store1 the crime must have been the same oil Fronts made to order.-- Estimates o the part of the crimrtal U such a ease buildings furnished ofi short notice.( s man oueht to be punished for his crime and not tor its results " The remark of another member, Mr Pease.' is the same debate is afwafptieahfo Iff fea Omfrejt, nance??, tU tlMMS & SON. 5 . Staple and Fancy Groceries, Clothing, Henry Wagener, Park City Planing Jinx Mil t A.J.T7HITE3 - ftHYbElt, Prvp. B. A. Jcane, Conductor. Jf. B. of the o i.i Dexter Livery Stable! O. "Smthllckes 'En." GOODO! EofrGHEItTY it B0T7HAN, BUSI- The President now seems to be out of side all immediate danger, and the question of harshness. Julie Chennevieres, who uppermost in the minds of the people had surrendered, was tried for setting at the present time is, what will become on fire the wood-yar- d of a married lover of Guiteau? His case must pass who had slighted her, was triumphant- through a certain course which, to ly acquitted. M. Lachaud had invest- the average American, under such cired the case with a sentimental interest cumstances, is uncomfortably tedious. Toombs and Davis, and the girls father had paid the com- There will be a preliminary examina General Robert Toombs, being asked for tion, an indictment by the Grand Jury, pany which insured the wood-yar- d if there was any difference its losses. followed by a trial in the lower courts, recently between him, the Cabinet and Jefferson and if found guilty, an appeal taken to Davis while he was in the Cabinet of The Atlanta Constitution reports the Supreme Court, and from that up to the Confederacy, sud: "Yes, sir, a serious one. I was secretary jof Judge O. E. Cochrane,'of Georgia, who the higher courts until the patience of very state and as such was endeavoring to has recently returned from a trip the American people becomes exhaust secure recognition by foreign powers, north and west as saying: "You want ed. Every day voluntary information and it was I '.hat sent Taney to Europe a point. The son of old Abe Lincoln, is produced to show that he is not in for that purpose. Both France and the present Secretary of War, will be sane and was not at the time of the England were ready to recognize us, but they objected to slavery. I replied the President of these United States. attempt of the murder. It has been that slavery should not stand in the He was one of the 306 Grant men at asserted and upon good authority, that way of our recognition. I then demandChicago, and could bring that wing up. Guiteau was seen at pistol target prac- ed the right to issue a proclamation of He1 '8 freeing every slave with the Administration, and tice two days prior to the shooting. On emancipation, the stroke of the by pen will be distasteful to that wing. Do I another occasion, he was seen in conver- as it was finally done. Davis and the know him ? I do, and he's a man with sation and was heard to remark that Cabinet neither had the sense nor the the same wonderful magnetism that his "the work must be done at the depot nerve to take such a course. It would father had. You look out for Bob Lin- when he attempts to board the train. have made the success of our cause as certainly as the sun will raise en anothcoln." Long Branch is not a' suitable place." er day.. . Davis hadn't the courage. His past history, both private and pub- The proclamation could have been for Astbokomebs, like the rest of us, are lic has been traced from his boyhood gradual emancipation and then repufalliable. Speaking of the comet for up to the present time, and his whole diated, as Washington did the nentril-it- v treaty, if necessary. We had plentv instance, one estimates that its nearest career is far from being a pattern for of precedents for such action. I would to earth was to follow. man the His . point 23,000,000 miles, any young wife, have taken the responsibility, and another 19,000,000 miles; another places from whom he is divorced, says that ought, as secretary of state, to have the distance at 10,000,000, and thinks the Guteau is not insane, but that he was been allowed to, but Davis wasn't a neither was he a statesman earth passed through a portion of the in his natural element when he made diplomat, or a soldier." the assault on tbe President She says comet's taiL The diameter of the estimated at from 1,000 to 10.000 she was compelled to separate from him miles, and that of the gaseous envelope because of his cruel treatment He surrounding the nucleus at lrora 20,000 has an unenviable reputation as a wife to 200,000. But of course the ignorant beater, scoundrel and vagabond. Bob make connections with trains masses shouldn't kick at trifling discr- Ingersol says he is not insane, and gives WILL Park City as follows: Will lcare the Ontario at C:l5 and Park City Hotel epancies of a few millions of miles. good aud sufficient reasons to substan- at 6:30 for themill 0;53 a. hi. train going north. his belief. tiate consider face In the should themselves of all Will leave Park City Hotel at 3 o'cloek for They lucky to have comet at all, and try very these facts, is it just and proper to per- the S:30 p. m. train going north. Will he at the depot for all incoming hard to believe all the stories that the secute the public mind with slow, trains. His tell at murthem. attempt justice? tardy sky carpenters OFFICE AT der was arranged as carefully as any French juries niOTOHE! H7 ness and badness the distinction is vague," and it is better for the public U be on the safe side in such matters. Car-rlc- il Plans and Estimate for Bull. luffaudttcpolrsoirou. 7 |