OCR Text |
Show zoo - U. rI I, ErmflT vo a A i vast, f i .iOiDfo" V. PARK CITY; STOMPfiCv " unlrtlon 7LA1 . - . 'if "7 Park v MnrJ-ii- T Bv. twi or4 and fourth cwamy, -- da w keld Otj, Baa. ...The Chum of in ijMBbert of am solournlns; brethren Wedneadey e TTAH, SATURDAY, " President, and there u no probability ;' tL: Pn"Y or death. The people have no cum fur ernor t- alarm. General Garfield m rettrng ifon : below 1 la FaTor er tfct Ka-- soe.lent.t well; there is no plobaLllity , m rot L ' ' , of deaths i ,8EXee?Ue iMexica.tr 4 h .". day 1' raiiesl tbroaglt J of fir tjr Indian . GonzalesI" Of th - 1 'ii la ; asstes-lodge- 1 nephew of Got- "'"Jiana. The , t in -- JULY leg At Notices. LEGAL NOTICES. Patent. appucatiohpok .. JKaftojr.'44. . , Vxrrat State Land Or rice, S. ut Lakc Iiti Utah, July 8, VSSL rOTICE Is herehv given that Jamra killed several men, d seventeen head Indians aLo H at-th- at I APPL1CATI0X 1 I I ;a I - if t (- t"-e- n - . Wis. Justice cf the Peace; 1 ' 1 . lin, .j fst iP"? rrl -- j - ! VM .fcdT. LZf ', I rJ; J.' j :.ii-rr3ICIAl- , T5& . I io ds ' g JunL 1 J.Vi-loo- .f v?bZ u ,- PrnrTTtr . ifr 0 e 0 feet to post No S; thence v 14t a .12 deg e l.VM feet to post No 4 thence a 44 3& 'JOOfect to pest No 5; thence s min deg 82 deg ." milt w 1317 feet to post No 1, the beginning of surfsce bound. Including Ik this application und. description area in connict with tho Democrat mining claim, lot No 84, containing 0 . 0 acres, and eluding the areas in eonltit--t with tbe Walker snd Walker exteiision mining ciaim.. lot No (1-10040, containing acres; vwhb Chief of the Park, lot No 91, containing O aercs; with Hidden Treasure No lot No lift, containing 0 acres; With Boss, lot No 130, containing 0 acres; with Baby, lot No 137. containing 0 acres; with Ida Belle, lot No UK, containing 0 o No Zuck acres; with Chandler, lot g 100, 1 0 acres; with Congress, lot NalS7, containing lOtM.HtOO acres. Area 0 acres. From sought to be patented, 1 post No 8 the C 8 mineral monument No 4 hears n 41 deg 34 min w S0. feet distant. The said mining claim helngof reoord in the oftice of the recorder of aaid mining district at Park City, Summit County, Utah. The nearest known locutions being the Pinyon and Pinyon Extension on the west Hidden Treasure No 2, Ida Belle, Ckitnpioa and Congress ou the north, Democrat, Chief of the Park and Zack Chandler on the east, and Buckeye. Boss. Baby aud Samusou on the south sides. 4 , , Wo be In I direct that thu ram Jltxiso Rkookd. thopublished riewsoaner published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of sixtv davs. min 34 33 . DENTISTS! r 5 r-f flU-ntiu- iiiliihi-claiiii- Atto i n o y; Sub-tan'- tt , H. M'cMAHTER. APPLICATION ou-lb- s. fr f u , ; , s nieti-of-w- w -- ane-ha- A'orle : ; A to-da- y Patent. west-boun- ' r- L nofc-ho- . ' . 5 . 111 '...... " e . - 0 '. . alt Cm, ia hereby VfOTICE r vca " r . i. r a United States patent k, for ; " 1 XI Hoyt,whoaepo.iv- dunmit County, Ctak, t , . liaaar feet of Die key V ert w'; ing silver aud other groundTotwo hundred (a ji fm ij . aatcd Blue Ledge kinlng DUtrkt, u County, Utah Territory, te-t .sj ingofllciat survey No. 61, Lot So. eral district No.. Hft, and dear- . 1 U official. plat aod . field.. Botes tf (1500) . survey a aow-o- . t ta ftia . t, - with martavtl TarUUo at 11 f E silo east, as follows, i , the discovery point of saxf eiu . ilng theuce a S6 deg U asiu ; of tlie claim, 750 fed to a po'nt li I f Wieaastcrly end line ef ua ; 18 deg w 103. feet to post No. 1, at t corner of tbe claim; thence n 54 d r 1 t w 713 .38 feet to post Na thence a . J d ' to Kt No S at tlie s w corner tlie claim ; thence n 18 deg e 300 feet So . No 4. at tite n w comer of thsclnUa; ttua- s 73 deg e 7ou8recttopotNo.Silhena-SO deg M min e 73d.r2feet tcrpost Nod, at U ! n e corner of tbe claim;, tticucd s H d w alontr the eastern cud line of tlie rluha juT S; feet to post No 1, tbe point of beginning ths: sunace. nounaary, enniutiiiar an area in . 4 acres. From said post No 4 U 8 mineral monument No 3, in Uintah Mining District, SummU 4Vtintv, baara 40 deir So min a' 8473 feet distant. The location of claim is of record in the office of the Recorder of ' Blue Ledge luluing districtv In Wasatcb county, Utah Territory. The presumed ren-trcourso or direction of said Key Vtest lode is easterly and. westerly, as near as can be determined from present developments. The said claim extends 750 ifeet each way from the discovery poiut. All persons claim- hig adversely any portion of said eltHm are to Die their adverse claims thereto In this office within tlie sixty days ' publication1 of this notice, or llisy will forever barred by vlrtiuMMi' "titr oriiie L'uito etnttn tn siVc h cases provided. 1 direct that this notice be published in thePAiuc MlXl.NO Bbcoud. the newanaiM' published nearest the said mining clatin, foi : the period of sixty days. ri r : . UcMASXER,' Be.datr. ' , ... m sen t ti ied hercby-trMit- It, ! FOB PATEXT. " to-da- '. 24-83 . - eoma-bejor- a thJst. pob-lishe- d m. 1 - 1 11 . Ko. 140. Appuoation pob patpitt. . ' . .' t wl7 lhwn.i .i t it paieitt. APPLICATION ; FOB PATENT. ' 843. Statxs Land Orrtoa, if l; A'a. .'.,.;" TJurntD ' Uxitkd Stateb Land Office, Salt Lakb Citx, Utah, July 1,1881. . riven thai Arnold 'is hereby Wall and Robert 1. Jobnionr of Park iCity, Summit County, Utah Territory, have "VdTtCE ' I Saw Lak Out, Utah, ly V, Ml.y c, made for a United States patent VT0TICE is hereby given that Andrew for tbeapplication Nellie Wall mining claim, situateNn J A.1 Lundin, Peter Anderson, snd Swan 01. Uintah Mining District, Sumoify County, ! sen, whose pbstoffico address is Park City, Utah Territory, consisting, of 1,800 linear summit iounty, citan lerritory, ana r ran K feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet aclress is Salt Lake wide, being lot No. 108, and described in tbe City, Silt Ijikc County, Utah Territory, have Held notes and plat of the official survey ou made application for a Uuited States patent file in this otlli-e- with variation at for the Bull man mining claim', situate In 17 deg eust, as follows;magnetic Commencing at tbo Uintah mining district, Summit County, discovery of the claim, thence along centre . uuiu Aerruory, cousisting oi iui-- uncar teet line n 87 deg 30 min e lr'!00 feet to centre of of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet eastern end line of the claim, thence n 3 deg wide, being lot No 305, and described in the 30 min w 100 feet' to post No. 1, tbence s 1 j Held notes and 30 min e 300 feet to post No. 2, thenco plat of the ollicial survey ou tile In this office with magnetic variation at deg s 87 deg 30 mm w 1,500. feet to post No. 3, 17 degrees east, as follows: Commencing thenco n 2 30 min ,w 300 foot to No, at the discovery monument of the claim; 4, thence 87deg 30 min e 1,500, feetpost to post ' dag thenco along centre line n 73 dee 40 miu e No. 1, this from descrip. excluding, however; 331 feet to point tn centre of eastorn end tion, area in ronlliet with the Munadore min. . lino: tnonco s 13 cleg o mm o UW feet to Ing claim, lot No. 101, containing acres, s 73 deg 40 min w 1014 feet area In coiifllct with post No 1 ; thence. ....... mill site, ' iitnnii Km ' ' !, ...... Ill ...... .WUI kit No. 87 B eorrtainlng O.015 acres, ares in.' feet to post No 8; thenco n 7a deg 40 min e conflict with the Kervin mining claim, lot' 1014 f;ct to post No 4; thence s 13 deg 40 No. 58, contniningO.OtB acres. Area sought min e 200 feet to post Ng 1, the beginning to he patented 5500 acres. From No, ' of surface, bounds. No conflicts. Area 3 the U. S. mineral monument No. post 1 bears acres. From s 33 souirht to be patented. 4 48 min e 1,346.65-10feot distant,' deg post No 3 U 8 ntlnora) monument No 4 bears Tbe said miuing claim being of record in tho s 7H deg 41 mm w 183o feet distant. The office of the Recorder of said mining district said mining claim being of record in the at Park In Summit County, Utah. The.' olflcoof the recorder of said mining district nearest City. kuown locations being the Kervlat at Park City, Summit' County. Utah. The and Ontario mill site on the south, and the . nearest known locations being the. Sampson Munadorc on tbe south east sides. No 2 on the scuth, and Chief of tbe Park on Idireet that this notice be published In the the west . Pauk MijflNO Rkcoko,-thnewspaper pub- I direct tiiat this notice be published in the lished nearest the said claim, for tha Park .Mining Record, the newspaper pub- period of sixty days. wining McMASTEK, "' lished nearest the said mining claim, for the : ' Register, '' l H. McMASTEK, period of sixty days. ' Frank Gorlinskl, Att'y for Applicants. ' . v , '. ; 0 0 . it Register. . 0 nt r.,i'.CUtobVatL4w Lab ' A'Miee.Va. flr-- . "? .; TTrrD Statct Laud Orrica, 1 ., Vhitso Statbs LAXvOFnca, i ' . Salt La Cm, Vta, July 9, ISSI. 8AI.T Lak Citt, rjTia. May g, 1881. f "VOTICE Is hereby given that Edward P, aTOTICK ta hereby given that aUohaet Bhuvh- - . 11 Kerry and Francis Smith, whose post-olUe- A nuuy and Kudont ShaiuUumav, whoa Bost-oUladdress is Park Citv, Summit County. address Is Salt Lake t'ltr, rah, andUtah Territory, have made application for "a mcii.i-wjawo posiuuice- auaresa la United States patent for the Zack Chandler Park City,ivruui,, Summit Comity, Utah, have mad mining claim, situate in Uintah mining dis- application for a United States patent for trict, Summit County, Utah Territory, con- the North Side No 3 mining claim, siViate In i sisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode, and Blue Ledge Mining District, JVaaaU-- Coun-tsurface ground 300 feet wide, being lot No Utah Territory. consulinir of UTS 1ln.se WO, and described in the held notes and plat feet af the lode and surface ground 300 feet of the official survey on tile ia this olfloc, wide, being lot No 10, and cleseribed in tha with magnetic variation at 17 deg 30 min e ncia notes ana or the official survey ou as follows! Commencing atthe initial pol lit Die in this oitic-- plat with msguetic variation at of the discovery of tho claim; theuce a 10 10 degfeca 30 minutes cast as follows; Com. deg 11 min w 107 0 feet to post No 1; mencing st tlie liiitial point, in the centre of thenc o n 78 deg 50 min e 1500 feet to postNo tlio eusteru end line of the clsiui, Ihence n 3: thence 11 13 cleg 40 min w 200 feet to post 18 deg w 91 feet to witness post for corner No 8; thence s 70 deg 50 min feet No 1, 100 feet to corner No 1: thence a 88 dear 3: topostNo4; thence s 8deg w 201 0 feet 85 min W 1478 feet to post No'niiAjrg V u to post No 5; thence s 13 deg 4Q miiLe-5Z- ; lust tm p f""" dflg W . nT1 e T 4 tawne . m 4; a.a Ui po rtna t feel ""f:""ll"0r aujiaca bouuds, Iucladlng in tils description the aeg w tin reeno witness posi.wr eorner n . n 11 1. No which I from the. bears de In w comer area Democrat milling coullict. with c'aini, lot No 84, containing lUHUOOO acres, 9 feet dlstan t, ilTwlug thehegltm tng of ennae . and excluding the ares, in conflict oounus. uoummiug an area oio o acre. with tho mining claim, No conflicts. From poet No 4 C S M M No Congress 0 lot No 187, containing 0 acres. bears 15 deg IS min e l&Kl feet distant. No,! The said mining claim being of Area sought to be patented 0 acres. conflicts. record In the office of the Recorder of said l From poat No 1, the U 3 mineral monument 4 No hears n 88 cleg 18 min w 83 feet dis- mining district McHenry's tiulch, in Wa-- . tant. The aaid nitiiiug e)ulm being of record sateh County, Utah. The nearest known lo. . in 'li! olllce of the recorder of said mliilnar cations being the Jesseu, Gleneo and Sofia. I direct that this nothe be published Ut district at Park City, tn Summit County, Utah. The nearest kuown locations beiuir the Park Minino Rsconn, the weeklv news-- . tho Congress and Democrat on the north, paper published nearest the said' mining . Pinyon aud Pinyon Extension on tliiA west c)alm,for the period ofsisty days. 5 . . II. McMastbb, Register. and chief of tbo Park on the south. I direct that tliis notice be published In '. Bailey k Parsons, att'y forappliu'ts. 15-3- 1 the Park Mining Record, the newspaper published nearest tha sa!dr..iningt-ln!-n- . for the H. McMASTEK. period of sixty days. . ."Appuoatiod- pob . ' riegiscer. Frank Gorlinskl, stt'y for apple's. . 1. . - jra . - a. C rarirsn BTATaa Laws Orrtna, I . Bait lafe iti, Vna, Jalx U, ISS1 hereby given that Edward NOTICE is and Francis Smith, whose postoflice address ta i'ark City, Summit have n.ade applies-Ho- n UtiilvTeirilorv, County, for a failed States patent for the Dark liorim mining claim, situate iu Uintah mining district, Summit Couutv. Utah Territory, con flat io vif 1500 hundrvd'lintar feet of the feet (averlode, anw rface ground 1!H age width, being Lt No 180, and dcicribed hi the fluid neirs snd plat of tba otttelal survey ou ttU iin tills olBce, with magnetic at f7 deg SO min e, as follows: at the initial point of tho discov44 deg Si min e ery of the claim, thence 100 feet to post No 1; thence 48 deg S3 miu w 170 tout to post Nu a; tfceve n 44 deg S5 . fpy-glas- FOB PATENT. - I 1 t NO. 24. 1G, 1881, Me-- 1 Guitteau, brother of the assassin, gives Indian c. II. WITBIT, W. It -KepaWelIna4EaUn4 Vrlnka A fam,;j. liUtofy a the jjostai 0f tanked war lauzhlin, Edward P. Krry, Patrick had' been taking U. . L.F.GXMS.Secj, Herald. He denies that tbere has been suDrilies to a T cf survevors belong-- , Feeney, W. U. Eov, Jos. L. lie r wood, P.WilFrank McLaughlin, William ) insanity in either tbe father or wother s int tn the A 9'ojekl frrnU Fa Laagford, son, David C. f McLaughlin, ai4 Wflliant men who were Julj;u, whose postoflice ..Hnaie case ot ner oromer woo lUUmd, aiU addrvaa ia Park City, gTT ClTT LODOB Ko. 7. 0. 0. F. ffc. inJi...i,f..rnnfl1i.-t1.-t r ; except Summit County, Utah Territory, have made aiea in an asyimn irom remorse ai returning to a in the wanton. Ufa Becorery. .,. He fur has in killed United a rival harinfr duel. a a State patent for application, at eveiiiug liEITTescry Monday 14. The event ef the Ida Belle milling claim, situate in Uintah ..t I'of his ... Pittsbcbo,; ibut little parsott.il-knonl,' o'clock, ,at Masonic 11.11. All V " Sttinmit Mining District, County, Ctah Terwas Odd Vellum in rood stanidng ire i cf Maud S. The ritory, 't- - Droiners ine: iDinss ne was wj aceriain thdaytrotted io Y consisting of jUmK linear feet of the beUvitcd to attend, j W. II. EOY, X. G. .to the mare while insane extent WAsnnrojos, July Whether insane. l ttwitja lodn, aud surface gruuud 'JD0 feet wide, E. B. Piabck, See' J. ho . i wm. Wmdom 4u- ; f t at the word lot X 141, and dewribed in- tho Held being turtrt ing warmed called at Ue WhiU Honw, fairly NfflrTcbaracier aud rito in this ou t. started act or fTro," ;a t )zWm people .'Ti,...platill.of the ollicial 'eSAro( .. :.. survey a .. ;.. ea wunpieuara(M ntrures, oi ine , lootitnir the cower it to restiain lis present exje ' u grand, and ea.it, a ful'.owa; Couimcncin at tho dia- uiame torn armor tbat crimili intentu,a if he hart any dwire obku " KiotmunHit of tha claim; Uience n ""v U!e Ub1Bt. did not nquirejiu vw;n been rolled ,ovry , m deg w un centre line 30o rvet to puint in presence, to d( w Undoubtedly be properly was heavy i "1 0;, t So 9 tM d:Sr centaaof tke western cndjlinet thence " t ' in the light of all the facta twenty f i ' '"k City Precinct; Artbcr savs bewitl not return ' until j investigated A4 Sotary rtU, He resents by tbe proper tribunal. e - i ? ! R'ct to n Ueeember. os: , v. Offlea Mlneri' sy-iiHall. irtcnce Colon . post ej sk CUfu A wf n "vnn.n. the deed, as a moat strooiooa, fptst-it- :i SO mine INI footlo post No 8; tbeucc Tlso illness of Senator Jones may a luni 9a.iiL,U 4p. in. - i cu. souraar cna a crime against the tb lAe in 2:10J4. beating kit 401 6,10 feet to post No 4: tlieuce a BT time,; Moody . P.VRK CTTT. vTAH, cans him fo.ret.iain a day or two Nation and the so miu 1114 feet to post Ko 5: theuce hL$f ' aeconA, 'fhU was deg progress ; of CbrUtisn JLjT: ' ' - IAS .r M:S d ' ':. lojirer.' menco i.wicetw poai M world. He i decision, while some of the judges hold B the civilization throughout Ur. Boytoa this rrjorniiijc Raid confi- concludes as ; follows: vered the 1 I; respectfully IXJ?1 r dence was greatly increased in the last and in in ::ium - the feat was good evr. fmm ti,u nnn,.tinn deep humiliation and sorrow rt..Hntir.n twenty-tou- r hours, lue fever last quest, the prayers of all who know God enough for the fast audience, which r the -- rca In conflic t with the Pinyon and Pin- not did the Uatel reach of City night '.Ccat'iit 4oor.KpT? poiqt quite in snirit and in truth that the father arose en masse a tte mare R SS led off f yoa Extension mining cTiam, lot .No J, and ne may cause my brother's darkened un- - by tw 0 jockeys. The judges announced i "'bed as follows: Conuueucinjg at post ouonuay nigois ani in is . moin;ng( II. . 19. riHsiuenisconuiiKjn was muca oener deistanilinc to be onened. that tbo evil tbe ai fiAIXa otfiXISWT PCE. as ot be is but iival m r Julian, ;l 1.. 1 . j.... l. i. I look now for a spirit that now possesses him may be j now Rick, . anxious people than yester-dawill hardlv be nostNoRnr .mH ,u h. ii,- - mining ,.i,,ii,. i,,t Pus flows freer cast out and that he No steady improvement. to w s 55 thence ratified a foot 5 thence by grand trial deg lo; ,rrv. tbronub toe tube, and thus may, have may in truo pen- p p,8poQ0LErij.,P4 tlicncp a iUdeg e itence and son o iv turn as whils he yet Maud S. will appear again, however. '! M'Avg wsoiofoeti. mence U 33 deg e lot reet lo some effect. has life to the God, his father and and anotuer ntu inut to tuiimen it ex - , lu Kvu pliee o( b0?iim;n;;. continiiig o 4i-to- t SXJEDEON. Executive Mansion, 7 n. m. During mother and his ancestors for soms gen- ! PeCteO. u ,- acrua. Excluding nlfOconlkut witU Hidden "i-. AtJ Treasure No 9 uiiiiing claim, lot So 110, de. tbe afternoon yesterday the President's erations loved or worshipped.- - 'baler- scribed us follows! Commencing at pmt San Fkanxkco, J Ulyi?--Tmr- V Office .Oppoaite WillUmion'a Drug Store. temperature was to the highest point it 30 The Tribune's Washington special Thomas Pope, Captain Willard arrived No 3,of iiJ lot No UU; theueo u IkU. however, has alUiiwd teeti a ajde e is feet from is" rom. the. Arctic region. m'" w 1? 8ays:T I 'upon good authoritjt eue luft b of said Ida Belle uiiuln;'-liiim- , immediately after bo received hisevon-inc- f that oneIt of said lot McFALLS, M. D, P0,,t " the atr.iita GuittAau's letters, now in D1 ibeday Nu ls5 t)C1ce t d e 12? l lit f morphia, a quarter of a if rain, of . possesion of the District Attorny re- before leaving she spike to the whaler, thence n ts7 deg sd min e 113 o feet; and this sulphate, hypodermically, THTSJCIAS and $rGE0X o flects 'bitterly on IJlaiue. and leads to profe'reis, Captain Barker, and from her .theueo s 83 deg ao tuimv uc feet to moiDicg corresponds with nrevions the inference o learned that the Indians near tbe east j Pluo ut beslnulng. Containing 1 entertained that Guitteau m. Aboutd he had a consistent p. he two missing! wha- -' Odea: Opposite Poto(Bce, Park City. tub. days. v"piplIf !hUn4 aeres. and copious movement of the bowls. designs upon the life of the Secretary cape hud found-tNo 4 in His wound was dressed antesepticallv of State as well as upon the President Ids Vlgllent and Mount Valwtin,y1 Belithe U 8 Mineral Monument uhata a.as -. wI lie Indians tound three corpses onlv r Uintah District and this yesterday evening said .Hie & morning. claim 9. Louisville. CourierThe July on board tha Vnilnh. Vvamthai-being of Bailey Parsons, He continues to retain all nourishment Journal Tnmi iu tl0 offlfmining ,lle recorder of aaid Umt the tolloyinx prinst r XiAND AGENTS. at Park district mWiing C.ty, Sunnuit Coun. prescribed him, and has had twenty-- . Uicaovier, Jfarrison Co., Miss., ) ti-vodr 01 tlieu cap-- ) tv i .tau. ti,. 1' b.- Extuiisi ...i,,,,, Of rum four ounce of Hlk" an-o- ne .1 tivi, J' in the ice. wif ef Hkto llwir, Salt diu-inludiatlS The CJIwr 1n( 1881.. , the and j Plnvon brought ion mid ing ; 5th, Pinjon July I the- last twenty-lou- r hours, To Tidal Wave oa tho west, Hidden Treasure from the S3are a;ay Vigilerit money Mr. S.Collins: milk 5 besides small a Finlay of toast e north and 011 tho quantity and a for Mineral Pitil. a bomb gun and ; at anitih. Champion .. .. . MAII tpllction( tli is morning. Deab Sir: I have received yours of At iSii) this morning Timber, Hmattead, fowling piece; No one dead or alive, I this direct notice that iMMrt I ind and Peiwinn aaiiera. Writ, to h also received ten be In the. for 4th and thank kind the inst, yon grains bisulphate was found on Mount walistein. The and w.'e a taeat aad asdnx Maiiip for Pakk Mixixo- - Recoki), thepublished newspaper of quinia. His general condition this expressions it contained. The evil in- revenue cutter, Carwia, has sent a the All wrrMpuuleaoe aunnmtl , , Iria U th. nearest tha said published claim, morning appears to ns rather ' better fluence to which you refer as causing pan y in search ot tbe Indians tore-- j the period of sixty flays, II. mining McMASTKK, than yesterday morning. Last night bitterness toward Southern men, it .cover the articles named tend obtain 24S.ll Registep t 7 p. m. his pulse was 108, temperature may be fairly expected, will give way further information and news from Frank GorlinekL Att'y for Applc'ta. Ceapmah a Whytock, itKi.b, respiration 11. Ibis morning at to the people. If they shall, like you, tho Jetmutte. " to 0awfura Ciiniu, 6 o'clock pulse 9G, temperature, D9.7, detect the sordid motive for which stimAPPLICiTlOM FOB PATENT., 'respiration 2i At. 1 p. m., pulse ; 100, ulants are administered, it will not, like ') Pari;: July . 13th. llepublique ' A'ottro yo.813. - ; i tho telegraph you cite, in regard to the temDeratiue 100,8 respirat ion 24. Poetoffioe, Bait T.ko City, Utah, all Dan. Francaise, Gambetta's organ,1 scouts "' Usrrsn OTKR ouratioi:s 8tatbs LaSd OrriCE, 1 ctrcfuUy perfonueil and aati-j- attempted assnSMm&ion of, tbe Presi- tbe Porte's explanation that in sending ' 8ai.tL.vkb City, Utah, July H, 18ttf. f Ananithottca Mtloa friiaraiiGMiL Exkcctivk Mansion. July 13. Private dent, say I am thankful the assassin was aduoiuiaUred, to Tripoli its sole object was to ' wbaa taalml. v Is hereby given that ESward i P. FTy, Sectetaryilrown has just wit t he fol not a Southern man, but I regret that troops conr as, flatly maintain, la Prk City, SumwUiiaepostoaliwadtlreaa lowing note; to, tue; iiiembtrs1, of the he is an American. .The triuie, black tradicted byj .order, Utali Territory, has made up. mit "Africa all news from and County,. the unfavora enoujih in its self, fias a deeper dye from Cabinet: Abatement C. MaLAUGHLIX, , for a United :ntes patent for the Assiz Pasah, Turkish Minister of ble symptoms which made their appear Nero the mercenary motive which seems to says situate In Ulntuti mining Govbelieve must our Affairs, Foreign district, Summit County, Utah Territory, ance Monday altern'xm and evening have prompted it. I sincerely trust imconsisting of 1,500 linear feet of the lode, has steadily continued, and at this hour the President may recover and that the ernment ingenious iudeed if he and surface ground 800 feet wide, being lot with: these it satisfied 'will rest agines is at 7:30 a. m., his pulse is 96; temper to I'akk Citt. Utah. will event arouse the people No. 103, and described iu the field notes and startling The declarations of the ature 98.5, or normal and respiration, a consideration of a remedy for the assurances. plat of tho oaiclsl survey 011 ftUilui-rt- 30 Ministers are aggravating tho normal. " within or one of flee, with murrctn; arwlhrinit frdcg "The 80, demoralization which a wild hunt after fttsteTtfd L. 8TRHET, at min as follows: Coinmenelug at the cli. fever has subsided entirely. I ho Presi-- ; yV of the. claim, thence n 18 monuiuc-Contantiaople, as a sutUcicnt number covery dent-take- s alt'noui'ishmsnt al 1 ain very respectfully yours, readily lino of -dog 40 mill w along the oustern, of the fanatics crossed liavo rncy mn; XotaryTuhllc." lowed bv the ,alruady, ,w the claim. 100 feet to post No.-1- thence 6 HQ Jkiteimos Davis. physicians, and gutters no '(Signed) " Mediterranean '" de 45 mhi w 1,500 feet to No. 2, thence from it. His sleep was :'.Ci) CU. ,'.Park,Citt. Utah.'' inconvenience tor the "prosecution of a holy war a 18 deg 80 min c3U0 feet to post post No. 8, tlicni-more natural and more refreshing last min 46 e 00 n 1.500 France; to feet deg post No. 4, Telegraphic Stjuhaby. against ' ' night thau that at any other night. thence n 18 deg 40 min w 200 feet to post No. !' ; ; s i i f YY.1-sjiri)EK- ' , f ' of beginning of surface bouuds; Leapvillk, Julyl2. John D. Jones, 1, tho placefrom Washikotos, July 13. Secretary this application and descripand Notary Public , i Attoraey-at-LaBlaine spnt the following by cable this 1 Miner in Leadvlllo Falls to the Bot- fell from the bucket this morning, in excluding tion, area in conflict with the 1'inj onaud Denthe two hundred'lbot shaft at the ; tom of a Shaft and is InstantPinyon Extension mining claim, lot No 48, Applications for miniiij patrnts nude, morning, to Lowell, Minister, London: ver City mine;, on Yankee hill. Tbe beiug USSt acres, and including the urea in The President's condition this morning ly Killed. with the Ueinocrst mining claim, lot . ctah. coullict ., park crrr, body struck the bottom, and with a No. is much better thnn at anv time since 84, being S.7I5 acres. Area sought to sickeuing thud rebounded several feet. be patented he was wonnded. Temperature, normal; 4.771 acres. From post No. 4 tho United States mineral monument No. 4 pulse fG. The pain in the feet has Des jloines Iowa, Keccivca a Bap- Death was instantaneous. 'He struck yy v. woods, driv88' n hia were feet bears anl first, deg 7 min w 754.3 feet distnnt The weather is legs lutjrly really" diminished. tism From the Floods. ATTORNEY-AT-- L AW en into the body, and the ilesb was only The said mining claim being of record In very warm, bul. the President's room is tho office of the Recorder of said mining a mass of bloody and torn sinew. .The district block east of tht Oflioa M SouUi ali eot, at Park City, in Summit County, kept as cool as desired. :'. roatOKea, of the tody was compar- Utah. The nearest upper known locations being portion Own S. Maud Her at Record ' Jieats Salt Lake Citv, Utah. , The President, has Fhown uneasiness atively uninjured, save that the blood the B03.S, Baby and Democrat on the north, Plttsburf. Oh at his slow recovery only two or three bad been forced irotn tuo eyes and mid Grand Prize the cast and Pinyon and Extension on the west. times. Yesterday he inquiringly remouth. The rules of tbe company Pinyon - I - Applioatiojt fob Patent. direct that this notice be published In marked it was doubtful if the few in 0119 ascending New Yoek.' July 13 The News says: strjetry prohibit any Park MiXlNO Kkooud, the newspaper pubyears he would get, of life at leaft were It having been stated in' Albany that if the bucket, aud the accideuf Wis ' the' lished nearest the said mining claim, for tho was be the fault all the hard worth of period of sixty days, 11 II. McMASTEK, struggle mritn, himself. another caucus is bid Conkling would 11 Uxitkd States Land Ofpicb, I Airs. Garfield urged him but Register. making, ot was him June made IS, 11. j Saxt Lam CiTr,Utali,T Frank Gorlinskl, Att'y for AppU' to. ii 33 inquiry Chicaqo, passenger July not to talk that way. a3 he knew his withdraw, 12.jhe.; on t his point. Conkling replied war which h;ii brokeiToutin the East John J. that. is. given .TJ9TtCS hereby life w&s worth all that could be done 1 Daly,.Io36 poatu)llo o(UJri- U Park to save it Tbe. President promotly emphatically that he would stay, that- on the traiiic', although not f J j iCili.rJniBttrIt all advices from Albany were satisfacapplication pob eoiitit,y,,l7tiili Territory, lias none ,tne less bot is: idea not redid he have of here, open quite United any atcnt replied Stales , ra&ae apulicat4un (ortu and that he would not withdraw and torv ' v ' detcrmtnedne General Passenger ," JVotlce JVa.84. Yorti Alke Ryaw u;inlnif tilainv,- situate In laxing any of his efforts, but his remark undea any circumstances, vvhen asked of a prominent trunk line said 1 TTnited Status Laxb Orrics, Agent Uintah mining districts buiuiiiit county, was more reflective or speculative than what he meant by saying that his dis it was useless to conceal the fact, which Ctah Territory, eonsixtiu? of lflsK) linear feet otherwise, 'fie President gets occas Salt Laks City, Utah, July 8, 1SS1. ( , f thetoie. and , surface ground 800 fort wide, ional information about the excitement patches were satisfactory,, lie replied; the whole world would know; "vf OTICEIs hereby given that James Mc-jbain lot So.au-3- and described in the Held and that Speaker roW, the passenger rates were being Payne Laughlin, E. P. Ferry, Patrick Feeney, of the otlli ial survey on file in outside, and knows what deep interest note and c Sharps assured "him that no election furiously cut. and that it would soon be Vm. H. Koy, Jos. L. Ucywood, Frnnk Mc' this office, plat With magnetic varlatiou at lti deg is taken by the people,' and once asked F. M. Langfurd and David C. con-i 80 min east, as follows: Commencing' at the if the excitement was as great as when could be had until his claims were a question much the road could Laughlin, poslolflco address is Park discovery; thence n 77 dej e 750 feet to a Lincoln was killed. The noise of the sidered. "We can and will hold out," get, but how much money the appli- City, Summit County, Utah Territory, have f stho north-- ' ' ' point iu the center this morn: telegraphed Sharp Speaker cant had. In bis opinion it would not made application for a United States patent eastern end "line- - ' of ' fiie claim; air machines annoyed and excited him mg. Uonkling said in rurtner conver- be if passengers ' could before for the Congress mining claim, situate in thenr it li deg 15 tnhi w 100 feet to once yesterday and they were stopped. sation that if a regularly called cau- thestrange Mining District, Summit County, end of the week go to New York Uintah post No. 1 ; thence s 77 dog w 1500 feet to post No more disturbance will be made by cus is Utah Territory, cousistine of 1500 feet of the held, where each member can for $5. ' ,5iO.S; the nee s 14 degl6 min e 200 feet, to . 1. Garfield now. l bears lode and surface ground 200 feet wide, being ,i f poatNo;H;heiBJC n 77 deg e 1500 feetvto the machines jMrs, j j vote for his choice, without being cowed H tne ceiu notes lot ,o 187, ana aeseriDca as taking a daily and IS 200 12 w feet n splendidly, up No. tiiU; thence deg 4; has he no post by a subsidized press, that Balttmori, Jnly, 13lh. A letter and plat of the oftlciul survey on file in this . " ' --'. i of sur-"- , nue. ,. " pot No. 1, the place of bi'guining fears of his own nomination. He said from: Westminister, ; Carroll county, office, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees eontainiiiffsn area of O i follows: Commencing at the disWasihvston,. July 13 Dr. J. J further that since Piatt has withdrawn yestfirdy,says: Robert Bell' (colored), cast asmonument i... noconllirt. From post No. United t of themee s H7 irej; without his consent he would :not at died last night, ayed somewhere in the covery Str.tc mlnersl inonuinent No. 1 bears n 73 Woodward,1 one of tho surgeons deg 30 min w on centre line 300 feet to point to with interfere the election President the of His deg4dmin cfcToCifcctu'ulant, The said miu- to have was kuown life being tempt upon in centre of western nd line; thence n :J2 eighties. lnir claitQ being "of rei'ord in the olSce of the asked what he ; , n feet to post No 1: thent-. been insured tor a large aggregate- - deg 131 thought of the case re- i'latts successor. recorder of said mining district ai Park 87 the on has and-, whole, deg 30 min c 1500 feet to post No 3 ; Ibence leen, and death insurance sum, City, In Summit county, Utah. The nearest plied: "This a i deg w 242 feet to post No 8; New York Julp. 14. The Trimn chief were the known locations being the Bonny Ida, (Jlcnn, the best day the President has had policies topics thence s 87 deg SO miu w 1500 feet to post since the injnry; less disturbance du- says of Conkling's departure for WashHandy Ilook and CoNkliu. of a conversation 83 Quite n No thence fuct to 4; tday.in the dsg e 243 I ditK--t tiiat this uotice oepitblished in the febrile rise this afternoon, ington "One politician said he was of number are interested ' policies post No 1, the bcginnliijr of surtaee bounds. - Pabs Misikq Kavxiun, the newspaper puh- - ring the inthe the President was opinion'that and the whole amount is estimated at Including in this application and descriptlished uearesttuS said c'aini, for the and the actual maximum temperature capacitated for filling the duties of bis" over $200,000. It is said ion area in conflict with the Democrat milly ' ' period of sixty days. mining was less than yesterday. It that H. McMABTEH, acres. office under the Constitution, and that had been taken on his life in $174,000 ing claim, lot No 81, b'iing 1 still represents, however, considerable the past Area Register. acres. sought to be patented t Bailey & Parsons Atty's for applicant, 8130 afternoon fever and it would not be it devolved upon Arthur to perform two or three weeks, one syndicate inFrom post No. i U8MM No 4 bears s 48 those and the that " duties; out President declare to 081 tbe feet w as safe ? distant, The snid minyet deg 8 miu ; after vesting $55,000. " ing claim being of record in tho ofttce of tho of danger, but the general spniptoms had gone to Washington to look Conk-linof said mining district at Park g Application fob patent. Paris, July 9-- The International Recorder are eucouraging, and with every day, the matter. Another person said The nearCity, In Summit County, Utah. had been employed by Doisey, Monetary Uonterenee y increased ' feel we unani hope." est , known locations bciirz tin? Pin von and 930. XtSr end Price, of the Star route ring, mously adopted a resolution proposed Brady CUaiu-- p on Extension I tha and west, l'lnyou TJsitid Statss Lasto Orrioa, New York, 14. Dr. Hamil on was to undertake' their defense, and he had by the French delegates, ion on the north. Bali Lak Oiti, Utah, May 9, 1S1, ( expresslast Times a interviewed reporter by to himI direct that this notice bo published in the Washington to gone 'TOTICE Is hereby "given that Michael ing a desire that negotiations shall be the condition of the Presi-be- self for the undertaking. prepare, Mixins RECoan, the newspaper publbetween the States which parti- Park XV Shflughnessy and Sudors Shaifghnei'sy, night upon opened nearest thesaid mining claim, for the ished said as He consulting physician whose postoflice address is Salt Lake City, in the and Conference, ttiat tbe periodof sixty days. U.McMASTERv-St. Louis, July 9. Gen Juan M, Zn cipated I'tah, and Kihard Grant, whose poiolHce he could bear positive testimony to the to be summoned meet April Register. address is Park City, Summit County, Utali, honesty of Dr. Wis and his colleagues looque,. Walter Carrington and A. li. Conference Frank Gorlinskl, Att'y for Applc't. hire made application for a United States in preparing bulletins. The reports Hammond have arrived from Chihua- 12th, 1882, to settle the details of the situate in Conference, which it was patent for the Sofia mining claim, are Monetary Bine ldire mining district, AVaffatch county. given are complete and fully reliable. hua, Mexico. These gentlemen Stookholbebs Ueetxmo. hoped would be concluded by that tiim . Utah Territory, consisting of H7S linear feet "In the official bulletin, Doctor, there largely engaged in Mlver mining in The Conference then adjourned. S,t iC. of the loac, ana sunace ground suuieetwiuc. is reported every afternoon a rise in Chihuahua, and are enroute to Chicago T'EE annual meeting of the stockholder lot No i'.l, and described in the field and temperaturer is that a bad New York and London in the interest .tging Des Moises, July 13th. The Racoon A. of the Utah Silver Mining Company, of note! and slat of the OQlcial survev on tile pulse for reason is tlieir no The of "There hrm report the river continues to rise. South Des r"arK City, lor tne election 01 uiroctors anct mines. l symptom?" la tills U1IICQ Wltn uiUKiieuv Tnriutuiu for tho transaction of such other business as Ciiin- - alarm.'- In fact it. is natural. Since tbe recent killing by Indians of five ranchiMrrues 80 minutes east, as follows: Moines is under water, and sixty famiit, will be held at may properly men near Santa Clara. They came lies have been driven out ii lnir at the Initial point, thence n 13 deg tjrond day after the President received of the"onlte of t!ioCQnipnhy,iri Park City .Sumtheir i ; inenre a oo the MJU icel to increase has through from Chihuahua to El Paso tn houses. The Track of the diurnal the post wsj Utah wound, mit Terrttory.on the first MonCounty: Chicago, 147S loet to post flos;, uenee a m uc lllle feet at the hour of ten o'clock in August their own conveyances and escaped at- Burlington & Qdincf Railroad been marked. They were to be expecthas day to nost No 3: thence n 88 di-- ; j DAVID C. MgLAUGHLrN, a. m. a UTS feet to post Soil thence n HI deg ed j with any man ordinartily the pulse tack by Indians only by mounting to succumbecf, and Des Moines is now out Utah, July 5, 1881. Secy, Heet to post No 1, the place of begin- - will beat faster in the evening than in the top of their coach while passing of connection with It is the Park Citt, of surface bounds. Containing an area the morning, while if one remains in tiirougu tiie uandeiana mountains, and "of hevaiest rainstormtri this tieTnstory o conflicts. acres. From post v i , . , WM. BROWIf. Ko i a M M No 2 bears N 18 deg SI min e bed throughout the day the change keeping np a continual shooting and section. , 'aatdbtaat No tmiflicta. The said will be especially noticable. Nobody firing of their pistols, which frightened mini ; claiia being of r c rd in the olflce of has the slightest reason to interpret the redskins. The latter, however, . CniCA?of July men rode DesUrtoaDtiadsof ine of aald tnttilng district at Me. such changes as boding ill to the Presiafterwards attacked Gen. Zulooques quietly into ; Rivertowh, Iowa, and In Utah. Wasatch Gulch, Hrntf County, "From what you know of the outfit, seventy-fiv- e miles from the made their way to the bank of Davis & and iTative Marbles. Ire vent known locations being the Glcn-;e,- I dent." wound wonld you consider death prob-- ! frontier, and ran of all his loose stock, Sons. While one of the party engaged Foreign Hi Side No 8 and Jensen. ' I . t that this notice be pullahcd in tbe able "Not after sufficient time bid j This party was in the South Bend stare. the attention of the cashier, the others Marble Oravcatune frpm ton do1'r. Bcftt " ' t iaf asM-a- i Inwail Park liaing Record, the newspaper awar n urib Prinna VI to tu ft.t was which was attacked by Indians, who leaped over the counter, took $4,000 and t ii atari vatieinv Mvu prove that the wound elapsed . .... a , s t " i I'l-All ti ..11 tr work at Guaranteed. Eastern rwit the said mining claim, for the i.naisumceni 11 no eiansea kh ea 11a ariver una wounaea one invited the erowd to follow as they notiaiai. Prices. Office and Works . period sixty days. in this case?" "I am willing to say this: passenger, and captured and carried off rode away, A large company is in pur- - Half block east ofClift House, Third Son! a H. MoMat. Register. HALT LAKRCiTj Ueo. suit Srreei.J bo. A. uillcr. aU'y fur apniUanta. 1524 ibe chances arc now all its la voroi the j 1 nomas 1 ugp, son ot , -- r-r-x ApplioatiohtobPatet. V Application pob PaTsut, XotietXo. 839. TJmitsd Rtatbs Lakd Omcx, I Salt Lakb Citt, Ctab, July a, 1881. j "VTOTICE is hereby given Uiat Francis P. Ferry, his attor. 1 in Smith, by Edwardolllce address is Park ney fact, whose post Summit Utah City, Territory, has County, made application for a United States patent for the Lincoln min'ng claim, situate in Uintah mining district, Summit County, Utah Territory, consisting of 1500 linear feet of tho lode, and surface ground 203 feet Wide, being lot No 101, and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey ou tli in this office with magnetic variation at 17 degrees 20 minutes cast, as follows: Commencing at post No 1 identical with post No 1 of Grand Prize milling claim, lot No 90; thence n 70 deg 56 min e 1500 feet to post No a. identical wiih posts Saudgef U S lots Nos 00 and 93,.rerpcctlvc?y I thence s 13 deg 40 min e 300 feet to post No 8; thence s 76 deg 50 min w 1300 feet to post No 4; thenco n 13 deg 40 m:u w aoo feci to place of beginning of surface bounds, containing 6 acres. No conflicts. From post No t the U 8 mineral monument No 4 bears n 38 deg 7 The said mlnicg fust distant. w 754 claim being of record in tho office of the recorder of said mining district at Park Cl-in Summit County, Utah. Tha r ,.,t known locations being the -l s I the north and"- - Nero ou "' ':-- ' claims.'' I direct that this nolle be published ia t PaWi Mmxo RBCbfcn, the newspaper tished nearest the said mining c aim, f"? i period of sixty days. ' IL MeMASTI.i. 0 0 P-- tie.', Frank Qorlinski, att'y Jfetiflt0.-83r- '..' . , Salt Lake Citt, Utah, Jnne 18, lt81. i VTOTICE Is hereby riven that John J. 1 Daly, whose pustolllce address ts Park City, Sunnuit county,' Utah Territory, has made application tor a United State patent for the Sandy Hook milling claim, situate In' Uintah mining district, Summit county,' Utah Territory, consisting at tea BUBdre4 linear feet ot tho lode, n4 wfaea yrauB two hundred feet wide, beir' i ' o.fcil a4 described tn t!ie field notes t jt of official survey on tile In this awtce, wiva n" v netlc variation at 16 deg 30 min cast, at t..i,' t ta' . lows: Commencing at thedtswary; n 77 deg e 500 feet to a point in the ccr- - r the northeastern end line of the c thence n 18 deg W 100 fact to f-- t 1 thence s 77 deg w 1,00U feet to j theuce s IS deg e 20 feat t If'. J fcr-- ' thence a 77 deg thence n 18ot;w 2 1 f t v. f place ef begin... r ' taining an o From post fco. 1 1 rrl ft mest : o. 1 brai r distant.- The t i a t word In the 1 a ilnfd' t," ' ct Register, 44'! for tppleU. . - '- j, ngt I in l, ..'.ce '"'' . (Or,. r I I r e ; ' r .tx: i t : - I t e '. . |