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Show Tt ot IiTiDK!ri-PATtir- a IM UTAH. Ban 8. M. Co. ln,a dbim ftid turn n rnHM aa im ziia, ai ivanus, ag ; l "V0 w lEMW earn; ftf tin - t- - u Jaa. rr, USD, Ma imrt J. O. James 8c O o. CSOSSOUTS. COVrtDBHTIAX. The other morning, when Mr. Jones A passing event: "I make it next" entered his family drug stong to have A good place for lawyer Sionx City. a prescription put up, be found a kntw clerk in attendenoe. Mr. Jones has Canal-boat- s are generally considerable curiosity, and he waited as mm neoegan: Pajue A. S, DODGHERTY; citt, Utah. . . DEALER ' tS ' ' . . WHOLESALE SET AIL MAIXU IX "Been here long?" davs." two waters. "Only g. K. itam; rid Ms tlxtv- nuio man Jam 11, IttU, ad "Going lo stay?" ' Beat awl The patent aloe stitch o a imlin IIM IW "Ithinksa" Ma . Messrs. Funk A WeU will heir new machine. thir4 Mil dura. ing "Old clerk for gone good?" ' . t am Mot. U, Idmu, id A) otwu, icfmeiuu SrtcHzar Fugsnu&s, Disss, Cxsa Paslob, Bzssoox v: Worthless oolicemen are arrestl "Yea." .' . class of people. Tablbs, New Wabdsobxs, "Come from York?" from St Louis." , ,. Tt Patrons of the ring Expectant bride ? "No. I came "Don't like town. I presume?" t. " ZJI2JEI13 " grooms. OUTFITTING. "Oh, fairly." TCHBITOKIAL OFFICEM Darlin?. this notato is onlv half "Got a better offer here, I suppose?" r. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, FOR BATHS ON Lake Salt til KMuiray, Governor,...., done." Then eat the done half, love." "Well, not much better." " , A TOUACCO. :;. A. I Tbotna. Secretary ."Dros-gis- t to related you?" We have heard of sinain? fish, and M. Shaujlieasy , U. 8. Marshal . . . . " "No." " Justice ... J. A. Hunter, Chief have olten seen a bass drum. FEIDAY, JULY 1, 188L Agents for the Mitchel Wagon P. T. Vaa Zile, U. S. UUt. Attorney. '"Going to marv his dau enter?" " Bev.CiA. Internal A bemrar bnxines set .HoUuter, the other "Haven't thought of it" ft tid There was a brief pause until the day with a small sign reading "Help . clerk bad finished his labors, and then wanted. SUMMIT COISTI Of TICK B8. he beckoned Mr. Jones into the back Although all are en ml in the United room and said: Prvbate and County J udge. Ward States there is a Lake in the north-we- st Jmfcricrt end WTtaUmk DttUrt m "You hko a person who can be de geleetiuea or Buard of Supervis. that is treated as Superior, , i ra. Senior Member. YV. W. pended on, and I'll tell you in confi Coalville, Cluf IROn, STEEL, AIIYILS, He who has ridden in a country stair dence why I came here. I like Sr Vie Member, J. C Rouody Wauship coach knows bow cream feels when it Louis, and I had cood wares, but a. r, Hoyi...... juiinas Junior Member, Vises, Picks, Axes, Shovels, Bellows, J Now Open and Will Supply Customers tHtb the ' happened to kill three or four persons. Coalrille iK being churned into Latter. CoaatT Recorder, John Borden.. end And tttrf tlktr dtteripHm by wrong up putting perscriptiens Coaaty and Probate Clerk, Kob't An old beau was caught br Coalrille SalmoD I thought a change of location would MINERS' ft BLACKSMITHS' County Surveyor, F. A. Mitchell. Coalrille sweetheart coloring his bair, and it relieve my sorrow. This is on the Coalville threw him into dyer confusion. Treaaurer, Henry Evana is to and be know, square, nothing you Coalrille Shariff, Kdwart M. Allison. ...... Th end man of a minstrel tronne is said unless 1 lay out two or three Prosecuting Attorney, W. L 8ny. the citizens, in which case nPsrkCliy skeletoleading your der...,.A. I. Moore only genuine living ' Coroner, Park City he has no flesh shall give up the drug business alto MATERIAL AND TOOLS. on his bones at alL Dint. of School, Baperinteudent gether and eo sailintr a sand-hareKamaa Aaoer E. Keeler A railroad engineer who runs Jones went out feeling of his left ear Prepared to furafeh on shori notice any description locomotive which throws a creat nianv SPECIAL ATTENTION TO and looking into vacancy, and bis sore sparks cas cbristenea her cinder el la. rtM cm pitEciscT orricEna. throat got well without the help of Miutntr Machinery, Saw Mills, Engine, Anauihtv Philadelohia Da Der savs the gargle. Juatice. of the Peace. the late marriage of an Illinois srirl uoiiers, uoisiin? n ores, eic. . ,., John L. Weber to a v i negro was a case of color blindness, R. J.Johnson A COnfedibatb Camp Stoet. ( J. G. Watson STOVES and TINWARE Scene in an ovster house "See here. . P. Bukcu School Trustees,-- ; MEAT DELIVEltED FREE OP CHAROR' M. Lllovt these oysters are spoiled" Thats all The following excellent storv is relat Conttanttj m hand. DEALER IX Boad Supervisor, .J. U. Watson right; I put in twice as many on that ed of an able officer in the late war of Nos. 144, 146 and 148 Main St., account. the Rebellion, who had a winning way SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH of Postmaster making himself disagreeable to tbe ...A. B. Emery The drnm-main- r is a vervnsefel man who were volunteers, and did not Mining Recorder for Uintah .... D. Dignau ne attracts boys the Deoule s attention, so like the red tape of the "regular. The Mining Recorder for Blue Lcd;e J. Sessions AX- DP. Pcoslet, Sse'jf B. B. Miaorrrs, Pro, they don't notice the awful faces of the gallant colonel was one day Minlnr Recorder for Snake riding ' Creek 2fC Springer cornet players. see to line his and SALT LAXE along picket guard Hinin; Kecoraer lor Jblkliorn,. . Jno Jordan r ii Illinois ilaw Holds that a crime how the men performed their duties. One to of sentinals failed the bim give witnessed tiirouch a keyhole is no evi TIME-TABL- E dence. It is thought to be a thrust the customary salute, and Col. DCOMPANY. proposed to the guard to take his place AND MAXUFACTL'HER OF leveled at mothers in law. OF Till and instruct him. The colonel disOne and a balf blocks south of B. It. depet, The editor was mad enonarh to kill mounted, took the private's gun and Salt Lakh Crrr, Utah. .: .1 somebody when he tound out by a sin assumed the duties of a sentinal: the TIF!, COPPER & IRONWARE PARK CITY, T. riBRPOST, Bup'l. commander1! his his mistake foreman bad private, mounting the gular -put over an edito-- charger, rode away, wheeled around f Park City, Utah- .appointed Foundry, Machine and Are constantly receiving Fresh Goods from Toth Eastern and Western; Markets, neaaing .n nai vv e HATING a well Show, we are now prepared lo fur and as we buy only from" First Class houses, we are enabled r and advanced on the lino, and as be to how feed nal hogs. telling Hteara nish express. i EiiKiuea, Boilers, Stamp HUla, Mtutu, to Compete with any house in the Territory. . , approached the- "commander of the and liolHUn Machinery, Bineitine; ruruscee, Bfuujg What is lite? In infancy, a shwffle brigade" assumed the position of "pre Leave Park City at ..6:55 a. m. Water Jackets, glic Pots, etc., 8aw slid Or 1st Mills, 7:18 a. in. at Bhaftlne snd PiUlevr. Tanks snd Plate work made with colic: in youth, astruarsfle to keeD sent arms," our private returned the to order. Boilers and Steam Engines tested snd reLeaves Wanshlp nt..........7:5 it. in. out of mischief: in manhood, , ,a struKKle salute in the most approved military paired. Coppersmith work for iirewers, Distillets, Leaves Coalville at Our Slock Consists of a Full Lino of tUfi a, m. :.u 3 i i .i eto. horizontal wuu inuigesuon, ana in oia age. me style, and rode on ana into the camp. Sot nlr 1 Leaves Grass Creek Junct. at 8:10 a. m. 1 1 ssme. 8:25 a. m. Arrives at Echo at.... prelude oi a contested will case. im tour miles distant, and it reauired upHoisting Engine, reversible. 1 Turbine wheel, s ttteaw some to relieve the ofbeer in dis right boiler. 1 KXPltESM. A toper stood in front of a tvDe tress. hours be found Doner Will the Dexter Stables tMimps lor leeas. near When relieved, he proceeded di Leaves Echo at 8:19 p. m. lonnary. spelling out the sicrne as toe rect to headquarters and discoveree the every Wednesday and Friday morn 8:84 p. in. ArrivesGtussCreekJum-taThe Choicest at J AIM IV, GUNPOWDER and KMftMxlI BREAKFAST TEAS, lows: foun, dry, man in his tent, blouse and slippers, and ings at 8 o clock, with their wagon "Type 8:42 p. m. Arrives Coalville at and ICvcri thing fertalBina; (s m Line ot 4rocRrie avnsl PrsiTisiioiisv found' drv. That's jes' my condish'n. outside loaded with 9:05 p. m. and Arrives Wanshlp Fruit fresh Vegeof an unknown quantity of the tables of the I'm that kind of a type myself foun' Arrives Atkinson... 9:27 p. m. FreshChoicest, Cheapest colonel s whisky, who wanted to know Miners-Tools:55 p. m. Arrived Park Cityat iy. he was doing there, and est and Best. All orders carefully tilled, what in the .'' MilEI). A Minnesota exchansre savs that received the reply: Such as- 8:30 p. m. .Leaves Park City at " AXD Peter Butler, of Cannon Palls, ajred 80 "1 m Colonel v Leaves Atkinson nt 4:10 p. m. Builders' Tools, : !" "The drunk are Furnishing Goods, Table Cutlery, Carpenters' 6:00 p. in. Leaves Wunsliip nt you you're rears, shocked 11 acres otgram one day 5:40 p. in. Leaves Coulvillo at Glassware and Crockery, iron, Steel, Nails, Picks, ' "Well," was the bewildered reply. wceK. ast ot those old tarmers borne Leaves Grass Creek Junct.. S:5u p. m. if I was Shovels and Strike Hammers.; use pretty hard language when they "how could I be Colonel D ' V;1 6:10 p. m. Arrives at Echo at.... not drunk?" once get startea. mixed. At a club dinner a prize was offai-eLeaves Echo at ...12:45 p. m. Arrives atGrues Creek Junct 1:02 p. m. for the worst pun. The man who won Bbavs mountain 'woken. JkArrivcs at Coalville at...... 1:15 p. ni. it said: 'An Irishman who was dying PAEKjCITY, UTAH., Arrives at Wauship at i'M p. m. called his son to his bedside and named Mrs. Marshall and ' Miss Taylor of We claim to have the most complete Stock in Park City oftlreUttst NwltieslB Arrives nt Atkinson at 2:25 p. m. ' ;!V m a South Fuehole What were the Basin, America, country Montana, ' ' ' Dress Goods, Dolmans, Shawls; Hosiery and Ladies' Wear. Also Arrives at Fnrk City at.,... 3: p. m. was the word? "Pat I in goin'-i-a- ! heroines of quite a remarkable adven-- , The Cheapest place In the city for purchasing lure lately. It seems that they were ?N". B. Railroad time 30 minutes faster "Ill teach you to lie, snd steal, and surprised one afternoon by seeing a ! than Park City. smoke, and me profane lanaaasre, said large cinnamon bear on the root ; ' ot the " ( UNDERWEAR an irate Galveston parent, to his eldest root to make his IXeadqnarten for house, endeavoring the same at time a offpipnnfir, swinging way to the succulent viands contained ' H.H.Clark, Oen'l Manager. ; roou sizca sapling; "ill teach you. therein. They tried to scare the ani- DEY GOODS, T L. Kimball, Ais't Gen'l Manager. ' & "Nevermind, father: mal away with such missiles as were in young scamp. ty J. T. Clark, Oeneral Superintendent. 1 know all those branches CLOTHING, ' take the Express Train, lcarlne Park C. X, Wnrtele, Train Dispatcher. already :. ; of the Purest and 1 ''Brands:''"' ... reacn, dug Drum aid not scare worth a 2:15 in at p. in., arriving City Depot duily W. X. Doddridge, Superintendent. to tear tho roof of and continued cent, 8?J0 Luke Suit at at otTR GROCERIES, m., A boy who had been p. City WILL in stopping SEND QOODS, AND YOU WPLEASE EXAMINE the house as though they were not in for supper. combat with another boy, was reproved the A WA Y FROM HOME FOR YOUR SUPPLIES. .4 be would PROVISIONS, vicinijty. Fearing they by his aunt who told him he ought left foodless and famine-strickeTO PBEVENT DrVOKCES. . they the Comfortnbler Quick and always to wait until the other boy decided upon trying other means, and HARDWARE, THIS is means of travel between Park City "pitched in to him." "We'l" exclaimed rifle a which the and Salt Lake Sharp's hungin City, and travelers will consult Mary into a family which you have the hero "but if I wait for the other getting LITERS' SUPPLIES. their interests by taking; this route. house, they overcame their feminine AND long known. feller to begin, I'm afraid there won't aversion to such weapons, loaded up the Never make-- a remark at the ex- - be any fight. Passenger rates and other Information fur- gun, and going to the corner of the of All Is tbe penseof another. LONDON BANK nisDca on application to . An old lady in Massachusetts, who house took good aim, and fired with Give yonr warmest sympathy for some months aero went to the other such effect that the bear came tumbling each others trials: ' W. MORSE, ONE STORE OF JAS. SHARP, OF UTAH, e for his G. P. t T.A.. U. C. X. B. Gen'l PaiKfiatr AgatL Neglect the whole world beside world via a tumbler of prussic acid, has off the roof and made a , Ball Lain City. Omaha, Neb. come bauk in the shape of a photographic tormentors, who, women-likedropped rather than one another. tjONDON F. R. M 'CONN ELL, A. G. CHAPIN. The very felicity is in the mutual goblin, tier tace is indembly impressed the gun md ran into the house, secure- 26 AUSTIN FBIAB3, -AN1 culture of usefulness. on an attic window. She went way ly barring the door.- - Unable to get at Cm'l Agent V I'. X. Agent, Parle City. SALT LAKE CITY, TtAZL 7 for the timber. salt Lata city. If one is angry, let the other part in a glass of pain and reappeared in them, the bear struck him' and the ladies, seeing pickgoing, for kiss. of a a Authorised glass. 100,000, pain Capital, only ed up the gun, reloaded it, and followed at par, $119,940 Never speak loud to one another unThe Princess Louise was all for Lorne him. l hey had not proceeded tar in tiuhterlbtd Capital, 40, WO less the house ig on fire. Let each strive to yield ol'tenest to the because there was no blue blood in this the timber when thev heard the bear blarsted bloody country rich enough groaning heavily, as if much hurt, and. Buy and sell Sterling Exchange. Buy and wishes of the other. CANNED GOODS OF to to autiously seeking their opportunity. sen Drafts on tne uius oi me PARK CITI, UTAH. They who marry for physical charac- for her thoneighbor with, and now States. United is rested their across Louise, a it suglog, pjtulent gun they teristics or external considerations will appease gested that she be sent a Southdown, again let drive with such good aim as TNTEREST allowed on and sell Exchange on the principal cities ot fail of happiness. Deposits, subject to BUY United 8tatea, to which contain shoot or a the it through Berkshire, heart, killing it Consult one another in all that comes Merino, notice oi wituurawai. doblood in fine this almost the Make telegraphic transfers on New York, OnuLa, instantly. within the experienced observation and about all and all points on the Pacific Coast. main. sphere of the ot her. Special Attention Given to the Selling 9 Never reflect on a past action which He was the only son of his own No matter how poor peole are, nearly OSES and JOULLIOX. was done with a good motive and with the the mother, apple evory. one can aflord to keep a pair of Accounts pride, the hope, Advances made on Conaignmenta at lowest rates . tbe best judgment at the time. favorable terms. on most the kept be "And to sure, Peter, horses one for wood, the other for The beautiful in heart is a million of her eye. Issue Letters of Credit, available In the principal PRINCIPAL CORnESPONDKXTS: . said bis fond and clothes. ernes of the United States and Europe. times of more avail, as securing domes-ti- e and rememberasthis," In London. Mwwrs. Martin & Co., 6S Lombard she shut up the good mother, only Collections made at enrrent rates. street; The London Baoi.of Utah, (Liniilvd,) iX happiness, than the beautiful in per- book, "never pot off till tomorrow what Aaatin Frlnrs. son. Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds, and other securities, In New York. Meesrs. Morton. Bliss k Co. !" "Ah said do can Teter, In New Tork and Ban Francisco markets, on Comfob Patent. .application In Chicago First National Bank. Marry into different Hood tempera- you finish "then with mission. lets glistening eyes, Omaha National Bank. . In Omaha ment from your own. ITotlenJfo. 899. In San Francisco. TLe Bank of California. Highest market price paid for Territorial and County 1 1 Never deceive, for the heart onee up the pudding . United States Lax OmcE, ) Scrip. E. AUSTIN, Manager. misled can never trust again. Jim Webster, I've heard that Salt Lake Citt, Utah, May 3i, 1881. f Judge It is the mother who molds the char- you are in the habit of giving impu- "VJ"OTICE is hereby given that Samuel P. draw exchange on the following leading !! WE cities of Europe: acter and fixes the destiny of the child. dence to courts and I want to Xl Hoyt, whose poitofflcc address Is you FOB AL V V WAJVIV V Never find fault unless it is perfectly keep a civil tongue in your head or I'll Kainas, Summit county, Utah Territory, has Great Ilritniitetnd Ireln nd. London, Belfast, made application for a rjslunt for tiftin mn. Zlubliu, Edinburg and Glasgow. certain that a fault has been commit- fine you. Jim Webster Whonber drcd We invite cveiTrbody from city and county to call and insoect our magnifi, (1500) linear feet of the Crawford 8witn'land.-BasleBerne, Geneva, Lucerne, ted. tole you so is a blank liar, and you isn't bearing silver and other metals, with lode,o cent three-stor- y Laussnae, Zurich and Yevcy. building, filled from basement to top floor with the choicest, best Do not herald the sacrifices you make no bettah foah repelin it Ef I was ground three hundred feet (:J00) fect in selected and cheapest stock of New Goods ever shown in this city. ; No4 climbing Fnnee. Blaritx, Bayonne, Boulogne, Bordeaux, ROOFING AND BUILDING in situated each Elkhorn mining district, for others tastes, habits and prefer- sassy, I'd hab aheap to do wastin' my width, Havre, Lyons sad Paris. of stairs Elevators in constant operation. Polite and efficient salesmen in in Wasatch county, in said . ences. Territory, the d PAPER, jack-leJtr.lgin ww Antwerp, Brussels snd Luxemburg. ! little v ' brei'onebery same ollicial 1. lot No. ST. Department,- Oar every No. being survey A hesitating or trrum yielding to ' " JuHanrf. Amsterdam and Rotterdam, on Galveston Island. When I mineral district No. E7. and ( in jestice 'Dress Goods wishes of tbe other always crates upon wants to pick Stasnd the offlciul I don't and row field Christians, Bergen, Trendjam a notes of Said surXortemj plat quarrel up vanger. a loving heart. vey now on tile in this office, with magnetic Contains Most Elegant Brocades in Satin and Velvet, Satins de Lyons, Satin' with insects. Svnden. OoBthcborg, Stockholm and Malmo. variation at it aeg east, as follows, Duchesse, Silks, Setwise Silk Velvets in newest shades, JBrocha Bordered, and at the diecovei-monument of Denmark. Copenhagen. It is the old old story with some new jgmiiwg other Paris noveWesPlaids of latest importation, Black and Colored Cashmer(s id claim, and running: thence n M as A 8HBEWD old Valst. . Maples, Milan, the Ocnoa, from in come Leghorn, Florence, clothes on. A man 90 cents, tl.00 andfKlO Ha'y. of Englishandf:(elj-iakes,at3O,4O,50,6O,70,.8miu e on the centre line of the claim 400 feet Palermo, Bome, Turin and Venioe. GO TO a point in the centre of the eastnm nH lying country with an old shot-gu- n per yard. Americaa Dress Goods frcrin 8 cents, per yard upwards. Qur RttaUt.St. Petersburg. The greatest part of the storie in the bottom of his wagon. Ho tied ine of the claim: thence a 22 Anr is mln CLOTHS, IlJwirNEL AND TABLE COVXBIKGS D"EFABXaCKT Spain. -- Caiin, Madrid and Seville. which relate to the gains and losses of his team to a post on mainstreet, and along said end line 150 feet to Dost No. 1 nf said claim; thence n 28 dee; 15 min w on said PailHffaJ' Lisbon and Oporto. Contains some of the Choicest Designs. Best Brands tffPrints, Bleached Cotton gameaters are tragic rather than comic. walking to the rear of the wagon, eastern 3U0 end line feet to No. 3, from Austria. Carlsbad, Prague, Peeth, Trlste, Vienna . r X)ne which belongs to the category of caught the gun by the muxzle and which United States mineralpost Flannels, Etc., Etc. Our a monument No. First South St., SALT LAKE CITY. (Wieu) AHD the latter is reported from Monaco. tmllled it out An hour latter he had 1 of said Elkhorn mining rtintHr-- t tuanr tu Boot, Shoe Depabtjiejit ALL THE GERMAN STATES. A certain Gerninn baron, belonging to sold it for two dollars, and before night dcg20minw80 feet distant: thenco 67 Offers unequaled attractions as regafds price and quality; t Rubbers ot all kinds 45 min w 15(K) feet to post No. 3; thence deg If on of the best families in Mecklenberg station-houshalf with a was in the mln e 300 feet to oost No. 4; and styles to suit every want All goods sold in this Department warranted. Our , Correspondents:' :. 2idegl5 GEO. v"was one day so lucky as to gain three dozeii "drunk and disorderly" charges thence n 07 dog 45 min e 1500 feet to post Wells, Fargo It Co., New Tork. hundred thousand francs, fie left the against him. The papers may preach No. 1, the firet corner established, Dolman, Cloak and Pxtr DEFARTMEarT Wells, Fargo k Co, 8sn Francisco. table hastened to his hotel, and at once until they are hoarse, but people will an area of 10.33 acres. The locationcontaining of said sales in Has its A so far exceeded our most sanguine expeTrtations in every respect Salt Lake. Co., Wells, Fargo cluim is of record in the olllcc of tho Kocor-derlocked up his enormous sum in a cash-boOmaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. never learn to use fire arms. Elkhorn Cub In Wasatch mining district, Fancy Goods And Hosieut Befabxhent On awakening next morninz in said Territory. The presumed M. 1. HOTT, Cashier. ' Contains Silk, Woolen and Cotton Jiose in all sisses and qualities. The 'Herculee what was his dismay to find thit it had A Galveston darkey has returned county, of direction said Crawford lode is general Corset in French and Domestic makes. Twenty other Brands of . Finest to disappeared as well his old Valet Jean from a business trip to the interior of easterly and westerly, as near as can be KOTIOB. from present developments. Tho who, on a hundred occasions had given the state very much disgusted. Cheapest Corsets. Many bargains , in Silk Handkerchiefs, Buehings, Jewelrf said claim extends 400 feet easterly and 1,100 - .. ; etc., in this Department Our , ,,, , "Didn't you receive any offers to feet proof of his fidelity and his affection Terenr Broran: Ton ara hsrebj noll-dwesterly from the discovery point. for his master. As it was, the Baron pick cotton?" asked a friend. TO rusNisHiNO There are no known locations adjoining Gents' and we for have in Clothing that or you, Depaetkent expended found himself short of money, and "Yes, sich as dey wa& A man offered in the vicinity of said mining claim. dollabor and money, the sum of thirty-thre- e Contain? the Best and Most Perfect Fitting Goods Mi prices to induce purchwn Any and lars and thirty-thretelegraph to his father for assistance, me one third ob de amount I picked, and all persons claiming adversely any porcerts, said claim aro hereby notified to file mine, in (W331',) on the Rip Van Winkle acquainting him, at the same with his and when I looked at de field I saw for tion ofadverse claims tlfcrcto In thia office Blue Ledjje mining district, Wasatch coun-ty- , adventure. This was the answer he myself dat when it was all picked it their of within the amount tho of that IrMny sixty days' Utah, this publication youi as- fVnOT.KSALR BUYEKS "WILI. TISI OUit f"tOCZ7 '"t..-Ord-I ers'H'C'l Pa- sessment for the d so I lef received: "Don't disturb yourself. wouldn't amount o and Terms to Compote with any market I..S cx notice, or they will be forever barred by Graining Glazing and year 18), and unless you Jean is here with all tbe money, which for home." of advercosts virtue of the statute of the United States in with pay the stme, together solicited from far and near, and honorable treatiiiont guaranteed ' fool from made cases such the he dat didn't Hanging. and luck within was "You lost. think He days feared ninety provided. in you tising, you have in interest I of this that direct be this notice In notice, your ESTABLISHED tZZl. expiration published that your louis would go the way they yer. tho Park Mixixo Uepoko, the newspaper said mine will be forfeited to us by operation -. Call and examine Goods and Prices. ; No trouble ti s!ow Good. "You bet I was, Sandy. Mv relmetio published had ome and little liking that anticiVV. OlBRISCII, nearest the said mining claim, for Next door above Postoflice, Of law. Teteb KiiiKwoon. pation, he has como to k?ep the treas- is all what sabed me. I tll yer all, the period of aUtjr days. , 11. Mc.MASTER, J t l PARK CITY, UTAH. ures sale. Yon ccme, too." Park Citt, April 13, 11. send your children to school. Kcgistcr. Miss Sis Sippt. is the daughter of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, OS.-U- MU Ottr-Ud-LW : Bath House flpen IB A Tffll and urn it tv i Loung es ana umce i UJ.lU.bUlu - Dignari's Hall, Pa Geo. M. Scott & Co. Hot and Cold U M DS'isi T!ig ! Baths, - - - 50c HARDWARE, CHOICEST MEATS FALULY TRADE G0LIG1TGD, fiE ,XSr C. A. Towksbury, . - E. & P. C. R. R, Kitchen Utensils. - Hcpairing Promptly Attdsd To. i Foundry and Machine ''YOUN(;&MlES, Wholesale and Retail Boaidrs, UTAH, it NORTH-BOUN- Y.-.b y G.i2s Son Leaves-Atkinsti- , mMiorae-pow- STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, BOlTn-DOLS- t 1 The Union Pacific KORTU-llOUS- Hardware, Crockery & -- sorjTn-BOus- ZsSon UTAH n WE CENTRAL OTTENHEIMER. j General Merchandise DRY GOODS AHD JOTipriS! Railroads Salt Lake City. -- : Wines, Liquor, Tobaccos Ciffars! ' Nff Og-de- n ens-acre- n, CHEAP, GIlEAPEn THE G1IEAPE0T PRICE CASH . - 6 bee-l,n- MAYTT IBimTfflllSireS. - Park City Bank, ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Dry Goods and General Merchandise. F. AUERBACH Kiiri3ELiTL MO.'S; & ODipimilim AT THEIR HEW STOEE, Nos. 24 & 26 E. Temole St. ." HAS PROVED gur-fac- g, hrk FURNITURE, long-nose- : . ' t. ili-,- r , . Department Feathers, Mirrors, Carpets, Wall Paper, . , H. J3iirvoodey'is, . - aits Gaiter e, W.ANDREW, House, Sign and x. . e one-thir- d 3Xillinery at 'Wliolttlc Onlr. one-thir- per M--- , ll-l- '' F. AUERBACI o Rf. ' |