Show LECTURE AT UNIVERSITY Sick SIc Soldiers nt ot Fort Douglas Doulas to Shore Share In tn Proceeds Chaplain John T Axton recently re returned r returned turned from rain the Philippines will wi de do deliver de doliver liver lel an Illustrated lecture In the as assembly assembly assembly hull hall at the University of o Utah Ulah nt ot S this evening Chaplain Axton delivered a lecture lost lest lat evening which was wel well ell received Tonight tho tIme proceeds of at the lecture will 1 be de do devoted devote voted vote to the benefit of the tho girls stu dent dont association of at the university and ad to lo tho the fund for assisting the tho sick ob 01 at Fort Douglas Dougla each to share halt half h and half In tho the receipts The military band from rom reIn Fort Doug DuS las In will wl take taka part put In tho the evenings evening program presenting several number In brass harmony Tho The officers of o th the fort tort and amI their families and ad tho the morn mem members met bers bore of a the faculty tault of o the university and their families farles will wi bo be b present Th The lecturer It Is I well wel qualified to handle hi his subject and nd has ha brought with him from the time Philippines a collection o of native curios perhaps unsurpassed I In Inthis inthis this country Chaplain Axton wi wi wiil describe the tho customs modes of life lite manner of at dress dress industries etc ol ot o th the natives of a tho Philippines where h lie ho spent two years yeara as M chaplain in th the United States army Teachers stu students students dents and people generally interested in tho tim possessions of or the tho United States State In the tho far tar east eat are re Invited to attend |