Show BAN JOHNSONS JOHNSONS THREAT MEANS MUCH TROUBLE New York Dec De 15 H The threat of Ban Johnson president of oC the Amen Ameri American can n league to refuse to sit on the thc national leage commission on should John M Ward be elected president of oC tile Ue Na National National league which would practically mean a baseball war between the two major majol men leagues was again to tile the fore today toda when the tho magnates of oC the tire Na National National league gathered to consider r tho question queston of or presidency So S tangled has lias tire the th question become bom that tat it I was W predicted today toda that a 0 se so selection selection lection of ot tho the league logue head h al would not be made mae before tomorrow or the tho next day da With Cincinnati Pittsburg and Boa Bos Boston Bs ton for tor and New Now York Chi Ciri Chicago cago and Brooklyn for fOl Ward the out outcome outcome outcome come depends on the course cOU e of or Horace Horne Fogel tho the new nett president of ot tire the Plum Phila Philadelphia PhIa delphia club and Stanley Robison of or St Sl Louis Louie LuIs The Thc former forme l Is 19 generally understood to favor Ward while Robi Hobl Robion M von on has ha mode modo no open declaration ton for either cither candidate R n W Y Brown Brwn managing editor edior of or a Louisville newspaper was 3 discussed this morning aa as n a compromise candi eandi candidate date Garry Ga Herrmann of or the Cia Cin Cincinnati lao club is said to think highly of ot Mr lr Browns qualification Mr r Johnson sold said sd he h thought a three hour session was as all that would be required to finish up UI everything on the thc calendar of ot the tho American Ina league The Tho burg Baseball club will wl tender a n banquet tonight at the Waldorf Astoria In its honor of or winning the worlds championship Horace Fogel the now manager of the Philadelphia club said today todar that the men inca mel who now control the club are aro Harry Har P a millionaire brewer of Philadelphia A S L Shield a prominent corporation attorney of the same caine lame city and Grant Latterly Lafferty of ot the Orpheum Stock company |