Show OLD FOLKS Et PERFORMANCE TODAY Salt Lakers Present Serenade for tor Old 01 People and Little Folks Folia FoU FoUls This ls Between and SOO old people pepIe and tome 00 or SOO O orphans gathered at atthe atthe atthe the Salt Sal Lake Le theater to witness the tire performance of the tho opera Tho The Ser Son Serenade enade by b the Salt Sal this after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon tho the occasion being tim the regular midwinter entertainment provided by hy bytho bythe tho the old folks ron s committee Tire The greater geater portion porton of ot the tho old people wore red ribbons ons indicating their ag age to IP le r r 70 and under 80 0 many wo tr u variety varlet whose those age was between SO 83 and DO 90 O and not a few tew bore bone with pride the white ribbons having passed the 90 SO mark and more or less approaching near to tire the period rod The he old folks were store conveyed to the tho theater free tree of or charge by hy the tire Utah Light Railway company which winch also aiso furnished the he light for fOl the perform performance ance once The theater orchestra and nd stage stagG stagehands stagehands hands and the tire opera troupe troup gao gave their services gratis and everyone ccrone is I doing his utmost to make the performance successful The Tire little Ite folks from tho the orphanages of or the tho city cUr are enjoying the thc occasion ocion Immensely making it a red letter day lay for tor or all aU concerned |