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Show Wednesday Gala - Program T: June 9. QCD0H3 VF or Soldiers General Attends Dance, Makes Sasha First Sergeant Starts Tonight 1943 t "1 S- I TS M 1 Take It or Leave IV rt flfhaiw a VaIIaw a & 1 - M . ' tF in Debut, Coi 01 Waiver of Physical Requirement Ends ,xr 0a Sigbl For EM August 11 "IK 5Soo" ex oays remain for n- - one we Field enlisted men to take adW gnder ' age of the recent amendment! Camp x the National Service Life InsiuW listed and apply for the $10,000 maxima turinT ination or medical history atttt1 I1 menu Tne provision ends Aum BUIliC. j, 5WJ?! 1. Leniency Will End in 62 Da Jlus only program icaiuniig iiuu and variety shows will be the little theatre attraction for col dlers of Hill Field. Highlighted by both professional and soldier talent, the shows will be part of a regular New 11, 1943. Weekly program which has been Maw new provision ev Under the announced by Lieutenant Albert soldier at Hill Field has an oppq te" A. Domingue, Base Special Service tunity to clear up his insuran, edy at held to priv dance attended the General Frank officer. As a guest of Colonel Herman, Major problems and apply for the mat vrn FOB ALL K trip about the floor; right mum protection, including tho sJjO At the present time there will the officer5 club last Saturday night. Left, Colonel Lynch enjoys himself to a the tvenini to "Ors officer's mess, served are at dishes whose are otherwise who Herman Sasha, uninsurable. Colonel promote be three shows weekly. However the general and The A large percentage of the casu au. reUtt as soon as some of the entertainers sergeant," amid tbe aociaira oi were receiving suffice ties art d and a band return from furlough in Africa and tne .Pacific ud come t Non-Coit is planned to increase this to 2 tne present tune uttu no insura from five or six revues weekly. coverage for dependents. . York"! i m.1. i Keynoting this week's program Pick-U- p xuis uiuuuuu vrcaieu emoarrtt Before Is the new laugh show "Take It or ncr situations in Tuckei Leave It," which is patterned after ties. Denendents in manv (vmnmJ Dam Nears the famous radio show of the same Construction ties were receiving- sufficient Bides to Town Can dlnary, name. The show is entirely un monthly benefits, while others Pic This is what noisy barracks rehearsed and all contestants are Completion on Be the same communities were receh ky will be Caught M. audience. to: Each from the lead Staff Sergeant Lynn picked Club Headquarters routine ing none. Many of them didn't Link of Hill Field decided to question answered correctly will Shelter Gate South derstand that the fault was tnce o: double your chances for the grand one catch up on his lost sleep in non-coclub Two buildings, soiaier s own neglect to provit Othe Soldiers catching rides into town! Ogden's city hall park. It was for white soldiers and another for coverage for the Ju dependents. "Take It or Leave It," simulatthe south gate will no longer a good sleep, but highly unprofitcolored, are in the construction from I ing the weekly radio show by the from to for Sergeant Link. staee in the area soutn oi tne of Kal stand out in the weather itable same name, is the new Special have awoke he found some mobile depot groups. When he Service feature to be presented while waiting, according to an an one had taken his watch from The white non-cobuilding is at seven-thirt- y p. m. tonight in nouncement made by Lieutenant his wrist, his fortune of $82, and practically complete. Only a little Here 246. the Little Theatre, building (this above all!) his G. I. shoes work remains to be done to com The show is to be conducted Colonel David P. Thomas, chief of from SerHereafter hi feet. the interior, and much of this In the same manner as the radio utilities. The ASTP program got urn For s geant Link will have to (deep plete them left to the be may and roof feature. Contestants win be called a 8x20 with A shelter, on his job. In the meantime the selves. The club for the colored way this week when six men wei from the audience, and prizes open front, will be erected at the Ogden police are searching for on detached service to tbc Hen EM'S is still in the embryo stage, sent will be awarded all participants. of Utah for processing leas University, CCC of south gate the latter part of this his shoes. are the The buildings is knowl of dttl of Utah The - University ... St. 1 m type which are 20 feet wide and prize, or if you don't care to con week. A wooden bench also will .im a oiAn uiuk unuer ue asi barrac can be made any length. The clubs OS tinue you can take what you have be built beneath the shelter. set-uto gi' function its being of the a as built depart are won. part being already stations already the selected men a battery of Similar pick-u- p ' The Private First Class Sid Alexander alley project. The wnite and bowling to coi them specific assign larger of the 307th Aviation Squadron will have been built by Ogden service club is 20 feet wide and 120 feet JJJ tin or else reject universities tafiai act as master of ceremonies, and ciuds at intervals aiong me uigu-wa- y long, the colored is 20 feet wide in finally. narini 70 feet and the Little theatre at eight p. m long. between Ogden and Hill Field, Hill Field soldiers fortunate The men sent are. Sergeant Jo! tonight is the time and place. P. OCS the of to attend the Carey, Corporal Keith E. ChaA Iwebbe enough Friday night the second Little wick, Corporal David S. Kelsejf to be Judge Advocate General and be Lybia Review, an laugh Private First Class William II nitcai the takes cent riot, stage. Following in the upper 50 per graduated Private First Class Rofc Backman, foot-steThe In the of last week's of their class will be recommended C. Mounsey, Private Alan I ert recti variety show, Friday's presentation for Immediate promotion to the with i Hill Field personnel who have Toronto. Will feature gags, comedy dances, top, a stunts, jokes, and plenty of laughs, Warrant officers are to wear the grade of first lieutenant. The re- been shipping parcels to German duck, The same cast as in last week's insignia of the arm and service to maining members of the class are and Italian held prisoners through Allows Red Cross will be prohibited Itbep, the commissioned second lieutenants. riotous performance will be on which assigned, according to recent The promotion policy, applicable from doing so after tomorrow, June band to lend their talents. Next Monday night, June 14. changes in army regulations. Those to the schools maximum quarterly 10, it is announced. Nan variety show offering not on duty with an arm or service capacity of 150 students, is based The Red Cross provides prison ome of the finest professional Will wear the coat of arms of the on the graduates' records in .the era with its own standard-packe- d OA! talent in the area will be presented, United States. school, their professional ability, parcels. No reason was given for ' While sun tans must be wit the ban on individually, sent par There'll be guys, gals, gags, and The new insignia will be worn and their experience. XaJ on the field, regular O. D.'s mar appoii music aplenty in the variety pro on collar and lapel, where formerly cels. The new regulation, however, auction, which will continue the was worn the warrant officer A.i Capta . . 1 If J w sham of nightly features brought wreath. Service cap Insignia will does not stop acceptance by the Midlers uucrenon, acvuruui( ficer to you by the Special Services Sec remain the same. The insignia of Red Cross of monetary or com- a base memorandum last week ing t It1 KJ tuuiii ut liui tion. modity contributions for general where grade is unchanged. distribution. Articles not provided wia jirvmnag oi v. v. r ficer in the standard package include The base announcement statei furthef medical supplies, cigarets, tobacco they could be worn "until notioe.' and "comfort items. gtu ' fast-t- al ... Soldiers to Have Station Club Sergeant Link Has Very Costly Nap; Buildings Go Up Shoes, Cash Taken m A. 1 1 M a at m ASTP Underway, 6 Men Leave m -- . non-com- y A Half of OCS Class Be First LtS. ps 1 p, Halt Individual Prisoner Parcels Warrant Officers Insignia Changed all-sold- 1 I I Base Order O.D'stoBeWorn On Pass Off Post Star-studd- ed Bride and Groom ! A.1 , A I ( 31, Lt. Shaiiline Transferred; Australian Flyer Is Guest r Twenty Fourth Street USO 448 Street Twenty-fourt- h Telephone TOrrOHT. WBDNBSOAY. JUNE , 194S 8:30 p.ra. USO OIHLS' CLUB, Club Room. 7:45 p.m. USO DRAHA OUIB, Club Lounge. 8:00 p.m. RUSSIAN NIGHT, Thlrt Monthly Cabaret Night. Band, 8Peclal F,oor Show. RefreehmenU, Main RFecreatlon Hall. 8:30 p.m. Complete Floor Show, Courtesy United NaUona Club. TOMOaaoW, THUUHDAY. JCNE IO. 1S43 5:00 p.m. Quart rmUr Bnsineera Supply Olrla' Cborus, Club bounst10:05 p.m. HIU riold Broadcast. "Mert the OanK." with Ford Rose as master of ceremonies, and cast of civilian war workers from Ufaen Air Depot. FIOAY, JUNE 11, 1943 8:00 p.m. "KID'S PARTT." Come to roll up your slacks, fellows and tie ribbons In yourprepared hair, girls. - Root arUen 8:00S;!!lr;KANCEU Fun RhPy., Bushnell Band, SUNDAT, UNB 13, 1943 5:00 p.m. Sunday Picnic. 0:00 p.m. MOVIE, "Howards of Virginia," Main Recreation Hall. MONDAV, JUNE 14 ,1943 8:00 p.m. Dancing for Pleasure. O:30pn.-Fl(m- s, "Listen to Britain," "Winning Tour Wings," TUESDAV, JUNE 1943 ' 8:00 p.m. Dance Lessons, Mr. Walter 15, Stoker, Instructor: Miss Margaret Mohlman at the piano. 9:00 p.m. Extra Special Party. ' ' WK'WBHAV. JC.NE 16, 1943 8:00 p.m. Dancing Party and Kntertainment. sponsored by the Army ' Mothers' Club of Ogden, Main Recreation Hall. Wall Avenue USO 2660 Wall Avenue Operated for Negro Soldiers and War Production Workers WAIX AVENUE USO CLUB JUNE 9 TO FRIUAY. MINE 11, TO HM.HH FLOORS "ATl'IlDAV. JUNE , 1943 .B:00 p.m. Bingo Double or Nothing 9:00 p.m. Dance Musle by 278 QM Band. SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1943 10:00 a m. Coffee Hour. m Leave for Church of your choice, l: 00 p.m. Homes Hospitality. 4:oSS 'JfU,"C H,our Conducted by Miss Zudora Blakey. eSp::" 6:00 Open House Tea. o;"aiiLln'0rm1 TtieM Hour Darwu p.m. OBdc' r Sergeant Clarence Whi new Lieutenant Lloyd C Shanline was The high flyinsr "Bombers' umm Sergeant Emmett Johnson of the transferred during the week, and idle during; the week due w ver. the ui 308th Aviation Squadron was mar the squadron misses his presence. unusual Utah weather, yes, Comn ried to Miss Evalie Stedward of The 482nd "Bombers" Softball club unusual. The boys are all ami Vaugl Batesville, Miss. lost a swell supporter and super- to open the season in the Ogdc field: I The ceremony, which took place visor in Lieutenant: Shanline. It Service league. hire, on May T, was performed at the was he who was responsible for auiU home of the bride's parents. Staff the new Athletic Area at the rear Everybody has been asking aboc toefj Sergeant Johnson has returned to of the brick barracks, basketball our visitor that we had for brew told t duty with his squadron and is the courts, and volleyball courts. On fast on Saturday morning. He A m recipient of many congratulations. his new venture, we all wish Lieu a friendly ally, an Australian Aust tenant Lloyd Cv Shanline the best J. W. Billington. He was fljW of Va ca of luck. 'to to through, and is an aviation Force. Ina Army Emergency in the Australian Air (towa First Sergeant Kerwin O. Liak, nt aviaflnM thV are OM. Relief who was on special duty, Base L. A. C moaning Leaaing Plans and Training, has returned craftsmen. ihey, The Hill Field office of the wmw blue SBK U . in.- - r to the squadron, and is first ser Army Emergency Relief, loW geant again, replacing Technical which is the winter issue, and w I cated in room 106, Base Mortimer F. Luria, who as the . summer issue. The gUn Sergeant Headquarters, is organised to fine a did Job in pinch-hittin- g for bands on their flight caps sif5 the o: aid military personnel and did First Sergeant Liak. trainee in tbe air corps, tie members 'of their families in u uh that Australia was the following ways: Captain Harry J. Mrachek, squad- training men within the ageiSt W, 1. Loans may be made for: L ron commander, announced during to 32. Thinks that United a. Emergency furloughs. CalWortf the past week, that two more men U great and especially b. Hospital or medical hills, will receive the coveted Good Con- LAC Billington said that it trgan e. Other unusual circumduct Medal in addition to the was a matter of time before tyth( stances. 30 that were announced In last war would be over and is very " jt tui 2. When ability to repay week's Hillfielder. Sergeant Wilton vinced that it will be xri. f a loan is unlikely, cash Gottlieb, and Staff Sergeant Wil- enjoyed our mess hall and grants are authorized. liam E. Roberts were added to the that he hoped to be able to ; 4 3. Aids include: list that will receive the Good Con- off at Hill Field again n a. Legal affairs. (fba duct Medal. h t future. b. Securing back pay. e. Dependency allotments. belli Four more 482nd men were apAll military personnel, their Wedding bella, wedding the pointed by Army Specialized Immediate family and relaTraining board during the week. Lawrence Smith, Private tives and dependents of reinlt; tv Sergeant John P. Carey, Corporal man and Corporal Keith E. tired, honorably discharged Keith E. Chadwlck, Private First wick, asfl took the middle it or deceased personnel are t th Class, William X. Backman, and the altar. The squadron Pr eligible to receive the aid of n Private First Class Robert. C. wUh them all the luck in the the AER. '" to Mounsey the University t Army Emergency Relief Lof Utah. reported They will cm before m. officer: That's about a thU rUn screening board and if found quali- be good now and so, thlrtLieutenant Charles Mallory. fied, will then proceed to a college Sergeant nq Ut(o A. Mondsf ior scnooiing. porter. While on furlough recently Staff J air-mind- ed ( - Li w, w p |