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Show Plane Crashes on IllVMi OOfMIMjj . . Hill Field. Ogden, Utah WednesdayJune 9, 1943 In the News Barracks for iefof ASG Of the Week Visit o Hill Field ays WAACs Are Air Service Command Greets Air Housing for About 160 of Gals to Be Done August 1 Force Leader west coast pying in from the nga inspection tour, Jttajor-jeWalter H. Frank, commanding t leral the Air Service uom-.- a met at the Hill Field to base at two p. m. last Saturday ftemoon by ogaen Air oervice Jommand's . commanding officer, Berman, and his Morris Tolonel General Frank L. nrlsadier General Lester T. flier, head of the supply division Accompanying 1 the Air Service Command. ( The impeding party immediately Vinged into their tour of facilities , itthe depot Frank, who has in recent Whi stressed the necessity of on 'Ming air depot installations production line basis, was espe-lll- y (General with the highly of the air tpot repair departments and their tflciency.. It has been mainly due to Gen ii Frank's lead that this branch the army air forces was changed m a military tvDe to an indus impressed breakdown Wialixed trial line organization. ( Following the inspection party watcnea ,mciai Air Depot ceremonies tour, the tne disc ana uroups stand, and pass in re-- at re- - In the evening, the visiting offers were ftolnnel Rermdn'fi truest t a dance in the Officers' club. 1 Sunday the group left Hill Field ra continuation of inn their itinerary Major E. F. Keisig, Cap-I- t. L. Whearlev. CaDtain L. and Lieutenant W, T. Maier. jfed Brings lovies to Hospital Young Powell made ifhangar. home in Salt Lake City, where A-2- (Continued LJEUTENANT B. O. SOGAARD Salt Lake City civilian air patrol discovered the missing body of Private Dorsey U. Flaherty, who was one of five killed in fatal crash in Great Salt lake on Easter day. (Cols. 4 and 5, this page) for Last Evening Witai was started last night by Cross chapter on Hill to Edward B. according field director for the chap-li- e Red movies will '"fi . be shown twice from seven to nine p. m. provide relaxation and entertain- iojr patients who are able if wof bed out who are still the hospital for treat- Jjnea week provides sepvtA !liv.Mi v.T' isolated from planes to pro- C aroPPed re a. evening Death Results From Accident Sgt. Aguirre Fails m.,n..-'SL,.- Fracture of Skull oih-cer- ponstritct Recreation Center tension 236. care for 1000 Spectators Hanna McArthur on Road to Recovery the a portable stage. However;blue Hanna A. McArthur, of J 5 Army the . Included in not boxi. .boi r" facility foruaanet.- prints. Also, there will be showers nart at a thumb. Thurs ' f" 8n all - and toilet facilities for both men ? buildrecreation 1rp0se MB when it was necessary 3, June day, . la ..I,1, wiae and 160 feet and women. )i . e .Mhiamt which nam' Aiany oi me i athletic program Field HiU depot per the be eat.a2 to the colored during the winter months will The uuaings. removed by the opening of tne Kwenew!)nUildi.n wlH hav bulidlng. ui,pthall lt br..,?0xin ring and a nort- -In tne-- past an oi Two) Vfi...i a "ng alley, and there may. r ! 0Uth ofC?trUCtin mobile ? . Pilot of the wrecked plane, Cap tain W. M. Bell, was brought to the station hospital, suffering from face and scalp cuts and shock. Lowering of the injured pilot to the hangar floor was effected immediately by a rescue squad of four civilians who have been commended by officials of the field "for speed and courage in removing the . pilot from danger." (Continued on Page Two) . In the - lSwnt " On-Pa- r-:"- 'v m HUimu III IIILUUUMII1LUUIJV1IUUUIIUU the Slst ADG fought to salvage the plane which crashed Easter day in the Great Salt lake. One shows the raft, from which they fought lake storms. The other shows the difficult terrain over which they had to work. To Rally From -- Bpec-fb- severe injuries are : Delia Pacheco, 26, civilian dormi tories, Hill Field. Zea Hepler, 25, 3266 Adams Avex " nue, Ogden." Arlie Benton, 46, 2539 Adams Ave nue, Ogden. Harold R. Sadler, 40, 3614 Adam Avenue, Ogden. FIGHT LAKE STORMS . . . Here are two scenes as .l. 1000 Four Seriously Injured Workers who sustained he last ' rrr,oora and enlisted men who are or were Lions are invited to MAXTRBAER mDDADir 'X from theatres. , a dinner to be given at seven p. m. Tay will VAax k Former .heavyweight champion oi next Tuesday night in Dick's cafe, ' ai onJSll h,"pital through the the world, will appearcard by the Lions ciuo oi us in Og Ogden, Jon . 7 LtiA. u. UCJIf ici ocrviues ana dier's benefit boxing19. i?r,i!ofnri men able to attend this uSpitai with the Red Cross den Saturday, June (Col. 1 of page 8) dinner are urged to submit theirs, names to their commanaing who will in turn report such names to the Base unapiam, e )toi5abaIn(!Lfu!10l?8in came from. St. Anthony, Idaho, winter. his"' Two Post Lions Asked To Ogden Dinner .. naa personally .3 rag . Cross Motion Picture movies for hos-'- " Hi combat areas as well as fontment. Fred Kisling- uirector or tVia mnf ah ! . i on Staff Sergeant Albert Aguirre, 23, nf the 11th Medical Supply Platoon last Thursday died at the Base hospital as the result or a skuii fracture sustained when he was affair hv nn automobile on May 30. The victim's mother and sister have returned to Texas with tne body for burial. Th accident occurred on U. S. Sergeant Aguirre highway 91, when otnnnari fmm .w..a a. bus to facilitate 0bWf checking of passengers and was hit snuarelv by a nortn-ooun- a The bodv was dragged be neath the car for a distance of from 100 to 150 feet, according to spectators. pnvalescent n, 0, 17-ye- Showinn (Wd, TRAGIC ACCIDENT . . . In a sudden storm last Wednesday, a medium bomber crashed onto the roof of Hangar One. The pilot nivillMi ivnrknr was killed, four seriously 20 suffered injuries of less extent. another injured, Appoint Board of Inquiry to Probe Spectacular Accident Of Patients Held Here - - Detachments of WAACs (soon to be WACs) will arrive at Hill field in the next few weeks to take over jobs and release general service men for combat duty, this head quarters made know yesterday. That WAACs would be assigned here soon has been known for several weeks, but the date of their A special board of air force off arrival, the number to be in the group, and the type of jobs that cers has been appointed to investi they will fill has not been an gate the crash of a light bomber ft which hit the roof of hangar No. nounced officially. The only clues as to the date of one last Wednesday afternoon dur their arrival and the number in the ing a sudden storm, claiming the group have been four buildings, life of one war worker, severely two barracks, a mess hall, and a injuring four, and causing 20 to combination administration and sustain minor' injuries while the recreation hall which are under pilot escaped with head lacerations MAJOR GENERAL FRANK construction in the. area south of and shock. was piloted Paid Hill Field a quick visit Sat the civilian cafeteria and west of The plane, an from a west coast point of origin urday and Sunday, was pleased with post schools. what he saw. Authorities say that the barracks by . Captain W. M. Bell, who esare sufficient to house 160 WAACs caped serious injuries in the spec(Col. 1, this page) and three officers, and must be tacular crash and was saved from a dangerous fall to the floor of completed by August 1. ' the hangar, almost 100 feet below, 'Em for Jobs Many in a dramatic rescue by four civilian As to the type of jobs that the steel workers. WAACs can do, there are over 100 Wendell Ray Powell, a jobs authorized for them, but just old civilian mechanic in the hangar, what they will do at Hill Field has was killed instantly, when struck not been revealed. flying parts of the plane as they The women are authorized to do by hurled through the roof, while the 25 technical jobs, including weather remainder of the body of .the plane observing, drafting, welding, con rested on the bent girders of the trol tower operating, machinists, and bomb sight repair. They may do administration work, supervising offices; office work, typing, ac counting, bookkeeping, and cash iering, photographic, and operating clothing warehouses and post " theatres. The barracks going up in the area near the cafeteria are of the theatre of operations type building and Cross First Showing - 31st ADG Accomplishes Its Mission Maf Other officers in General Frank's y were: Colonel J. M. Har-ive- s, Bin JUT Started Here Ogden id jj of Hangar 1 vwtv. to amputate me me an acciaeni on motn the Dee hos m.. toimn and was accident the pltal following satisfactorireported as recovering in a band ly. She caught her hand saw. s . Body oi Flier Recovered; All oi Plane Is Salvaged The last body to be recovered of f and remaining victim of the crash. the doomed crew of a bomber which 3. Undergo practical field trainicrashed into Great Salt lake on ng, in bivouacing and use of field Easter Sunday was found last expedients. All three missions were successWednesday by a civilian air patrol The organiza- flyer and on Friday identified as fully accomplished. Private Dorsey U. Flaherty of the tions returned to Hill Field SatSacramento air base. urday. account of the The dead man was spotted by An Lieutenant B. O. Sogaard of the entire three-wee- k operations, as Salt Lake civilian air patrol ap- told to the Hillfielder by Master proximately 30 - miles from the Sergeant C. H. Carmichael of the scene of the crash, lying face up 99th, is presented here: "On the morning of May 13 in about three inches of water. Colonel F. D. Lynch, commanding we were notified to proceed 43 officer of AAB, accompanied by miles west of Brigham City to Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Hansen, salvage the 5 airplane that went base operations officer, left Hill down on Easter morning in the Field Thursday to assist in bring- Great Salt lake. "We immediately began locatmg ing back the body, which though seen from the air still presented and getting equipment to be urted a problem in being reached by boat in the operation and after working all Thursday night success was or by foot. Soldiers at the bivouac camp north finally achieved. At eight o'clock of Promontory point, salvaging the Friday morning we proceeded with plane, reached the body by walking some 30 pieces of equipment, inearly Thursday afternoon. Friday cluding one large air corps wrecker morning saw the body at an Ogden and two semis. "After roaming over the mortuary. for a number of hours and When on May 13 the 99th Re- eating more than our share of dust, pair Squadron, 2490th Truck and we finally located a place to pitch 1718th Ordnance Companies were camp, and by in the evenotified they were to proceed to ning our camp was complete. "For a number of men who had Great Salt lake, three different objectives were before them. just been inducted, thU was the The organizations were to: first time they had an opportunity to take part in this type of opera1. Salvage from the lake the 5 which had crashed there on Easter tion. "Our first meal was a typical morning, and in such fashion as to allow technical investigation of army meal, and after the long truck ride' the boys really did eat the wreck. 2. Locate the body of the fifth (Continued or Page Bey en) . eye-witne- ss . B-2- cow-coun- try six-thir- B-2- ty . |