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Show ) Farewell crest to Streets Soon Continue Program TOf ficials to Be Selected By Civilians Area Session Tomorrow the oolicy of continu- LWZrovemenU in the Hillcrest SSrea, paving of streets nSJSSb. w?u.nce? t coionei of the r Week will be ohut it 150.000. . ivu uwumw -- TH - JrOBfc M started Monday of and day and swing shift will push the work until clT i, !ted GOOD within this will g bad weather big help to the residents, will also eliminate the dust, has been planted around the barracks Kigs andto themake them will be as at-Cti- ve WdKaped as possible. New top soil w been brought into the area toa the Kentucky, blue grass v hetter start. Hillcrest now offers as economire cal room accommodations as any-Che- in the state. Women can btain rooms as jow no o.w p onth, and men's accommoaauunB i as low as ?6.uu per monw. Attractive a The ladies' dormitory includes arge wash and laundry room in -- building. There are fcatns, and showers on eacn uoor. tach woman's dormitory nas a each ubs, wither - keen gr uiu i." w tn dean and sanitary, inspections are made. BUIlsv the building0 and regular have access to dormitories All laundry and dry cleaning services, oostoffice services, and there are telephones in most buildings at the present time. Three large recreation lounges, with hostesses on duty until two a. m., provide relaxation At one large entertainment. and recreation hall, "Meet the Gang," parties and dances are held each week. There are church services for Catholic and Protestant denomin atioos each Sunday. A has already city government been set up, consisting of a mayor, counsellors, and building representatives, who govern the affairs to make the dormitory area a better place in which to live. Department Purchasing Has Its Own Newspaper Peek and Cee, newspaper of Purchasing and Contracting department, received a rousing welcome by that members of the first edition section when was issued this week. Mrs. Mary Edelen, beaded initial staff of eight, chosen weir experience in handling Planning the edition. the for and A rotating plan of naming a wmpetent editor, after three edi-wn- s, by the staff itself, who. in tUTD. Will vote a now msmhao (tin toe staff is under review by P & C Representative Council. Peek k Cee originated at a Rep-"entati- Council meeting is the hoDe personnel that in ul grow to be a Jf at P ve & of th taff and a few months it bigger and better Peek & Cee is actually a ""uature newspaper condensed on a depart- m?i 6 Bheet V"1 Helen Huish Heads Office Council Election Held By Civilians in Control Office Civilian employes of the AERA Control Office have participated in an election to choose an Employes Representative Council Elected were: Helen F. Huish, chariman; Charles C. Quinn, publicity representative; Beverly de Bloois," Norda Anderson, Evalyn Miller, Mary Lou Jones and Lois Peterson. The function of the council is to serve as a medium through which various office personnel projects may be introduced and carried to completion. Formulating plans for honoring or recognizing some member of the office staff because of? some special event in his or- her life, introducing to those in authority ideas for better operation of the work of the Control Office, and sponsoring social activities will be the immediate goal or tne council. - Special Swing Shift Shows at Downtown Ogden Theatres ORPHEUM THEATRE m. to Saturday, eleven a Darktwo p. m. "Edge of ness," with Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan. Second feature: "High Explosive." Midnight show at 12.30 a, m., "The Human Comedy," with Mickey Roon-e-y ' and Frank Morgan. EGYPTIAN THEATRE Saturday and Sunday, one-fifte- en Terrace Prospects that the district's for in " final Rtno-o- federal aid was i. j eVri,ngton Terrace that the eXS 400 to 500 children in the would not be forced to gmunity S vear of schooling weer county school had ore ""V made application for $11,- in" 5D?iPW?,de two month, the Burch Creek school f Terrace chil without school faoi ui:.0. I!..en the proposed sum ii e Burch Creek will hi' facultyer n hand to on tv, chiu.,1 hfl,.4? instruc-Ias8wn;lsumm- proper age levels. f 1 Berg of fh dotation First Lieutenant Unit, Material Inquiry Branch, the hat pulled the lucky chip from as nine have for o 3, 10 Pursue a course last Thursday, June and applied AAp tactics. members of the Purchasing who.hadper section, Contracting 0 kVu! CWO Geor D. feet attendances over a fa";--25 war for leave lots ,a drew for proximo? period, io dnv bence, bond. dTL fVB 1 ' ii wJp Jill ! "No Tag! No Name! No Number! What the Hell U It?" Seven More Hill Fielders Have Perfect Attendance Names of additional Hill Fielders.said : "Encourage reliable people. who up to this hour are eligibles Get rid of bums. Don't give privilfor the Commanding Officer's Civil- eges to some that others don't have. ian Roll of Honor, came to light Make employes' positions seem imthis past week as records were checked midway in the attempt portant to them." Much is being to have perfect attendance until done along this line in the Military August' 1, the date of the first Personnel, offices. awards. A familiar face around the post Seven Hill' Fielders, in addition comof that of James F. Brown, foreman is the city night's meeting to Milton C. Eberhart, appear to missioners is the resignation of have work records with no times of the Janitors Division, who has Lawrence Smith from his post of or ., absent for extended an enviable attendance record since theatre commissioner. Mr. Smith tardy of time, and are leading March 18, 1941. Mr. Brown has periods is returning to his Colorado home eligibles for the awards, if nothing accrued, through his overtime, acpermanently for business reasons. unfortunate happens in the inter tually 15 days which he could take Election to fill the vacancy, will be vening six weeks. off, but, feeling that he has never held one week from this coming MaintenThomas of and in spite of been Benjamin Friday, June 18. ance Department has a perfect at the fact that he has 58 days annual Tomorrow night's meeting will tendances-recorfrom. June. "16, leave due him, he has only used ' '" begin at seven p. m. At eight-thirt- y 1941, to ; date. - He has earned 58 four days to date.' it will be open for residents of days annual leave which he has Hasn't Missed a . Day Hillcrest to attend. Important re- not as yet taken, and is a senior Dan B. Johnson, of Plant. Equip ports are expected to be returned aircraft inspector. Mr. Thomas on the food situation and on the hails from Spanish Fork, Utah, a ment, has been in perfect atend12, 1942. Mr. cost of living at Hillcrest as com determined war worker, ance since March says, "absenteeism is just pared with other communities. who is out to keep his record per- Johnson an evidence of laziness and shows fect. lack of interest on the part of an Mr. Thomas explained, "presence 'Meet Gang' employe." indicadirect a is of the employe ' Gerald Waterfall, working on the is work. of his in interest It tion 4 Program Tonight project, has a splendid at up to the employer to promote "Meet the Gang," riotous laugh friendly feelings and a cooperative tendance record since June 6, 1941. Mr. Waterfall is only 22 years of show produced and emceed weekly desire so that the employe will will be presented want to be at work on time every age and has actually accumulated by Ford Rose,at seven-thirty in the nine days overtime since his emagain tonight day." east wing of the cafeteria building Another Perfect Record ployment. He believes, "employes should be- taught the importance in the civilian dormitory area. Mrs. Florence B. Reed, a clerk of their job because so many do The usual program, which includes interviews and quizzes with of the Message Center, has a per- not take their jobs seriously." atendance record since April From Depot Supply, according to the audience participating, will be fect1941. Mrs. Reed hails from Salt the payroll records, we find Byron suoDlemented by a "dress rehears 7, Verde-lan- d F. Miller with a perfect attendance al" of the radio broadcast, "Meet Lake City, and recently from Mrs. Reed Park. "per- record since October 7, 1941. Mr. believes, tomor to be the Gang." presented row night over the Intermountain fect attendance would be greatly Miller's record shows he has a very improved if supervisors would not high efficiency rating and has adnetwork. relax so much and sign slips for vanced consistently since being em sick leave when investigation has ployed at Hill Field. Civilian Band Has proved that no illness actually oc- Get Due Credit curred. Employes should be disAll Hill Fielders who believe they First Rehearsal couraged in taking days off as to have perfect attendance records them and their under the charging choosing The Hillcrest band, should notify Captain Ben I. Butdirection of Irshal Davis, had its up to annual leave." Michael Niland has a perfect at ler at once so that they may be first rehearsal last Sunday, with record since April 5, 1941. given due credit. tendance 15 members in attendance. The Commanding Officers Civil Mr. Davis who has had 16 years Mr. Niland is an assistant to Col ian Roll of Honor has been set up from hails onel and. as a MacTaggart band director, of exDerience to encourage perfect attendance. estimates the Hillcrest aggregation Everson, Penn The shield with names of gold to Mr. Niland, when asked what will be ready for engagements in wearers will be unveiled do to encourage perfect attendance, ribbon OASC six weeks. on the Headquarters Build ing around August 1, 1943, and the names having six months or more perfect attendance will be inscribed upon the shield. A special committee has been appointed to serve with Captain Butler in administering the Com manding Officer's Civilian Roll of Honor. Members of the committee, be sides Captain Butler, are Gunnar J. Soeberg, and Ford Thomas Rose, of Statistical Branch and Special Projects office, respectively. The duties of the committee will be to include statistical research relative to membership, daily per centage reports, distribution of conletters and cards, gratulatory awarding of honors, publicity, and promotion. es- -f Weldon Woozley, Marie Morris, Conference According to the' charter as Major Earl A. - r Leonard Davidson, Erma Hunter, Webster will leave Saturday for MJ UD11SIICU of the Purchasing and Con Beula Johnson, Reuben E. Miller, a . conference on salvage all persons having Greta and at Antonio Air disposal trading section, Steward, Dorthea Miller, and Service Command.San a perfect attendance over atoperiod Mae V. draw Berg boasted perfect scores of four months are eligible At Sacramento previous period Stephen for the bond. The next drawing for the at that pace, their names will M. Shelton is at Captain McClellan Field will be held in September for those and soon , on be the Com for a course in maintenance appearing who keep their records clean - until manding Officer's Roll of Honor, that date. . " over-work- ed d " the B-2- - '. Mm w5kS?i1' t's vw.v . J term will provide wnicn will enable the attend school in the Hill-cres- . Perfect Attendance Plus Luck Wins War Bond Drawing wee 8lrt The Hillcrest City Council at its meeting tomorrow night, will select a president of the council of build ing representatives from a list of three names decided upon at Tuesday night's meeting. The three men chosen at last nights meeting for suomission to the City Council for nnai decision are: Wilbur Davies, mayor of Hillcrest, Wayne Hopkins, and Everett Lundquist. The new office of president of the council of building representa tives will serve as a liaison be tween that body and the City Council. The president will sit with the commissioners at the Thursday night meetings and function as the official representative of the dor mitory officers, transmitting to the commissioners the wishes, decisions and demands of the dormitories. Also to be elected tomorrow night, following discussion at last night's meeting of the lower body, is a representative from Hillcrest to sit on the Welfare Council of Hill Field, and represent Hillcrest's interests. Function of this representative will also be to integrate welfare policies with those of Hill Field and surrounding communities. Last night's meeting was the final one to be attended by the present members. Changes in work shifts necessitate a new set of dormitory representatives to meet next Tuesday evening. A Hillcrest-wid-e popular election will be held this coming Monday evening at seven p. m. for the purpose of selecting new representatives from each building. To be announced at tomorrow . a. m., "Crash Dive," with Tyrone Power. Brighter mfcf" . . . (Wain Captain Glen A. Haviland was honored last Saturday at a get- together of the employes of the Civilian Personnel section, prior to his departure for active army duty. The employes presented Captain Haviland with some going-awa- y gifts, including an attractive clock and a soldier's leather kit with sewing 'box, and all the men's es sentials, together with a game kit complete with poker chips, checker board, dice and all the trimmings. Captain Haviland said: "It isn't leaving the post that bothers me, it s leaving the people. news. School LUCK Havlland was wished all the good luck in the world by the Civilian Personnel section employes as ne leaves on army assignment. and streeferare the next three ridewalks Hill Fieltfs Inspection Branch Hillcrest Council Has Important Of Improvements For Civilian 5 Wednesday June 9, 1943 V. -- 10-d- ay four-mon- th |