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Show 3 osh Bowling 'tfleys for ost Center ftllQXIOB Provided AUeys 12 Hill Field, Ogden, Utah b 4 Buildings - .!11 S&ction On Dec. 4, 1942, the Progress Shipping Branch had on hand 3777 shipping tickets; 707 were three to 10 days old, 413 were over 10 days old, 1045 past the deadline date, and the date of the oldest ticket was early July, 1942. By May 28 of this year things had been caught up to this extent: 752 tickets on hand; none over. 10 davs old. none past the dead line date, oldest ticket date. Wednesday, June 9, 1943 Hillfielder News Program Again on Air Tomorrow Under Construction - About the Field In 5 Minutes If) uiaii Ka nhle of three buildings, soldiers, and one for May 26. Cwhite SkVm the barracks area is in Sly and a fourth for colored been completed "e urifa And mav be 10 W non-met- al if " iengui. . T7iU Su.ilAincv three alleys, making a ...:lKlo allpv six for ia say ' house . Fabric Depart repair section is moving out of hangar one, into location formerly occupied by Plant Maintenance. Carl Horlachen, forJ Welcome Curtis of Wright Propellefl merly Co., is now in charge of the pro repaia peller shop in the Movinar Days ment, S Khas 1.1. , llllliillllllll ..uum three for the colored. for the civilians. ftosUllaUon of the alleys will be- -lBrunswick engineers arto confer with local authority on the foundation for the alleys, for the buildings were UWIWM. SI Q three v: non-met- al section. ji wrw. Of- vu"-...- B- Wten from fort Morgan. Building of Start ... HILLFIELDER NEWS Is going out on the air each Thursday over KLO, Ogden. Private First Class Gordon is the "Voice of the Hillfielder" and "Keep 'Em Flying" Hill Field orchestra likewise appears on the program presented from the USO. Freight Cargo Will Centralized At Depot on Post Be of the new air terminal which will make Field one oi ine Key units transcontinental runs began to last week on the old asphalt larking lot northwest of the fire rnnstruction Wight guard house. The new freight id ouuamg, fcet lone and 100 feet wide, greatly simplify and speed up Slipping of several tons of zuw will the top yiority transported from W Field daily. f Cargo originating at Ogden Air bepot, the air base in Salt Lake pity, the Utah Army Service Forces Depot, Naval Supply Depot, and the Ogden Arsenal are flown out of Field. When the new building completed all of this cargo can located at one centralised point, the shipping atly facilitating cargo 11 as. ' The air freight a scheduled stop terminal at Hill for eight trans- cargo flights which Tve all aerial ports of embarca- m as well as other large depots id ports of embarcation in the ntinental States. In addition to the eight regular anscontinental runs, three cargo lanes assigned to Hill Field, and g top weights of 3000 to Mted The Hillfielder is on the air! Last Thursday night the regular Keep 'Em Flying program broadcast by Hill Field soldiers from the Ogden USO center through station KLO, Ogden, carried a new feature three minutes of news flashes from the pages of the Again the Hillfielder news program will be heard tomorrow evening. Private First Class Doug Gordon, formerly M. C. on the show, is the "Voice of the Hillfielder," and will deliver the headlines of the week during each broadcast. The radio show, which goes on each Thursday night from Hill-field- er. ten-fifte- to tion KLO, is en MWT, over sta- ten-thir- ty a regular broadcast by the Special Service orchestra. Sergeant Joe Mullendore is music director, and Sergeant Dan Bailey, - Finish Training Course 5-W- eek 42 w MaintenanceMeet Here Today 3-D- five-wee- ay five-we- ek sub-dep- ot f1, fadlarters at mike" on the announcements. While the band is on furlough the next two weeks, the program will be presented by civilians. Ford Rose of the Promotion Department of Special Projects division will direct the cast which includes Law rence West, baritone; Anna Marshall, singer and pianist; Warren Bates, tenor; a girls' trio com posed of Romania Grant, Betty Mitchell, June Barlow and Gerald Brown, pianist, and Al Torsak, dramatic tenor. The weekly program always Include facts of interest to Hill Field soldiers and war workers, and is designed for their enjoyment and for the listening pleasure of the radio audience of the intermountain network. C I Gone Leroy White, camera re: in Lowry FieldV pair section, is now course Colo., taking a three-mont- h in camera repair. He left lass Saturday. Detached Service Howard? Duscha, formerly with the Supply. Division here, is now on detached service at the Sioux City, Iowa He may become chief! clerk "there. y if A I sub-dep- Picnic in Canyon Newcomer Replacing Miss Hil ton (married) as private secretary to H. W. Shreadley of Depot Sup ply Planning Section, is Mrs. Marie J. Batchelor. Social Events Are Announced By Club Committees Consolidation canyon picnic at Bountiful Park next Sunday, June " 13, is planned for the social calendar of the Officers club, and the second dance of the month with a special selected orchestra is scheduled for Saturday, June 19. The committee in charge of the Bountiful Park expedition includes Colonel P. W. Wolf, Captain R. D. Critton, Lieutenant R. L. Clark, Lieutenant A. B. Wanamaker, Captain J. L. Clark, Cap tain J. H. McAlvin, Lieutenant T. E. Wherry, and Lieutenant R. E. Pickens. Lieutenant F. F. Gray, Lieutenant E. W. Sklar, Lieutenant C. S. Plumb, and Lieutenant W. E. Hig- gins are in charge of the summer A - facilities to care for Hill Field transportation problem was added this week with the announcement that the Bamberger line had put into service a new $100,000 diesel locomotive. President of the Bamberger railroad, Julian M. Bamberger, said it would be used to haul both passenger and freight cars. The locomotive is of 1000 horsepower, weighs 242,000 pounds and is capable of a speed of 70 miles per hour while drawing 40 standard freight cars. The new engine will have installed a steam boiler for the purpose of heating cars handling troops to and from Ogden Air Depot. Additional frolic Bed Cross Appeals For Furnishings An appeal for items needed to furnish recreation rooms and day rooms in hospitals and camps in the state was voiced recently by Mrs. Arch J. West, chairman of the central Utah camp and hospital service of the American Red Cross. Mrs. West stated that the articles needed are pianos, particularly Second phonograph records, radios, ping CLASSIFICATIONLieutenant Victor F. Swyden is pong and pool tables, vacuum porch assigned to the adjutant general's cleaners, musical instruments, office, OASC, this field, for per- and lawn furniture, card tables and miscellaneous kitchen items. sonnel classification duty. First Security Bank of Ogden Provides Facilities v : f,s ",c meet-MLS- i- - W Tillery, Captains vFX'- - ? Caldwell, R. R. ,arK. ana a. c. Wil- ana Alas c?i "lluf foremen J. w. tIL ivnio R- Faust, J. R. Tribe, . 9l. E. Withers, D. w- - Chisenhall. The mm V-- , 1 cLdi tin. ntVaJi?!d, oi personnel control with wL'"rth..echeln reen periorm-- 5 mainten- - cooperation 7rr"cDIe'ols' ana nrs ana - Wor1??the maintenance, visitor, will '4k fm.r j maintenance shops of the con- - ffij S GARBAGE ... A mobile bank provw.n field banking facilities for enlisted " men and civilian empioy end of m.'..0 'be Med as ho feed mil in north the at r operation vVBUin D.I!1 SUDmit their hlA " the parking lot, just outside the . time clock station. trau army converted a sza xor The unit, ensiou ar-- a "nation, r, is placed in the barracks ntum on " a. . ot. Romance Private George MeJ Daniels, 880th Squadron, this field, will be married on June 14, to Miss Willa A. Page, who is em ployed at warehouse 22. There after, a residence in Washington Terrace. Officer's Club to Huge Locomotive to Help Provide for Interurban Demands Young Ladies Just . Private First Class Gordon, and corporal Al Houghton "work the Add 42 Hostesses Bamberger Places To USO in Ogden Diesel in Service Fresh from hostess school, more attractive young ladies of pounds, transport priority ship ments to not served bv Ogden will meet Hill Field soldiers t with a smile as the boys use the fie cross country runs. entertainment facilities of the USO in their hours of leisure. The woman-pow- er problem at the USO was relieved this week with Apens k their graduation from a course. training CoLTillery Heads At a party, in their honor last Session week the ' 42 graduates received diplomas and became permanent Of OASC Engineers members of the USO hostess staff. A three-da- y The girls' training conference oltubroot MopidiiAj- .m course in how to be a hostess was auimmg ouicera, snop given under the direction of the in the OA SIT" USO junior hostess council. V with Colonel M. E. Tillery, First LieutenNEW DUTIES -ants Emanuel M. Trager and Bruce aaaress. .iwuung dea the officers, A. Pickett have been designated officers 6 captain Bayard assistant transportation tBi na captain Miies here.. ir, " both of Air Service sub-deno- ta m BB VBBlVSBBlaB1alBIBIBIBIBaallSBSlBBllSBSBBIlllll Air Terminal New Cafeteria Eating Says Leoraj Townsend, of warehouse 22, "No matter how tough the steak is, you can always stick your fork in the. t gravy." Vacation William J. HowellsJ lithographing department, is leaving on annual vacation June 12j for two weeks in Los Angeles. the first few days of thef of the field, between the hours of foP the service of enlisted 12 noon and six p. m. each day. is movea aunng but men, The mobile unit Is operated by park- the ter part of the month to thecivilian First Security bank In Ogden ing lot to accommodate dormiand field, the provides facilities for check off living employes lng and savings accounts, money tory residents, and the occupants of the trailer housing camp south vruvr hiu viwuwr wrvK. Branch Inspection and. Inventory Branch have been consolidated and made into a single section, will live in the same office together in warehouse 17. Russell J. Work Army Bound man, youngest supervisor on the field he's 18 years old left last week to join the navy as a flying cadet. In eight months at Hill Field, Russell worked himself up from under typist to chief typist and supervisor of the Typing Pool in the Reports of Survey Unit To Mr. and Mrs.' Daughter James C. Phillips, born on May; 12, a baby girl. Vital statistics: 6 pounds at birth. Mr. Phillip is Unit Chief of Unit B. Officers Assigned; Many Transferred Second Lieutenant Worth A. Ep ling has been transferred to Sioux City, Iowa, as has Second Lleuten ant Michael A. Scarano. To Rapid City, S. D, go Major John P. Dart, Captain Peter Biesit and Captain Thomas H. Kennedy. First Lieutenant Robert J. Gau-thler left last week for Fort Ord Calif., to pursue a special course at the cooks and bakers school. Captain Foster O. Rice is trans- -: ferred to this field from PocateUo Idaho. Captain Rudy J. Barres la assigned to AAB, this field. WOJQ Joseph D. Sullivan is assigned to the supply division, OASC, as in Second Lieutenant William D-James. To Casper, Wyo., for a perman ent change of station goes Colonel Barnard Cummings. Second Lieutenant Bert P. Chag non is transferred to Sioux City. Iowa. Transferred to Pueblo The following officers are trans- -; ferred to Pueblo, Colo.. Lieutenant Colonel Frank F. Creager, Captain Glenn A. Havi-lan- d, Captain Grady D. Bruce, Captain Donald F. Crocker, Captain Clare E. Guinter, Captain Arthur K. Filber, Captain George H. Parker. Also First Lieutenant Harry C Winslow, First Lieutenant Alfred H. Robins, Second Lieutenant William D. James, Second Lieutenant Ernest H. Harper, Second Lieutenant Thomas P. Service, Second Lieutenant Charles E. Warden and Second lieutenant Clem Hutching, eon. |