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Show THE St P5 Used Dexter Leavitt s. FOR SALE Tub Washer Tw in MonaNews Mr. and Mrs. William McNichol OR STARTS SNOWBALL of Tooele were week end guests Also other BUSHES plants of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. V. Liddiard, phone 219J. Gibson. I 5 L: NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, mm the the Also pood Phone 202W. ti:at May 20ih, 1954 iWUL Of Wards, Organizations, Activities and Plans of Juab Stake Mr. and Mrs. James Lofgran and family were guests at the for singer Mr. and Mrs. David Nielhome of 19.95. sen on Mothers Day. Copy Dead 59.95 VACUUM CLEANER line: Lt. and Mrs. Winslow Ellcrtson - Phone 202W. MONDAY and son Kiin are enjoying a visit in Mona with his parents, Mr. Editor; MRS. ALLIGEE ANDERSON, Phone 607 Evening and Mrs,. E. Alton Ellertson. Lt. Ellertson has been stationed at Fort Knos, Kentucky and after CODY SUPPORTS The Lark Class of the Second were Mrs. Marjorie Steiner, Mrs. a furlough will report for duty at Ward Primary visited with Mrs. Isabel Ockey, Mrs. Gloria Gustin, MHrs. Nadine Ingram, Mrs. Neta Camp ood, Texas. ELASTIC HOSIERY Unity Chappell last Wednesday. a bas- Park, Mrs. Inez Bfough, Mrs. Gibson of McGill, Nev- They presented her with Robert Clara TRUSSES fruit. and of cookies Beth Mrs. They ket Wheelwright, ada spent Mother's Day visiting to her and she told Warner, Mrs. Ethel Bale, Miss at the home of his parents, Mr. sang songs them Indian stories and other Arma Warner, Mrs. Emma Wilson, and Mrs. William Gibson. They enjoyed Mrs. Deon Paxman, and the hostpioneer stories. you Miss Ruth Sperry of Salt Lake looking at her beautiful walnut ess, Mrs. Helen Wilkey. City vijiitod with her parents, May- bedroom set and other furniture or and Mrs. Asa II. Sperry over that she has had all her life. She The First Ward Primary Presshowed them a hand painted pict- idency wishes to announce that the week end. ure which is over 100 years old starting on May 24, will She treated them with candy and be held on Monday Primary at morning wrote her autograph in their 10 a. m. thrugh the summer, with book, stating that she was 97 years the exception of May 31 which will old on the fifth of May. Those be missed because of Memorial present were Myrna Grace, Pam- day. ela Cotton, Jessie Belliston, Mary Margaret Morgan, Hope Gotle, Primary in the Neohi Second admitThe following have been Kathleen Anderson and their class Ward will begin at 10 a. m. on ted as patients at the Juab Coun- leader, Mrs. Elizabeth Black. Wednesdays throughout the sumty Hospital during the past week. mer months, it was announced this Deborah Steele, daughter of Mr. On May 12 the First Ward Pri- week by Mrs. Blanch Brouirh. and Mrs. Robert E. Steele, Eureka. mary officers and teachers held a John Edmunds, son of Mr. and pot luck party at the home of Mrs. president. Mrs. Fred Edmunds, Fountain Helen Wilkey. Those attending Green, Utah, (expired) Group I Iof the Nephi First Ward Primary held a Mothers day Mary Ellen Gustin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Gustin, pjarty on May 10 for their Moth4-- H CLUB ers. A program was presented and each cild presented their mother Grant Taylor Paula Lucas, daughter of Mr. with a gift they had made in class. and Mrs. William E. Lucas, Eur Refreshments were served to Mrs. look eka. Vernon Butler, Mrs, Jack Gustin, LiJLU for Mrs. R. E. Chappell, Nephi Mrs. Merl Wilkey, Mrs. Alma Earl E. Hawkins, Nephi Madsen, Mrs. Don Ingram, Mrs. CABINET SUPPORT C. W. Morgan, Nephi Rede Greenhalgh, Mrs. Glen WilMrs. Hal Morris, Eureka Mrs. son, Mrs. Joseph Docherty, A. Rawles, Provo Hazel Dee Mrs. Ronald Jarrctt. Jarrett, Check with Your Doctor to Mrs. Paul Larson, Mrs. Lamar Four FOR SALE OR RENT and 16 class members. Paxman, make sure that the room home excellent location The party was under the directSee wired for electric range ion of the class leader, Mrs. Don Mrs. Alex Wilson. . sympfons have been Whcenwright. in used Singer BARGAIN Electric Thursday, d q) l l ..in w d in L can r 0) C fit yourself! i Slj0$ni7AL (6" Y!o$u n.;; (Mi W JJ P3 I 3 i 0 US i K ihA Mra Ne-ph- i. (NEXT TO CUT RATE GAS AND OIL) 1MD diagnosed correctly! ffY?iTTr i ) YOUR OLD TIRES bring big ger dollars when traded in on new SIIiERLJNG tires Silver Maple FEATUMNG CONES - SUNDAES ROOT IEEE - FOOT' LONGS ctivit8 WME . Juab Stake Primary Leadership meeting will be held Saturday, d May 22nd at the Service, phone 264. Ward chapel. It will start promptExcellent opportunity for man . or woman to call on farmers in T3ie Pin Pals met at the home ly at 2 p. m. Juab County. Many making $20 of our leader, Mrs. Roy Wanamak-c- r to $10 a day. References required. on May 7. We worked on our Write M. INMAN, P. O. Pox 14, sewing kits and learned how to Juab High Election Rayshore Station, Oakland 23, use a machine. Ellen Rae Burten- California. shaw, reporter. Results Are Given met at the The Friendly home of Myrel Cowers. Carolyn Alfred Wilson was elected studBowles was elected president; ent body president at Juab high Myrel Gowers vice president; Mar- school in elections held last week: sha Jenkins reporter and secretary Morris Ostler wos named vice and Phllis Draper song and cheer president and Linda Lunt secreleader. tary. Judge will be Robert InThe second meeting was held at gram with Farrell Dee Lunt as the home of their leader, Renae prosecuting attorney. Sports manWest ring. They learned to sew agers are Betty Bowers and Ned on buttons. Wright. OUT FOB A THAT First-Secon- WATCH FOE OU1 G1ANB OPENING o? me TOiy j! The amazingly new, different . 4 ; t !f LcS)7 i ilyWji h ft. -7 .- Food 1 rziAm 2$ C .. performance, quality, prestige n Combined Freezer-Refrigerat- or buys L7LJ IS. n. - J J f VLVA r-v -- YOU CAN own a Chrysler . . . with all its famous quality and luxury . . . for Utile more than a "low price" car! You'll drive with POVVERFLITE: most automatic transmission . . . Spitfire: America's most brilliantly proven engine . . . and Full-tim- e Power Steering and Brakes I Here's a value in performance and prestige that simply has no equal. lTvt'''' f fully-equipp- ed no-clut- V )Y3 v:VvA Come drive viuuv With All These Exclusive Features, Too! New Roll-to-Yo- Shelves u roll out on nylon rollers- put everything right of your linger tips I No more hide and seek with foods - no morr spilling. New Cycla-mati- c zero-zon- lafe n e Levelcold safe in keeps it today I ir nn7 si U "U full-leng- th - JU tempera-Vre- s the freezer and super ch i ct LI U De Luxe the refrigerator! B0 W "jO"" S f urging !!g( illli PAINTER MOTOR CO. 140 South Main, Nephi r BTTnrTTtiianji MAT IS SAf ITT MONTH ... CHICK YOUt CAt-CHI- CK ACCIDINTS i |