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Show May 20th. Thursday, 1954 THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Irons, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Winter and Joseph Piystrup visited Sunday and children of Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. 1). C. Winter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and family in Richfield. Beaeley on Sunday. Miss Barbara Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Redd and Judge and Mrs. Will L. Hoyt reson Bryce of Blanding, and Mr. turned last week end with the and Mrs. Harold Vickers of Lay-to- BYU symphony orchestra who has y Utah spent the week end with been on a tour of the Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Belliston. north west. Barbara spent last week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs returned recently from ElChejon California where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs and baby. While there they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs LEV AN At a beautifully apto the Mesa Temple on the San Diego Stake temple excursion. At pointedtheparty ons Wednesday evenentertained Mesa they visited with Mr. and ing, the Levan Junior high school girl Mrs. Hugh Foster. graduates, and their mothers, at n the Jimmy Golden, Gary Cowan, City Hall. Guests dined at tables centered Wood, Richard Parkin and Milton Harmon Jr. attended the with miniature scrolls, placed on Helldorado celebration held at imitated diplomas. Spring flowers, e Las Vegas, Nevada last week end. decked the room with sweet and bright colors. Each of Lt and Mrs. John W. Ellertson are visiting with their parents, Mr. the mothers was presented with and Mrs. Ernest Brough and Mr. a lovely tulip corsage bound with and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. Lt. blue ribbon. Ellertson has just completed the Program numbers during the Armored officers course at Fort evening consisted of a duet by Knox, Kentucky and after his leave Bethel Thompson and Ardith accordian solo, Beth Ann will be stationed in Texas. talk by Mrs. Audrey Pal-bTaylor; Burten-shaMr. and Mrs. Erastus and a dance by Vickie and two daughters of Bland- Wankier andtap Stephensen. Shirley ing were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Thela Wankier was mistress Ray Burtenshaw last week end. of ceremonies. A delightful lunch was served Mrs. James H. Eagar visited in to the honored guests: Bessie and Salt Lake City last week with Mrs. Reba Mangelson; Mary and her husband, w ho is in the VeterDeAnn Mrs. Vivian Mangelson; ans hospital there. Malmgren and Mrs. Reva Hallow; Mrs. O. Ray Powell left Friday Hazel and Mrs. Audrey Dalby. morning to attend the funeral ser- Shana and Mrs. Zella Carter were vices for her brother, Parley Van excused. Also served were teach-re- s of the girls Mrs. Thela WankWagoner, who died last Thursday Mrs. Itha Gadd and Mrs. morning. Services were held on ier, Saturday at Los Angeles. Mr. Van Maude Francom, and all program was a contract er and and club members. Wagoner architect and is survived by his Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barlow and wife and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Garrett family of Ogden spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mrs. J. E. Hansen. Garrett of Richfield to Provo to spend the week end with Mrs Mr. and Mrs. DeVon Stephenson Victor Dahlcn. of Morur.i visited on Sunday with Mr. Stephensen's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stephensen, and with Any property owners within the other relatives. city limits desiring special inv Mrs. Caroline Hansen of Foun(Sidewalks) provements (Oiled tain Green is a guest at the home Surfaced Streets) adjacent to their of her fon and daughter In law, properties, please file petitions in Mr. and Mrs. Derle Hansen. the office of the City Recorder on or before May 31st, 1954. NOW YOU CAN LICK Said desired improvements if ATHLETE'S FOOT WITH approved and deemed feasible by KERATOLYTIC ACTION the City Council, will be set up as tic funiicia oflXJlAL IMPROVEMENT DIST Sl.OUGHS OFF ktrtlaly tba tainted outer skin RICTS and financed by special as kill on burled and funjl xponnf sessments against the property Ijnavea akin like baby'a. In Juat ONE HOUR, ii not ploaaad, your 40c owners affected, on a front foot back at any dnif atora. Today at age basis. The costs to the property own IIEPIII DRUG GO. ers is determined primarily by the bid contract for construction plus iu per cent for Engineennc. levy. ing, inspection, and publishing not Keptii Local and Social Hews Happenings J. Will Andrews of Salt Lake City spent Sunday here visiting with his father, W. C. Andrews. Mrs. Maud Fixx of Arlington, Virginia is visiting with Mrs. Wm. She Bailey. i Mrs. acompanied ten-da- ters from Medford, Oregon. Mrs. Richard Fredrick, the former Ruth Eleanor Jones, and her two little daughters are visiting with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Jones. They expect to be here for about two weeks. OR COWS WANTED UTAH HIDE 8 Mrs. Edith Ostler of Idaho has been in Nephi visiting with her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garrett. WOOL FUR PELTS HIDES TALLOW Mrs. Dellis Brown, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garrett, visited in Nephi last week. She also spent some time doing work at the Manti Temple. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Millward of Las Vegas, Nevada visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. IN NEPHI Judd. Attorney and Mrs. Newell Dain-e-s of Logan, and sons David, Paul, Johnny, Sammy and Stephen were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt. DR. MARK E. ALLRED Naturopathic Physician Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bean announce the marriage of their daughter Emily Beth Keyte, to C. V. Van Downend. The marriage took place on Saturday, May 15 at the LDS church at 1830 Foothill Blvd., La Canada, California. A reception followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kelson and family of Delta visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Sainsbury j will have office hours in Nephi each Thursday Evening 8:00 to 10 P. M. at 164 East First South. Call 252W for appointment. WE TREAT FOR: BACK TROUBLE HEAD ACHE OVER WEIGHT SKIN DISEASES NERVIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION MM J ; LEVAN NEWS w Vb A" PAitmn Kvronco. jUCHTLV USED CARS iVvHiCH WE HEARARE. i so voepeMO ;vi X7C I ; frag-rang- Step-hense- W--li- l ii fib1 )H . a U 4 rA ! . a- .. . during May and June , - I iff y; w 'i oave iu7 on rioor waxes 17 1"- - v 1 n; Here's your hance to get a year's supply (or more) of these floor beautifiers and preservatives at 10 off the price! But act fast! To get the discount, delivery must be taken June 30th. c Ix-for- e Standard Self-Tolishin- g Waxwith no rubbing or buding gives a tough, lus- feTAHDARm tliat resists wear. trous film Standard Wax Floor Spray combines the seal ing qualities of floor wax with polish. advantages of e dust-controlli- oil-typ- Standard Floor Hardener lengthens floor life by penetrating pores, providing a tough, coat. Actually hardens softwood. g long-wearin- LA': For more -- j information about Standard Oil Company of California products, '"II vnnr lor"' v"nrftrd man D. C. BOSWELL Sixth North and Main L, Phono - LlhK1jiLMWr flliALLL ices. Nephi City Corporation R. W. Christiansen, City Recorder --- ,i.,i.iii).' -"' TOL ' O rf-oOT- I .-- v , I which to .ttractiooi from KSK...' - ! beaches . . i revet But remember V you go Vmon stroll club car, or f I oinna . Pr ywSre begii aCCommodationi red item for MaJ .t it, .. I ! I Looking for a bargain In better living? This rumpus room is a real vaiue. And the terms ore guaranteed to fit the limits of the most modest budget. But this is only one of a hundred ways you can .ocean ftwhen P ypu f tttrtcttve the moment . you in u hoke , , relax F famous Union 7 & rw?h broadjicw , repair and improve your home . . . without a penny down and as loans can be arranged long as three full years to pay. Low-coto pay for labor and materials or materials alone if you wish to do the job yourself. Come in for ideas and estimates . . . today. st , frejhed. $150 ! j ) i ...- - , - x , ''J the family ;my me family ""pply for the family retur 1 $8.97 $6.8B 2 DO $13.16 17.54 11.97 500 750 43.86 65.79 29.91 9.18 22.94 .1000 1 87.72 y C3BC3 ; 1 44.87 59.83 $5.63 7.50 $6.39 18.76 15.97 34.41 28.14 45.89 37.52 23.95 31.94 ? ftllSTATfe P v - pu:3 Uty vaCon uavel your f" vvs " c . - m Payment " r W PLAN It p-- i il Kb 83 Nephi, Utah ton-tac- t. i 1 Civic-ette- NOTICE I is rich Fn Phosphorus, for bone drink building of teens 'east 3 glasses of MILK ( Ru-lo- PHONE SPANISH FORK 88 COLLECT SHOP AND SAVE I Surn-mer- n, Richard Fredrick and two daugh- DEAD OR USELESS HORSES i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris Mr. and Mrs. Cylde Jarrett visand two children have returned ited in Salt Lake City last week to their home in Torrenee, Califwith s, Mr. and Mrs. Richard ornia aftt-spending two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Karl Newton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Foote. and other relatives and friends. rfTYll ' i i I : l- -t j j mm ii?n& atmen PLAN 1 J |