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Show Thursday, 20th. May THE 1954 SPRING SAVINGS! Whether it's gar- i t den nose, lawn qardert mowers, toots, fencing ma- terials, paint . .no matter what your needs you can SAVE at your Spraying Equipment Two of SALT LAKE CITY the head men at the Utah State Agricultural College will report on the past month's activities at the state experiment station next week during one o fthe weekday KSL broadcasts on 'This Business of This time of year many home owners are desirious of spraying lawns to kill dandelions. This can be quite disastrous to other plants, particularly to peonies, roses and many other flowers and shrubs. Most of the sprays on the mar ket today are volatile and fumes from these sprays can kill tender plants without getting any of the spraying material on the plants themselves. There is a powder form of the 24D on the market mixed with fertilizer. This can be used with out causing this trouble to other plants. All that is needed to to spread this material on the lawn and it fertilizes as it kills the Farming". Appearing on the Friday, May 2S program will be Dr. H. Aldous Dixon. USAC President, and Dr. R. H. Walker, director of the agricultural experiment station. is "This Business of Farming" heard each weekday at 12:15 p m under sponsorship of Utah Cop per division, Kennecott copper I,J 0 lo- cal Utah Poultry Farmers Corporation. On the Monday. May zi Droaa cast, KSL Farm Director ElVon Orme will interview Sanpete Countv Sheep breeders on the occasion of the Ephraim Junior Livestock Show. Featured will De Georee Beale. Ruel Christensen and County Agent A. Fullmer All & NEPHI, UTAH S, broadie.if weeds. If home owners would sooner spray, however, a new preparation on the market called LV4, a low volatile ester of -- 4D. can bo used. Precautions would still need to be taken to present any drift directly on the plants but it would not cause trouble from fumes rising from it and killing plants. Another word of caution should be given in the use of sprayers. This is a spraying age and many sprays can be used for both insects and crops. A sprayer that that has been used for spraying -- 4D on weeds should not be used for spraying insects on plants or spraying of fruit trees for insect control without first thoroughly cleaning the sprayer with a good detergent. Otherwise, the work of many years of planting of flowers, shrubs and fruit trees can be destroyed. County Agent Ray ege Head, Experiment Agent Urges Caution in Use of Chemicals and Station Director To Tell of Achievements TIMES-NEW- Baseball . . . Continued from Page One and to continue to widen the gap, as Dix Grace pitched well to hold the Sprinsville crew to a lone run in the last five innings. The Nephi hitters had a field day, as Gary Howarth hit two home runs (that's three in two games) Reeve Fowdon hit a home run his first time up since returning from Korea, then later added a Ions triple for a perfect day; John Ockey hit two triples ana a single; Unvrenee lligginson hit 4 for 6 including a long triple; and the entire Nephi team went on a hitting rampage. The locals will tangle with Pay-soon the local field on Wednesday afternoon, and then will meet a strong Santaquin crew on the Nephi field next Sunday afternoon, May 23. at 300 p. m. The Nephites will be gunning for wins in both of those contests Xo widen in their their efforts to cop the first half title. stated. by Ted Key league-leadersh- red. ra , ran Po Ei4 j r - eyJ ' t 23rv j) ill JUAB VALLEY FEED CO. Trt Trovln SoFofy UijiJ, JJIUi.jaLM.yj.mu.il i pi DRINK REFRESHING A man wearing a suit of aluminum .foil walks the streets of London on his way to a demonstration of factory equipment The suit Is said to withstand temperatures up to 2300 degrees centigrade. Srvk along came this nasty truck." ,IL Ji.ljlilllum.LI..LJ LJJ!.Uil HI I.) i y , L. J..UW. mji jiii .I...!) llj.ll IfHH - .. H J i m HHHI J li'Jlllll,il.i J.. J in .11... m :yffi iJn Plan your Vacation by Greyhound here's what well do . . . A I. MAKE All HOTEL RESERVATIONS! SPECIAL SIGHTSEEING! ARRANGE ARRANGE NATIONAl PARK TOURS! All reservations made freel VV'U SAVE YOU MONEY, tool CALIFORNIA one way $14.75 (Los Angeles) 11.90 COLORADO (Denver) NEW YORK CITY $43.65 24.15 $45.20 plus tax PACIFIC NORTHWEST (Seattle) NEW ENGLAND (Boston) CAFE I1EFI1I . . 76 IIORTI! UARI . . PIIOIIE 255 ran .r.llGIITY FLAVORFUL fiard your family's ilealtli wild Li Li Lj ilt M o ; f7 the entire family asking for more a STRAWBERRIES - 25c STRAWBERRIES - 2 lb ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS per pound GOOD QUALITY SLAB BACON (Sliced) IbftQ CUDAHYS PURITAN PICNICS - - lb - 4Qo LEAN FRESH GROUND BEEF - - pound 1Q0 SPAM LUNCHEON MEAT -- 12 oz fins - each - - 49 c GULF BELLE BROKEN SHRIMPS - 5 oz tin 33c OLIVES - - FAMILY SIZE- - - - PINT TIN 25 C BIG S SWEET MEMORY PICKLES - 22 oz 35 c WHITE KING SOAP - - LARGE PACKAGE Z9c SEGO MILK - TALL THIS - 4 FOR 53c . Arden Milk it the superb milk from the finest Grade-- Dairy Farms. . . . A - f'c - Each UBBYS CORNED BEEF- ACH IRJNTS TOMATO SAUCE -- 8 oz tins 70 All tin SPRY . . Homogenized Vegetable Shortening 31b 92 c LUX LIQUID DETERENT -- 12 oz tin with pour top -- 3fjc LUX FLAKES - With Coupo n - - Large Packages, each 32c LUMBER JACK SYRUP 24 oz 33c - 5 pound size OIC HUNTS NEW POTATOES - Reguar tins 2 for 21c Ho. Vi Size Tins - - EACH 170 HUNTS PEARS DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Flat 2for29C DEL MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE tlo. 2 tin - - 33c 12 oz tins . . te 4&e FAULTLESS STARCH Regular pkgs - 2 for 2? OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE 300s tin 2ic size tin - - 39 C STAR KIST SOLID P ACK TUNA Vi for LIBBY POTTED MEAT -- Regular tins 3 The matchless flavor of Arden Milk keeps Jr. it p it ) CHOICE LAMB CHOPS OR ROAST nan in1 MtKM"! jLlaijWM Xfy H ) J ' SPACE MAN? . . When Hill. IN NEPHI y i FOUNTAIN GREEN MONDAY ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY 8:30 A. M. SHOP AND SAVE Wifh out reservation the brightest new lights in our fashion tepee! You'll wow the braves in our squaw casuals. Authentic Indian colon and All yours for a trims. mighty little wampum. M.P. 31 1 v I ( fjge Jill 4 i it plain i "Won't lake me more than a minute, Alice. WE WILL DELIVER FEED AND PICK UP EGGS IN NEPHI AND LEVAN EVERY TUESDAY 7Q c PRINTS j 11 X, u if SQUAW ip V SJ If OPPORTUNITY for ambitious ladv in Nephi. Write immediately Mrs. Anderson frr intprview 164 North 7th East, Provo 3tip r- -v JUST RECEIVED n Bur-tensha- w The Passing Scene Page Three ihZ?X',-- Vitamin , D Enriched Flash Pasteurized Homogenized o Sslect Milk I MSTlUSIUD UCMOCENIZED -E- Hero's 10 discount if you nI km aft nfttttS can say: thin if jf j tit put .1.1 i r. .'Mi Ut tU i it j iMi-- i ii ipm v i premium if jroa voiit entire auto iiwuranoe , now insurro wiui w jare t If you art not now tnaured with Farmer' --and your aafe drii.nr.g entitlrt you to tfiia adiiitional disewnt-cont- act your neighborhood Farmers Insurance Croup agfnt and learn bow you can get thti Iff saving AUTO, TRUCK, FIRE, 11 - Kephi ARDEN 1 SUIIFREZE CREAMERIES ARDEN MILES CALL ALAN STLHO AT 2-- TOUR INSURAMCI KICDS ROBERT L. TOLLEY - AGENT 636 South Main f FOR HOME DELIVERY OF ni in Lift - All THE 1 . Phone 207V Complete Processing for Lochcrn or Home yrcezrs Pit on e 7 Nephi Utah t ...... .., ., ., -- . - ...j.,... 5 ARDEII MILK IS ALSO AVAILBLE AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY |