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Show Page n THE Tw TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. ................ i,r A UTAH SIAJE H ! ifctt AS SO r IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD. r' ' iff ' Utah. Juab Cowty, every Thursday at Nephi, as second class Utah at Nephi. Enetred at the post office 3. March of of the under act mall matter Congress Six months, $3.25; One year Subscription rates: rates Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising 1 Jl.b. a . , . i it v V .11' M request. A. Publishers Editor-Manag- er Office: f.ff r mm 111 mm ?jt- - rr7-- W Phone I96; 58 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah. mmmm - i" ' ' Gibson and Roy E. Gibson G,bson Roy B. n i i NjOv r nftnnnnnnrnnrMririnni" tions, with reasons therefor, must NOTICE TO WATER USERS be in affadivit form with extra have The following applications conv and filed with the State En been filed with the State Engineer gineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt to appropriate water in Juab Lake City. Utah, on or before I of Utah, throughout County, State 1931. 17, JTi.L the entire year and all locations July Joseph M. Tracy, being from SLB&M unless otherSTATE ENGINEER wise designated: Dates of publication: May 20, 27, 25628 Nephi City Corporation, June 3. 10. and 17, 1954, in The P. O. Box 43, Nephi, Ut.; 7 sec-f- t. Times-NewNephi, Utah. for municipal purposes from a 16-ia Li i i i i i h! well 25'J ft. deep at a point N. 1232.9-ft. and E. til 5.58 ft. from NOTICE SW Cor. Sec. 4, T13S, III K. The Notice is hereby given that, water will be conveyed through to the provisions of Title pipe 930 fC to existing dis- pursuant and 135. Utah Code tribution system and used for f4r 1953, the State Tax municipal purposes in the City of Annotated, In our PEMocRAcy, we STiuve everto broaden the Commission o fthe State of Utah Nephi. do SPIRITUAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ftASE ON WHICH WE STAND, 25629 Nephi City Corporation will sell as is the following AND TO BRIGHTEN THE RAYS OF ENLIGHTENMENT INSTEAD P. O. Box 43. Nephi, Ut.; 7 sec- scribed property at public auction ft for municipal purposes from a to the highest bidder at the hour OF DARKENING THE MINDS OP MEN. well 312 ft. deep at a point and place shown below: As 05 WITT CLINTON SAID IN I82&S A GENERAL DIFFUSION OP May 26th, 1954, Wednesday, ft. and W. 1001.07 ft. N. KNOWLEDGE I THE PRECURSOR, AND PROTECTOR. OF REPUBLICAN Parkin Motor Co., Nephi, from SE Cor. Sec. 5. T13S, RXK. Orme 200 M. 1912 Nash P. AND IN IT WE MUST CONFIDE AS THC Utah, Fordor, INSTITUTIONS; he The water will conveyed Motor No. KGG747, exft. CONSERVATIVE 250 to POWER THAT WILL WATCH OVEfcOUR LIBERTIES pipe through Wednesday, May 26th, 1951, isting distribution system and used Motor Co., Nephi, Utah, for municipal purposes in the Painter M. 193S Nash Fordor Se I'. 2:30 of Nephi. City FOR SALE Studio Grand 25697 Reese Painter, 38 Last dan, Motor No. 61130. Alio Piano floor sander $400.00. to be The 2 sec. purchase price payable 2d South, Nephi, Ut.; ft. for and floor edger; carpet stretcher in lawful money of the United a use well from irrigation and tools,- Linoleum laying tools. 217 ft. deep at a point S. 2098 States of America. The seller re Also bench power saw. John II. bid. to serves the right CLEARANCE ft. and K. 2315 ft. from NW Cor. Women's Mary319. Dated this 12th day of May, lane Coats Sec. 25, T11S, R1V. The water 25 per cent off at Harmon, phone 1954. 15 to Oct. used from PRATT'S be will Apr. STATE TAX COMMISSION, 15 to irrigate 132 acres in W'j C. R. OPENSIIAW JR. said Sec. 25, and for Incidental FOR SALE CHEAP A Mon Executive Secretary domestic and stock watering purarch Combination coal and electric range See Leslie Howard (Seal) poses. Protests resisting the granting Date of publication May 20, 1954 at Santaquin, phone 2217. of any of the foregoing applica in The Times-NewNephi, Utah 4fiM mf mid i s, n. -- . A f r- 12-i- n. 1 16-i- Son, 7 lbs 12 ozs born May 16 to liishop Lee J. and Genevieve GrandBoyer Olsen of Nephi. parents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Oscar Boyer and Mrs. C F. Olsen of Great grand father Springville. is M. A. Boyer of Springville. Son. born Mav 14 tn Wp1v and Nola Sherwood Christensen of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James P. Christensen and Mrs. Edna Sherwod of Levan. Great grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles MantreLson. Mrs. Al- vena Christensen and Mrs Mary Morgan, an oi Levan. Son, born May 13, 8 lb 4 ozs, to James and Phyllis Peterson Ferris of Eureka. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petersen of Eureka and Mrs. Dan Ferris of Mammoth. n. WAN'l ADS lG-i- - s 4 wf s low-cos- every year. If you have a prob- g water-pumpin- lem, for irrigation or any other purpose, find out how electrically powered pump can help you . . . and how little they cost to operate. BUY FROM YOUR DEALER asked! Roy E. Gibson. FOR Couch ''mi elect Extra profits follow the trical pumping of water, as more and more successful farmers are discovering REWARD $5.00 for return of set of automobile keys lost, strayed or stolen some time ago Identification tag with keys in Erreen leather casp. Return tn Times-New- s office for identifica tion and reward no questions n. 12-i- MORE PROFITS! Daughter, 7 lbs 8 ozs, born May to Marcus and Aleen Rowe Olpin of Nephi. Grant parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lynn uipin of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rowe of ML Pleasant. Great grand mother is Mrs. S. P. Christensen of Mt Pleasant. 17 . for ELECTRICALLY week include i Published on New babies born at the Juab County hospital during the past i. . - r PUMP WATER or thc twi nticth ccntur has Sf en totalitarian INDEPENDENT NATIONS. a AT ION I 1 PAirr PARKNESS HA DESCENDED UPON THOSE PEOPLES.ANO CLOSED OTP THE BORDERS OP SEVERAL FORMERLY FUM AND EDITORIAL a " m At i Tin M w " " " Iargc trrrsws TRIED THfr V'..'- ASSOCIATION - 1 i SALE Used Mohair Phone 342. FOR SALE Modern home Seven rooms, two baths. Carpeted throughout. Inlaid linoleum Dish washer, garbage disposal, electric water heater. Aluminum storm windows and doors. Fireproof asbestos roofins. Fullv in sulated. Automatic heat and air conditioner. John II. Harmon, 60 East First South. Phone 319. i 4 It unlocks the unused power in your engine! s, m h I mm V:ff 7 - w k "y j " " II? jink I) n ii ii . hi ;y !i onH oon jo UwiOU iiiiiirii1'! it f n t i . with patented, exclusive HEAT you that give VENTS unsurpassed out protection blow- Don't Invite trouble by starting out on your vacation trip with old, worn tires on your car. Stop in today and trade in the dangerous miles left in your II I ' , - T j Mim. N mi ti m J i . - UUW i will give you increased mileage 3 more miles to the gallon t 1 ; 1 OB 15. !). life spark-plu- g , (motorists tell us up to " 3. TCP will increase your n JLJiaO till 1. TCP will boost your car's pover as much as ri dutM) --N -- N WW 2. TCP 150. up to 4. TCP is just like an engine tune-u(because it permits you to enjoy all the power that was built into your car). p , vour i" .,ar trom l 5. 7 mi SAFETY TIBES tires. Get Seiberling Safety Tires with built-i- n blowout protection. Here i V V Vv " 1954 OUR DEMOCRACY- AS DAY IS FROM NIGH- T- TV V(MiH. ., Thursday, May 20th, 0aaOittee Cede YOU should feel the difference in car performance after just two tankfuls. 6. MILLIONS of motorists have proved TCP (and they're staying with it!). it in their cars But don't take our word for ust ask any motorist who has switched to it-J- o xX u 103 North Main -- Phone 246 O imam"!-- - A v "7 J ContuwoUl Oil Compnj if w w m ( f 1nn f1 ! M4 MM wM l H SM OH Cmr. ; |