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Show 12, May Thursday. 1949 THE NEPHI, UTAH Paga Three - - i' wT rr MONUMENTS MARKERS VAULTS Nt; . Jit mi. !-- for a LANE Hope Chest "SOMEBODY" I . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a fit I i : BEARD I HAPPY MAKE ' W.WOODROW Second Section 1 I BEESLEY MONUMENT CO. TIMES-NEW- - f " f J - TODAY! s .,i.,XY AGENT LEVAN, UTAH WRITE OR CALI PHONE 439R4 Call Collect Published every Thursday at. Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class mail matter under the act of congress of March 3, 1879. A. B. GIBSON PUBLISHERS Editor-Manag- & ROY ROY E. GIBSON er Months, $1.50. Subscription Subscription Rates: One year, $2.75; Sixrates on request. Advertising are payable in advance. UTAH STATE PkIST ASSOCIATION AdMriiuauat -- fa From where I that 603 of 200-pou- sit ... 6y Joe Marsh How Would You Say It? Curley Lawson's cousin from back East and a few of us got talking when he was here visiting, and I couldn't help noticing how different he said things. For instance, he said, "Lifting cement al- most killed me." "You mean sack of cement? " asks Curley. (That's the way we'd say it.) "No," interrupts young Elliott who'd spent r. lot of time down South, "He mean:, " a 'poke of It was good for a chuckle, anyway. Bag, sack or poke we knew . E. GIBSON what he was trying to say. It on where you are in the U. S., which way sounds right. just depends From where I sit, whenever we criticize someone for sounding funny to us, we ought to think how we sound to them. It's the same as choosing your liquid refreshment. I'm accustomed to a moderate glass of beer you may like ginger ale but who's to say the other's wrong? I'd say we're both right! see-men- t.' Copyright, 1919, United States Brewers Foundation officers of the chapter look over a steer belonging to James Stephenson as they make plans for participation in Junior Livestock shows being held this spring in various Utah cities. These officers were elected at a general meeting held in April. elected Newly Juab F. F. A. New officers are Larry Howarth president, left, James Stephenson, Dick Hall, activity chairman, treasurer, Reed Neilsen, assistant reporter, EIRay Swasey, sehtinal, John Carter, reporter and Lynn Vice Hall, secretary. president Don Beck and Assistant Treasurer Junior Wankier were absent when ily of Provo were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley on Mothers day. Mrs. Cora Fowden left on SunMrs. Jess Hanson of Salt Lake City is visiting with her mother, day for San Francisco to visit her son Robert, before he embarks for Mrs. Rachel Keyte. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cloward Japan. Mrs. Katie Shepard, Mrs. Evan and son Marlow of Santaquin and Miss Gwen Livingston of Genola ' Bryan and children, Mrs. Percy were guests of Mrs. Lottie Kay on Newton and children spent the week end in Salt Lake City at the Mothers Day. home of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Miss Norma Molyneaux of Salt Shepherd. Lake City spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton visiting with her parents, Mr. and Monday in Salt Lake City. spent Mrs. Willard Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schwarr of Mrs. Eugene Newton visited spent Mothers day as with her son in law and daughter, Hyde Park of her parents, Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulmer in Salt guests Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. Lake Cty last week. Mr. and Blain Newton and Lawrence Olsen spent the week children ofMrs. City were and in Salem visiting with friends guests of hisSalt Lake Mrs. Orson mother, and relatives. Williams on Mothers day. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conk and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kay of Provo visited on Sunday with Mrs. Celia Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Thays E. Stanley and children of Genola, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl H. Stanley and fam- - ..!t.-ta;f..'- picture was taken. The new officers are making plans tor the coming year at the present time. With the help and cooperation of the members, and the guidance of these alert offic ers, and our instructor, next year should really be a banner year. John Carter, instructor Mona News Oraataif tm S' Advertised in nd LOOK Hot Lana'f Patented automatic Iray. A LANE Chest "The Damon Runyon Story" by Ed. Weiner was the interesting book review given by Mrs. Wallace Garrett for the Booklore club on Mrs. Lorin Monday evening. Christensen was hostess, and Mrs Milton Boswell, club president, was in charge of the meeting. Concluding the evening, delicious refreshments were served to Mrs. R. C. Braithwaite, Mrs. James P. McCune, Mrs. Milton Boswell, Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. Wallace Garrett, Mrs. Helen Lee, Mrs. Paul M. Christison, Mrs. Dean Archibald, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd, Mrs. Mrs. Farrell Fred D. Morgan, Carter, Mrs. H. W. McCune and the hostess, Mrs. Lorin Christison. Ytml the Perfect Gift for BIRTHDAYS ENGAGEMENTS GRADUATION WEDDINGS CONFIRMATIONS ANNIVERSARIES Not in years have we been able to offer such an outstanding LANE value. This spacious, big full chest conies in the waterfall design, with all of Lane's exclusive patented AROMA-TIGHfeatures. Valuable moth insurance policy included ,. ith the chest upon application, all for this new low price! Come in day. Seeourcomplete selection of beautiful new Lane models.There's i more thrilling gift for sweetheart, sister, daughter or motherl Pay only $0.00 down, balanco $0.00 wekly ever-popul- T THINGS TO DO AROUND THE HDUE! B priC ipjsN PXPj Vgt'yP p o Everyone's anxious to got something done around the home . . . and if s surprising how well NEW ROOF fits into your TRI-STA- plans-t- o im- prove, modernize and do those things that make for better living. It may be a small or as large a job as modcan of paint ernizing your whole home. We're equipped to handle H . . . furnish you with quality materials, suggest a competent workman, even arrange the financing on low FHA terms. ... irtfKji'' fyS p other Hmbe y Official registration figures prove that more people use Chevrolet trucks . . . that more people prefer Chevrolet's outstanding fea- - tores, quality and performance at lowest prices . . . that more people know Chevrolet See for yourself how much more Chev- trucks offer. Call us, rolet Advance-Desig- n or stop in at our showroom THERE'S A soonl CHEVROLET TRUCK " e ctsJ yJn0 insuutT""""""" Nw EXTRA ROOM Clothes Closets Roof Plumbing Insulation Bament Room Fnc New Siding Cement Strips Oarag Barbecue New Kitchen New Entrance Painting Screens Cupboards Storm Sash New Porch NfW KITCHEN 75 South Main Phone 433 I |