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Show rAGE SIX Sit If THE - k - - ALLEN'S Dr. and Mrs. FrancU H. Eeck-stea- d and family were In Salt Lake City on Thanksgiving day. CASH STORE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bailey and children, accompanied by Mrs. Bertha Homney and daughter, were vlKltors In Provo on Monday, 67 ISAKUAi.VS 1)1.(1 MKtlt Willi MIUAtl.L Quart rouiv 35c & BEANS BREAKFAST lb 1 COFFKE, ran .... IIEWLE 1 TS TLA Package (iiMid CHOCOLATES 5 lb Xma Box Sot-di- 25c .. a. CORN No. 2 cans Beth Hobbs visited on Thursday and Friday of last week with her parents, Mr. and She Is In Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs. training at the L. D. S. Hospital, and is a member of the glee club of that institution. lUb ORANGES 17S Size tOt iyC Mr. and Mrs. sons, Irving and Idaho, were day and Friday, home of Mr. and Stephenson. digestible shortening CAMAY for 44c OXYDOL 23c !''"!.l"r ri E. W. Bills and Jack, of Black-foo- t, in Nephl Thursvisiting at the Mrs. Thomas W. , Mrs. James H. Vickers enter- tained at a family dinner party on Sunday in honor of Mr and Mrs Sam. L. Fox of Salt Lake City. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Spenrer Miller of Harriman, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bigler of Payson, Miss Clara Pace Miss Mary Heit-ma- n and Miss Clara Still of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn the guests of honor Mr and Mrs. Fox and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vickers and family. Ol-pi- n, Local and Social Miss Marion Christensen was to the members of the Lucky 13 Club at their annual Thanksgiving dinner Saturday evAt 7:30 dinner was served ening. and the remainder' of the evening the memories spent in of their high school days when hostess the c'ub was formed. Musical numbers were also enjoyed. The members present were: Marie Kendall Irene Cooper, Eunice Brough, Marjorie Lunt, Aline Ellison, Margaret Lomax, Crapo, Marjorie Helen Chase, Florence Belliston, Reva Vickers and Marion CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ton truck. C roll. MATCIIKS, Si Boxes Blue Star . Solii TOMATOES. Large Can. Camplx ll's mato 4 cans 1928 Chevrolet VA $40.00 See Ed. Bailey MAYERS HOME FOR RENT See Mrs. Frank Harris. Mrs. George A. S perry was hostess to the members of the Ladies Literary Club Monday evening. A one act play, "Dust of the Road" was read by Miss Olive Edmonds, and a number of Christmas songs were sung by the members. Several Christmas packages were received and turned over to the Red A member Cross for distribution. ship in the National Art Institute was taken by the club. The following members were present: Mrs G. R. Judd, Mrs. George A. Sper-r- y, Miss Betha McPherson, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. W C. Andrews, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. E. R. Forest Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mrs T. W. AUred, Miss Lulu McPherson, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. P. B. Cowan, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. Ralph Belliston and special guests Miss Olive Edmonds and Miss Gertrude Gourley. J. H. S. NEWS REWARD for arrest and conviction of person who burgular-ize- d Arch Lambson ranch at Dick Garbett, a post graduate of the Juab high school discussed Phone 196. "What Things All High School Carloads broke or range horses, Students Should Know" at the as mules and colts wanted. Fred Chan- sembly held last Wednesday and dler Horse and Mule Market, Clar-itosponsored by the Girls Athleitc Iowa. Other numbers inDepartment. cluded: Prayer, Miss Gourley; piaHave your grain chopped by J. no solo, Melba Christiansen; readE. Harris in the Harris Livery ing, Sarah Hall; vocal trio, Maur-ln- e Stable on center street. Phone 270 Stephensen, Alice Belliston and Faye Barnes; skit, advertising the A FOR SHORT TIME We are senior play; Big Broadcast, Juab offering Mill Run in ton or more high school basket ball boys. lots at $15.00 per, ton. Juab Mill Due to insufficient time for basan Elevator Co. ketball practice, a new time schEach edule has been arranged. FOR RENT Three room apart- class has been cut ten minutes ment, furnished 94 West 3 South and school is dismissed at 3:45. $25.00 Nor-tonvil- le. n, CHICKENS Last spring It o inter, per pound AC EGGS, T. S. Standard to 25 ois per Dozen OV telephone in your :loseo home is always in reach Ql3 ...at night on holidays when stores are closed It costs but a few a day IJv t "A Surety of rurll.y" . u in ,m in. i i in ' The Livestock Situation largest in any recent year, with the exception of 1934, when marketings were greatly increased due to liquidation forced by the drouth. The large market supplies in the fall of 1935 were something of a surprise to members of the trade. It is considered probable that many cattlemen marketed a greater number of young stock and cows and heifers than had been intended, attracted by the more favObservers orable price situation. at middle western markets now feel that the Corn belt farmers laid in their cattle at prices that almost prohibit opportunity of profit, yet may perhaps enable corn belt farmers to market their crop at a fair price. There are a few students of the market who feel that there is an over supply of cattle In the far western states. California cattlemen, most of whom carried over some cattle, have been very conservative in their purchases of They replacements this season. are willing to let the middle Western Interests restock at the relatively high price levels that prevailed until the past month or so. Intermountain cattlemen have also shown an inclination to sell on middle western account so it is probable that supplies of feedlot sattle in that section will not prove burdensome. Thus the outlook generaly is considertd favorable as far as the the price outlook Is concerned onseems It Pacific coast markets. more likely that the Coast will be reaching farther east for supplies during the next six months than to expect a repitvuon oi lasi sDrincr's shipments of California cattle to middle western markets. In view of the vast improvement in business and industry and the greater number of people on regular payrolls, it s liogical to assume that the market undertone is There is no immediate helthy. prospect of greatly Increased pork and supplies nor is the winter Inlamb suippjy spring eaity spected to be as large as a year ago. There seems to be good reason to feel optimistic regarding the future of all livestock markets. Levari News One of the social events of this week was the affair given Wednesday eVening for members of the Guide class in Primary at the home of their leader Mrs. Thela Wankler. Games and contests were enjoyed by Farrell Bosh, Carl Christensen, Wesley Francom, Kent Shepherd, Maurice Burton, LaMar Mortensen, Jack Bosh and Devon Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorensen and ll family spent Thanksgiving in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Camron Thorpe. Lola Wod, who is attending business college In Salt Lake City spent Thanksgiving here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood. iHtmi i Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keelor and Miss Katherine Bowles, who is the Brigb nn Young at Prc.'o. " re guests at the home of Mrs. Alvin Bowles during Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. Kee-le- r, who is one of the outstanding organists of the state, played two organ selections at the services held in the Tabernacle on Sunday evening. ty -- ni.i 'i nln ' n if i i n 1 Local News ii . s ' y ; r. ' 'I' VV7r v CHRISTMAS Opening Next Theo Harris will give a Christmas story. Their advisor, Mrs. Frank Harris, urges all merrtbers to be present, as plp.ns for the Christmas party will be made. "4'. Ax-te- cents ... Uni-ersi- i ' 11 On Saturday, December 7, the Junior Service star will hold their regular meeting at the city hall at 3 P. M. Miss Murllyn d will give a reading and Mrs. f JC QP.i SKAGGS FOODS. 1935 Belliston and Beck-stea- COOKIES, Oatmeal, Raisin Cookies 1 lb nM 5, J The Adult Home Hygiene class, sponsored by the local Red Cross chapter, and taught by Mrs. Sara Nelson Akram, Red Cross nurse, wil have ita first meeting at the Home Economics room in the high school at 2 P. M. Monday, December 9. 15c POT ROAST, Gr .in fed heifer beef, per lb ' Those who desire assistance and suggestions for making Christmas gifts at a minimum cost, are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Relief Society at the various wards next Tuesday. w 25c I lb SHORTENING, Carton Jewel L, Don E. Bowers, after two years absence, is visiting in Nephi with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bcwers Jr. Don is a member' of Battery "A". Ninth Field Artillery, and is stationed at Fort Lewis. Washington. From 22 ' A day with Mrs. J. family. jg To- Soup, 1UC 3 29c ''acl ase ORANGES, New Crop Navals, Per dozen ... bant or Pine tar, P A It 17c Iak SOAP, Buttermilk. Oat 20c 10 C De-Spa- in CRISCO 3 3 sns Larif' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers Jr. entertained at a dinner party on LOS ANGELES Following Sunday of last week it being the supplies of cattle birthday of Mrs. Bowers. The heavy market guests were Mr. and Mrs. John during recent weeks, the trade Robinson and Mrs. LeMoin generally anticipates a considerand children of American able reduction in marketings during Fork and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford the next several weeks. It is genDavis and children of Provo. erally assumed that market supplies in the far western territory Mrs. Frank Tolley entertained at will not be excessive, a situation a birthday party In honor of her that it Is hoped .will permit some in values after the daughter, Narline. Those present improvement were: Shirley Riches, Phyllis and first of the year. There has been a huge volume James S perry, Dorothy Whiting, Emma Cobley, Ruth Tolley, Clark of cattle marketed in 1935, slaughand Robert S perry the guest Nara-lin- e ter figures indicating that the number of animals passing through and Lucille Tolley. Federal inspection plants are the Don't risk health! Use Crisco the 69c TOILET TISSIE. Antiseptic Tissue Miss IJfC Carton Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown and Miss Rosemary Belliston of Salt Lake City visited on Thank.sgivim ir: J. R. Downs were guests Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ileber Fowkes. n. MATCIIKS week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Livingston and family of Twin Falls. Idaho. Mrs. Edna Robblns and family of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Large I'kr. Peel's Granulated Soap and 2 bars of AjJC Crystal White Miss Eunice Bremen, a bt id. nt Yanng Univeisi'y, spent Thaiiksi?ivitv--j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brough. at the Brigham Chocolate an J Dark Chocolates assorted; McDonald 5 pound American Milk Chocolates; McDonald'. 5 pound Fancy Milk Chocolates. We afcso have 1 lb and 2 lb in the bume assortthe 5 pound boxes mentioned above arid 1 pound ment, Cherry Chocolate. We ait I'. ting Irl'w some of our bargain, for Friday and Satuiw.ty'. srl UACiii-i.- : RAISINS S, 2 lb Al 12c t pound package i The Young Ladies M. I. A. organization of the Nephl ward announce pains for a bazaar to be held Tuesday evening, December 17. Gifts are to be exhibited for sale, and the bazaar will be followed by a dance, progarm and 0JtOC Oi(2ec2&tes Ket-ley'- g Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Irons and family accompanied by Mrs. Julia Hoyt went to Bait Lake City on Thursday, to visit with their son. Timothy before his departure for the mission field. LjV, 39c Quality RAISINS, C for - 15c BROOMS last Thursday, December Local and Socio! We have a wry elioice assortment of Xma. Box Chocolate, now on display in our htore at ri- - that are reul bargains Make your early and have your chuiee of the follow 5 pound Miik I hotolaln varitim and Dark Chocolate mind; 5 pound Shupe William Milk Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beck and daughter Betty visited the latter part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Beck. They ae now HvinR a Price where Mr. Beck Is employed. 9c tXlB B07X Mrs. T. Warren Allred visited with relatives in Heber and Salt Luke City Thursday and Friday of NEI'III, UTAH S, 31 Local and Social - TIMES-NEW- M onday COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL GIFTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD WILL BE ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR SELECTION A ' NEPHI MERC CO. The work and business departMr. and Mrs. S. L. Anderson ments under the able direction of and son Jimmie were week-en- d Mrs. Tola W. Jenkins and Mrs. Visitors In Salt Lake City. Nora Reid, stake leaders wil furJ. A. Oliver is in Price this nish patterns and demonstrate ail week visiting with his son, W. A. sorts of delightful gifts: aprons, cushions, stuffed animals and dolls Oliver. for the kiddies, book ends. Vases, door stops and various other artic-- j les. Through the cooperation of. the ' manual training department of the Juab high school the book- -, ends, tie racks, etc, can be ob-- 1 tained for the cost of the material! only, and when decorated make A memorial monument in honor lovely gifts. of the Pioneers of Nephi in the OR form of a log cabin will begin Mrs, Laura Sowby entertained struction in the city park on five generations at her ThanksDecember 6. The cabin Is being giving dinner table last Thursday. built by the Daughters of Utah N. C. Lund on his 88 Thanksgiv Pioneers of Nephi, with Alice P. ing was seated by his daughter,! McCune, county president, and her Mrs. Lauar Sowby, grand daughtboard members, the sponsoring er, Mrs. Edgar Winn; great grandunit daughter, Mrs. Clark Morgan and The purpose of the construction two great great grand sons, J. C. is to acquaint the generations yet and Richard Lee Morgan. Others to come, with the kind of homes present were: Mrs. Lund, Edgar m in which their progenitors lived, Winn, Clark Morgan, Spencer and with a desire to create In their Sowby of Richfield, Mabel Sowby of a for Lake Rulon Salt souls, Sowby, City greater appreciation the lives and worth of this noble ReNae, Laura Lee and Alma Winn. The of the Daughters people. Utah Pioneers have been fortunate Nephi, Utah in procuring the labor for construction through the FERA. This means for the material used, is LOWEST PRICES BEST VALUES being furnished by the County of13 our of ficers and the three camps Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard and city. son Billie spent Thanksgiving day at Nephi with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Camp Birch of the Daughters E. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. O'Gara vismeet will Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hoover of of the Utah Pioneers, ited in Salt Lake City on on Friday, December 13, at three Provo and Miss Nelda Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. McPherson Roy Their who Fonson, Emmett, who is attending the L. D. S. BusP. M. at the home of Mrs. and family spent Sunday with it tella Boswell. The meeting will be relatives attending the University of Utah iness college in Salt Lake City at Scipio. to returned were in the nature of a social and getNephi with them and guests in Nephi on Thanksweek-engiving day at the home of Bishop acquainted party and all members Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson and stayed over the eland Mrs. P. B. Cowan. and their daughters and those family spent Thanksgiving day igible for membership are cordially at Scipio with relatives. Mrs. W. W. Miss Freda Wilson, invited to attend. Jensen, E. R. Beck the Missses December Fast Day exercises of Morris Blackett of Nephi is Janis Beck Beck and the Nephi ward will be held in the Camp Salt Creek of the Daught a guest for a few days of Daniel Russell Beckandof Geniel Salt Lake City, Juab Stake Tabernacle Sunday at ers of the Utah Pioneers will Fields. were guests on Thanksgiving day 12.15 p. m. The will be entertain on Monday, December at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- regular testimony meeting which 11, at 7:30 P. M. at the city hall meeting Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard and ald Cazier. Mrs. Cazier and fam- was postponed from last Sunday at a Christmas party, honoring son spent week end at Scipio. ily accompanied them home on on accountt the of conference sessthe members and their daughters. Mrs. John R. Hanson is visiting their return to Salt Lake CityT ions. A good attendance of ward An interesting program is beihg this week with Mrs. H. M. Hanson and visited over the week end. members is urged. arranged and refreshments will be Mrs. Lloyd Williams and childEach member is invlfted ren returned served. Sunday from to coem and bring her daughter Flowell where home she has visited as a guest. Fifteen cents a coup- for the past two weeks with her le will be charged to defray the husband. expenses. Mrs. James A. Kelly of Delta is visiting for a few days at the Mrs. Lesley Taylor returned to home of her son, Jack Kelly. H. M. Hanson and John R. Mountain her home in View, Wyoming after spending the past Hanson left Monday on a business month here with her mother Mrs. trip to Idaho. James Marshall of Caliente has Helen Benedict. Virginia and Dennis Winter of been spending the past ten days Salt Lake City spent the week with his wife here. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs and family of Centerfield spent Thanksigiving here at the home of Mrs. Child's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Christensen. IT'S BETTER Mrs. Pearl Ault and children of of last week at the home of her American Fork spent a few days AND BETTER FOR parents Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Pierce. We're certain that you'll find gift Glade and Jacquline Smith, who are attending school In Salt Lake YOU AND YOUR shopping a leasure here and whatever City spent the week end with her V. A. Mrs. Mr. and parents TRY CHILDREN Smith. you select wil! please a man. Mr. and Mrs. George Burton OUR RICH MILK! and family spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Garfield with Mr. and Mrs. Laffy Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zaugg, who have spent the past two months A phone call will In LeGrande, a Oregon, spent few days here at the home of Mrs. secure delivery to your Zaugg's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A Mangelson. door. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson in Fountain spent Thanksgiving Green with relatives. GIFTS MEN APPRRECIATE ARE Lyman Christesnen of the CCC at Camp Blanding, Utah, spent GIFTS TO WEAR a few days of last week here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Christensen. 7VT TTi T7 rT. 7Nf m !Ti TT !? !VT r .. T5T FT When You Think D. U. P. USED GARS USED. TRUCKS Think Jackson Motor Co MILLS NEWS Wed-nesad- y. d. Meadowbrook Dairv T |