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Show PAGE FOUR THE Local and Social Gift and Decoration Values That Beat The CITY PRICES t t 49c Large String of Tree Lights 5c Extra Lamps for your tree set, 2 for 49c 12 High Quality Christmas Cards 40c Christmas Rope, Red and Green; 60 yards 10c Cerlys Hollywood Perfume ...... $2.60 Pal Wrist Watches Philco Radio with All wave Aerial $44.50 Newest Type Parker Pens 50c Beautiful Power Boxes $1.49 Electric Iroi Newest Streamline type 98c Pocket Watches Electric Toaster $1.49 10c 5c Christmas Wreathes 8c 8c Christmas Bells Christmas Snow 25c Multi Colored Tops CANDY at the price you choose to pay. 30c Child's Junior Bullet racer Scores of even better items await your inspection $2-5- IT PLEASES Ord & ' PLEASE TO US YOU Mangelson NEW Frederies Franchisee! Shop per cent cooler method of be sure of receiving a genuine an Authorized FREDERICS the Frederics Franchise cer- Where the new Frederics 50 Permanent Waving is given. To Frederics Wave, patronize only BEAUTY SHOP DISPLAYING tificate.. Examine the equipment, examine all the wrappers, insist and see that they are clean, fresh, genuine Ftrederics wrappers. Make sure that no make-shi- ft imitaitons or harmful pads are placed on your hair. re-us- ed LuMae Beauty Shop Phone 73 South Main St. Nephi, Utah 133 THE DISTRICT Utah where any person Interested IN FIFTH COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR may appear and show cause why COUNTY JUAB said Petition should not be granted. In the matter of the estate of WITNESS the Clerk of said Court with the seal thereof affixMary E. Whitmore, Deceased. ed this 3rd day of December, A. D. NOTICE 1935. Probate No. 1045 The petition of W. C. Andrews J. H. VICKERS, Clerk of the District Court praying that he be appointed administrator of the Estate of Mary (Seal) E. Whitmore, Decesed, and that By Fred L. Gadd, Deputy be iss- Will L. Hoyt. letters of administration ued to him has been set for hear- Attorney for Petitioner ing in Monday, the 16th day Nephi, Utah. of December, A. D. 1935, at two Date of first publication, Dec. 5( o'clock P. M. at the Court House 1935. In the Court room of said Court Date of last publication, Dec. 12 at Nephi, Juab County, State of 1935. ftWiiii in liin Ti'imf GALORE :: :y New Year's Eve 9 J iWMMtWyZ-- Salt Lake City CABARET DELUXE DINNER, FAVORS, NOISEMAKERS ENTERTAINMENT PANCI fc'i-- w r 4 if Professor J. N. Jensen and Mrs. of Provo were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Alvlu Miss Evelyn Brough returned to Logan. other Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Burns and family of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Burton and family of Provo were guests on Thanks giving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Burton. and sou Jack of Lynndyl. Utah returned heme on Tuesday after visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ingrain, parents of Mrs. Greenhalgh. relatives and friends. 10 for 19c LOCALS Mrs. Marintha Ostler returned to Nephi last week after a 12 for 39c Part. two-mont- hs visit in Suit Lake City at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Alva Howell. Mrs. Howell and two children accompanied her to Nephi, where they will visit with relatives and friends. ' 'urn, el m,. in mi - NEPHI DRUG CO. jlltMIIMtfM(MtHI""ll!i"l!IHiiiMi llii'ii!liiUiKlitU!ii!.liltiiinillmli i.i Xni !. ' i .,. u!.ili!tiilllhmilillialliliuihiliiiiillllil..Ulh ,m.,,nu m iiiin rumir mini " n in """ For Every Purpose & Every Purse You need the extra power of this Ilutpoint Mixer to do a speedy, thorough jol of electric mixing;, beating-, juice extracting, etc. Exclusive design with sealed in motor where oils can't drip into fond.- Complete with bowls and juice extrator. AN IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER G-- Every f t 1935 Si Home Needs E 2130 Your Boy and Your Girl A Cleaner will enjoy a BICYCLE We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed agents for EXCELSIOR BICYCLES We can take care of your Bicycle Needs. FIRST QUALITY BALOON -- $95 uine for a genVacuum G-- E I UNTIL Plate U, Formal or Informal Phone Was 570 For RESERVATIONS NOW -- 1 . Aladdin J Opportunities for original greeting card snapshots are unlimited and challenge to your ingenuity. TTOWEVER much we may jest our If you want to be strictly indi Spanish speaking neighbors for vidual you can purchase the regular the expression "mafiana" (tomor- plain note size cards, for which row) as the time for doing anything, there are matching envelopes, paste certainly when the time comes for your snapshot on the card and write Christmas shopping, it seems to be your own greeting. You can't be "mafiana" throughout all Amefica. much more personal than that. This applies particularly to getting Ideas? They are innumerable. If Christmas greeting cards ready. there is a good covering of snow beIt's the same old story every fore Christmas, one of the kind that year. You solemnly resolve to have clings to the trees, waste no time In your greeting cards ready to mail snapping a picture before the sun early in December and end up by destroys the beautiful scene. Anrushing frantically to a crowded other suggestion is a wreath, as picstore about December 20, to buy tured above. Cotton, If there is no ordinary stock cards to serve as snow available, will serve admir your Christmas greeting; no Indi- ably in adding Christmas atmos viduality; no signs of any thought phere. on your part; just a greeting card The opportunity for unusual and of which probably millions were beautiful cards Is without limit. It offers you your big chance to show printed. A Christmas card carrying a your ingenuity. Above all see that genuine greeting needs to be a very your snapshot tells a story. Any- personal affair. Unless you are a one can point his camera and snap hypocrite, your message is one of the shutter but it requires a little love and good will. thought to get a real story-tellin- g Have you ever stopped to consider picture. Don't let your imagination the great advantage snapshooters run away with you in trying for aa have over ordinary folk when it elaborate setting. That Isn't necescomes to Christmas greeting time? sary. Simple ideas are really the best If there is anything that will carry a and the chances are that they will personal message it Is a photograph "ring the bell" louder and longer and your card will be unlike any than something pretentious or others your friends may receive. There are many ways of using a Forget about "maiiana." Get busy snapshot In greeting cards. The auu mai i pmuuiug lur our uunsv photo finishers in your town are now mas cards today and send ereetprepared to make greeting cards for ings to your friends carrying a real' message of you and Inexpensive but attractive personal Christmas ones too using one of your own cheer that shows originality and' snapshots. It will pay you to Invest!- - your personality. IQIVS yAN GUILDE&, SOLVES THE GIFT PROBLEM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY GIVE ONE TO YOUR RANCHER FRIEND $4.95 Shade and Tripod Extra WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRACTICAL GIFTS FROM 25c AND UP. THEY ARE NOW ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR INSPECTIONCALL AND - SEE THEM. AND XJ HEAD- - DON'T rk THIS IS 's ijg? BAILEY ? McCUNE eSOCLSv rrx3irSk- WHERE BARGAINS rllT V4 AWAIT YOU X ' J II A THOUSAND THE STORE OF I CHRISTMAS CARDS for 29c in except for epare Doniuis" SNAPSHOT CUIL 12 your CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS and let u put them in perfect condition free of charge ding 10 jt 1 n OTHERS AT 5c to 25c An enjoyable event of last week was the family gathering held at the home of Mrs. S. G. Wilkey. who entertained at a dinner on Her guests dny. This Is K. Shlmvell. llrltisli Ijibor-Ite- , Thanksgiving numbered theiry eight and includ, MucDon-ahlwho defeated ltumsny ed her children, grand children former primo minister, In the and five great grand children. r 5 CELLOPHANE WRAPPED PACKAGES Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ohon and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan .Lunt were dinner guests on Thanksgiving day nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lunt. Mrs. OLson was formerly Miss Lois Lunt of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bellhiton and family spent Thanksgiving day at Santaquin. visiting at the home recent parliamentary election. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greenhalgh Grand Pro who are parents of Mrs. Belli- Grand Pre Is a viihie of the Acaton. dian In Longfellow's "Evangeline. " -Mr. and Mrs. George C. Howarth and family, Mrs. Kate Haynes and son Clark and Newell and Dwain racken motored ' to Beaver and spent Sunady at the home of Mr. Mics Marie Kendall, who is at and Mrs. Bert Swindlehurst and tending the Brlgham Young Uni- family. versity at Provo, spent the wrekMiss Vesta Wright, a former end with her mother, Mrs. John teacher at the Juab high school, W. Kendall. and Miss Susie Standford were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jortrenson guests on Saturday evening at the and children and Mrs. Blanche home of President and Mrs. A. H. daughter Iris of Salt Miss Wright Is county Irons and were Belliston. guests of Mr. and demonstrator of Lincoln County, Lake City Mrs. Gilbtrt Bailey on ThanksgivWyoming. ing day. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Monte Bailey. Frank Hi"ginson. THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTEIRay Fehr and Leo, RICT IN AND FOR JUAB Jack Cowan, of the Brigham students Anderson, COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH Young University at Provo, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Ne THOMAS L. FISHER, Plaintiff phi. vs. Mrs. Golden, a former LESLIE E. BYLUND, DELILA J. resident George of Nephi, now living in BYLUND AND E. O. BYLUND, Los Angeles. California, is In NeDefendants. phi visiting with relatives and NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE She is the house guest friends. To be sold at sheriffs sale on of her daughter Mrs. Maber the 27th day of December, A. D. 1935, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the front door of the Juab County Court House In Nephi, Utah the following property, to wit: The South-ea- st of the South -- east of Section 2J, and the South-we- st of the North-we- st Vi of the South-ea- st , the West V of and the South-we- st 22, all in Township 10 South Range 1 East of Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Juab County, Utah containing 320 acres, together with all water rights used thereon and appurtenances in any way apperA three act comedy taining thereto. H. K. MELLOR ' 8 p- - m. Sheriff of Juab County Friday, Dec. 6 By R. E. Winn 1. S. students II. Adults Deputy Sheriff. Date of first publication, Dec. 5 15c 25c 1935. j Date of last publication, Dec. 26, I Christmas Greeting Cards Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jtidd und day family sinnu TliunlwJviiw in Salt Itke City, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Richards and her home here on Saturday evening, after visiting with friends at Mrs. Ronald Greenhalgh HirHtHlllM,tlM)t.t'tMt,(MHr.il,HI(tMt(MMMIfMf(1(jtHt( Mr. and Mrs Will L. Hoyt ami 4 children were guct& of Miss Rut hill Peterson in S.ilt Luke City last; Thursday. Bowles December 5, 1935 Thursday, Local and Social UK BEAT MAC DONALD Essie Keller A Merry Chnstnus 11 M V t ljfpy new iear. WHO USE 4 ErLOT EL NT.l'HI. UTAH TIRED BIKE At KB , wmii'V 'Hello Mary, What's Your Plans For New Year's Eve?" FUN TIMES-NEWS- |